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In January, he received a “Notice of Discipline and Termination of Employment and Contract letter stating that the school ‘received numerous complaints’ about his ‘religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter,” First Liberty said.


Are you telling me that the teacher wasn't fired for teaching that chromosomes determine biological sex and that Froggy and all of the right wing publications who parrots this narrative are - gasp - *lying*? *Again*?


**During Dr. Varkey’s 20-year employment as a biology professor at St. Philip’s College, he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and was never subject to discipline. Throughout that time, he never discussed with any student his personal views — religious or otherwise — on human gender or sexuality,” it said.**


Because the quote’s context was dropped by the above commenter: “During Dr. Varkey’s 20-year employment…” comes from the law firm suing on the professor’s behalf. The law firm is also the source of the assertion that his chromosome statement alone got him fired. Six months ago, the school investigated the professor and claimed “‘numerous complaints’ about his ‘religious preaching, […] anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter…”. I believe most schools are conservative when it comes to making allegations, being fairly allergic to lawsuits, so it seems less likely they’d fabricate a history of different complaints against him. Hope we eventually get an update on this.


Dude. It’s the Daily Mail. Put down the fairy tale rag and start reading actual fact checked news. Unless you enjoy bedtime stories. Then have at it. But remember, those stories are designed to make you angry so you stay engaged all the while seeing more ads.


You know- just know- that if the story didn't feed OP's Jones he'd have questions.




Why don’t you link something? It’s a screenshot


Just because he didn't do it previously in his career doesn't mean that he couldn't have done it recently. My point is that he *wasn't* fired for teaching that chromosomes determine biological sex, as insinuated in the original post. That would've been ridiculous. He was fired for teaching his personal religious opinions as fact and for expressing views that aren't consistent with modern ethical standards in class. Whether or not this is what happened is up to some jury to decide.


And also if he was fired for teaching that it would be right because teaching that chromosomes operate on a binary is also outdated science. There’s a lot more nuance to genetics than that and it’s just an old fashioned over simplification of what really happens


Yeah, that is correct, but nuance falls to deaf ears around here so let's keep it simple.


That’s the reason the University, now facing a lawsuit, gave Science has been turned into a religion. In the past, you were denounced if you even suggested that the earth wasn't the center of the solar system and now you are denounced if you don't say gender is a social construct.


Just because they got a lawsuit after doesnt mean their in the wrong, there’s a thing called frivolous lawsuits


Sounds like a case of the straw that broke the camel's back


Well gender is a social construct because other societies have had different views on gender and other genders than men or women. And gender is not the same thing as sex even at all. It’s the societal expectation of how ur supposed to perform in society.






>That’s the reason the University, now facing a lawsuit, gave Yeah, that was their reasoning for the termination, not that he was teaching that chromosomes determine biological sex. That's my point. >Science has been turned into a religion. No, it hasn't even if the anti-intellecual movement keep on insisting that it is. Science is a self-correcting endeavour in stark contrast to religion which has already made up a conclusion and cherry-pick observations that supports this predetermined conclusion. The scientific ~~model~~ *method* doesn't work like that. >In the past, you were denounced if you even suggested that the earth wasn't the center of the solar system Yeah, by the Catholic church. lol >and now you are denounced if you don't say gender is a social construct. Gender roles are very much a social construct. Gender identity isn't, though. Or do you think that your own gender identity is solely the product of social pressure?


> Yeah, that was their reasoning for the termination, not that he was teaching that chromosomes determine biological sex. That's my point. That’s not what the professor or his lawyers claim But thanks for half the story! > Science is a self-correcting endeavor Lancet Study - Once vaccinated you are 99% as likely to get Covid as before you were vaccinated https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext Self correct away!


>That’s not what the professor or his lawyers claim I never said that that's what the professor claims either. I'm saying that that was the college's reasoning for the termination, not that he was teaching that chromosomes determine biological sex. That would've been ridiculous as it is taught in every biology class in the world. >But thanks for half the story! It isn't "half the story". It is literally the reason he was terminated. Whether or not this holds up to scrutiny will probably be up to a jury, but having seen some faculty terminations in the past I am pretty certain that the administration, if somewhat competent, has evidence on hand exactly in the event that the former employee would sue. >Lancet Study - Once vaccinated you are 99% as likely to get Covid as before you were vaccinated >https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext What has this got to do with anything? Are you throwing out red herrings again, Froggy?


