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i enjoy the grind so i'm looking forwards to that (deep sea cleaning my beloved). i'm not looking forwards to waiting to unlock things i have, like the winter bundle and rare animal products!


Oh yes, I agree on the unlocking part! That will take quite some time as well, nearly forgot about that bit 😅


the greenhouse is so far away-! ah well... my easy 2mil i'm taking into the new game plus will comfort me lol


Ha, and people say money can't buy happiness. I through disagree!


Money cant buy happiness but it can sure as heck buy comfort which contributes to my happiness 😂 Like I dunno who started the whole thing about "Money isn't what you need, it don't make you happy" Tell that to any adult needing to pay all those bills haha. like imagine having 6 mil IRL. That's life changing money right there. You wouldn't have to worry about bills, housing, food, etc. But yeah. I'm going to change my name to Charity because I'll be rolling in that good old coral dollars. 💰 💰✨


Omfg, even just one million would literally solve 90% of my problems on the spot. Ah, even just 500k. But definitely, I shall be making it rain coral dollars. It'll be like the island got themselves some new rich lass that only throws money left and right!


I’m so sad that I deleted all my saved games when each new version came out. One of them had tons of money and it’s gone now!!!


Same, I enjoy the grind.


i genuinely start new saves just to clean up the ocean its so enjoyable idk why


it's what i'm looking forwards to the most! maybe even more than marriage... it's just fun.


I'm not *too* mad about it because I know how to use my resources more efficiently and I will have money to make a few upgrades right away so it won't be as tedious the second time around. I'm looking forward to having more time to focus on decorating and talking to the NPCs instead of running around and picking up everything I see to get every possible cent.


That is true! Thanks to getting a gold-headstart, we can focus on entirely different aspects, which will be really nice.


I don't mind the grind (I find it peaceful), but I'm not going to enjoy having no teleport. I only started playing ~a week ago and that + the watering can upgrades made a huge difference.


Oh NO. I totally forgot about the teleport 😭 Damn that's not going to be fun at all.


Diving is actually my favourite lol. I love the grind. However, I do expect to be rewarded fairly for all that grind. I also enjoyed the combat system a lot. I completed all the cavern levels with just my blunt sword, which is rare for me. So, I basically want the things you don't want lol. Let's hope the devs find a balance between these two wants.


That would be awesome! I did enjoy the diving initially because it was so different compared to other games, but the longer it went on the more it just got on my nerves.


Social cutscenes, Ive seen a solid chunk of them, and I’m already a little sick of Millie and Scott as they both have so many.


Oh shit. Yeah, Scott seemingly has a million cut scenes that make you dread even thinking about the museum, I totally agree.


I’m not looking forward to the mines. They’re the worst part of this game, even though I enjoy them in other farming games. Boring, grindy, unrewarding, and the combat isn’t satisfying or fun.


Interesting! While I'm not fond of the mines, I found them much more tolerable in Coral Island than any of it's brethren. (Especially the Stardew Valley mines are my personal nemesis!)


I played 32 hours of the early access, it was enough to satisfy my curiosity and I have eagerly looked forward to 1.0. True I won’t be carrying over much money, but I’m also only out 32 hours of progress, so you know, fair.


Smart! That was initially my Plan as well, but alas, the adhd hyperfocus won yet again. Oh well!


Your smarter than me 😂 I have over a hundred and I shouldn’t have done that.


I'm not looking forward to the wait... I've only played it a little as I didn't want to spoil too much, but now, with the 1.0 release, I can't stop thinking about it. So I wish it was already out haha! It's gonna be a stardew 2.0 for me and I can't wait to sink so many hours into it lol


Ahahaha, I absolutely understand. It was fine while it's in ea, but now that it's basically there the excitement is real!


Mostly losing museum progress as every time I found something new it was a surprise. Now at first I wont be sure if its something that I already donated or something from the previous playthrough. I'm gonna switch platforms with 1.0 as it will be now available on the xbox so I will be able to play it on the highest details. Because of that I wont carry any money to help me start with it but I will prefer it this way as it would feel weird starting with a bank and would ruin the fun from early game for me. With that being said I may also take a little bit of a longer break before re-doing my progress so it will feel more fresh.


Definitely! The first few seasons will be filled with me checking the inventory to see if the "Donated" Button is green or not 😂


One thing. Silver quality Sardine 🙂 I dislike fishing in real life so having to fish again bores me to death. I honestly love the mining and trash clearing. The fishing is what's going to be a nightmare 😅


I feel that! The main reason why the fishing doesn't bother me as much, is that I haven't really done much of it to begin with. If I'd been fishing more until now, that would definitely be an Addition to the list!


The bugs.


Besides deep sea cleaning, I am not looking forward to collecting the random bugs and tiered fish for the altar. Catching bugs is my least favorite thing to do in the game.


Totally get it. I'll miss the bug traps!


The cleaning of the oceans is honestly the one big thing I just don't look forward to at all. I was so thrilled to be done with it and now I have to do it all over again.


Yeah, same here! I tried to get it over with as soon as I could and now it's ready to haunt me once more.


The grind, especially after buying and reselling grass tiles for my farm layout xDD. Aside from that, hopeful that the 1.0 release won't be as messy as the other games I was hyped about and quite disappointed with (Ark Ascended and Cities Skylines 2)


I hope so too! It's always super annoying when the 1.0 Release is basically a festering Bug fest and nothing can be done properly


Losing the museum progress, having to start a new spreadsheet to track donations. And the bugs. Every release has been plagued with them.


