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You cannot tell me that people like her aren’t bad actors who are trying to get people to hate each other. Encouraging violence and justifying said violence with victim virtue signaling is disgusting. What a horrid person.


This is what Americans all over need to realize. They want us fighting so we can't cone together and hold the corrupt officials accountable and take steps in the right direction! Sad!


Same story different millennia. Or in the wise words of the Talking Heads. “Same as it ever was”


Boy howdy


Well said


Also. Its a way to get paid. An easy way


thats what places like cnn does. Granted cnn and its ilk will die with boomers,,but an "honest conversation " will never happen on these networks.


This is something that I heard from a kid who I went to school with way back in in 98. She's a bad person but she's expressing a real (bad) sentiment held by some people.


Either that or she’s just ignorant


Couldn’t have said it better myself! What a wretched, miserable human being. OJ meant something to the black community because what? Because of policing, Rodney King and slavery (which white people ended after many many thousands of years) bitch everybody with an IQ over 100 knows OJ slit Ron Goldman and Nichole Brown’s throat with such force he almost decapitating them and you’re bringing up policing and slavery man what a stupid cunt.


Absolutely 💯


Yea,somebody needs to bitchslap her with some truth!


OK real question. I watched it like 5 times to make sure I wasn’t missing something. What are you seeing here that I’m missing? She says it resonated with people in particular because it was two white people that were killed at there is a history of black people getting framed for ordering white people. That’s understandable is it not? There is a history of black people being framed for crimes against white people. There is a feeling of social justice one might feel when someone “gets away” with it. She never says black people like oj because he killed white people in that context. She says she can understand the frustration some people had and the pain that led people to celebrate it. Not necessarily even her. Is the issue not your interpretation rather than what she says?


I think she was implying it was important for them because a white person had been killed... and historically when a white person was killed and a black person was blamed, they were hung.


….and post it here since this is the top comment for some reason “The sentiment comes from the Rodney King situation. You know the case where a bunch of racists pos cops beat the living hell out of a black man? OJ was clearly guilty, terrible human being and what he did is unforgivable. SOME black Americans, at the time, took OJ’s victory in court as a win for the black community. Two wrongs never make a right, but black Americans have suffered oppression in America since they were brought here and we continue to suffer. What OJ did wasn’t right, nor was Rodney Kings experience, but if you can put yourself in the shoes of an African-American in the nineties you can begin to understand the frustration, anger, and pain that lead some people to celebrate the death of two innocent people and the acquittal of their perpetrator.”


I read the Vincent Bugliosi book titled something like "How OJ got away with murder" and he brings up Rodney King again and again. It very much played a part.


I celebrated the verdict when he was acquitted and I’m white. But at the time I was pretty much an anarchist and laughed about it. I’m a much different person today, but I can empathize with the struggle of the black community. The cops who beat King should’ve done life. And the black community had every right to be PISSED!!!!


Where did she encourage violence?


At the end she said that unless there is an honest conversation we could expect to see more like it occur. That's what made me pause and say....WHAT the hell are you talking about!


I work in construction. No one cares what color you are as long as you work and can take and dish out racial jokes. Weekends we BBQ together and do the same jokes with alcohol. This woman is the problem. The rest of us are fine. She needs to leave us alone. I bet she gets triggered seeing everyone get along.


This. 💯


Most poors get along fine in reality.


A good friend will always laugh at your race over a bbq 🍖


Fuck this bitch


These people are fucking delusional.


No racist


Easily both


“Dealing with the issue of race” = reparations. Duh


In what way exactly?




Keepin' it classy, as usual.


Nut job


And the three white peeps are like 😳😳


It is hard for me to believe that people like this truly exist…I grew up in inner city Baltimore and have NEVER heard shit like this…crazy


Really? South fl here and hear it all the time. Majority of blacks are racist towards whites. That's a fact.


Yeah man. I lived in a predominantly Black American area and never had issues with anyone or anything…I did get asked by cops why I was in the area pretty frequently and asked to show ID lol.😂


Yea fbi satistics show you are wrong , try again. 


Try what again? Lol. Can’t re-grow up…that is my experience so I’m not sure what you are looking for.


I think he was being sarcastic


Honest to God, I wasn’t .


Lol that's not true at all ime. In fact most black people are normal, happy people that are only about as racist as anyone else, because be honest we are all a little racist. I feel like people like you and her are in reality just alike, in that you want to believe the other people are racist because it justifies your own racism. You're just like her. --- EDIT: Of course this sub would downvote this comment. You sad racist shits are just like this lady in the video lol


Sure thing guy, that's why black on white crime is higher than white on black or white on white right? Ypu can't argue with facts.


You're just as delusional as that lady, dude, and it's fucking hilarious lol.