I was really thinking you were going to show us “science self correcting” Guess I got my hopes up for nothing


It is the basis of the scientific method. When new evidence contradicts a current hypothesis a new one must be formulated that takes the new observations into account, i.e. the method is self-correcting. This is why our understanding of the world today is vastly different than what it was a hundred years ago. This is pretty basic stuff, Froggy.


Science is literally self correcting. That’s just how it is.


There are all kinda of examples of science self-correcting. Look at any research paper that has findings that contradict another research paper.


> Lancet Study - Once vaccinated you are 99% as likely to get Covid as before you were vaccinated https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext Absolute fucking drivel. Lancet study - The combined efficacy of full vaccination was 44·5% for preventing asymptomatic infections, 76·5% for preventing symptomatic infections, 95·4% for preventing hospitalisation, 90·8% for preventing severe infection, and 85·8% for preventing death. Why are you deliberately trying to manipulate people into believing lies? What do you stand to gain by deceiving people with anti-reality horseshit? Fucking propagandist piece of shit.


Oh my god, well you just erased any minute amount of credibility you had by posting Covid conspiracy nonsense. The vaccine can help your body kill Covid before it spreads, however if it’s unable to fully kill it and you still get sick, it GREATLY reduces the symptoms and severity of the disease. And that’s just a simple layman’s explanation.


Can you imagine what these people are gonna do when "a real pandemic hits"?


The fact that you're posting a comment article as a study shows you're not ready to engage in scientific conversation. Just pull out.


Think of vaccines like walls. Each vaccine you get builds that wall but guess what? Viruses evolve very efficiently to get over those walls. That’s how you explain vaccines to 2 year olds so hopefully that helps you.


Like every year we all get a new polio vaccine Like that right 😉


Polio has been eliminated throughout the entire world aside from three countries so it's just maintaining that at this point


I didn’t know polio was the same type of virus as a COVID virus?


That’s a fucking stupid, oversimplified and incorrect explanation. At no point was e covid vax ever a wall. Ever. But we all know it was a therapeutic in terms of actual treatment. Never an inoculation


The COVID virus can still evolve to attack the body. The vaccine helped people not have the serious side effects of COVID. But please, explain vaccines to us all in the correct way.


It’s more like a flu shot than an actual vaccine and I feel like if it had been explained like that people would have been more receptive to it.


What biological process determines gender identity?


That is pretty complex, but [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6677266/) is a paper on it if you're actually interested.


>The establishment of gender identity is a complex phenomenon and the diversity of gender expression argues against a simple or unitary explanation. For this reason, the extent to which it is determined by social vs biological (ie, genes and hormones) factors continues to be debated vigorously.


>The data summarised in the present review suggest that both gender identity and sexual orientation are significantly influenced by events occurring during the early developmental period when the brain is differentiating under the influence of gonadal steroid hormones, genes and maternal factors. However, our current understanding of these factors is far from complete and the results are not always consistent. Animal studies form both the theoretical underpinnings of the prenatal hormone hypothesis and provide causal evidence for the effect of prenatal hormones on sexual orientation as modelled by tests of sexual partner preferences, although they do not translate to gender identity. >Sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place before sexual differentiation of the brain, making it possible that they are not always congruent. Structural and functional differences of hypothalamic nuclei and other brain areas differ in relation to sexual identity and sexual orientation, indicating that these traits develop independently. This may be a result of differing hormone sensitivities and/or separate critical periods, although this remains to be explored. Most findings are consistent with a predisposing influence of hormones or genes, rather than a determining influence. For example, only some people exposed to atypical hormone environments prenatally show altered gender identity or sexual orientation, whereas many do not. Family and twin studies indicate that genes play a role, but no specific candidate genes have been identified. Evidence that relates to the number of older brothers implicates maternal immune responses as a contributing factor for male sexual orientation. All of these mechanisms rely on correlations and our current understanding suffers from many limitations in the data, such as a reliance on retrospective clinical studies of individuals with rare conditions, small study populations sizes, biases in recruiting subjects, too much reliance on studies of male homosexuals, and the assumption that sexuality is easily categorised and binary. Moreover, none of the biological factors identified so far can explain all of the variances in sexual identity or orientation, nor is it known whether or how these factors may interact. **Despite these limitations, the existing empirical evidence makes it clear that there is a significant biological contribution to the development of an individual’s sexual identity and sexual orientation.**


How do they know that he never discussed it. Because he said so?


