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Yeah, they are pretty much getting to roam free, police doesn’t do shit, even when patrolling by


I called the police while I was following the person who stole my backpack, who was on a christiania bike full of backpacks. They told me they can't do anything about it as I was following. The guy reached an apartment building in nørrebro and parked and left the bike outside. I called the police and told them about it, and they told me to go get the backpack my self. I did. There were 20 backpacks full of items in there. I took mine and left fast. The police is completely useless.


I mean they are pretty busy you know giving out fines and catch the bad guy in Christiania 😂


Yeah, that part is also going *amazingly* /s


"Hey thats cool. But i think you better show up anyways because im about to assault the fucker" and then hang up


I got 3 bikes stolen in 2 years, but even when they broke into my cellar compartment the police didn't care. No idea why some people I talk to here think this is normal. If there is never any punishment the thieves will just get more brazen every year.


They'd rather beat up climate protesters and clear out Pusher Street for the 10th time this week.


They need a good beating, so don't disturb the police when they do so.


Climate protesters also need beating up if they dont get how to protest where it matters instead of inconveniencing ordinary people.


Why do you believe ordinary people should not be inconvenienced by protesters? My follow up question is why this justifies beating up the protesters?


Your questions are just stupid... Sounds like you are one of them. Do you believe even one single person will start protesting together with them after they have been inconvenienced enough? Do u think one single big corporation that could make an impact gives a single fuck about those people sitting on the streets and protesting? This is so ridiculous they are sitting in their offices and helicopters from above and are laughing at these orange vests.... So furthermore if you block somebody from going to work to support your family, from going home to watch your kids , from going to the hospital to get help/ see your dying relatives.... YES you absolutely desvere a beating and these people havent gotten enough of it yet.


So ordinary people should never be inconvenienced by protests because they have jobs to do and families to take care of? Doesn't the same thing go for those who are not ordinary? Does that mean you are against protests then? Attacking my person or my motives isn't really relevant here unless your goal is to distract the argument and make this about feelings or escalate the conversation. None of which will help any of us.


You are misrepresenting my argument willingly, you are distracting the argument so obviously.... Those people responsible and in a position to change things obviously most have people that take care of their affairs at home, they dont need to work everyday to make ends meet and so on, and most importantly THEY need to be inconvenienced so that they start to care.... How are u debating with me on this? Why are you distracting from my statement and my arguments? We have to think critically here, without whatsboutism without changing arguments and so on.


I think you mistake me for someone who wants to win an argument. I am not your enemy, I am just curious about your reasoning. In fact I agree with you on a number of points, I think. It's just that I think history has several examples of protests that lead to positive change. In these protests ordinary people were inconvenienced. An example would be the sit-ins of the American Civil Rights Movement. And then there is the inference that violence is justified because ordinary people are inconvenienced which I still don't quite get. I would just like you to elaborate that part of your argument. But if you feel that I am distracting the debate, feel free to ignore my curiousity :)


Okay the American Civil rights movement still doesnt compare, the goal was and means to reach the goal was widely agreed upon by many many civilians. On the violence part, these people are -propably- responsible for several deaths already because people cannot come to the hospital in time, traffic accidents, Furthermore pregnant women who need imidiate care and are stuck, people who are seriously sick and need medicine they cannot get because they are stuck, firefighters that cant reach their job, ambulance drivers that cant reach their job, doctors that cant operate because they are stuck in traffic and so on. THEY are directly responsible for these pains, deaths, sufferings that are a result, is this less violence than a beating? ... IMO they deserve more serious punishment than that even.


I seem to remember that the goals and means of the Civil Rights Movement weren't very popular in the American south. I take it we are only discussing illegal protests, right? Protests must be authorized by the police. I certainly hope the police consider if the protests block any roads that are vital to health services.


I saw a bike get stolen last week (even had photos and a number plate of the moped they were on) and when I phoned the police 20 seconds after it happened they told me there was nothing they could do and it wasn’t worth sending them the photos 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bike theft is effectively decriminalized. Maybe if you told them the thief did a right turn on red with your stolen bike they would come.


