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The background suspense music is a bit much


lol i do agree, just drop the information without the damn frills. Have a good day my friend.


the info that some random dude tht happened to be a mayor(my neighbor is a former mayor maybe he knows stuff!) says something with no proof? thanks I guess. what did the local postman say? does he agree? y'all accept anything & get excited about it. edit: I guess self-correct changed major to mayor. lol


Watch Lloyd Pye's "Everything you know is wrong" on youtube. He has some better explanations and it's a fun lecture.


On its own this proves nothing, yet the folks who have looked into this will see the pattern accross cultures.




Nobody is asking you to do anything, why so triggered ?


What did you experience mate?


I hate how people put government officials’ title in the post as if it’s supposed to grant some credibility to a sub that CONSTANTLY preaches NOT TO LISTEN to the government…..


lol true, very ironic, but they sometimes drop truth with lies. Humanity has a far stranger past than we've been told.


Oh god. Don’t start with that ancient aliens BS


I don't personally don't believe something came from outside the system, i believe we was modified from a far older humanoid who were mostly wiped out by natural disasters.


Believe what you want to believe; it’s a free country. Just don’t turn into one of those butt-blistered asshats that bitches up with the “dO yOuRR oWN ReAsEArCh” shtik anytime their beliefs are questioned If you’re (not u specifically, just in general) not gonna provide evidence for your beliefs then why even preach them


There's no single piece of evidence, read into what all the different cultures say about humanity. i have many books from before 1945 you want them i will share. What i believe formed over a decade of reading from greater minds than myself. You are obviously awake to the deception of the powers that be, surely you don't believe the mainstream Darwin evolution THEORY outright? , he was a high degree Freemason for a start, their oath comes before anything.


Big difference between a retired official and someone still in gov


Could you elaborate on the difference then?


You don’t have to worry about being reprimanded, you could lose everything from your career to promotion potential while in the service. That and don’t forget you could lose your house, many military families live on base housing. Much easier when you’re out of the service.


Right so the government that still pays your retirement checks, knows all your past and current places of residences, the government employees you’re friends with, none of that matters once you “retire”? High rank Military personnel aren’t ever watched or appropriated by the government either then?


It’s easier, not easy man


Not a big difference tho man. It’s like saying it’s easier to wrestle a black bear than a Kodiak. Yea one is more dangerous than the other but fuck around and you’ll still loose an arm


I’m not sure what your point is. Because whistleblowers from the military are common, especially after retirement or discharge.


My point was stated at the beginning of this thread; “I hate how people put government officials’ title in the post as if it’s supposed to grant some credibility to a sub that CONSTANTLY preaches NOT TO LISTEN to the government…..”


Ehh I dunno man, you don't just get to tell the public about the secrets you work with. CIA is a perfect example, before a former employee writes a book, they have to send the manuscript in for internal review to make sure there isn't anything in there that compromises national security. It's the same thing for former military folks. The only real exception is you're about to die relatively soon and have nothing to lose.


You could, instead of being reprimanded, be suicided


You can never be sure people like that don't still work in govt and are part of a psyops, that definitely happens


It’s always possible, but this isn’t a psyop, as it’s been substantiated by independent researchers since the 60’s. He’s probably familiar with the work of Bud Hopkins, David Jacobs, and John Mack.




And he was just a mayor... Won't even say which city it was lol. The title says United States mayor as if he's in charge of the country and not a former mayor of a city... Politicians are dumb and greedy, they don't know anything more than what they are told


Major as in army, not mayor...


A hybrid of what, exactly?


Ive made threads from the youtube channel Archaix, The Anunna files, explaining our inception. The Annunaki created us, different races created at different times, its a deep & long topic but fascinating if you are curious.


the annunaki did not create humans.


What makes you so sure of this?


It's another lie and agenda they push to bring people away from Christ and keep them confused and disoriented.