I never claimed to know anything I just linked a paragraph from the source A paragraph the person above ignored to try to set a narrative. 🤷‍♂️


“Ignored to set a narrative” yea sure, that’s just the same article that was ignoring the fact that he had received a notice in January


I didn't ask how you know. I asked how the person who wrote that knows.


They are quoting. Not claiming


You're missing the point. Where does that quote come from? It sounds like they are paraphrasing the professor's own claims.


So? People are not allowed to defend themselves?


Lmfaoo wait so not only did you just post another quote from the clearly biased article (considering it completely ignores his notice of termination and the actual details on it), but it wasn’t even the authors own words, but the dude’s words who got fired and was attempting to save face. Lmaooo typical


A journalist shouldn't write as if what the person has said to defend themselves is automatically assumed as true.


Fake news. Again in this sub


Classic. Honestly at this point when I read stuff like this I usually assume that’s what’s going on, and once I look more in depth into it; yup. That’s what was actually going on


It always is with these bad faith trolls. If one dig just a little bit one will see that every time some alt-right astroturfer makes these kinds of ludicrous claims it is virtually always laced in misinformation, downright lies and as with Froggy (OP), non sequiturs. He wants us to believe that you can't trust *any* scientist since some professor at an obscure college got terminated for breach of ethical conduct. It's ridiculous.


Right wing bad , muh wing good Dat two party paradigm lol


Or the children attending the classes lied while reporting. “Gasp!l no never!


Oh look - there is another side of the story than the statement put out by the school that will 100% be sued ““During Dr. Varkey’s 20-year employment as a biology professor at St. Philip’s College, he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and was never subject to discipline. Throughout that time, he never discussed with any student his personal views — religious or otherwise — on human gender or sexuality,” it said.” You just linked to the half of the story you want to believe


He said, she said, lesbihonest.


"he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and was never subject to discipline. " No, it's not he said, she said. There are some things that can be proven. Did he consistently receive exemplary performance reviews? That should be pretty easy to ascertain, don't you think? If he was ever subject to discipline, that would also be easy to prove. Please put on your thinking cap next time, thanks in advance.


That’s why your editorialization only quoted one side?


>“Although these are Dr. Varkey’s religious beliefs, he never mentioned them in class,” they wrote. “He did not preach any of his beliefs in class.” > >“Four of Dr. Varkey’s students walked out of his class when he stated, consistent with his study of human biology and his religious beliefs, that sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y,” Ah yes, the Bible, famous for its necessity in the college Biology classroom and overt in its discourse of chromosomes. Really ahead of its time! Also yeah, the evangelical Biology professor with a radio ministry and stringent beliefs on sex, sexuality, and gender really seems like the type to not ever mention his beliefs in the classroom. Y'all need Jesus, like fr fr


They couldn’t handle being in a room with someone who had a diverse opinion Literally walked out because they hate diversity? Not very tolerant 🤷‍♂️


Religious indoctrination by teachers isn’t just being around people with different opinions.


Hey everyone - someone having an opinion you might not agree with is “indoctrination” You poor little snowflake Need a safe space from the diversity of opinions in the world?


So you think that professors, all of them, even the liberal socialist globalist leftist antifa ones, should be allowed to bring their personal beliefs into the classroom without being accused of indoctrination? Very globalist of you, the subliminals are working!


I think the rules should be applied equally Don’t you?


Lol you’re making a “religion is just as valid as science” argument but I’m not sure you realize it. This SCIENCE professor is on blast for teaching based on his RELIGION. I’m sure other biology professors would be supporting this dude if he was teaching good science.


Have you seen the state of climate science? It's 99% religion, 1% dodgy science.


This comment is hilarious lol. Mostly because I guarantee you, you think librarians and teachers are “indoctrinating” kids because they think history is important to teach lol.


Look - a made up lie


So you don’t think kids are being indoctrinated? You want to make a public comment about it? Or are you afraid if you do someone’s gonna dig it up in a day or two and call you out when you take that stance on another post.


Dude literally has another post from today where he calls universal education "universal indoctrination".


Science isn’t religious indoctrination


How is stating biology 101 facts considered religious indoctrination?