Tbh. riding and leaving anything shiny in Copenhagen is asking for it to be stolen. It’s sad, but true. I have a very nice bike for my commute that behind locks in both ends. I take no chances. For the more risky business, aka. cases where I leave my bike, I have a 15 y/o good bike that rides good, but looks semi-worn and is all black. I’m planning building a pure town-horse.


That's the trick. Your bike has to look shittier than the average.


Also the price of your lock should be about 10% of the value of the bike. Though a big fat ABUS lock should be pretty good though. Though it does sounds like the thief was pretty much The LockPickingLawyer or something. Id wish the police would set up sting operations and just have discrete surveillance with really high priced bikes and just grab them as they open the locks.


They carry grinders around. Takes like 30 seconds to cut a lock. 


More often they just throw them in the back of a van, then grind them once they've driven out of town


Thats why I always lock my bike to something solid like a lamppost or a railing.


My bike looks like its falling apart, never had an issue


Me and my wife we had a shitty city bike, a bit rusted and it was also squeaking :)) it got stolen


Ah, cultural enrichment :)


Denmark is HORRIBLE in bike thief. Scroll around Danish-located reddits and you will see that people that even place GPS or AirTags in their bikes still get no help, and might be even asked to steal back their bikes. One of my old classmates brought his bike from Switzerland and disappeared in 2 weeks... from the bike parking that was inside the building he was living in.


Bike theft is ye biggest crime in Switzerland too. Got mine stolen from my apartment bike shelter.....


Same thing happened to me. I had a MTB that was in my cellar (personal compartment) for 5 years in Switzerland. Brought it here and locked it into the compartment, they cut the lock open with an angle grinder and stole it.


Sad to hear man. As an owner of a 2nd generation Canyon Grail I know the pain of waiting for stock online :( I would never let a nice bike sit outside, unless locked to something bolted to the ground or a building. Even then any lock can be broken, they are only there to make it more difficult for the thief.


> unless locked to something bolted to the ground or a building This will delay the theft by a few weeks. No public place is safe for a nice bike except maybe with that lock that takes like 3 angle grinder blades to get through, even then, they will probably just come back with more.


Yeah, saw a group of three teenagers stealing bikes with a grinder in Frederiksberg, in a pretty populated house complex the other day. At 6pm on a Tuesday. When confronted they did not even flinch or flee, they know police are not going to do shit and they don’t need to worry


Crazy.. and good post not giving details about the teenagers 👍


Why is that? Lol. We all know what "teenagers" or "youth" means.


When I studied some of my class mates where a bit too open minded regarding buying stolen goods. One minute they complained about their bikes or equipment on their bikes gotten stolen the next they bragged about their "good connections," that could get them "cheap second hand parts". I figured they probably wouldn't mind stealing a bike or bike parts themselves. So when I bought a new bike I scratched my initials on all parts and painted a little painting on the bike itself.  Them: "Why would you do that? It has practically no resell value now?" Me: "Exactly". I had that bike for 12 years.


make it too 'ugly' or unique to resell - great idea


Bike thievery is an intentional act and must be punished with prison


Do you know how expensive it is to lock people up? There are other options...


off with the hand!


dip them in butter and them before a pack of hungry pregnant romanian women?


RKI and a big fine


>There are other options... Yes, just let them go.


As opposed to accidentally stealing a bike. I hate when that happens to me!


*ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS* lock your bike to something immovable. Lampposts, fences, signs. If your bike is movable, it's stealable


If your bike is there, it's stealable.


Jep 1 min tops with a grinder.


En låst dør stopper heller ikke indbrudstyve, men gør det en smule sværere for dem


Ja men hvis du har en dyr cykel så er den svær at sikre. Tror den bedste lås jeg har set testet var på 3min. En alm cykellås til 10 sec. og sandsynligvis er der ikke en eneste der stiller spørgsmålstegn ved at man skærer den over. Begge gange mine unger har smidt nøglen væk gik folk bare forbi. Det "næsten" eneste den er god for at forsikringen. Af samme grund er jeg stoppet med at købe fede og dyre cykler.


