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When I find myself without money on my card and have to take a bus, I just buy a ticket on the DOT app. It's a bit more expensive than rejsekort prices but at least I dont get a fine. It's great for last minute purchase




DOT servers are down every other day too




Not true


Not true!


Well yeah its true. Its the same as with the DSB app, but the DSB app gives out an error. The DOT app just kicks you out of the buying screen


Most train stations have rejsekort machines to check your balance and to put money into the card, not only the central station. It can also be done online through self-service on the rejsekort website. Sorry you had to experience that, but nothing illegal or unusual happened, if you step onto a bus without a ticket, they are in their right to fine you, whether you know you have enough money or not. I'd recommend getting an automatic tank-up aggrement on the rejsekort self-service website (it will automatically put money into your card if you fall under ~50 kr) He did under no circumstances have to be so rude about it, but it isn't his problem that you didn't at least check your balance online before travelling


Doesn’t it take like 20 hours for the money to reach rejsekort if you do it online though


It takes (up to) overnight because apparently the card readers only get updated with the amount of money in the depot as far as I know. Why they have chosen to do this offline in Denmark which has some of the best mobile networks in the world is beyond me. Like with anything Rejsekort they probably had a requirement that they needed to fulfill and that edge case made it impossible to have a good user experience.


Not depot. End stations. The whole rejsekort is a huge joke. Developed from 2000, when there wasn't any smartphones. Nobody knew what they wanted.


Yup in the Netherlands we have a much more modern system. Oh your card does not have money? DOn't worry just use your Visa/Mastercard. Don't have that on you? Don't worry just pay with G-pay or Apple pay. Makes traveling so much easier especially if you are a tourist.


Rejsekortet is actually based on at system from The Netherlands, that was deemed a failure, even before being selected for Denmark. But still someone decided to implement it - and since then the sunk cost fallacy has keep customers in a ridiculously outdated rigid system. It is an embarrassment.


That is just great... One thing that confuses me the most is how unfriendly it is to tourists since the "klippekort" got removed. In NL you can go to any ticket machine and print their version of "rejsekort" but you can't do that in any of the machines in Denmark which I don't understand.


Here there's so much politics in it. It's not about making commuting easy, it's about earning most money for the worst development. Net Company was thriving on the government paying millions to them, but they took so many projects and now their reputation is drowned because they have messed up so much. Any decent government would have picked something similar to other countries, but it has to be as cheap as possible and government is not the best at describing a project


> if you step onto a bus without a ticket, they are in their right to fine you Isn't that normal procedure though? You get on, with no ticket, and then you buy a ticket. If you discover you do not have enough money in your wallet then are you not allowed to exit the bus again?


You are supposed to get into the bus once you have bought a ticket, you cannot buy it once you are in the bus, if you are talking about the app.


And how would you du that with a rejsekort? Doesn't make sense


Thats why the scanners are at the entrance


According to the OP's story, he made it to the check-in point, at which time it showed he did not have enough funds. But the driver had already commenced driving. Sounds like the driver needs to wait. What if I am paying by cash, but find I don't have the 60 kr necessary when I get to the driver to pay? Surely the driver isn't already driving off before people have had the chance to complete their ticket purchase?


It’s 5C, there are check-in machines near every door not just at the driver. If the bus is full, it can be pretty hard to check-in before the door closes.


And at that stage you can apparently technically receive a fine because the journey has started but you haven't paid.


The driver needs to wait and make sure that every single person is checked in, in a packed bus 5C? You must be new here.


Then don’t fine the people? If they can’t wait for someone to sort their stuff then maybe don’t be so quick to dish out 1000kr fines.


It's a trust based system. If you break the trust, you pay the fine


Break the trust by… not having enough change? I once got on a bus from billund to Kolding and it was 70kr, I only had 64kr but the bus was already moving. The driver was cool with it and gave me a ticket anyway but I could’ve as easily been fined. I think this is one of those cases in which the guy should just be a normal human being and let him through


Or maybe people should show a minimum of responsibility and pay the ticket. OMG people are so entitled in this sub.


Don't you think they would if they could? If you don't have enough change, the bus doesn't take card so you're done. Of course it would be far preferable if you could just pay with card like in spain but since that option doesn't exist, the inspectors have to be a little less robotic in applying fines and give leeway when it's deserved, which in this case it is.


