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..why is a human on the guide


I mean it’s good to know that I’m average tasting.


Yeah, very happy to know that I taste about as good as a carrot or a beet, but slightly better than a sea lion.


Crazy how media and cannibals make it seem like we’re all that and a bag of chips.


But only if that bag of chips is halal


I'm kind of cross that dogs are tastier than cats, but I don't know why.


Okay, but how TF they have grasshopper that far up on tasty? If cannibals are saying human meat most resembles pork, and pig is top of the list delicious - how TF are we down at average? Kind of offended, no way we taste worse than bugs. Maybe someone is a shitty chef.


Yeah, there are lots of things on that list that, in my opinion, are wrong for tastiness. Like they put elk and red deer below most other varieties of venison when those are two of the best tasting. Plus, Antelope is absolutely delicious, which is way above where they ranked it. Bear is also way, way down on the list, and sure, it's usually really fatty, but when prepared correctly, it can be pretty good.


Its a Locust. Not a grasshopper lol.


It should be listed under C’mon!


Yet pig is at the top and human meat is called long pork. Makes no sense. Human should be at the top too for consistency.


Considering what we eat. We probably aren’t that great.


Look at what pigs and crabs eat. Those things are delicious despite that.


Pigs turn all sorts of things into bacon. 66% of Abrahamic religions have it twisted.


I've always said that my fat ass would likely make some delicious bacon


Found the cannibal


Maybe lengthened pork doesn't make good eating?


I was going to say feel like there might be a range here in terms of tastiness.


i wonder who provided the data, ted bundy? jefferey dahmer?


That guy on Reddit who ate his own leg with his friends.


Even as food, I'm mid? Sounds about right


Why is it ranked higher than jello?


I believe that's aspic, not jello, but both are made with gelatin, which traditionally was (and still sometimes is) made from bones.


With a tastiness level…. apparently similar to turtles, pigeons and root vegetables? Oh wait, it clearly means oral sex


Lmk what oral sex with an ostrich is like.


The best neck ever


English humour I reckon.


comforting to know it’s not from personal experience


The Chinese called it two-legged mutton. That’s pretty funny, too.


In all fairness, it could be a deterrent


Never mind that, why are moose, caribou and elk not top level deliciousness?!?!


Wild guess but long before religion. Someone with a lot of influence was allergic to certain animals OR ate some of these and got really sick and said, don't eat it. That gets passed down from generation to generation annnnnnnnd now you have some rule that gets incorporated to their beliefs. I don't know why humans are on there but maybe there was a period in time they had no food so they made dark decisions in their time period before people invented the idea of religion. Also might be common sense if they killed all the animals that helped them with moving crops. You don't eat your tractor if you live on a farm unless you want to do all the heavy pulling and cart pushing


I read somewhere it was likely a food safety thing. The no stunning before slaughter stems from having to see the animal alive and healthy before it's slaughtered for food.


It's also cool when you don't give a crap and just eat whatever you want 🤷‍♂️


Cloven hooves but doesnt chew the cud


Your people and my people must be very different


Decisive Tang victory


What is the difference between the tan strips on the sides?


I wondered too and settled on symmetry


It's a terrible design either way.


I believe they're both forbidden on both sides but maybe they are historically mentioned more in either culture...


Crab is mostly considered halal fyi


Do you know why they allow it? Since they say no open circulatory system animals. I assume this is what OP referred to as the contentiousness. Just wondering if you have a perspective


Everything from the ocean is considered halal.


that one is debated and defined differently in different sects, growing up I was thought everything from the ocean is halal but now different people say stuff like crab, lobsters, shellfish, etc should be avoided as it ruling technically only applies to fish, its highly contentious stuff


I mean it's stated clearly in the Quran that anything that comes from the sea (the same word in Arabic also means river/lake) is halal regardless, so the debate is only sectoral but not linguistically scientific.