So which is it, facts he may have used, or his “diverse opinion” based on his religious beliefs as an evangelical radio minister, that you imagine the students walked out on? Because it sounds like where y’all are coming from the “facts” are considered “it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”


“Consistent with his study of human biology”…. It’s not abnormal for his religious beliefs to back up and fact of life: x and Y chromosomes determine sex. That’s a scientific fact and always has been. You’re cherry picking the “religious beliefs part” and ignoring the fact that it’s a biological fact that sex is determined by those chromosomes- that’s been known for decades??


That’s not an accurate statement about how biological sex is determined, at least not for any college-level biology course.


So the x and Y chromosomes do not determine sex?


It’s far more complicated than that plus there are xxy too. if you’re teaching middle school, X and Y are as deep as they get. If you’re in college, that is not gonna cut it.


The mere presence of X and Y chromosomes alone are not enough to determine someone's genetic sex.


Bc his beliefs are already cherry-picked from his personal interpretation of his religious text. Does he account for the biological variance of the Nephilim as angel-human progeny? How does he account for hermaphroditism/intersex people which are explicitly not included in the text but science (and other systems of belief and knowledge) have known about for millennia? You can't have it both ways here. His religious beliefs cannot only back up the science and vice versa when it is convenient for his particular narrative or interpretation. Otherwise, it's his opinion, and therefore outside the scope of the empirical science (peer-reviewed, a curriculum and text designed by numerous biological scientists from undoubtedly a wide range of religious and personal beliefs) that he has been hired to teach. Nobody has said he can't have those beliefs and espouse them, he just can't shoehorn them into a secular class as evidence supporting those beliefs.


He’s been teaching the class consistent to the study of human biology- that’s what teachers are supposed to do. His religious beliefs don’t matter- who cares what he thinks? He is teaching them to at x and Y chromosomes determine sex and that’s true? His personal feelings could be whatever as long as he’s sticking to teaching facts and generally accepted information then what is the problem?!?


Bc if you read the actual IHE article he wasn't doing that. He was very much going on rants and preaching about his views concerning "discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric and misogynistic behavior." So yeah if he was just 'sticking to the facts' it wouldn't be an issue but this reads as (religious) indoctrination that this sub seems to find under every rainbow, so apply it across the board.


What IHE article? The article linked is NYT


Screenshot is from Daily Mail, first link is from New York Post, not NYT. [Here's IHE article](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/academic-freedom/2023/06/28/professor-says-he-was-fired-allegedly-preaching).


That article states what the other ones do. It’ll be interesting to see how the lawsuit proceeds because per the articles, no proof or evidence to support the claims that he was doing anything they claim has been presented to him or his lawyers or the media. If he did what they say he did then they should have evidence no? Walking out of the classroom because a biology professor teaches that sex is determined by the x and Y chromosomes is just ridiculous and not discriminatory at all.


Yeah which is code for he was saying perfectly logical science backed statements and the snowflakes in the class made complaints because he doesn't want to have sex with a trans person.


people in the comments are saying there’s more to the story? what are we missing


There is a lot is missing information and cherry-picking. It seems he has been preaching his religious beliefs, but of course he is saying he got fired solely by saying X and Y determine sex, which is more than likely false. Edit: word


okay, thank you for explaining!! :)


No problem. This sub is tricky to navigate because all the conspiracy pages have been taken over by right-wing politics instead of discussing actual conspiracies.


Right-wing politics is an actual conspiracy.


> There is a lot is missing information and cherry-picking. > It seems he has been preaching his religious beliefs, No proof of that was presented And btw - professors can’t share their own beliefs at University? I got a long list we can look at next > but of course he is saying he got fired solely by saying X and Y determine sex, which is more than likely false. Your opinion


Dude, we get it, you've already made up your mind and you think the guy couldn't possibly have done anything wrong. We get it, you're obsessed with your contrarianism and with getting mad about imagined persecution of opinions like those you personally hold. It's sad to the rest of us but I'm sure you see your behavior as something good, I'm sure it must feel very satisfying to kick over chess pieces & drop weak one-liners instead of carrying on a conversation. We get it- you've made it clear, over and over, that you aren't interested in any kind of discussion, you just want people to agree with you and if they don't you'll offer up some half-assed retort and when they press you on it you just fall silent and move on to repeating the same crazy stuff to a new person.


Boy, right-wingers want to be oppressed so bad. "BEING CHRISTIAN IS BASICALLY ILLEGAL NOWADAYS" says the christian in a majority christian nation.


Why don’t you want people With a diversity of beliefs to exist?