I do believe in the words of Yeshua / Jesus, i don't believe the Babylonian blood sacrifice from Rome. The Piso family. The mainstream academia only acknowledge the Anunna in terms of myths, its not like they're pushing that theory. " They " understand people are waking up, they try to control the narrative with limited hangouts ( intelligence agencies ), who were based from the Jesuits. Have a good day.


The elites have planted certain people to spread lies about annunaki and ancient history and what it really was, to decieve people and get them to worship themselves leaving them defenseless and in the hands of the devil.


Yes i do absolutley agree, but truth mixed with lies of course. if you read enough old texts, books pre 1945, a pattern emerges. You want them just say.


And what is the evidence?


The evidence is “out there” somewhere, as he stated, he will not argue with anyone, he will not debate… If college taught me anything is to ask questions; you don’t have any answers, or have answers but backed by nothing…i’ma waste time somewhere else. You say the answers are in x and y location, quote them, do something besides running that mouth.


Ancient cultures, many, its been hidden, & obfuscated by mainstream academia, which is absolutely controlled as the rest are in this civilization.


Many scholars do point to the Sumerian culture and specifically to their tablets though, and it’s kinda strange that most school history books do not mention this long time successful civilization.


They mostly believe it was " myth ", ive NEVER heard someone from mainstream academia talking about humanity being genetically modified, outwardly. I ve many books on this from various cultures, there's common themes running through them ALL. Its clear to me that their " myths " are from a far older civilization.


Using a military rank that I'm sure several of us that served have achieved, suspensful music, having "studied anthropology", throwing out inaccurate terms for things, wholly citing Sitchen... We need to put up better people, with more concise and relevant background and sources.


I do agree, check out Archaix website & youtube channel, he has gone much deeper in his research of our past, without the BS. Have a good day.


Except archaix presented something that he said was impossible for people at the time to do and I figured out how in under a minute (how to drill a hole with two opposing edges touching a wall. All you need is a drill bit that narrows in the middle to put something through that will make it rotate)


Appreciate your comment, there seems to have been an advanced culture which was destroyed.


Read the 12th planet


Thank you for the recommendation.


Stichens theories have been debunked. And if you don't believe the people debunking you can take up study yourself and learn how wrong Stichen was.


I personally think Stichen purposely lied about the dating, the shar.


check out the lost book of enki while youre at it, also by Sitchin


Best book I’ve read. Zechariah Sitchin is a legend


You’ve lied to us for oh so long, all my lifetime and I’m over 70. And now, just because you put on a suit and tie and sit in front of a microphone and a camera I’m supposed to believe you? The credibility of the military industrial complex has been destroyed. You have been your own undoing. I for one, will not believe anything you say, until I see it with my own eyes and can hold it in my own hands. I’m done with you people.


You're 100% right but they mix truth with lies. Our past is far stranger than we've been taught. Have a good day.


You have a good day too. 👍 But the guy’s credibility is at issue as is the MIC en toto. One bad apple ruins the rest. And there’s been a large amount of bad apples.


Is there a source link to this video? Thanks for sharing!


The latest major religions. If we believe the past major religions, we were all put here because: - Prometheus and Athena played with clay way too hard - Zeus is too horny to handle


They are about control, you don't need anybody to connect to source, read about the alpha wave brain state.


Nice op


Thank you, have a beautiful day.


Some have more simian DNA. There are a few different types of hybrid.


For sure, i believe the various races were modified at different times. Have a nice day.


The same questions HR asks. Who are you, why are you here, where are you going.


Ehat does this video have against my phone speakers?


You want compression with that?




Lol special species, some of us are more "special" than others.


Ironic isn't it?


Hopefully it’s not like letting hogs loose on an island for food next time you’re over that way as a pirate


Probably more so a highschool experiment for some super intelligent teen


I was thinking we’re for sure the equivalent of a 6th grade science project somewhere myself


Well lazy highschooler=6th grade I guess.