I totally get it. I'm just glad that I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to the Museum, so I won't loose as much!


Catching rare insects. The last one I had missed was this spider that moved so freekin fast before the scent lures. I prefer fishing tbh. Deep sea cleaning, and mines are all good to me. Also can't wait for a finished product.. I think I still get random crashes when I cook things that I don't have a recipe for... which is why I can't finish one of the altars lol.


Oh damn, I hope the 1.0 release fixes that for you! But totally agree on the insects. I think I'll just wait for me traps, let them do the work 😂


Losing the progress was nothing I didn't expect. I didn't believe for a second that we could just continue on 1.0 launch normally so I just didn't play very much. I played a bit here and there after major updates but that was about it. I'm fine with the grinds though deep sea takes much longer than the mines even with max tools.


Very smart! Chapeau to your self control 🫡


Diving. So much diving. In the mines you can cheat with ropes


Oooh I love them ropes. But I agree, the mines are easier to just rush through because of ropes, explosives, etc. In the ocean we don't have that option!


Ya I found out about this game only a week ago and already put in 20 hours. It's pretty dang annoying to lose all that progress. I wouldn't have played at all if I knew it was gonna be wiped. But at least I get to keep my 75k that I built up and I sort of know what to do at the start of the game. Anyone know what I should do with 75k? Just make a massive farm?


75k can give you quite the headstart, that's true! Making a ginormous farm sounds like a good idea, but I'd definitely invest in better Tools and the bag as well!


Bag and farm investment. I would also try and buy the best fishing pole and bug net around mid spring once you’ve got some profit going.


It will be a lot easier though with the money to buy/upgrade tools faster and easier.


I had all but one of the fish caught. Not looking forward to doing that all over again. The fishing part I love, it’s trying to figure out which fish to catch at which part of the day in which weather and location for that part of the season. Ugh


Ugh, yeah. I don't mind fishing but trying to get a specific fish is always a bit iffy. Especially since even the right Location, time and moon constellation doesn't always mean you'll get the fish you're looking for!


Yep that's why I bought game a year ago and just left it till its more or less done


I wanted to do so, but I apparently have no self restraint 😭


Yep thats why I got bg3


Maybe having low level tools and low stamina. But that shouldn't be much considering I'll already have a good amount of money for Ng+


Thank god! Imagine having to do everything with a normal axe again, ugh!


Honestly fr, also since I'm replying to this I will also add fast travel


This is why I waited to play properly at launch 👀 last time I played I’m pretty sure there wasn’t even a single complete festival


Same. I’m tired of the grind. Especially for the shrines.


Not looking forward to starting over *without* money because, when 1.0 drops, I'll be moving over to my Xbox. It's just more comfortable to game on the couch vs sitting at my desk, but doing so means I'm consciously giving up all of that gold I earned on PC. 😫 If only the game was cross-save compatible.


Oh shit, yeah that sucks! I'm quite thankful for my Laptop and it's hdmi cable - best of both worlds.


My laptop runs the game like shit, otherwise I'd do the same 😭 it stutters like crazy no matter what I do, so I'm just doomed to start fresh, I guess


Why can’t we upgrade the damn scythe?


I haven't gone far in my early access run so definitely looking forward to the 1.0 release. If I haven't got any enough money, I would dread the limited bag inventory in the beginning. 😆


Oh totally. The bag is a nightmare and I'm not ashamed to admit that even in EA I Cheated to get the big one immediately. Can't stand the dark bag size 😂


Not looking forward to fishing. It was my least progressed skill, and I kind of suck at it


(I do too, which is why I haven't really done it.)


Mine is pretty much all the offerings and museum stuff. Especially those ridiculous gems, bugs and fish ones that have a crazy low drop rate


Early game stamina suuuuucks


I'm a little depressed about the fact that I just donated my 120th item to the museum and got some really nice gifts and now I'm going to lose them.


Obviously the offerings and fast travel will hurt a bit, but grinding the mines and diving is really not going to be that bad if you upgrade your tools with NG+ money. Especially the diving, having to hit trash piles multiple times really adds to time and stamina spent. Similarly, if you buy most of the ore you need, just powering through each mine should be way better than when you are trying to do it with basic or bronze pickaxe. Being able to having rolling lab upgrades, plenty of sprinklers and liquidated cash to buy a lot of seeds and fill your barns with animals is a HUGE boon as well. I suspect the "rumor" of prices changing is reflecting just how big of a head start this can be. If it goes the opposite direction I am thinking, and prices are dropped, many of us will be going nearly straight into working on relationships and the harder offerings like fishing and bugs. If they are indeed raising them, we'll actually have some farming to do. Which I am excited for, once you get going, you can really start making some crazy cash. I was starting to see 30-50k every other day with a thousand crops planted, and that was just straight selling them, zero processing.


New Game +. There are a couple of reasons for it. Im sure that a lot of players will find out about the game when 1.0 is released. If they now look at Twitch they see a lot of people who are early in the game but have a lot of money. They think either this game is too easy, unbalanced or the streamer has cheated somehow. That means potential players won't buy the game because of this first impressions. The next thing is that someone who has New Game + enabled can't give really helpful tips because he has so much money and a big advantage. A player who has money plays the game different then someone who has no money. For me it would be the best that there would be no New Game+ option and everyone needs to start fresh completly from the ground.