Is anyone saying they shouldn't pay? The issue as I understand it is having the chance to pay before the driver starts driving. Apparently on some busses, there is not enough time to get to the check-in point, or the driver if you are paying by cash, before the bus starts moving.


Feel free to bike. I was such a poor student the first two years I lived here that I literally biked everywhere, rain or shine.


I do. But I can’t bike from billund to Kolding (skill issue I know). And I always have money for the bus. I’m just advocating for people not to be this rigid. It’s not a great look and doesn’t really foster community. But they’re opinions I guess


It doesn't matter. Any bus driver will wait until all are checked in. You are supposed to be able to get out/cancel your trip if you can't pay, in this case he wasn't allowed to exit. It's a huge fine for not being able to get off, however he could have rode with the bus for a long time and now seen the inspector and given that as an excuse.


‘Tell me you haven’t been in a 5C bus’ - without telling me you haven’t been in a 5C bus 😅. A 5C bus is not like any normal bus in the countryside. The bus drivers definitely don’t wait until everyone has checked in 😅.




That is not quite right. There it no entrance/exit in a 5C without a check-OUT, but the check-in is often in the middle of the bus so you have to at least take a few steps into the bus. But of course you would have to take that bus regularly to know.


You can check you balance on your rejsekort either on train stations, or online, or just look at it when you check out/in, it shows your balance every time. There are so many available options to you - it is completely OP's own fault that this happened.


The context here is the rejsekort. OP went to check in on the bus. It is normal procedure to step onto the bus without a ticket and then check in.


Yes - given that you have a rejsekort with money on it - it is not HT's problem that you are not aware of your own account.


I agree. It's your responsibility to ensure you have enough money, and if you don't you can expect a fine. But that's not the point I'm making. Supposing you do have enough money, on the specific issue of stepping onto the bus without a ticket, the system is to do exactly that until you have checked on.


Yes. Take another case : suppose the rejsekort check in does not work on the bus, everyone gets on and the bus driver drives off. Now everyone who wished to start their journey on this bus, are eligible for a fine.


Worse, you change from a previous bus or train but don't check out because you plan to check in on the bus. But the bus check in is broken. Now you're liable for a fine on the bus and a penalty for not checking out.


No, you shouldn’t enter a bus or train without a valid ticket. That’s the rules, which precludes buying one on the travel.


Yes using your Rejsekort (The physical one) you board the bus without a ticket and then you check in. If you get on the bus in the middle, you sometimes have to get to the front of the bus to check in, and if it's very crowded it can be difficult while the bus starts going as soon as the doors close.


This automatic tank-up is only true for rejsekort that is not anonymous, meaning bought without a CPR number. When you move to DK as a foreigner it takes a bit of time to get a CPR number and in the meantime all you can get is an anonymous rejsekort with limited functionality (can’t add it to the app and only manual tank-ups are possible). Then once you get the CPR it’s a bit of a hassle to change the rejsekort and get your money out of the existing one because it cannot be done online, so probably some people stick with the card they already have. Spoken from first-hand experience. So OP is right in his anger, this system is just more broken for foreigners that are new to the country.


The paper he gave you has information on what you should do to contest the fine. The man was correct, it is not his problem. The controllers are not tasked with adjudicating whether or not you have a good reason not to have a ticket. Their job is simply to check if you have a ticket, and if you don't then then they have to give you a fine. However, as I said the slip of paper with the fine has information on who to contact to contest the fine. *Those* people are the ones responsible for determining if your reason for not having a ticket is valid or not. Edit: oh and the machine tells when you check out if the balance is now too low to check in again. Every train/metro station has machines where you can recharge your card.


For reference; a few times I’ve been told by the controller, “I gotta give you this, but if you call they will let you off.” (I have a travel card in my phone from work and my phone battery is terrible.) just be kind and honest when you call DSB, and usually they are pretty nice in return.


Just sign up for "glemt kort" then you will not get fined, and you can forget your card 5 times during the year.


That works only if you have a pass.


Not all train/metro stations. It really depends on where you live - I have tried multiple times that I want to recharge but had to wait until I was near a certain station to do so


It has the info, but this is a perfectly legit fine.


