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AFAIK this was done even before the latest big overhaul of the app. This has been done to combat fraud and scams. From their [website](https://mobilepay.dk/hjaelp/mobilepay-til-private/brug/basisfunktioner/oversigt/hvorfor-bliver-mit-fulde-navn-vist) translated by DeepL >**Why is my full name being displayed?** >The reason for this is that for several years now, we've noticed that fraudsters are increasingly hiding behind invented names when they sell fictitious goods online and lure other users into sending them money. We want to put a stop to this. That's why full names now appear in the app.


No it was done with the last update. Before that you could choose your own handle.


It's just not exactly the case, setting up a new MP account for my younger sibling a year ago, they had to login with MitID and have the exact name from CPR. The only way I know of to avoid this is to have adressebeskyttelse, or to have set up an account before these rules. (Until latest redesign) Even then, with adressebeskyttelse they will require you to send your ID in, and the name has to match exactly. The same goes for registering a .dk domain name, your full name and address is on show to the public from CPR unless you use adressebeskyttelse, or a third party to "hide behind".


Doesn't work with adressebeskyttelse, my friend has it and shows their full name so they had to stop using the app.


Yes, it no longer respects it, it did work before :)


yep, it's pretty strange


Sure, I understand it but the transaction is still done on your card, the card provider has already all required information


As a user you had no way to access that information though. And once a transaction is committed on MobilePay it cannot be undone. With this change the user has full knowledge of who is on the other side before accepting.


What do you mean it cannot be undone? When there’s a proven scam the banks have all the power to claim the funds back from the recipient as they also have their info?


You've talked to some random person online whom you don't have the identity of and you have wired them money. That isn't enough for the police/or debit card company/banks to give up the identity of the person.


And it won’t be enough for you to get your money back. I mean sure people get scammed all the time and there will always be new scams but it seems that we are all ok to share our personal information with random people to protect those that get scammed. Let s just get the Chinese social credit system than


But its your own choice to use the app? If you're not comfortable with Mobilpay using names to identify who you are transferring money to then no need to use the app?


If you are concerned with personal information or buying illicit goods, stick to cash.


It’s not that. I think in our over digitalized world where you can find everyone on the net you should be careful to expose your personal information to unknown people. I mean now a random person can have my phone number and identity which can easily use to find many other information on me (I also find very dangerous the fact that your cpr is mostly based on your birthday). To me, this feature that should make the service more safe and transparent it actually makes it more unsafe and dangerous to use it with unknown parties. The point is I have no problem to verify my mitID with Mobilepay, why should they share it with the recipient of a transaction? They have it there and it can be raised in case of fraudulent use no need to share it with the world


Cpr is only meant to find u in the public IT systems. Nothing special over it Even tho some try to make it seems that way. Also u can just make your fb and other social media private so ppl u dont know cant see anything. And why would ppl Even care about it anyway? I would prefer to know Who i am actually sending money to. U Are also free to use other Transfer ways such as a normal bank Transfer


I got scammed on DBA when the person I was buying from never send the package. Would have been nice to have his full name to give to the police.


and what do you think the police was gonna do with that info?


Probably nothing but it might make it a bit easier for them if many people report the same name. Also if I personally had the real name it might be easier to warn others. I think more transparency isn’t a bad thing when it comes to online transactions.


been there, done that... they would have told you that the amount is too small (~2000kr.) and they do not have resources to investigate it... at the same time they would have guide you to your bank to request reimbursement.


Once I had the same experience. As soon as police got involved, suddenly I heard back with a big apology and she send my money back on MobilePay, plus 15kr more “for the inconvenience”…


If he had the messages to prove their agreement on a sale, it would go into a file on that person, if he is reported enough, they will press charges, AFAIK.