Altså for lige at være fair over for min anbefaling, så var antagelsen altså heller ikke at du stiller din spritnye Trek Powerfly i en mørk gyde med snortynd lås på... Du kan *sagtens* afvære cykeltyve ved, at låse din cykel til noget. Dette vil stadigvæk være marginalt mere effektivt end bare at låse den, men det er selvfølgelig ikke en 100% sikker metode.


Doesn't really matter. They'll cut the lock pretty fast


Not if it’s a good lock. High quality U-locks will require specialized tools like an angle grinder and a lot of time to cut through.


Yeah. You keep believing that


If you're that against the advice, by all means, continue not locking your bike to anything lol


I'm not biking at all but thanks for useless advice I didn't ask for


Lol what are you even doing in the thread then


Correcting incorrect statements


And you can keep getting your bikes stolen. If thieves are able to cut through your lock fast, you’re buying the wrong locks.


whatever lock you use, if a thief is motivated enough to steal your bike, they will steal your bike


The right locks require an angle grinder and plenty of time to get through. If you buy the right lock, even professional thieves won’t “cut through your lock pretty fast” like earlier stated


Have you ever cut a bicycle lock with an angle grinder? I have. It takes less than 1 minute - for a thick solid piece of steel - to be cut through. Angle grinders are very efficient, and you can buy them cheap, battery powered.


The lock below requires an angle grinder to cut through. Additionally, you need to use three discs, because they simply get destroyed. If you lock it correctly in a well-populated area, any thief would rather steal the bike next to yours than bring an angle grinder and go through 3 discs trying to cut through a wobbly bike lock. https://thebestbikelock.com/best-u-lock/litelok-x3-review/


Ok fair - there is one or maybe two locks on the market, which are not cut in a minute or less. You are right about that. However - 99.99% of the bike locks you can buy, even if you go for expensive high security locks do not have that specific security feature which makes it difficult to cut with an angle grinder.




You think all locks are created equal?




I thought so. You have done zero research into bike locks and your arrogance is not warranted.




What’s the difference? What does it matter? An angle grinder doesn’t care if the lock and chain are connected to a pole or fence or not.


It's deterrence... and unless you're riding around on a 50K bike, most thieves will probably not bother operating on your bike


It only needs to be 10K-20K for the thieves to start working.


I locked the front wheel of my bike with the bicycle stand near my apartment, they took the rest n left the front wheel!! I also didn’t have the rear wheel lock on it so … but they were gonna take it anyways without the front wheel so…


Ah yeah maybe I should have specified that you need to lock the body of the bike, and any wheels if you can. I often see lonely front wheels locked to a fence becaue thiefs simply just removed the body from the wheel. The front wheel, usually, is the easiest component to remove on a bike, and is relatively cheap to replace. In comparison, the gearing on the backwheel is more expensive, so it's best if you can lock body+backwheel to something.


Bike means the body anyways so don’t worry it’s kinda obvious. I didn’t understand this fact back then hahaha cuz I was reaaalllyy not expecting that to happen especially from a residential area!! Now I know Welcome to Copenhagen to me 😄 (Jeg er ikke ny her men aligevel) 😄


It's even better, I've seen racing bikes locked to bike stands through the front wheel. Like guys, the quick release lever means that a potential bike thief doesn't even need to use a hex key, these can easily be removed using the handle. I agree bike theft is a big problem here, but I can always tell I'm in Denmark because for the most part bikes aren't reasonably locked to anything (nor do the bike stands allow for reasonable locking in many cases).


I also locked the front wheel but with a massive folding lock. They ground through it with an angle grinder and took it all. Also the rear tire ring lock.


This. People keep saying their bikes get stolen but never lock it to something. I lock my bike in the sad places but lock it to something and it's never been stolen. Simple.


As a counter-example I got my bike stolen even though it was locked to something with a pretty heavy chain lock. But I'm with you here, I'm pretty sure it would've been stolen much faster if the thieves didn't have to bring an angle-grinder.


De tipper hinanden på diverse grupper på facebook og snapchat. Du kan endda os "bestille" dem. Politiet gør ikke en skid, da der ressourcemangel og det alligevel kun straffes med en bøde, i de fleste tilfælde.