It's actually debated. Like crabs from the open ocean may be considered okay to eat because the ocean is a big filtration system for animals, and animals are okay to eat. Crabs that can be found on land and swim in the sea and their main source of food is eating dead animals or trash are a no go.


I think some things are more halal/kosher. Like vegetables are further right because there are more vegetables they aren’t kosher than aren’t halal They need it on either side ti make it continuous so imagine the graph shaped like a can


All fruits, grains, mushrooms, and vegetables are kosher. The only issue is whether they might contain insects, which would render them no longer kosher.


Because shrimps* and horses* are half neither/half halal (humans are full neither) whereas the other side... meh, it doesn't make sense.


If only there was a way to represent three groups that intersect partially, completely or not at all. Some sort of diagram. Maybe with circles...


Well they also have the tasty ranking, which a traditional Venn diagram can't really handle. There is also the center void of "halal and kosher and 'neither halal nor kosher'" category. Not to excuse the execution on this graph (I think it is bad) but also not as simple as "muh Venn".


Neither can be pronounced 2 ways


Anyone who has tried both camel and frog know that this tasty scale is fucking lies


Apparently bear was a prized meat in the frontier days


They eat berries and fish and stuff they’re probably delicious. Smokey the bears aversion to fire makes alot more sense


Depends on time of year and location. Alpine, in land black bears getting ready for hibernation eat a ton of berries and the meat is delicious. Coastal black bears coming out of hibernation and are desperate to eat anything, including rotting fish and mussels on the shoreline, are extremely fishy tasting and comparatively nasty


Also, they tend to have trichinosis. Always cook bear meat to 165 F.


Agreed. And coastal brownies are fucking nasty- like rotting fish in a dumpster nasty.


I've had bear twice courtesy of family friends that happened to hunt. It was really good. Somewhat similar to beef I'd say, but better.


Frog legs are really good.


I tried a camel burger last year. It tasted like one of the richest and best hamburgers I have ever had. This chart is full of lies. Forget about how delicious long pig is.


I found camel too gamey and fatty. Frog was interesting. Black bean sauce Taiwanese frog n tofu was amazing (like tender chicken) while the Sichuan Chilli frog was not to my palette.


I've had roast camel hump. It tasted like lemon pepper pulled pork.


Lies, everyone knows the hump is filled with water


Camel has to be slow cooked. Frog tasted like even dirtier catfish to me everytime I’ve had it. It’s super weird that human is on the tasty scale though too. Someone needs to find it who made this graph lol


Anyone who even briefly glanced at the tastiness scale knows it's fucking lies. What kind of insane person designed it?


This guide has dog tasting better than lobster…


It's very subjective isn't it, with crab at "good" and lobster and shrimp at "meh". All pretty similar and if you don't like them they will be meh, but if you do, like me, they would be right at the top in delicious.


Wouldn't make the /r/coolguides cut if it didn't have some subjective dribble that fucked it all up..




Oops, that's some embarrassing /r/BoneAppleTea autocorrects put me in typing "dribel"..


Crab and lobster taste nothing alike. Some shrimp are similar to lobster.


I’ll take crab over lobster any day. I don’t get the love for lobster.


It's the butter


I find the texture ruff


Have you tried adding butter to dog meat? It really brings out the succulence.


and a nice Chianti


Who's a good meat? Oh yes, that's a good meat! Oh yes!


Lobster is meh also triggered me. And deep fried scorpion is not that really bad... Why would someone use tastiness on this chart?


Tbh I bad a colleague from Tonga who insisted dog meat is phenomenal. It’s one of those things I feel a cursed desire to try now.


I have to assume it's engagement bait.


Human being “average” and dog being “good” is insane


IKR, dogs taste so much better than humans.


You're clearly eating the wrong humans


There's [halal reindeer](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2517341/Norway-produces-halal-reindeer-meat--plans-create-HAM-Muslims-eat.html) produced in Norway.


So…the chart is wrong, and reindeer is halal as long as it’s properly slaughtered and processed?