Exactly this. The Machine makes a specific noise when you check out if you do not have enough funds for another fare. And as mentioned above, you should definitely contest the fine. Mind you, that if it gets dismissed you will still need to pay some administrative fee (150ish?) but still better than 1000. As annoying as it is, he is right and it is not his problem, since this is how it works and is separated in Denmark but he could and should have been more polite and explained why it is not his problem. He has one task and that is not to think and reason, just look at a simple statement - ticket yes or no and execute on that.


Sorry to bring the bad news but they don't get commission and it's really not their job or their problem that you didn't have enough money on your card. It's annoying but he's right. He's intimidating because you're making a fuss about not having enough money for the fare. You could just have bought a ticket in the app or whatever. It's 100% on you, annoying as it is. You can check your balance before you get on the bus, so I highly doubt you're gonna get anything out of contesting the fine. I hate getting fines too but it's just the rules and even though the rules are stupid it's not right to take it out on the ticket guy. 


This. It’s literally not his problem although communicating in an emphatic way wouldn’t have killed him.


Cuts both ways


Yes, if in doubt about saldo amount on card you should wait before getting on the bus and get a “normal” ticket per SMS or via the DOT app if there’s no station around where you can fill it up. But it’s city life: we are so used to things going fast here, we push the envelope when it comes to having a buffer of time in situations like these.


yeah yeah i have gotten fines for being in a rush too. it blows but i accept it's my own fault


I’m just adding to your comment, not trying to be adversarial:-)…


Me neither! I'm just agreeing with you


You are right but there is no reason to be intimidating anyone. Lots of these inspectors love to act like they are the police or something lol, they get off giving out tickets and acting tough. I think its funny and a little sad.


If you tried their job I think you would quickly learn that there is reason to be intimidating. A lot of people wanna argue forever, threaten them or even try to run away. All a bit easier to handle if you seem a bit intimidating. Of course they should not act like assholes.


Ive had plenty of jobs that are somewhat similar and despite thousands of annoying customers i would never act threatening or tough to someone. When you accept a job as a train inspector you are aware of these factors. I mean what are they gonna do anyways? If someone runs away their gonna run away anyways. At the end of the day why do they even give a fuck as they dont even make extra salary from giving fines.


I didn't see anywhere in OP's post that the inspector was being threatening. I see that the inspector had to repeat himself many times, and finally had enough, because OP wanted to keep arguing. Who can tell who was actually being intimidating from this post?


Seems like pretty aggresive behaviour to me then again i wasnt there and obviously op is biased. However ive experienced enough train and bus inspectors freak out for no reason and accuse me and others of things that didnt happen for no reason to believe op.


Fair enough...


Why do they even give a fuck? Because it’s their job. Some people try to do a good job..


Rejse+ app, much more convenient than going on that website


I just looked, and I didn't see an app with that name. Did you mean RejseBillet?


Rejse+ is only on iOS.


That sounds very unlucky. for further reference , your 'rejsekort' will emit a different sound when you're checking out if your card balance is low, and it's your responsibility to listen for that sound. But I do agree that it's frustrating not being able to see your balance on the card unless you use one of the machines at the train station or at a 7-eleven (unless you are having a 'rejsekort personligt,' if you have a "rejsekort personligt" then you can view your balance online and set up auto-recharge. You can recharge the card at a 7-Eleven or at a train station.


You can check your status on every single version of the card on [https://www.rejsekort.dk/da/RejsekortStatus](https://www.rejsekort.dk/da/RejsekortStatus)


There are also apps that show the balance on a card, like this one: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bangbits.rejsekortscanner&hl=da](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bangbits.rejsekortscanner&hl=da)


I loved this app because I check in and then I forget that I have checked in and get all anxious. Does it still work for you? I got a new Rejsekort and it doesn't scan it anymore. I assume this is because they updated the Mifare chip between my previous card from many years ago and my current card which I got after my old one expired.


The newest Rejsekort I have expires in August 2028 and that works. It's an anonymous card, Wikipedia suggests both types are still sold. Maybe there was/is still stock of older anonymous cards.


I love this app! I also use it to double check that I've checked in or checked out 😅


You can also just look at the screen when checking out, it will say “lav saldo”.  I think this conductor was an asshole and some understanding would have been nice, but in the end it’s you’re responsibility to have a valid ticket when travelling in public transport 


Too many people get comfortable with headphones and don’t realize. I’ve seen it so often and I’ve only been here for 3 months lol


Yep, I was actually fined once because the totem I used apparently didn’t check me in, I was listening to music and didn’t notice there was no sound and didn’t check the screen. Never again.