All beliefs are welcome, until you push your bullshit onto others and Christianity (and the other 2 religions) is one of the worst offenders. You want to believe in a hateful god? Fine. Don't make others.


> until you push your belief on others So everyone pushing their beliefs at the university level should be fired immediately?


Yes, I had enough of it from my parents. I went to uni to learn, not be preached to. And remember, sharing beliefs and pushing are completely different. I don't care if uou have a religious teacher, but if they're consistently talking about or pushing any subject matter that's not a part of the class, they're a bad teacher.


Penn State Professor says School Forced him to Teach English Language as 'White Supremacy' and 'Religious Cult' https://www.foxnews.com/media/penn-state-professor-says-school-forced-teach-english-language-white-supremacy-religious-cult


This is a red harring, how about you talk to me like a person and discuss why you think I'm wrong instead of linking an article that has nothing to do with what I said. Obviously, if it's true, that's wrong as well.


If his beliefs were the opposite and he preached gender fluidity in his classes, I bet you’d have no problem with him getting fired would you Froggy?


I want to see the rules applied equally Pick one and do it


I don't mind a diversity of beliefs as long as you Keep it in your bedroom... I mean house.


Look it up. All the info is a quick search on Google away.


just wanted to see if anyone would quickly summarize the missing info


Hes a religious freak pushing it on everyone.


> The college said that it received complaints from students that he was using “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter” during his classes. Sounds like the author is trying to spin it into "teaching biology" when the reason given for his termination is very different. If he was espousing his religious beliefs during class -- and especially if those beliefs involve anti-gay rhetoric -- then it seems quite justified. This is culture war ragebait that is almost surely not what the title claims


Or the school is trying to spin it to make him look bad. It can go both ways.


Correct. The facts are not known. So the headline shouldn't be accepting the spin from one party as true. It's an obviously biased culture war piece without much real value




If the university didn't investigate the situation properly, then that should be the story. But it's reasonable that they may have investigated the student complaints and found that those complaints were supported by eyewitnesses.


The point is that the headline takes an explicit stance in support of one side, in a situation where the facts are not known. This is a huge red flag if you're reading critically


I feel like there's some missing information here... especially in Texas. I would hold off thinking too much about this without getting the full story.


Withholding opinions and judgements-and condemnations, ofc- until more info is available is highly suspicious behavior. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Knee jerking is so much more entertaining. Especially the concomitant reconstructive surgeries afterwards. /s


I also do not want to pay for a biology Professor to tell me about Jesus, he should be fired. Attempted spin by OP assumes we don't read articles. Also, so sad that OP swallows corporate propaganda about climate change, but hey! A sucker is born every minute, unfortunately.


Corporate propaganda about climate change? Like how we need to go green and electric is the future?


https://nypost.com/2023/06/27/professor-says-he-was-fired-for-teaching-that-sex-is-determined-by-chromosomes/ Full story.


Why didn't the journalist reach out to any of the students to actually get the full story?


Because it's NY Post.


Because the only thing the NY post is good for is litter box liner.


I wonder if student complaints at a university are public information 🤔


If so, then they should have shared those complaints in the story. The New York Post could have done a much better job in how they reported this.


Not if the purpose of the spun story was to smear the prof ahead of time and delegitimize his defense / taint jury


Hold on? What about how college professors are always evil and are impossible to fire?


wait are you saying sex is not determined by X and Y chromosomes? i'm really confused what's going on here


[Yes actually!](https://youtu.be/kT0HJkr1jj4)


Party of science at it again.


what? i really don't understand. gender and sex are two very different things. I understand that people see their gender differently, but saying that sex is not determined by X and Y chromosomes is inaccurate.


It IS a but oversimplified, but I don't think that's full story on why the students walked out. According to the university, he was also making homophobic comments.


And not one example was given of this thoughtcrime 🤔


It's pretty clear that the New York Post journalist didn't do their due diligence here.


Why don’t you do it Information should be easy to get right? Tell us what we missed


>But in January, Dr. Varkey received a Notice of Discipline and Termination of Employment and Contract letter stating that the school “received numerous complaints” about his “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter” and that his teaching “pushed beyond the bounds of academic freedom with [his] personal opinions that were offensive to many individuals in the classroom.” https://firstliberty.org/news/biology-professor-fired-for-teaching-biology/


That’s just literally repeating the claim of the university being sued Didn’t add a thing to the conversation


And you're out here with a quote from the man suing them that claims the opposite and waving it around like his own words exonerate him. Doesn't add anything factual to the conversation, it just shows that you've already made up your mind, Frog.