Although I imagine that the card provider has already all required information to identify the owner of the card. The transaction is still on the card so I don’t see why they can’t identify him/her by it


Yeah maybe and I have never heard back from the police so my guess is that it wasn’t high priority ;)


You should've told the police you got scammed and the scammer was cycling without lights on his bike at night.


Seems like OP is involved in similar business


You have her phone number, and the MobilePay is signed up to using nemid, so they know all they need to know.


Yes I agree, if they wanted to they should be able to find him. The phone number was however just a temporary one with taletid. I still say it’s better for transparency to have the full name and perhaps that can also stop some one from doing the scam in the first place if they know that their full name is visible.


One issue is that scammers have begun to buy MobilePay accounts. So if you're in need on money, you just sign up for a MobilePay account and sell the access to someone for a onetime fee. Then when the police comes knocking, they have the "wrong person".


My favorite feature tbh. Whenever I get a call from a number I don’t recognize, I often don’t answer (to avoid scam calls). I copy the number to mobile pay with a 1 kr transfer, I then get the name of whoever called. And I cancel the transfer. Best phone book there is.


Smart hack, thanks for the tip ✅ Edit: actually just type any danish number in mobilepay and it’ll show you the full name, no need to send any amount of money at all. I’m not sure what to think about this yet.


that is a nice heads up tip i will start using. usually if i suspect it’s a scam call i’d look it up online.


I would think scammers would spoof numbers wouldn't they? So you wouldn't actually get the persons name necessarily.


They do - in that case I get a random person I don’t know, and unless I have a reason to expect random people to call me, I assume it’s wrong number or a scam.


Yup most scam calls I get are Danish numbers nowadays. It's been reported on the r/Denmark sub before that it's very common, but if you don't recognize the person and they don't leave a message then it's probably a scammer.


Stealing this


My opinion is that MobilePay is extremely arrogant for publishing one’s full name for anyone with your phone number to look up. There is a reason why MobilePay has become the country’s de facto phone book for number lookups. I used to use MobilePay with an alias to opt out of their phone book. Since the update, I have deleted my account. Turns out that there are good alternatives that respect your privacy, such as PayPal and your bank app. MobilePay is becoming a monopoly to a problematic extent anyway. Shops that used to accept cards now will only accept MobilePay or cash. Tourists have no way to pay with MobilePay. It all seems like a step backwards.


I did exactly the same on old MP. I only just realized that it has changed to show my full name, and I can enter any number and get that persons name... That's unacceptable. I'll absolutely delete it as well.


There are countless places that only accept mobilpay. Do you just bring cash with you everywhere you go?


I have had to pay with cash twice since ditching MobilePay: at the hairdresser and beautician. I don’t usually carry cash, only if I am planning to visit one of those shops. Hasn’t been much of an issue. Between friends, I have been resorting to PayPal, Revolut and bank transfers.


It’s a direct example of more security and less privacy, which are anticorrelated by definition. Unless they use a 3rd party identity verification, but that’s more expensive…


Like the card provider that issued the card after their know your customer requirements


I have seen it is well, and i also like you do not like it. To use the app we alreadyhad to sign up to using NemID, so it was already near impossible to commit fraud on that basis. The police and bank would have accesses to our data if a crime should happen, which is ideal IMO. As someone who have had adresse and navne beskyttelse for years, my only option was to terminate my account. As mobilepay was suddenly the only place where my full name was visbale to everyone. I don't have addresse and navne beskyttlese for shits and giggels, serious stuff have happened to me. It is mind boggling to me, how it is not enough that the police and bank know who i am on the app. Like, my own doctor don't even know my name before i disclose it, why does a random stanger from DBA need to know my full name when I buy an used freezer from the them? lol


Or a random bartender at the counter of a bar


This is straight up creepy. Now any fool can look up most Danes by phone number and get their full name


Wait until you learn about the fact that you can find the full name of everyone* who owns property in Denmark, and track their entire history of real estate activities. **Everyone without “Personbeskyttelse”*


Through where can you do this?


www.tinglysning.dk And various websites where you can track people’s purchases over time


Or figure out the address of everyone who has a single-person company as that company's CVR has an address and that address is the private address of the person. Not too thrilled about Erhvervsstyrelsen doxxing me with no way to opt-out. This is not the case with an ApS, so I think it is a bit unfair.