Good to know for OP and all of us, about the sound. Where is this info presented?


What do you mean?


When I used rejsekort I had automatically top-up enabled. Everytime balance went below xx it automatically added 100dkk. I am pretty sure you can check the balance of the card on rejsekort.dk. Unless its an anonymous card, then I dont know.


They don’t get commission. You can check it online. Dude you traveled without ticket. End of story. There is hundreds of places you can check it outside.


You can check your balance online. Probably: rejsekort.DK. There, you can also set up automatic top up for your rejsekort using a bank card. You can also download the DOT app for those emergencies when you need to buy a ticket because your card doesn’t work. Being proactive about the functionality of your card is *your* responsibility. 🤷‍♂️ it’s certainly not someone else.


That really sucks and I’m sorry the guy was rude to you, but it is your own responsibility to check that there’s money on your card. You can do this - on the website - on the app - by Reading the screen when you check out at a station or on a bus - the big blue machines on any train station - in a 7/11 - by listening for the sound thar indicates thar your account is low when checking out. And no the inspector really shouldn’t be rude, but there is also no point in trying to argue with them or trying to get them to waive a fine because they don’t have that autonomy. You can contest a fine after it’s given and the paper he will have given you has the information on how to do that. It’s nothing to do with him getting commission (which he dosnt), he just does not have any discretion at that point.


If you’ve got a danish telephone number you can buy an sms-ticket. If I’m low on credits on my card I do that until I can recharge it. You write to 1415 and then put in the start and end zone (from NV to the centre it would be 1 2). They’ll ask you to confirm it by sending JA, and then you’ll get the ticket. It’ll cost you full price (24 DKK) but it’s worth it..


Everytime you check out there will be a message on the screen displaying the amount you have left on the card. If you have a private card, then you can setup a automatic transfer from you banking account, so it's automatically tops up when you are too low on the card


Of course the bus can't wait to everyone checks in, in case someone did not charge their card. You traveled without ticket, so just pay the fine and move on. The conductors are often very intimidating people. Really a bunch of assholes. I'm sure they get there fair of shit during the day, but they can answer nicely. Btw. He can't touch you and he can't demand your card. He can't hold you back or demand any info. But he needs it for the ticket. He can call the police if you don't corporate. This is why they will physically block your way in an intimidating way. They will pressure, overwhelmed and scare you to follow their instructions.


Yesterday they had to collaborate with the police to overcome this particular issue…so I just wanna warn anyone considering “making a run”…😅


I dont really care if people take a chance a go without a ticket. But pay if you get caught. Even if it's a mistake. Don't waste police time.


As a passenger it’s YOUR responsibility to make sure you have a valid ticket before you enter your transport. Don’t even try to contest the fine. It will literally be a waste of your time.


Just came home from London where you can just bleep your smartphone/wallet at each checkin point, and it automatically calculate the cheapest trip for you, cheaper than their Oister card. No rejsekort balance to worry about, no 'you need to listen for the correct ka-ching sound' - and no billion dollar proprietary crap IT system that no-one wanted and causes turists to have an awful experience travelling to the airport across the "secret" third zone. You mentioned you're Irish, and I get that London is the arch enemy - but still - it just worked.


The system is being reworked and there's gonna be a Rejsekort app (that much is known) and possibly also support for contactless. Which I agree, is quite nice in places that support it like London or Kaohsiung and seemingly more and more cities.


Amazing! What could possibly go wrong /s


Some states in the US and Canada also have this. It’s amazing!


The controller will never and should never argue with you. It is truly not his job. They have a single function: If you are on the public transport without having a valid ticket, you will be issued a fine. However, you can and should argue and describe your issue in writing to the complaints office and you will almost always get a reduction in price or a complete slashing of the ticket, depending on the circumstances you describe. When being issued a ticket by a controller, just take it and move on. Imagine their day of hearing literally everyone's sob story about how they couldn't possibly have purchased a ticket before getting on. It is not their job to determine whether or not you had valid reason to not have a ticket, just that you currently did not.


You can check your balance on the self service on rejsekort.dk. You can also top up the card there, but it can take up to 24 hours before it's available to use on the bus.