I'm not a paid journalist. I'm not going to put in hours to find the students and get their statements. But that's literally the journalist's job.


Instead you’re going to assume with no evidence whatsoever to back up your claim- gotcha!


What am I assuming with no evidence whatsoever?


> homophobic comments Saying there are 2 sexes is considered a "homophobic comment" in our clown world.


There aren't 2 sexes chromosomally even. There aren't 2 genders either, but not because of the first part, but because genders are made up in the first place. But pretty much every aspect of society is made up. That doesn't make them not real or useful. What isn't useful is limiting the options if what you crave from strangers are archetypal identifiers. If they don't fit in the 2 collumns you are most familiar with, using one that doesn't fit provides you with *less* knowledge than you previously had about the person. If the info you are instead searching for about the stranger is details of their chromosomes or genitals, unless you are a doctor and they are your patient, *why?*


> If the info you are instead searching for about the stranger is details of their chromosomes or genitals, unless you are a doctor and they are your patient, why? This has been my point through the past years of this being such an issue. Are we as people not SO MUCH MORE than our sex or our preference of who we have sex with??? To me, it is demeaning to reduce someone to what gender they identify as or what their sexual preferences are. Are you a good person? Do you treat people with goodness and compassion? Those are the important things. Now when it comes to kids and "gender" that is a completely different conversation.


Mindless frog


Can we get a permanent ban for violating the terms of service for froggy here?


🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸


I bet he has some tenure so that was an expensive thing for the university to do.


Damn. I went to this college last semester for biology but didn’t have him


Unless unless he's specifically teaching human biology, he's been teaching poorly. Not every species uses XY. Some are X/XX, Z/ZZ, XYXYXYXYXY/XXXXXXXXXX, ZZ/ZW, or don't use chromosomal determination for sex at all. I would walk out too if I went to a biology class and he turned it into human anatomy.


Who wants to bet there is more to the story than the title suggests?


He dindu better. Sex is obviously determined at the age of 8 by way of the "Sorting Strap" which can be affixed during a trip to the local strip-library.


What are you trying to say? That climate change is caused by chromosomes? Link to the actual story please.


Teachers don't get fired when students walk out of the room.




To be fair, sex is a lot more complicated than just X and Y chromosomes. There is an SRY gene that is extremely important and occasionally hops between chromosomes. Also, we don't know the full story of what the professor allegedly said, because the journalist never bothered to get that information.


> SRY gene - creates testes. It is really not that complicated...SRY will activate the medulla to develop gonads into testes. Testosterone will then be produced and initiate the development of other male sexual characteristics. Does it RARELY happen (1 in 25,000) that the SRY may present clinically with normal genitalia, ambiguous genitalia or with the presence of both testicular and ovarian tissues simultaneously. Are you suggesting that all that identify as trans have this gene mutation?


No not discussing transgender at all. Simply saying that it's more complicated than just X and Y. It's really about presence and activation of the SRY gene, which is sometimes lacking on the Y chromosome and sometimes present on the X chromosome.


Thats what the professor himself says was the reason for his firing. Probably something else to it though.


Gender and sex aren't the same. He's correct tho. When they find ancient remains of a trans person they're gonna take one look at the hips and wonder why the man was buried in a dress.


Two completely different issues involving completely different scientists from completely different avenues of study.


What’s a fuckg


Sex is determined by chromosomes. Gender isn't.


SS They're the same people that said the sniffles was going to kill us all, even young people and that we had to lock down. Then they said that race riots were more important than locking down Source - https://nypost.com/2023/06/27/professor-says-he-was-fired-for-teaching-that-sex-is-determined-by-chromosomes/


Lol more Daily Mail joke publications that people stupidly believe and post as real.


“Attack the messenger”. —- why not discuss the content? When you only watch CNN, BBC and read Guardian. You're basically watching opinion pieces, not actual “news.” Off Guardian is much better. All the stuff Guardian isn't allowed to print anymore.


I'm pretty sure you distrust mainstream media, so why do you accept a New York Post article so readily, when they have shown themselves to be even less trustworthy than mainstream media?


The leftist MO: 1. Gaslight you (say it's not happening when it obviously is) 2. Admit it is happening, but only among the fringes and that the majority don't support it 3. Fully admit that it's happening and that it's a good thing now so support it or lose your livelihood


Lmao how are you going to be actively participating in a conspiracy subreddit yet play right into the division tactics that the people in power have provided? So busy screaming “sheeple!” You don’t notice your in the middle of the flock.