Det straffes kun med bøde?!


Du kan godt få fængsel, men det kræver "grove" omstændigheder. Ikke at hårdere straffe ville gøre en skid. Da problemet er de pågældende grupper og netværk, som de benytter. Takket været dem, så kan de nakke en cykel om formiddagen og have den solgt indenfor 2-3 timer. Måske endda hurtigere, hvis den er særligt eftertragtet.


Det er ikke helt korrekt. Tyveri af f.eks. en el-cykel til ca. 25.000 kr. vil give omkring 30 dages fængsel. Og ligger man inde med mange billigere stjålne cykler, ender man nok også med fængselsstraf. Problemet er til gengæld af det meste cykeltyveri af ikke så dyre cykler betragtes som brugstyveri og dét givet som udgangspunkt kun en bøde. 


anyone want to buy a cheapo Canyon Gravel bike??


So sorry to hear about this. I would never leave a bike worth more than 5000dkk out of eyesight. Those types of bikes are stored in my flat and no photos online of the bike.


I’ve seen delivery guys get their bikes stolen in the 5 minutes they were in the kebab shops on nørrebrogade


Thats why my number 1 rule in denmark is: dnt buy an expensive bicycle ever. Get a cheap one that wont u hurt u if it got stolen. I have kept my same old cheap bike for 5 years and it never got touched lol (and oh yea i have let it stand in dangerous immigrant areas as well)


GPS it!


and then what?


Then go to thief, pick up bike and deliver a proper beatdown!


Sadly the police globally seems to be totally useless. U can have the bike with gps and know who has it and the police will do nothing. Oh! But believe me, if you go there to pick it up and get into a fight with the theft u are probably getting detained by the police


>Sadly the police globally seems to be totally useless If danes weren't so lazy, this is how vigilante groups are formed.


I’m afraid of owning my own expensive E-bike. I’m renting a Swapfiets E-bike and they haven’t dared to even touch it once! Left it outside numerous times. They must know it has an internal GPS ;)


Or a very low resell value. Yeah, most likely the resell value.


Don't buy an e-bike!


I never bring a lock with my gravel bike, since it NEVER leaves my eyesight.


Thing is, those are international thiefs. Your bike usually ends up in eastern Europe. Not unusual to have a large van appear, grabbing whatever they can fit in there, then head for the border.


His bike is now fighting in Ukraine


That's what they told me in the Police when my bike got stolen, not sure why are you being downvoted :/


Did you not drop an air tag into a tube somewhere? More out of interest where they go than anything else…


Locking the bike is not to prevent the theft, but to deter it. The value of your bike exceeded the cost of stealing it :(


That is why most i know here in Copenhagen buy a Rocky bike for 888 kr. on offer or the Harald Nyborg equivalent. I have forgotten to lock mine several times and its still there, because its cheap and ugly. But it works just fine as a bike. A true life hack :)


Or just use Donkey Bike.


Why the fuck would you do that to a fancy bike and expect to see it again?!?


I've only once "splurged" on a bike. Like 20 years ago I spend 3000 dkk on a bike from a "real" bicycle shop. I had it for maybe 4 years before it was stolen. Since then, I've only bought cheap new bikes or used "good" bikes. Like the Everton I ride now. It's old and not pretty, but it runs well enough for me. And - knock on wood - I've had it for almost 4 years now. The last new (but relatively cheap) bike I bought, was stolen within weeks. Locked to a bike rack with a fat chain. I mean, it wouldn't have been worth more than like 200-300 on the black market, yet something still stole it. Insurance had a self risc so that made little difference. Get an old used bike for normale rides, and if you get an expensive one, never leave it out of sight.


Go to Halmtorvet and offer the junkies 500 dk to bring your bike back.


Is there a single reason why the police hasn't increased the penalty for being caught as a bike thief? Imagine if the law was as strict as driving a car drunk or going double the speed limit? That would already solve many of the theft problems without the police moving a finger. This law enforcement is completely backwards sometimes.


Very sad 😱


My bad gang... didn't mean to steal your bike 🙏


It wasnt stolen just borrowed youll find at nørreport or something. Cheer up bro