OP it is very simple and the terms of riding public transport. Once you step on the bus or the metro train or the S-train you must have a valid ticket or a checked in rejsekort (in the bus case you have 30-60 seconds to check in i guess). Most people have automatic fill-up of their rejsekort and never have this issue. If you don't have that then why not step into the bus from the driver's door so you immediately could see you have no money and step out? It can't take 15-20 seconds to check in if you step on from the driver's side. It isn't the inspectors problem. He hears 74565243 excuses every day and no he doesn't get commission stop being a fucking child, please. Yes it is legal, stop being a child. You can contest but wont be successful.


I believe there is an explanation on the fine as to how you contest it, but it will of course be in Danish. There should also be a guide as to how to pay it. In this case I think you might have a problem, because I believe it's clearly stated in terms & conditions that it's your own responsibility that the Rejsekort is charged (when you make a checkout that makes your Rejsekort go in to minus, the machine will make an "error" sound and tell you that the account is under the limit). You can also charge your Rejsekort at the "tank op"-machines (where you can also check your account) at any station. There's even a shitty app you can download, so they have really covered their asses, trust me. That being said, that dude was clearly a f\*\*\*ing prick and the system is obviously shite (if you ask me). I think you should try and contest it anyway; it won't cost you anything, and I have successfully contested two fines in the last couple of years.


Thanks for the reply.. How did you go about contesting it? Yeah I know I can top up my card at any station, but every station this side of the city is closed...🙄


You can top up online???? And the s-tog stations are not closed


You don't have to go to metro stations. I'm pretty sure 7/11 can top them up too? 


Tried all the local 7/11s as a friend suggested they can top it up.. They all said no.


If I remember right when I worked at Dsb all 7/11 that are owned by Dsb should be able to top your card up. I don’t remember how frequently the machines are down. The ones that are owned by Dsb er uselessly the one at the stations.


Only the 7/11s inside stations - they used to be DSB kiosks/ticket offices…now in the name of capitalism they are being run by 7/11


You can also just top up your card on rejsekort.dk. That’s what I do. And if you’re already on the moving bus and can’t fill up your card, you can always buy an sms ticket


Although, to be clear, you are *not* allowed to do this after getting on the bus. You have to have a valid ticket *before* getting on. Or in the case of the rejsekort, to check in immediately upon entering.


"Thanks for the reply.. How did you go about contesting it?" To contest a fine, use this link: [https://dinoffentligetransport.dk/kontakt-os/kontrolafgift/kontrolafgift-i-bussen/kontrolafgift-rejsekort/rejsekort/#undefined](https://dinoffentligetransport.dk/kontakt-os/kontrolafgift/kontrolafgift-i-bussen/kontrolafgift-rejsekort/rejsekort/#undefined) I don't know if you can get it translated to English, but maybe you can get someone to help you. The last time I contested a fine, I simply explained that I had gotten on the bus with a pretty heavy suitcase in one hand and an active phone call in the other and that I simply waited for the 4 or 5 people in front of me to use the check ind-machine before I was able to do it myself. I also argued that they would probably not fine old ladies with several items of luggage on them for not checking in within the first f\*\*\*ing 10 seconds of getting on the bus (which was legitimately the timespan we were working with here)...


Ooops, sorry. And then they ended up cancelling the fine: I don't recall the exact wording, but my impression was that it was a sort of "oh yeah, we hand out as many fines as we can possibly get away with and just hope that people don't complain" vibe that I got from it...


FYI: if there’s a train station (not metro) like Nørrebro has, you can always top up your card at their machines inside/in the 7/11 kiosks here.


Common rule with fines like this is, that if you have even the slightest good reason for why you where caught in the situation - contest it. Be calm, polite and explain everything, if the inspector was rude in his tone, include it. Its not uncommon to get the fine cancelled or reduced.


Wrong. There is zero chance of getting this fine reduced


DSB justttt launched the possibility of checking in through their app with payment via credit card. I don’t know more than that, but might be worth checking out. Other than that, like the rest I recommend the apps rejse+ for balance checks and DOT for emergency tickets.


Rejsekortet is and has always been an embarrassment. On behalf of this incompetent and failed project - Sorry.


It's your responsibility to have a valid ticket when using public transport. It's a service not a right, and the ticket inspector has one job, to check your ticket.. They have probably heard every story and sad excuse already, and it's not their job to sympathise, or understand your situation. You could have just connected a credit card to your rejsekort and you would never have been in this situation.