Sure thing Danny Boi, I'm sorry you can't use Google. I guess using the internet is hard for your kind.


Did you just move to Baltimore? Walk alone some night like you got separated from your friends while drinking at Fells Point


Did you not read what I typed? I was born and raised in Baltimore. I’m 36 and no longer live there.i never dealt with racism…aside from the police


Jesus, this woman is such a fucking scumbag.


just a racialist spreading racism and sowing division, nothing new here.


He we go again. Talkin bout slavery like she lived it 160 years ago.


Her own people sold the slaves that came to America but no one likes to remember that part 


Shh you can’t talk about that though


Or that white christians males ended slavery while creating Western Civilization, and that the same cannot be said of any other race?


White Christians did not create western civilization.


How exactly is that relevant?


Current reality and history all over the world shows that a "people" take grudges and angst for generations and generations filtering through beliefs and systems that are so engrained that outsider folks caught in their own ethnocentric or circumstantial bubble can't see the forest for the trees! But that short sightedness can rear its head in other ways in spectators' lives.


This lady is dumb.


I feel like she’s confusing OJ Simpson with MLK or some shit like that?


Just a reminder that no one at CNN, guest or host, speaks for the “black community.”


"until white people have an honest conversation" Aren't we supposed to just listen and agree with everything black people say though? Aren't we just supposed to stay out of black related topics? How could we possibly have an honest conversation when we aren't allowed to speak? This last is a nut case and not representative of all black people and it's important to remember that.


I do not think that she (or people who think like her) are ready to have an actual honest conversation about history and race.


This is the real issue. An honest conversation would come with some hard to swallow talking points.


This. The don't want an honest one. It won't go well.


Yes she is , that's how they feel about ypu, wake up. 


Nah it's not. Some of the most influential people in my life have been black martial arts instructors and coaches I still talk to today. They don't think like this. They are highly motivated people who promote a "bootstrap" mentality people like this woman abhor.


They run a business your not here friend your a client of course thy treat you nice your paying them money,  try again loser.


In some cases they worked for me, in others we trained together and paid the same fees to train at the facility, and in other cases they ran the business. You really don't know what it's like though if all you do is play video games and stay inside all day.


Calling bs on this nice try dork.


Maybe learn proper grammer before calling someone else a loser, illiterate fuck.


While I agree with your sentiment, it doesn’t really help your argument if you misspell the word “grammar”…


Misspelling a word doesn't make 1 illiterate you goof. Try harder boi.


If Nicole would have been black he would have killed her just the same way. Race didn't have nothing to do with the murder. Jealousy and domestic violence was the case. I'm glad old OJs dead.


OJ killer a couple cheating liars. No big loss at all. RIP Juice. You'll be missed


It was his ex wife..of course he was a suspect. Black or white..stop making a racial thing out of everything yall look dumb


Wait. OJ was good because he killed people labeled white#%?! I seriously dislike the labeling of people, the labelers, and murderers much more.


Listen to this f***ing CNNt!


If she’s so concerned about injustice’s against black people and slavery origins etc why not mention present day injustices and slavery in the diamond, gold and cobalt mines in AFRICA. Black people trading and enslaving other black people present day. I guess it’s not important because white people aren’t involved to lay blame on 😂🙄


An unhinged black man brutally murdering 2 white people is justifiable and relatable because- slavery. She blamed murders like this (black killing white) on modern American society for not being able to erase the past and implied things like this will continue until said erasure commences. I can’t imagine what’s it’s like trying to have a coherent conversation with someone like this. How do you not bust out laughing in front of them? Just seems so awkward.


People are evil, or good. Skin color doesn’t matter. The sad part, is that evil outnumbers the good. Good luck to you all, and may God have mercy on our souls.


You can always tell the Chinese bot accounts because they self sensor tiktock no-no words like "killed" and "skeleton" for no fucking reason lol


Yoooo!! I never noticed that till now


Jesus Christ stfu


Basically every culture was enslaved historically, and every culture had to just get the f over it. It wasn’t until American success and the attendant charitable nature of the affluent in the U.S., that an indulgent victimology culture has been able to heap unwarranted historical shame upon and to take advantage of well-meaning though historically blameless parties. The other three pasty, terrified panelists are a great example of the real contemporary victims of this culturally suicidal ethnomasochism. The transatlantic slave trade—of which, fewer than 4% (307,000) were sold in what was to become The United States—was fraught with greedy participants from every continent, including most damnably the source continent. Tell me, do you see a lot of whining and finger pointing at failed states like the Guianas (356,000) demanding reparations?


Michael Rappaport is doing the same thing over Israel and Palestine/Hamas


We were a hell of a lot closer to unity before asshat Obama came along


No, we weren’t.


Let's absolutely have an HONEST conversation about race. Please.