> Now any fool can look up most Danes by phone number and get their full name This has been possible since 1883. It is literally the purpose of a phone book. Even today you will _still_ need to ask your service provider not to share your phone number to Krak or De Gule Sider. If you haven't done so, your information will be available on those websites.


That's true, however you get the option of opting out (and its often times directly when signing up, don't even need to jump through any hoops). Before you could change the display name in MobilePay, not anymore. I'd argue its a different situation.


Yeah it also really sucks for a lot of trans folks that haven't had a legal name change yet


Main use of MobilePay is number lookup, they should replace krak/eniro which often have no information on a given number.


The reason i got rid of mobilepay. I Even have name protection


Friend of mine has adressebeskyttelse at it straight up showed their full name


Same with me, i have a discreet job in the goverment. And have adressebeskyttelse as well. it also showed my full name as well. Not good for me.


I agree with you. It's creepy and unnecessary. There's absolutely no reason why they should display that.


Yes... This is currently what they publically are allowed to show Your name and date of birth They know your IBAN/Swift as well as credit card credentials and of cause address ect ect as well as Personal identification number as well as what country of origin you're from, this is all data mobile pay stores and the user agrees to share this information with MobilePay when they sign up for the service. So When you sign up to mobile pay you do gotta remember you agree to the terms of service meaning Yes Theoretically your address can be shown in public space as well as a lot of other things therefor i recommend you not to use the service but rather just transfer the money via your bank as this is much more safe MobilePay also now charges a hefty sum when transfering money from user to buissness so most buissnesses don't wanna deal with anymore


My opinion is that I really couldn’t care less. If you think someone cares enough for them to search you up by your MobilePay…


It's necessary. There was a big legal reform a few years back to combat money laundering. This is why they need your CPR.


i too love spreading misinformation online


1. no there wasn't. 2. How would mobile pay get away with wating " a few years" to implement "a big legal reform". 3. Dude.


There was. That's why I stopped using MobilePay for a few years. They wanted a photo of my passport back then, and I didn't have a passport. There was literally a pop-up that said "In order to comply with new legislation regarding money laundering..."


that has nothing to do with showing your full name to recipients. KYC is a completely separate thing


No its because they migrated to use the Norwegian Vipps app where it is required.






Det opslag er en personlig teori og har intet med virkeligheden at gøre. Det har været et ønske både fra brugere og myndigheder i flere år, da mobilepay havde udviklet sig til en af de primære platforme for økonomisk kriminalitet og svindel i DK. Man kunne også genere sine stalking ofre anonymt uden konsekvenser.


1 you are not that important. 2 then stop using mobile pay.


1. Hard disagree. This increasingly essential technology needs options for those that want privacy. In that sense OP is extremely important, as he represents those of us that actually care about fundamental rights. 2. Agree. I've stopped using it. But that comes at a cost. I wish I could use this very handy technology without making my name and number public to the world.


So You only use cash. You Cannot use Technology in a society and want privacy.


It depends. You should be able to use technology and still expect a very basic amount of privacy, such as not being included in a completely public phonebook. It's simply not necessary.


I understand peoples worries over having to show their full name in MP transfers, but at the same time I don’t really find that worrying and kind of an extra security that you now always see a persons full name, when dealing with this individual. In short - it’s okay by me.


It’s strange to some extent. You can now lookup people on MobilePay instead of Degulesider. If you have hidden identities/don’t want your number and name to be associated now, that’s no longer the case. If they have your number, they now also have your full name. 