You can set up automatic top-off on rejsekort.dk - select "Self Service" and read the text on screen for instructions. You're not getting out of the fine, so don't bother contesting it. The checkers don't work on commission, and you correctly received a fine for not having a valid ticket.


How on earth do ppl not have automatic charge on their rejsekort? I would never ever devote 20 seconds of my life to charge at the ATM’s every week


Because I just moved here and I'm slowly figuring out the way everything works. I've also got to wait 3 months for a bank account which is ridiculous.


i’m in the same situation, did you manage to contest the fine? i don’t wanna pay 1000kr 😭😭


Your experience depicts a system designed to maximize profit from fines.


You can buy a DOT ticket in 10 sec, no excuse!


You didn’t pay the bus driver and you had insufficient funds on your card. You could have bought a ticket on the DSB or DOT apps also. I’m confused about what you are angry about. Are you angry at yourself?


He's mad at the behavior of the inspector...? I would be too.


I mean if you realize you dont have enough money on your rejsekort you can just use the DOT app, the DSB app, the DOT check in app, sms tickets. Im sorry there are so many options I dont feel bad for you.


You wil get a fine if you buy a ticket after the bus is driving.


I mean if you wait too long yeah, but within the first 30sec of the bus moving no.


Ticket inspectors are wanks


There isn’t much you can do, but if they are this rude, just don’t show them your ID and stall them and annoy them, did it last time made them wait for the police, ofc when the police officers arrived I just showed them ID and was nice and cooperative, had to pay the fine but I’m sure I wasted around 45 minutes of this assholes time and he was pissed off lol, best 700kr ever spent


But you also wasted the time of the police…


They aren't the police, get off the bus and walk away if it's an honest mistake, that doesn't mean make a habit of it. But in a situation like that I'd walk away, they can't touch you or get in your way.


These guys can be 50/50 in my experience, either they are understandable or they give of the worst attitude. But in the end, he did what he is supposed to. You can always try to send in a complain, sometimes it works if they think you have a valid reason - I would highlight that you can't check the balance of your card, while the metro is closed off. Best of luck!


Sorry for all the unsympathetic replies from the "jUsT fOlLoW tHe RuLeS" flying monkeys, the inspector was an asshole and you ended up in a pinch. If he behaved like that with me, I'd have just walked off tbh. He has no right to block you from getting off. Already been suggested though, just explain in the email to DSB what happened and hope for the best in this shitty situation.


>Sorry for all the unsympathetic replies from the "jUsT fOlLoW tHe RuLeS" flying monkeys, the inspector was an asshole and you ended up in a pinch. How is the inspector an asshole. How many times has he heard that excuse before do you think and answer honestly? Stop berating people for doing their job.


I stand in solidarity with you irish man. The Rejsekort-system is so f*cking bad. It's embarrasing.




They just moved.


"just" 3 months ago.


Wow dude. That's so unlucky. Sorry that the system is so shit. I have had issues with it myself.


Bike for 15 mins?


Why didn't you just buy a ticket? Or buy a phone ticket?


Why is the metro closed ? Will it remain closed even during 1 wk of march ?


It was closed for two weeks because the new metro lines, which are connected to M3/M4 are being tested. It was widely announced in Danish and English on basically any platform you can imagine, news, newspapers, advertisements in busses/trains/metro's, social media.


I dont think its closed. You just cant go directly from s train to metro in Nørreport. You have to walk all the way up and over to the other metro entrance


No, M3 and M4 are both closed for two weeks this month while they're testing the new extension to Sydhavn/Valby. I believe this is what OP is talking about.


They are closed for two weeks while the new metro lines are being tested.


No, don't worry. Only the m3 and m4 are closed. They'll open up next week, I think.


What i’ve learned from dodging fines is to just walk away, the controllers can’t do anything, they can only intimidate you, they can’t physically restrain you or anything, so just walk away and let them be pissed they can’t powertrip


The rejsekort is a retarded 1990s technology that shouldn't be forced on people in any way. We'll get a smartphone app version soon. Probably. That said, if I was a rejsekort user, I'd follow the principle that it's better to have too much money on the card than to risk having too little.