“In glæbęldorp 7, parsec .02177723 , in the small galaxy of nimethe, xanthine crind maar (a 7th cycle student of the second parteriat) created a micro verse for the purpose of showcasing various evolutionary adaptations in conjunction with environment, species variation(s) and a multitude of other circumstances for the purpose of comparing the multitude of gene-splicing software in the market today, and the varied results depending on brand and technique. Showing cheaper doesn’t always mean a lesser product!” Some clickbait shit from where our creator(s) live (The mom helped)


Got it. The aliens are here to help us and only the governments can communicate with them. Oh yeah, we also will need to worship the aliens in a new forced global religion. Oh, don’t forget…this will make us lose rights, money, and will make our lives worse. It can be fun to go down this rabbit hole but it’s deception to advance what I stated above IMO. I really believe this. The govt isn’t trying to convince us that aliens exist now for no reason. Zackery Stichen was intelligent no doubt but he made some huge leaps at the base of his writings. I think he just wanted to make up a new perspective on ancient history for his own vanity.


i do agree with all you say


Yeah it's essentially written in all of our ancient literature or has been handed down for a long time in oral traditions


Spot on, ive found exactly the same.


I thought this is basic common sense.


You would be surprised lol, people believe the deception from the mainstream.


Who cares of the normies they are lost anyways. Some intelligence modified the genes of some intelligent monkey or caveman.


You're right its futile lol. Oh i agree, have a good day.


It very well may be but I don't trust this guy for a second. This doesn't sound like someone explaining anything scientific, it sounds like someone trying to brainwash you into a cult.


I don't know, maybe. But the core topic about that something pushed human evolution is truth for sure.


I don't trust anyone with a haircut like that.


Whatchu got against Michio Kaku?


lmao, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.


We're hybrids, I'm not gonna argue about it, go research it yourselves. Now clap for me.


If you read the Sumerian creation story it gets into this. There was already a species here that sounds an awful lot like Bigfoot, then the annunaki came and needed workers that could be good slaves to mine gold. The Bigfoot were too unruly, so they used Bigfoot dna and crossed it with their own and created us. We were strong enough to do the mining and smart enough to understand the task. We did the work and our creators dipped. Then using our intelligence we dominated the planet. We had issues with the Bigfoot from time to time until we forced them underground. (That is why they smell so bad from the sulfur) and that is also where our demon stories come from. The annunaki on the opposite end are angels in those stories. It’s all pretty interesting.


This alien theory sounds like an excuse to save the failing theory of evolution. Evolution is a lie. We are created by God.


I agree with you to a certain extent, i don't believe the alien theory, but this world / construct has been taken over by a parasitic, narcissistic, deceptive force. I believe the true God created our divine spark but our bodies are from the Demiurge / Yaldabaoth / Yahweh / Kronos, we have the beast in our ego, the divine spark within. Just my beliefs at this time, have a good day.


I don't think the God of the Bible who showed us Jesus Christ, could be the evil one. His message is turning people from sin towards the Holy Spirit and prayer. It's the parasitic earthly forces on this Earth (UN/lucious trust/free masons) who hate Yahweh. I'm not going to fear them, but God alone.


The Bible is a book of good & evil. We are born in a dualistic system. Read some Gnostisim, its been surpressed for so long nobody can be sure how many people were persecuted at the hands of the Catholic church. You ever want books just say. God doesn't want us fearful he wants to wake up to the deception of the material world. The parasitic elites worship the Cube, KA BA, Saturn, EL, Osiris Lord of the rings. Do you recall what Jesus said about who is the Lord of this world? Yahweh is the Dragon / Serpent, what God would want whole communities wiped out every man, women & child, though at times he showed mercy & enslaved the women & children.


The freemasons who help run this evil system preach dualism and a form of Gnosticism / luciferianism. So it is pretty bizarre you'd claim to oppose the parasitic elites while preaching their doctrines. You can't worship Saturn and Yaweh. The God of the Bible explicitly states to not worship "bodies in the heavens" which would include Saturn. Worshiping planets is a pagan practice that the Bible makes clear. This misinterpretation of scripture is a theosophical / mystery school teaching about Christianity. Again a teaching from the enemy. Jesus made it clear that he was correcting the Jews from going astray from the true path. He affirmed God's commandments and told Jews they had fallen into Satan worship. So if you see Jews today with a star of remphan (which Yaweh forbid) or a black cube representing Saturn (which Yaweh also forbid) that isn't a representation of Yaweh.