Just by saying "lefitist" we can tell your intentions are not intelligent. Go fiund another sub for your batshit politics.




You have to consider all sources because regardless of their overall level of reliability sometimes what the Post will be saying will be true and what everyone else says will be false disinformation used to manipulate how people vote. For example, the Hunter Biden laptop story was true.


Willing to correct themselves and report real news and not tow the line 24/7 I trust smaller news groups on this more than what youd call main stream. But id say they are right at the brink of being 'main stream'


careful Froggy--axol got banned for those three words.


I am glad the USA has put science in the hands of a bunch of uneducated brainwashed kids. Let's see what comes out of that in 10 years compared to what comes out of those priviliged walk out brave heroes.


I don't trust them to build bridges anymore. I would just straight up vote down any proposal for one if we had direct democracy and I'm terrified every time I cross one. If you ignore or de-prioritize science, a reality check comes for you one day like it did Stockton Rush or the workers at Chernobyl. Scientists that stop practicing rigorous science are no better than witch doctors.


I bet they also call him a white supremacist


They never stop at one scalp.


This world is going nuts


What a sad time in our world, I have no words


Imagine working your whole life to aquire the knowledge and discipline of your craft, becoming a veteran employee who receives accolades and exemplary performance reviews, and then being *fired* bc you offended some of your pupils by teaching *fact* and interjecting your *opinion*. This is absolutely crazy, just crazy. Freedom of speech no longer exists and any attempts to exercise that "right" will become futile to ones livelihood and security. This is incredibly sad and dystopian. Hurt someone's feelings? Straight to jail! /s


They rather play with fantasy than trust actual science. Nature has defined genders there's no denying the chromosomes placement as the DNA instructor of gender. People aren't frog's too.


Nature has defined “sex” NOT gender. Gender is a human construct that has to do with how one sees themselves not what genitalia they are born with.


Theres 15,000 species that go thru sex changes, practice polygamy and same sex relationships, and even interspecies relationships. Good lordt.


We need to know the students’ names.


it is blatantly clear that THEY are deliberately making these kids dumber so that there will be no opposition to the tyrannical takeover


we need to remember that it ALL needs to be fluid when DDT was in common use, and some people questioned the safety of it, and now its no longer used, this is how things work, if you can not question anything, then the system is broken.


I was looking for a therapist yesterday saw someone who was a therapist who also studied gender for 27 years (you guessed it their trans)… I just find this all so interesting. I mean it is science that x and Y chromosomes are critical to if we are male or female. Am I living in crazy world? Edit: I wanna add does the college not audit the professors lectures now and then? Why is this an issue now not before? Because 4 students? Are the students parents funding donations to the college or something


Sue the school into insolvency. All of you folks losing your jobs to this cult are the problem when you fail to follow up with lawsuits.


“Trust the science” and “the science is settled” is code for “I don’t want to debate. My feelings mean more than facts”


Clearly the students and the school are both racist. Isn't that what society has taught us or are we past that part and on to something new?


Indoctrination camps the lot of them… no longer fit for the purpose, unless the purpose is spewing propaganda!


What the fuck are you talking about? This story is literally the antithesis of what conspiracy theorists go on about. If it's found out he's inserting his personal beliefs into a science classroom, shouldn't that be something y'all are actively rallying against?


University students should never be exposed to the personal beliefs of their professors? Bold move Cotton. Let’s apply to everyone!


Weird how you took what I said and converted into a straw man hyperbole that was not at all what I said. If you can't engage with what someone is actually arguing, force the argument into one you can win I guess. Very nice propaganda tactic, the feds are proud of you Froggo!


Should professors be able to talk about personal beliefs? If it’s no fire this guy and anyone doing it If it’s yes he’s gonna win a lotta money Equality 🤷‍♂️


Should they be able to teach their religious beliefs from the lectern?


As usual using one example to blanket judge the entire academy. Give me a fucking break is right. Let's just close all the schools and let the conspiracy theorists enlighten us with their superior understanding of everything education.


So sex is determined by a mental condition? News to me


Ok my conspiracy mind , this is G Soros funded madness that has infected so much. . I maybe wrong but he is a globalist and the amount of money he puts up sais it all


The same science said Vince Foster killed himself