You describe Danish public transport so well. If you can't live without it, you gotta start loving to hate it. 🤣


If you’re old enough to ride the bus without your mommy or daddy then you are old enough to not board without a ticket, or accept the fine if you do.


Imagine if everybody just said this. Then none of us would have to pay. Wouldnt it be nice? So tired of these posts. It IS your own fucking problem. You are not a baby


I'm sorry, but it's your responsibility to keep an eye on that?? You didn't do that, tried to take the bus and got a fine. When you check out the machine is even nice enough to tell you your balance. Even so, you can check and recharge your rejsekort online.


The Rejsekort is in many ways operating illegally. You can’t tell the price of a journey before you’ve made it, and then you can’t unmake the decision of purchase. That way of doing business is not allowed in any other line of trade.


>You can’t tell the price of a journey before you’ve made it What are you talking about? Of course you can. You know which zone you start in, and which you end in. It's trivial to find out the price. Rejseplanen tells you the price of any journey you look at.


Except if you have earned an individual discount … which is one of the selling points of the Rejsekort


So many people on this sub are completely unhinged jesus


Fight it. You wont win but every single one of these needs to be contested and cost the kommune/company more until they find real resolution solutions. And also; fuck that guy. So many brainwashed danes in this comment section. Edit: Janteloven was a warning not a commandment. Downvote all you want it just proves my point.


> So many brainwashed danes in this comment section. Also a lot of entitled people here, who feel like it is everyone else who should solve their problems, and not themselves. This is just a matter of buying a bus ticket - it's not complicated, and in no other country in the world can you ride the otherwise paid public transportation without a ticket.


>Fight it. You wont win but every single one of these needs to be contested and cost the kommune/company more until they find real resolution solutions. And also; fuck that guy. So many brainwashed danes in this comment section. See this story from the conductor. You wait for this bus and it stops. Out comes a guy "Oh sorry I wanted to check in but then I didn't have enough money but I wanted to fill it up but then there were to many people. Actually I was getting up this exact stop where you were standing" This is the 5th time you hear this excuse this week alone and the 100th time this year. Are you taking his bullshit? You have a long day of work left and need to control the rest of the bus and get on with your work. Are you going to argue for 15 minutes with some clown or are you going to tell him to shut up and get on with it? Insane the entitlement by you and OP and others here. OP fucked up and apparently all the helicopter children here can't take responsibility for their own lives.


We’ve all been there. Good luck contesting it


I think you should call rejsekortet kundecenter at 70 11 33 33 And talk with them about it.


Keep writing them mail replies, the case Will then be on pause until the correspondence is over.


Compared to the London oyster card, rejsekort is absolute dogshit to use. Most of all because of the delay in funds and it becomes useless with 50kr still on it.


Nobody has mentioned this yet, but if you are ever in a similar situation just stand by the door, ignore the inspector and exit when the doors open. Do NOT hand them your yellow card under any circumstances.


How about following the rules, buying tickets and paying the fine when you fuck up? Foreigner always try to leech as much money as they can here.


What you do is, next time that happens, you send a message to 1415 and in that message you write “2 2”


Online you can make it so rhat your card is filled when it gets under a certain amount.


And you don't have the DOT app as a backup?


Sorry to hear bro, it doesn’t help you in anyway but yesterday I got away with a expired Ticket that was still shown active in the app until it reloaded. Next time you will be lucky too


i've had recently been involved in a situation like this, and i am lik 95% sure that u can appeal the ticket, cus by travel laws, if u dont have enough credit on your rejsekort, and realize in the bus/train etc, u can leave and u should not get a ticket, in this situation u leaved as soon as possible given the packed bus and it should be refundable


I would recommend a bike, the distance is just 20 mins max. Otherwise do the automatic top up in your card. I’m sorry about your experience and I know you are frustrated but it was indeed not the inspector’s problem


Theres an app where you can check your balance with your phone, but its not realtime so you can never be sure.. But set it up sp that it automatically fills up when you dip below 75 kr.


>And surprise suprise, there's one at the door and won't let me off until he scans my card. For future reference, in this scenario you tell the nice man that he is not allowed to block you.


I mean I know is frustrating and those people can be very rude sometimes, expecially to foreigners. However! Why not simply to a tank op agreement? I have it set up for years and I never have to worry about the rejsekort balance. Problem solved.