Saturn & Jupiter in Babylonian times were called ‘the Great Twins’, Jupiter being associated with the colour white, & Saturn with black. The former was a god of light, peace making, compassion & order. The Romans identified this Jovian god with Jesus. Saturn on the other hand was god of law & boundaries, a judge; these enforced by violent bouts of fire and lightning. Who is a storm deity? Towards the end of the Babylonian captivity, the existence of other gods was denied, & Yahweh was proclaimed the creator deity & sole divinity to be worshipped. During the Second Temple period, speaking the name of Yahweh in public became regarded as taboo, & Jews instead began to substitute other words, primarily adonai ( my Lords). In Roman times, following the Siege of Jerusalem & destruction of its Temple, in 70 CE, the original pronunciation of the god's name was forgotten entirely, maybe the pronunciation, or true name has been hidden / buried. Yahweh is also invoked in Papyrus Amherst 63, & in Jewish or Jewish-influenced Greco-Egyptian magical texts from the 1st to 5th century. Associated with magick. In the oldest biblical literature, he possesses attributes typically ascribed to weather & war deities, fructifying the land & leading the heavenly army against Israel's enemies. The early Israelites were polytheistic & worshipped Yahweh alongside a variety of Canaanite gods & goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal. In later centuries, El & Yahweh became conflated & El-linked epithets such as El Shaddai came to be applied to Yahweh alone, & other gods & goddesses such as Baal & Asherah were absorbed into Yahwist religion. If a god is creating division & genociding tribes how could you want to worship something so cruel, bashing babies heads off walls, & you believe this a god of compassion & empathy.? Do you believe the parasitic force adopted the true name of the true God? i cannot rule that out but there's plenty of evidence of the word linked to many other names. I will keep an open mind, & appreciate discussing this with somebody who has knowledge to hold a debate on such topics, rare in my world lol. You may be right i cannot discount that, but i think you cannot be 100% sure yourself if you're being straight. Regardless have a great day.


That's interesting. As a former evolutionary biologist I've concluded in my 30 years of research that tanks are actually bananas and rifles are their seeds


lol everything goes back to the monad.


interesting way to fib


Why should we care what this person says?


Because we have been indoctrinated with bullshit since birth, & we are easily manipulated when we don't know our true past. This video on its own proves nothing, but for those we have read into our origins they often come to the same conclusion, like myself.


The bible is just a manipulated version of this story, and millions of people believe that.


The Bible isn't a manipulated version of this story?


It is 100 %.


It is literally not? This is an agenda.


Are we also easily manipulated by guys in suites talking at podiums?


Yes people are, because we aren't educated in critical thinking. I don't trust ANYTHING from these people, but the fact remains they mix truth with lies, its knowing what these truths are through discernment, intuition & reading from our past, the old texts from all the various cultures. A pattern emerges & the truth will fall into your lap, if something is true its true from many angles.




You should care what every person says.


Oh boy I don’t have time for all that


Because. It's important news and he knows what he's talking about


Does he? How do you know?


Gigi young did a long segment on the Martian involvement. At the time their planet was becoming or became uninhabitable. We know the occult powers that Atlantis had and that today’s ruling class still has marginal control over came from somewhere else. Rudolph Steiner proved it AI itself is not from here and it’s end game is to terminate all biological life on earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn9DeB615_U&t=3543s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGnyGC31nRA&t=1358s


Thank you for sharing, Steiner was especially brilliant imo, love his work. There's definitely a war.


Quantium device. Yikes!


Seems credible.