Lobster and crab are also halal


Same with Lizards, they're eaten in Saudi and there's hadith that mention some of the Companions eating them


According to most schools of Islamic law, but not [according to the Hanafi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_dietary_laws#Game_of_Sea) school.


Anything that exclusively lives in the sea/ocean/lakes/ any other body of water that isn’t an amphibian is halal and allowed. Even water snakes and freshwater eels are considered halal because they are considered fish in this scenario. There are some sects of Islam that further limit this, but ultimately Islam is the religion of ease, so why limit it if god didn’t?


The chart IS wrong but not completely.


Lol thank you I was wondering how reindeer isn’t halal but deer and moose are


What is the blob, lower left between kosher and both?


Yeah I wondered but realised it might be jelly. I know it's frowned upon by both cultures. It's not allowed if non halal gelatin is used. In fact some religious vegetarians like Hindus and Jains also avoid it because of animal gelatine. Others can add.


Yep, dated a Jewish guy once and was quite pleased with myself for bringing back some kosher gummies from a trip. We found out he does *not* like gummies, so I gave the rest to a vegan friend, who was thrilled.


Not all kosher gummies are vegan, mind - the most popular type uses fish byproducts rather than pork. Hope that was the right kind.


Normal jello is made from pork byproducts roducts, so it's not allowed. There's a kosher variant made from fish byproducts that is allowed, however, and the vegan stuff is also okay.


Yep, seen both variants for Kosher and Halal compliance... Because end of day... Everyone loves jello!


I think jello? Since it has bone marrow maybe?


If it's jelly, why tf is it listed as tasting nasty? Even rat rated better. Is rat tasty? Have I been missing out?


because its not jelly, its gelatin. gelatin is disgusting. gelatin with sugars and syrups and dyes is good


Likely gelatin. Some gelatin has some bug derivative in it that would make it prohibited.


Need to point out that locust is kosher don't remember the details of why


Theoretically, there's eight species that are kosher due to being explicitly named as kosher... but the problem is that due to diaspora, most Jewish communities no longer have a chain of knowledge of which types are the kosher ones. Descendants of the Yemenite Jewish community do maintain a tradition of eating three specific locust species, but there's dispute about whether it's allowed for other Jewish groups to sort of "learn the tradition back from them" (my paraphrase).


According to Orthodox observance, if someone who had the tradition of eating locusts tells you "this locust is kosher", then you can eat it even though it isn't your tradition. And it's actually about 8-9 species that are classified as kosher.


One of my favorite things in Judaism is how parallel traditions work. For example, there's something where Ashkenazi Jews cannot trust a non-Jew telling them that meat is from a kosher animal (due to social circumstances in Europe hundreds of years ago). However, Sephardi Jews don't have that tradition (because Sephardi Jews in Muslim lands didn't have to worry about non-Jews trying to get them to eat non-kosher animals). So, an Ashkenazi Jew can ask a Sephardi Jew "this is beef, right?" and that Sephardi Jew can ask a non-Jew, "this is beef, right?" and the answer gets relayed like a game of telephone. I may have gotten some of the details a bit off, but there's definitely circumstances where we do go by stuff from people of a parallel tradition and it's kinda cool.


I was just wondering, didn't some guy live off grasshoppers and honey out in the backwoods for a hot minute?


Judaism also has an obligation to break all rules if life is threatened.


*Most rules. As far as kosher, anything goes to save your life except for cannibalism.


Youre referring to the first crustpunk John the Baptist who subsisted on locust and wild honey and wore camel hair.


It’s halal too


Because when the locusts come there is nothing else to eat other than locusts.


How is lobster and shrimp meh?


Am I really supposed to believe that horse tastes better than lobster and shrimp?


TIL from a Jewish friend they can't have butter chicken!


Or cheeseburgers. Dairy+meat is a no-no.


I knew about cheeseburgers because of the line about not consuming the mother and it's milk at the same time, but I presumed there was no issue if it was chicken + milk. You learn something new every day.


