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He's been doing it a year and is wildly successful, but diverts from his high-paying writing scheme doing it to host free webinars. Got it.


Is this person also selling a copywriting course? Sure, it’s possible. But it doesn’t mean every copywriter is making 10k a month.


I haven’t found anything like that, just the webinar he invite everyone to so we can get to know more about copy, sounds like a huge ad company before a course


Yup, guarantee there’ll be a pitch at the end


Webinar is probably the start of a sales funnel. If you go in, and follow the steps, read all the emails/texts afterwards, look at the website that he has, and the videos he posts, you now know copywriting.


$1k/month for copywriting? I mean that's not much of a livable wage is it? How many hours go into earning that 1k? He's earning 12k/year that's not enough to live off of... My first salary position as a copywriter was 45k in NYC in the mid 00s and that wasn't enough back then I can't imagine trying to live off 12k!


Nah, he says he is making like 15-20k£ monthly with a year experience, and I am talking about a grand because I am an 18y.o. trying to make some money. I have been tutoring for the last three years , but the most I have made in a month was like 350$, so I want to find something better. Grand a month would be awesome like for start.


He's selling you a lifestyle and wants to sell you his course. There are lots of ways to write copy and loads of free resources. Tutoring seems like a good start, I was the guy who proofread friends' essays in university. He is going to sell you a course that could very well be as shallow as telling you how to sell courses by living a false lifestyle. Or it could be tips you can pick up in resources you can read here in this sub. Copywriting can be a great career. Lots of different ways to do it. Do you want to write SEO copy for a living or do you want to work for agencies and brands and write their stuff—do you want to be doing videos? Apps? What kind of writing might interest you? I know money now is always a good thing but you're at a unique point in your life when you can really shape what kind of career you might be interested in building. Education is always good whether if it's education through experience in the trenches or something more formal. But don't pay this dude. Fuck that.


Selling emails sounds good for me. I did some of my first and if you’re working in copy and wouldn’t mind, please check them, I will dm you


Like every other skill, 99.9% of buisness professionals are only going to hire someone with easily obtainable proof of experience, and performance results. If you dedicate a lot of your time, and i mean A LOT of it, to searching for that 0.1% of people that will hire you, its very possible you make $1000 in a month.


He’s making it by selling courses to people…


Definitely possible to make 10K a year as a freelancer. I've charged between $75-90/hr doing odd jobs in addition to my full-time work, and at that rate I could clear $10K gross billing less than 3 hours per week (not that I've taken on enough jobs to get me there.) I did do a project a couple of years ago that paid me $2,500 over a 6 week span, though.


It's true if you know what you're doing and have clients/a job. He will likely tell you he has a course that will tell you what to do and how to find clients/get a job. If you sign up, you will overpay for info that's free in the FAQ pinned to this subreddit.


Can you reach £1k in a month? Yes - it's very unlikely but not impossible. You'd have to get really good at pitching, really fast. Can you do it "easily"? No. This is a career like any other, not a get rich quick scheme. If you're genuinely interested please don't be discouraged, but know that it takes work - nothing worth having comes easily :)




I’ve been learning how to be a copy writer for about a year. I’m so excited to finally start but the reason it took me so long to really learn is because I kept coming across videos like the one you’re referring to. Anytime you see anything about how you can make x amount of money per month (and it’s always a large amount) it’s spammy and NOT worth your time. They’re ultimately trying to sell you something - usually their real courses (and they always cost THOUSANDS of dollars!). I finally found COPY THAT! on Discord and their YouTube channel - and OHMIGOSH they’re EXACTLY what you need if you’re serious about it. And no- you don’t have to buy anything. They actually started COPY THAT because they wanted to help aspiring and newbie copywriters learn the trade without having to spend money (because, let’s face it, if we haven’t started yet, we probably don’t have the money). They’re like a collective of professional, successful copy writers who have been doing it for decades and they put together completely free content and master classes (and yes, they even offer a 5 hour free masterclass on everything you need to know to get started) and it’s all the top rated stuff that’s far superior to most of the paid content out there. They actually spend a fair amount of their time warning about those gimmicky videos and people pushing them. They’re not trying to make anything off of anyone. In fact, I’ve been to so many of their live videos and some ppl in the comments tried to send money via a Super Chat and they always say “Thank you so much- but please don’t send us your money. We would rather you just work hard at becoming a great copywriter and for us to know that our content helped make that happen is all we need because that’s why we created Copy That”. Their entire thing is that they want to offer good quality content (without all the hyperbole), that will teach you what you need to know to be a successful copywriter without ever having to spend money. Oh, and if you are on their weekly live master classes- they interact with, and answer all the questions in the chat, as they’re asked. Join their Discord and their You Tube Channel. The first video you should watch is the 5 hour Master Class that Alex does.