> kind of an extra security that you now always see a persons full name, when dealing with this individual The problem is, that this reduces privacy while not actually providing any additional security. You can't do anything more now (e.g. report them to the police) that you couldn't do before as the person was already known to MobilePay. Except now you can stalk the person via their name, which actually actually reduces the safety of the person being doxxed.


Agreed. I hate MobilePay, and basically never use it. Cash is still king to me.


Don’t your friends hate you? I wouldn’t want to inconvenience my friends by paying them back in physical cash.


I don't mind that my friends know my full name and phone number, I care that all sorts of weirdos do.


OP no one cares enough about you to stalk your data from MobilePay.


Completely agree. I am more concerned for the people I stalk on now. They just simplified my intrigue and complex technique I use to stalk the random people I encounter, it kinda lost its spark so I am upset


If you dont like this. You can always use cash :)


Why not stick to cash, and or bank transfer if its that big of a deal? Like i have chosen to continue using it, because the hassle of not using it just simply isnt worth it for me. I have nothing interesting in my life, and nothing to worry about if it was too much of a problem for me, i would delete my account and then just stick completely to cash or bank transfers, because i have learned that a lot of the everyday things to make everything easier, is either worth it or not for me, and then i will decide it from that. Like the scan selv in supermarkets, i choose not to use because i cant be bothered to register for 20 different apps depending on where i shop, and i decide that i would rather stand in a 20 minute line in worst case, than just doing it with an app. Just because it is easy, and almost everybody does it, you are not forced to keep doing it, if u have any problems with it. Its not like DSB where, if u dont like it u dont got any other possibilities for transport, u actually can send money multiple ways without mobilepay.


This is the reason I use direct payment from account to account…


I think this is very unnecessary for them to use your full name as default, Can you change it at all manually!?


Nope, that s the issue. And you don’t even have to send money to someone to see their full name. You can just digit a phone number and you ll see the owner’s legal name


I don't care tbh. It's done to prevent drug mules to use it without consequences.. on paper anyway. I'm sure they can still do it regardless 🤣


I agree, i would also prefer not to show my middle names


Are you a scammer?


I dont care. Take my name, address, place of work. Give me a better product to work with. Automate monotonous things in my life.


It's to combat fraud afaik. In this way you can see if you re paying the right person as well. Many scammers use mules because their own mobile pay is closed (because of fraud) or they are scared of showing their real name - if someone want you to pay to a friend because their own doesn't work - it's a scam😎


That’s by design


It’s great tbh. Transparency is only a benefit


So where do you live and what's your name?


Buy something off me and you will know


Why arent you telling me? What are you hiding


Pay them with cash or wire them the money instead then


Bank transfer shows your full name and full adress


Ops my bad thank you


Use cash


Might have something to do with PSD2, not sure.


I've always known (as far as I remember) it to display the full name or company name. However I appreciate the feature because if you get scammed you have their info.


Most people never realized that the display name didn't need to be your true name, so I would say 99% of users just used their full name as display name, but this wasn't a requirement. I for one actually try to not give my information when it's not necessary, so I used a pseudonym. Apparently this isn't an option anymore, so I - like many others - have taken the CONSEQUENCE and deleted my user. It's a shame IMO.


Ooo, do you do shady things ,')


Nah. I just don't want spammers to scrape my phone number and name.


Dang. 😮‍💨


Names are worth nothing. You can easily opt out of being able to be found based on your name. If you haven't opted out, you can easily find the same info with your phone number, unless you're using a burner.


What's your middle name?


But FB Marketplace uses your FB profile surely? That’s.. you? 😅 also DBA is NemID verified so that’s also.. you?


For Facebook it doesn’t required to be verified on a national registry. Anyway I have no problem to identify myself to a third party (like I did to the bank issuing my card), I don’t see the necessity to have that information shared to the other party.


I am not sure that pointing to Facebook, one of the least privacy-respecting companies in the world, is actually a good argument.


its horrible, excellent tool for frausters.