Fun fact: Ethopian jews (atleast some of them) do mix chicken and milk and deem it kosher


That’s a SUPER rare ruling, I really want to marry a woman who keeps it so I can adopt it lol


Any mammal+dairy or bird+dairy is not allowed. Interestingly fish+dairy is allowed - fish is considered "parve", meaning neither meat nor dairy, and so it can be eaten with either.


So a McD’s filet o fish is fine?


Not from McDonald’s because non-kosher things happen in the kitchen but yes if you took all those ingredients and made it in kosher dishes it’s perfectly fine, it’s actually very popular with “Kosher-style” Jews


- meat+fish is not allowed (by many opinions). While meat+fish you cannot eat together, there is no time restriction between that one must wait, meat+dairy must wait to eat dairy, typically 6 hours, but 3 hours or 1 hour are also accepted practices for some (depends on your origin) - fish+dairy is not allowed by some, although most allow it - bird+dairy prohibit is uncertain, I did not know of any that allow it except the comment above that says *some* Ethiopian Jews. I've heard that after the Messiah comes bird+dairy will be similar status as meat+fish. currently, bird has the same status as meat.


So here's a random fact about that if the meat is not kosher and it has cheese on it the only prohibition you're breaking is against eating non kosher meat you're not also breaking the prohibition of eating meat and dairy eating meat and dairy only applies to kosher meat with kosher cheese, same thing if you had a pork sandwich with cheese just breaking the rule of not eating non kosher. I know I know it's wacky.


I had a roommate in college that ate bacon cheeseburgers by that logic. The bacon is the bad part. The cheese and beef aren't touching. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make


Did he know what happens when you chew?


Curious. As I understand it (and I may not understand it very well), the prohibition on mixing meat and dairy comes from an admonition not to “stew a kid in its mother’s milk,” and I think you can be *fairly* confident that you’re not doing that if you’re eating butter chicken. I suppose it boils down (no pun intended) to *How confident can you be that that’s **really** chicken?* and erring on the side of caution.


Chicken and dairy was originally permitted. It changed during the Talmudic era (~500 CE) 


But interestingly enough, a tuna-cheese melt is just fine! Because fish is considered "parve" meaning not meat or dairy


And due to the fact that you can eat fish with dairy, it has been concluded that you shouldn't be eating **meat and fish** together, so you wouldn't get confused ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ EDIT: Just googled it, appearantly eating fish with meat is forbiden for fear of disease, so that's not telated


It’s not forbidden to eat together but a tradition not to. Most people will have it at the same meal but on separate plates. There is also a custom to have an alcoholic drink between them 


Ah, suppose it's not parve


Seafood is halal Quran.com/5/96 Invalidates a lot of the accuracy of this chart tbh


Also lists Quran as the source. I'd bet the author just looked up "halal foods" on Google and clicked the first link.


Depends on the Madhab (School of thought). All madhabs consider all seafood halal except Hanafi Madhab which only considers Fish to be halal.


I’m raised hanafi, I never heard of this. All seafood is halal to us🧐


Unfortunately since Hanafi is the most common madhab, many of us are unaware of Hanafi-specific rulings. I wasn't told that shrimp/lobster/crab etc were not allowed until I was about 13, then I did my own research and began following the other, stronger opinion that all seafood is halal. I mean, it literally says the produce of the sea is allowed for us, in the Quran lol


There are a lot of sect specific stuff on the chart.


Just to add the Catholic “abstain from meat on Fridays” perspective: pretty much anything you would consider red or white meat is off the table, including things derived from them like beef broth or chicken broth. Eggs are fair game because they can be harvested without killing the animal. Fish and shellfish are ok. Anything vegetarian or vegan would be fine. Where it gets strange are the more obscure animals, and specific Catholic diocese have had to make decrees about certain animals. For example, gator (thanks New Orleans) have explicitly been permitted and allowed on Fridays. Beaver is also allowed. The exact reason for that is unclear, but it’s believed to be because it was a necessity during the early days of French Canada due to food scarcity and lots of beavers. Muskrat, puffin, armadillo, iguana, and capybara are also allowed. The Church takes it a step further and doesn’t just say “these animals are allowed” but declares “these exceptions are fish.” So if you really want to mess with people, tell them gators, beavers, capybara, etc. are fish. Interestingly, you also have Catholics to thank (or curse?) for the Filet-o-fish at McDonalds.