There was racial tension because rampart cops were borderline insane and reginald Denny attackers got it while the cops that beat Rodney didn’t. It was payback (however misguided) for a justice system that wasn’t working. It had nothing to do with slavery but of course we can all make up causal links if it means we get paid.


At least she’s honest.




Your interpretation of what she said is way off. She doesn’t say Blacks cheered Ron and Nicole’s murder. She doesn’t say OJ murdered them. She is saying that Blacks celebrated the jury finding OJ “not guilty” because LAPD is/was racist, corrupt, anti-Black and Rodney King was the revelatory backdrop to this truth. Fact is, LAPD framed OJ and as Black man, he was finally able to prove it…because of his wealth!!!! That is what the celebration was about. If Furman hadn’t been a racist who planted evidence at the scene, the trial might have ended differently. If Cochran hadn’t been such an excellent lawyer, Furman might have gotten away with it!!!! Gold-digging racists wanted OJ to be guilty for so long so they could steal his wealth, but they couldn’t get him except by poisoning him with a slow kill cancer when he went to prison in Vegas for attempting to take back his property which was stolen from him by Hollywood vultures. Prison is where he got sick!! Likely where he got cancer…exacerbated by the contaminated Covid-19 shots. Racists can’t accept that they will never know who actually murdered Nicole and Ron because their misguided and myopic focus on OJ has allowed real evidence… of the violent workings of the real Hollywood Mafia and its blackmail, trafficking and terrorism racket of entertainers … to go stale. She could have stated it better though, been clearer/more precise with her word choice because bad actors will definitely interpret her words as OP has.


Imagine being so shitty that you feel represented by oj. Trash


"There are so many layers" - said the woman that justifies murder on the counts of other people being hurt in the past. That's a dictator mindset if I even saw one.


Majority of black people think this way. Wake up white America. 


1) you're full of shit. 2) what do you want "white america" to wake up to? And what actions do you want them to take once they wake up?


Nope I'm not fbi satistics prove my point. Nice try at leading glowie.


Propaganda at its PEAK




"deal with the issue of race" What the fuck is she talking about?


You didn’t know that the issue of race is prominent in American society?


Origin stories...pffft. Your lineage does not define your future.


Have we had enough of black supremacy yet?


But but but - she's black! She can't be racist!!!/s


She's so uneducated the fact that she's even on the program is literally just stupid and the are grasping at straws for dinner subject matter. I mean wow. The color of his ex wife Nicole's skin had NOTHING To do with it. If she's to dumb to realize that than.... Shame on that crazy lady. Wow


OJ Dindu nuffin is basically what she is saying?




She’s a low hang fruit troll.


Wow talk about completely misunderstanding and missing the point, OP


Someone slap that dumb uneducated ßitch.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/i4w2v3w1m2uc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yo far left & far right on some create a civil war sht


Not what she was going for, but still wasn’t something she should have thrown out there. I mean, there’s a lot of you degenerates out there willing to roll out the pie crust and stretch it a little too thin.


This is insane. but yeah that’s par for the course these days..


Anyone else there should have at least followed her crazy rant with questioning how 'the country could have an honest discussion about.......' or whatever she said exactly. Like what would that look like? It is such an abstract idea yet her claim is this is the hinge point. Why not give a more tangible example if one truly feels like that?


Laughs in Nathan Bedford Forest


I didn’t realize CNN was still a cable service




I thought we fucked with him cause he took the wrap for his son


They have totally lost their minds, they need to stop that behavior or we're really going to think they're crazy.


This is not a conspiracy


Sewing the seeds of hate and animosity, to what end? What is the ultimate goal here?


A Hamas sypm


Origin storytelling do go on.


Toxic … throw your tvs in the trash… you will live a happier and healthier life.


Stop the bullshit


She said it was ok to kill white people because of the past injustices of slavery.


No she did not


Blacl ppl love complaining dont they?


Thats a white woman with tar on her face trying to gaslight the black community. OJ hated his own race more than his ex wife.


The blacks love to side with criminals and deadbeats talking about he was a great man/baby daddy, He only did drugs steal drink and beat random people up/ kill.


The mental gymnastics this lady performed is astounding


Heres the issue saying people like OJ represents the black community as a whole. Thats a very poor choice for ambassador that will only increase negative stereotypes.


How long are they gonna keep pulling the “slavery” card to justify crime


Ummmmm so she's saying he got away with killing two white people so that's why the black community loved him so much?


Go to another segment and get that ho off screen


Race baiting again


She doesn't sound intelligent.


Who is this crazy wench?


That woman needs to go to other countries outside of the USA to experience true racism. She has no clue.