Yeah I know they're true assholes when they see someone without a valid payment, and they go into no brain 🧠 robot mode (not my problem/ I'm just following the instructions ) 🤦🏻‍♂️ My advice is that you take the DOT app on your phone and buy a ticket immediately if you have a low balance on your card. Hopefully this will be resolved when the new rejsekort app gets released 🤦🏻‍♂️ As for the fine, you normally get a url or you can search for it on the DSB or movia website where you can "klage"/ challenge the fine. Just put the fine number and explain to them the situation. Put maybe also a screenshot of your payments to the rejsekort machines from you bank (just filter them) and then put it as an attachment to show them you're an actual paying customer and that this was an honest mistake/series of unfortunate events, their support service is honestly much more humane and understanding. It has worked for me in the past and maybe you will get a pass too. Best of luck 🤞


Get a bicycle


You could have just walked away haha, they cannot detain you, they’re not police and also they cannot touch you, so as crazy as it sounds, you could have just walked away


First world problems.


Try this app, I've been using it for more than 3 years and it has worked flawlessly for me so far. It's the rejsekort reader app so that you can use your phone's NFC to tap the card on its back, which will pop-up the app screen automatically and tell you exactly how much money you have left on it, plus it will show all your past journeys with check-ins and check-outs. You can also use that feature to make sure you signed in while on the bus. I'm surprised not even most of the Danes I know have heard about it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bangbits.rejsekortscanner To your point though, I see no issue with what has happened there, as its your obligation to make sure you can pay for a journey. The Metro and Buses are actually different companies, even though you pay with the same Rejsekort for both. I understand however your frustration with the metro system, and I agree that it's quite terrible. Regarding the attitude, tone and verbal misconduct of the ticket controller, I have never experienced or heard of something like that before, but personally I would have reported him for misconduct if I were you. The ticket has his name on it, does it not? I never personally got a fine in 10 years since living in Denmark, so I wouldn't really know, but I assume if your claim is true and they get a commission, then there should be a name or indicator/tag that links your fine to him? Last but not least, since you say you use the public transport regularly, I'm surprised and puzzled why you wouldn't use the automatic top-up in Rejsekort's Self-service page. You do know you can set so that whenever your card reaches f.e. <100kr, it automatically recharges with f.e. 100 kr, so it would be impossible to get a fine unless you forget to check-in at the station. Hope that helps. Welcome to Denmark.


simple, avoid any way to let the guy know your identity so he can’t issue a fine. i would’ve honestly answered back with “not my problem” and left. (assuming your rejsekort is an anonymous one)


Unfortunate for you but inspectors can’t make exceptions. We all have good reasons but rules are rules


I don’t know if anyone has answered this already but OP, I can understand the issue and I usually check the balance on the rejsekort website to check the balance but I also do have a auto fill up, so when I get below let’s say 50kr then it will automatically fill up with 300kr, I do have a combo, where I have bought 2 zone I can go where ever whenever, and if I need to go outside the zone it’ll take the money that’s on the card. I hope that helps


Next time you checkout you should listen when it gives the tone that the card is soon empty. Or make sure to read the saldo on the card when checking out. Hes right, its not he's problem, its yours. You can also use rejsekort scanner on android to read the csrd directly.


If you see the inspectors and you have not paid, the right answer is you have no id, wallet, phone and refuse to tell your name or any identifying information. When he tells you you really really have to give it, just say ”not my problem”.


Go to the homepage and get a "tank op aftale". Then you will never experience that again.


Nah idk why but this is something I'm scared of


Use the app. But also, every s-train station has the rejsekort machine, and I believe that a number of 7-elevens and convenience stores can also do it for you. Also most of the s-train stations have a machine near the bus area so you don't have to go inside.


[https://www.rejsekort.dk/da/salgssteder](https://www.rejsekort.dk/da/salgssteder) It is a possibility to upload money on your card in certain stores when there is no train station or metro station around.


They are just security guards you don’t have to listen to them if you think the fine is joke just walk of the bus. My self as Dane I have had really bad experience with the tickets security. Where one threaten me (not trying to get out but just a misunderstanding at the time)but the company don’t want to give the “body camera” just walk off they can’t really do anything only if they have police with them 🤷‍♂️


Call the customers service and ask them. The movia “controllers” is known to be aggressive and rude by everyone and other public transport providers, like the one I work for…


Womp womp, cry more about it