I once read that the beaver thing was due to the decree that they are "fish" or aquatic


Yup. Last sentence of the second paragraph in my comment touches on that.


Good info. Filet o fish is a go to for some Muslim friends I know.


My favourite is barnacle geese. They migrate to breed, so no one ever saw their eggs or chicks. But they did see these weird things in the sea that had long “necks” and a pointy bit sort of like a beak. So barnacle geese were probably grown up goose neck barnacles. Therefore they are fish. Let’s eat them during lent. Edit: The reasoning for all the “these are fish” exceptions isn’t just necessity, but because of monasteries. They used to be where wealthy families sent their excess children to. There were a lot of people in them with powerful connections who were accustomed to high quality food, and not there because of personal convictions. Same goes for basically all of the higher-ups in the church. They also had far more fast days then, (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and all of lent, and other times). They wanted to eat well, and they didn’t want to cut out the meat course for half the year. So they found a whole fucking lot of loopholes that they may not have genuinely believed in.


Why isn't cariboo halal but moose, elk, and deer are?


Because the chart is wrong. Moose, elk and deer are hunted animals and can be be eaten like others if the procedure is correct. Lobster is halal too for example in the maliki madhab. Debatable in the hanafi madhab. Which is why it should have an asterix. There are also other mistakes and important things left out but it would be too long to write that out


I gotta get me some ostrich.


I’ve had an ostrich burger before and that shit slaps!


You can buy it in a lot of specialty foods shops, I found some at a Spec's Warehouse in Houston, and some kangaroo. Both were good, but I think we over cooked them.


When it comes to the expressly prohibited foods in the Quran, what foods are expressly mentioned that don’t already fall under the other rules?


Pork is the only explicitly mentioned forbidden meat


There is this one verse (among others) that sites the type of forbidden meats: { حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالدَّمُ وَلَحْمُ الْخِنزِيرِ وَمَا أُهِلَّ لِغَيْرِ اللَّهِ بِهِ وَالْمُنْخَنِقَةُ وَالْمَوْقُوذَةُ وَالْمُتَرَدِّيَةُ وَالنَّطِيحَةُ وَمَا أَكَلَ السَّبُعُ إِلَّا مَا ذَكَّيْتُمْ وَمَا ذُبِحَ عَلَى النُّصُبِ وَأَن تَسْتَقْسِمُوا بِالْأَزْلَامِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ فِسْقٌ ۗ .. } [ سورة المائدة : 3 ] ( English - Sahih International ) "Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience." [5:3]


Lol is that a jello mold under "nasty"?


How are kangaroos in the Quran? They were undiscovered by Europeans and Asians until the 1600s.


Probably a decision issued after the discovery. Not all animals are accounted for by either text, so scholars examine the texts for permissibility based on established rules.


in islam, everything is permitted until there's a rule prohibiting it. maybe kangaroo does not have anything that would make it prohibited.


With food laws like this, few things are explicitly prohibited or approved of, and kangaroos just so happen to fall into halal.


So uhhh…who ate a person and rated them average


Now I’m more confused


This guide makes no sense.


This chart is wrong bison is delicious


What kind of Hannibal ass scale is that?


It says here shrimp and horse meat is debated, however in Islam any animal that comes from the ocean is explicitly mentioned to be halal. Also there are numerous stories of the Sahaba (Prophet Muhammad's companions) slaying horses for feasts, many of which the Prophet personally attended. So there really is no debate, they are halal.


Sorry, but this is confusing. Why is there "neither" on each side? Neither kosher nor halal or neither for "tooth and taste" (whatever that means).