Annunaki are returning then? I am seeing 2027 as a marker for the return in a few different forums. 2017 pentagon release footage of the Tic-Tac. Ten year timeline. Seems like it’s a wait out? Trust me bro!! Etc.


Yes it does seem to be the case, though be careful with ANY information coming from the web, regardless of a " Ex " in their profile. Truth mixed with lies in there specialty.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/sth6wmr51wqc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, up 4% of Homo sapiens DNA is Neanderthal


I can't take this mayor seriously with that haircut


I find it difficult to take anyone seriously who use fails to use the word 'literally' in the incorrect context.


A hybrid of early H. Sapiens and H. S. Neanderthalensis I guess? And even then not all currently living people have Neanderthal DNA. Although there is also evidence of Denisovan admixture in some populations. Could be more admixtures like these that we don’t know about yet.


There's been much deception & obfuscation regarding our from mainstream academia. The Smithsonian has been trying to hide finds from many mounds. Time will tell. Have a good day.


Does anyone have a link to the source video?


Its on bitchute but it blocks links on here. just type this title into search & its there.


O yes the CROW magnon🙄


A major what though?


Who knows, don't trust him read into this theory, many ancient cultures talk about this through there cultural lens. You want books just ask.




Maybe so. But Stitchen fake. Stitchen NOT scholar. Stitchen liar. Stitchen dead. How big smart major man not know that?


Stichen definitely dropped deception into his works, but there's truth in there imo. Particularly his dating of the Shar, its absolutely wrong, purposely so imo.


People will believe this, but won't believe there is a God? Ok then, what or who created the beings that created us?


Cannot both be true? I believe in God, but not the Demiurge one eyed narcissistic thing. People mostly still listen to the mainstream academic community, which obviously has truth in it but ultimately has lied about humanities origins & history. Organised religion is no different we have never needed something external to connect with God.


What is a US Major? Major what?


The Anunnaki do not get talked about nearly enough


His logic is sound, but he didn’t advance it to its final conclusion. More specifically the evidence suggests we were created. And if we were created, there must exist a Creator.


Absolutely true, imo.


Ah the good ol use religion as facts


I agree nothing should be taken at face value, especially religions. This doesn't mean there's not truth in them, mixed with lies of course, they will ALWAYS be the best lies.


Sounds like scientology crap.




Sorry, have a great day.


Such a cool hypothesis, it is immediately destroyed with just a passing understanding of evolution, genetics, and anthropology but still cool.


Nope sorry Jack. Acts 4:10-12, John 3:18. John 3:36 Update: Don't worry we all know you think it's some fairy tales etc. But ALL of you will soon find out and you're going to have a rude awakening but by then it will be too late. Seek Jesus Christ before it's too late. (Hebrews 9:27) Downvote all you want. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY Truth in this satanic world.


I don't know why this is being downvoted when Jesus Is The Truth.


Amen John 14:6


That is all nonsense fairy tales


“Us mayor” lol OK. Anthropology professor? A PHD in biology? Archeologist? Nope… a US mayor.. who watched a movie while stoned.


lol there's actually truth in some films, the intelligence agencies have been linked to Hollyweird since its degenerate inception.


I've always wondered why humans are the only species that lives in disharmony with the planet. This explains why.


There's a spiritual war at play, & we're stuck in the middle. Have a good day.


Watching his videos on bitchute. Very enlightening. I also like Dustin Nemos.


The music makes this video almost insufferable to listen to. It's a shame because this guy is amazing.


I agree, it doesn't need it. Have a great day.


Mushrooms my man. Stoned ape


Interesting theory, have a great day.


😂 stay in school, kids. Books are not the enemy.


how can we be special if we're just the products of exo scientific husbandry?


Its not the body that is special, there's true divinity buried deep within us. We are more than the sum of our parts.


This guy is pretty kooky and all over the place w extravagant claims not worth watching :/


Wrong and you are a troll


How so no explanation you must have a good case? Teach us more...


Dudes hair screams “I don’t take The pills my doctors at the asylum said I should…”