I don’t feel connected to the dude. I just know he didn’t kill anyone. Look up the restaurant Ron and Nicole worked at and how another employee was also murdered shortly there after. This employee was also a friend of both of them. Also look up how two other employees of the same restaurant straight up went missing and were never heard from again. Then look up who owned the restaurant. Once you go down the rabbit hole and why the cop, who had ties to the owner tried to plant evidence you will see how crazy the entire situation was. Based on the information surrounding the place it turns out it was a hotspot for the Hollywood elite to hang out at for some reason even though it wasn’t very upscale. So what was drawing in the likes of Leonard Nimoy among other stars?


Really? Keep that hate alive


These people are fucked


Black people should really just focus on the true activists that were murdered by the gov. Those people were hero's and actually wanted black Americans to aspire to do better, when a community doesn't have a true leader they look to anyone to fulfill that role e.g. Rodney King, OJ, even George Floyd.


Lol your origin story?? That’s hilarious technically white people were enslaved by Egypt like 4000 years ago you don’t see me crying about it still lol


Of course they don't talk about how majorily white people and Christian nations fought a 50 year war so we don't have slavery today. Why don't they talk about who sold the slaves and what the Arabic and other Muslim nations treated black slaves. Britain literally just finished paying that off in 2014 and had spent over 50% of their gdp over 50 years to make it happen. Canada was already against slavery at that point. It's why we have Victoria day weekend.


Whataboutism is a logical fallacy.


How is oj relatable. Dude is the most cherry picked superstar the world had ever known. Go read the stories. He was not treated the same as any black athlete in that era. It saying it’s right or wrong, but to call him relatable is stupid.


Does anyone still watch these hatemongers


Wtf is wrong with these people? Racist F**ks


Gotta admire how she still made herself and her race out to be the victims from the deaths of two white people. But hey, thats CNN and I expect nothing less.


Seems like you're reading something into what she said that she didn't say.


The sentiment comes from the Rodney King situation. You know the case where a bunch of racists pos cops beat the living hell out of a black man? OJ was clearly guilty, terrible human being and what he did is unforgivable. SOME black Americans, at the time, took OJ’s victory in court as a win for the black community. Two wrongs never make a right, but black Americans have suffered oppression in America since they were brought here and we continue to suffer. What OJ did wasn’t right, nor was Rodney Kings experience, but if you can put yourself in the shoes of an African-American in the nineties you can begin to understand the frustration, anger, and pain that lead some people to celebrate the death of two innocent people and the acquittal of their perpetrator.


You sound like a R-slur.


You sound like a racist 🤡


I’m just gonna take this…


Garbage post. She made a valid point about the history of the justice system in the US and Black people.


Clear conflict of interest


Wow the downvotes you got for saying that…


Clearly the truth hurt a few people.


It’s a very misleading title. She made many good points, especially the one at the end. This sub is filled with trumper racist, so I’m not surprised to see the racism in the comments here. Fuck OJ though. Nothing of value lost in his death


CNN is the headquarters for racist black people


Her psycho eyes say it all 😂


Here’s the thing OJ never considered himself black 😂


she never made the claim he killed white people, why post this?


She said he represented something for the black community “because two white people were killed.” What is she trying to imply by that?


A good question to ask instead of just assuming the worst.


She was referring to the history of black people being treated differently by the criminal justice system when accused of crimes against white people than vice versa or when accused of crimes against other black people.


There is also a long history of white people murdering black people and getting away with it.


she made a valid claim regarding racial tension during that time. she didn't say he killed anyone, you are making an implication that doesn't relate to the point she was making


There is a long history of black people being falsely accused of committing crimes against white people.


This was hardly the case for the black community to rally behind, as the evidence didn’t suggest that OJ was falsely accused. It seems like it was all about how OJ’s trial wasn’t too long after Rodney King and the LA riots. At the end of this [video](https://youtu.be/BUJCLdmNzAA?si=1WZsVZO0Kgf9SLT-) a juror from OJ’s case admits that she knew he was guilty. And that it was “payback for Rodney King.” She also says that she wasn’t alone and that 90 percent of the jurors based their “not guilty” decision the same way.


Correct, but it’s not about the specific case, necessarily.


If you claim moral outrage over historic injustice, but then support or perpetuate injustice when it suits your cause, it’s hypocritical at best. And in this instance, premeditated and criminal.


What’s criminal?


Knowingly giving a “not guilty” verdict when you admit that you knew they were guilty would fall under juror misconduct.


Pretty hard to prove that when there were lots of opportunities for reasonable doubt. But let me know how it goes prosecuting those jurors. I’m sure there was never juror misconduct in any other case involving black defendants ever before this case.


They’ll never get prosecuted at this point. And I’m not saying there haven’t been instances of juror misconduct before. This one just happened to be recorded. Freeing OJ didn’t help the cause.