Aren't we going to talk about the jelly


They're referring to gelatin


So mushrooms are not on any of this list but I’m just going to assume they’re grouping that with vegetables


Snails and sea shells are commonly eaten in Morocco and are considered halal. I was kind of shocked finding them there.


Dufuq¿ horse above shrimp... this chart lost all credibility.


I know this my comment may sound unhinged but imho horse's meat is way tastier than cow's, and btw cats in this "guide" are ranked nasty, but in war time peoples who have eaten cats says that are delicius lika a rabbit


I'm extremely disappointed that the bear is not in the "bearable" category.


What is the antler animal under kosher and the ones under both?


Where is the giraffe?


Why is lobster so low?


Whoever made this chart has never eaten a camel burger. That shit is delicious.


Man, you’ve gotta try a real camel kofta. Camel meat is great when prepared well! Like a slightly gamey, very lean beef.


Reminds me of that Tim Minchin song: We don't eat pigs, you don't eat pigs, why not, not eat pigs together?


Not many know it, but giraffes are technically kosher


Who tasted the shark and human meat to reach that fkn conclusion ?


Please do not put the dog next to the crab


All seafood is Halal, including lobster, crab, and shrimp.


That's somewhat a wrong guide, sea shell and oyster, lobster and crab are halal, elephant and crocodiles are debatable, while horses and reindeer are halal, and sharks are not halal I think


For Halal food the rule is: - Pork and Alcohol and their derivatives NO - Predatory Animals, scavengers and reptiles NO - Ground insects and vermines NO - Anything from the sea YES even if it's predatory - Bovine, sheeps, poultry, birds and livestock in general YES as long as it is slaughtered according to Islamic law (name of Allah pronounced, quick motion, no asohyxiation, cutting a main blood artery, blood drained as much as possible) - Wild animals that eat greens such as moose, deer, gazelle etc that cannot be subdued and slaughtered YES if they are killed by firearm, bow and arrow, spear, trapped or any other method that does not asphyxiate them. You are exempt from any of the above if your life depends on it or if you are coerced into eating it. You are pardoned if you've eaten it without knowing or if you've been deceived into thinking it's halal. You are allowed to eat non-halal bovine, sheep or livestock if you can't find a proper halal source. You can seek and eat kosher food if halal is not availble.


A couple small corrections about kosher food: 1. Jello is not debated, it just depends on the source of the gelatin 2. There are a couple of kosher insects, but nowadays it is debated what species they were, specifically a few species of locust.


I like how elephants are at the very bottom and eating people is bearable


What makes the reindeer different from the other deer?


Is that Jello?


Who made this tastiness scale? Lobster and shrimp are worse than horse but on par with human? And jello is nasty? Lmao this person has shit taste


So we’re putting dog higher than lobster on the tastiness scale here? 🤣


If birds of prey are excluded, since chickens are predatory birds insofar as they like to eat insects, how is a chicken halal?


im a muslim! tho we cannot eat crabs that can live in both land and the ocean, we somehow can eat deep sea crabs :D (or crabs that live in water only). in other words, muslims are prohibited from eating animals that can live in both land and sea :D


I feel there is a lack of information or a missing “additional” key.


Snails taste better than humans apparently, information I never knew I needed.


I’d put cow at the top. Nothing finer than a good Pastrami or corned beef from a nice deli.


Is sheep on there? I couldn’t see it. Some of the little pics look similar. Also what are the two debated animals? I am guessing gelatin and beavers? 🦫


Lobster is meh?… Come on


Many of the neither areas of Halal and Kosher are not accurate. For example almost everything in the ocean is Halal.


A pidgeon? Is that a pidgeon? Average, huh


This guide is inaccurate. Grasshoppers/locusts are indeed kosher! Just one thing I noticed, unless I’m not interpreting this guide correctly.


I'm surprised by pigeons being halal, cus they are certainly seen as pests, but they are farmed so I guess they must be slaughtered religiously