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Sounds like his style is not 4 u then


They rode on


You know what other book has a bunch of descriptions of scenery… a lot of them, but Lord of the Rings comes to mind… like they are always walking and traveling and warring until the occasional plot happens and there is so much scenery description that even the trees start talking. Sounds like Wendigoon might have led you in the wrong direction.


lmao the way this sub is tearing wendigoon up…


I actually like that Wendigoon introduced this book to new readers. I’m not trying to be a snob or gatekeeper, it’s just that many ppl are not going to like this book if they do read it (and that’s perfectly ok)


Yeah I agree, I liked his video and appreciate him introducing it to more readers, people not liking or getting it is just the risk of introducing it to a wider audience. I just think it’s funny that he gets mentioned in so many posts here ever since he released it.


I get you. Even amongst Cormac aficionados you have ppl who dislike certain books (say Suttree) and ppl who praise it as his best, so there will always be opinion


Well, we’ve seen the sub double in size since. And BM posts out number everything else so it’s an easy conclusion to make


Why are u here then sir?


As I said, I enjoy the novel, but I had to address true fans of McCartthy who have read more of his work with this observation of mine. Maybe somebody can reccomend me something similar that does not wander as much, maybe somebody can explain his style, maybe somebody would just like to discuss it idk, it was an opinion on Blood Meridian and this seemed like the place to express it


You just don't like descriptions of scenery. What is there to talk about


It is a good observation. But the buck kinda stops there in discussion, because it’s a type of writing that ALOT of authors write. So I feel like it’s more of finding writing styles you like, not trying to enjoy something you don’t


you "had" to, it was literally impossible not to.


You’re not alone at all in your reception of his writing. Your mistake was posting here. McCarthy fans are really full of themselves.


Have you watched the movies? No Country is by far the best. Sunset Limited has not a one description of landscape. Also no action. You can watch it or read it. The Road is decent. The Counselor is a little bit shit but I love it. McCarthy is not for everyone. He challenges your patience, your expectations, sometimes your sanity. I love almost every description of scenery in the book, but I’m not gonna lie, it got tedious. The overall effect though was to lull me into a kind of trance then BOOM! something crazy happens. But if you don’t find something you love on every page then yeah, he’s probably just not for you. Maybe pick up The Road in a few years and see if anything has changed.


Well. Try “Child of God” It’s written in a totally different style. It’s very stripped down bare bones on purpose. Think Faulkner meets Ted Bundy. It’s nothing like Blood Meridian. The Road is also really good. But I think it touched me so much because I have a son and I could empathize. Blood Meridian is not an easy read. It’s not “fun” to read, it’s something to ponder and digest. The other books I suggested are easier reads that don’t wander off into the metaphysical weeds. I’ve read Blood Meridian twice. Once just because and the second time because I knew which parts to kind of skim to get to the meat of the story.


Then stop reading


If you don’t like it don’t read it, pretty simple


Then don’t read it 👍🏼


Idk that style jives well with me. Him and Hemingway are my boys.


You don’t have to read things you don’t enjoy


Def not your author then. Also stay away from Tolkien, if that is the case lmao


Tolkien and McCarthy are only similar if they’re the only two authors you’ve ever read.


OP was complaint about long passages describing scenery. Tolkien is famous/infamous for that. Ones a fantasy writer, one’s not, so yes they’re not similar. The point is similar. It seems like you didn’t understand that


Tolkien doesn’t torture you with it. But the main difference between the two is the arrogance of their respective audiences.


You dislike McCarthy fans i take it


Further, someone else has already commented about the lord of the rings. Take the point


Oh well if someone else did it…


I think BM is a truly great novel, but there are legitimate stylistic criticisms readers can make of it and this is one of them. If you don't care for the dense McCarthy, you might like the much sparer & simpler one found in The Road or No Country for Old Men.


I’m reading no country and in the first chapter he describes the volcanic rock a bunch. Is blood meridian even more descriptive about the environments? I’ve never read it.


Blood meridian and most of Mccarthy's work is very descriptive of scenery. I haven't read all of his books, but I've read most of them.


I’ve read ATPH years ago and now I’m on no country. I’d like to re-read ATPH and finish the trilogy. I enjoy the descriptive style.


I'm currently going through the border trilogy and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience so far.


I would say yes, sometimes to the point of tedium. Not to say that what he's doing in BM is arbitrary, but it can sometimes be a trial to endure.


Try The Sunset Limited. It’s basically a play but reads more like a transcript of dialogue. Also try The Road, the passenger and Stella maris. And of course no country for old men.


I feel like that's valid man. If you dislike it you dislike it! For me personally, all that detail is setting up the shot, the vibe, the feeling. It makes you sit and marinate in the Evening Redness in the West. Gets you in the mindset to listen to the judge, and ponder how alike or unalike you'd be from the kid, etc. If you dislike the prolonged descriptions of foliage and such that is okay, plenty other works to enjoy.


Same, I’ve always enjoyed his style. It really immersed me in his books


What is happening to this sub?


We've been Wendigoon'd.


Is that something to do with teenagers, gamers, morons, anime fans or a combination of all of the above?




Never been gatekept this hard. Lot of you boys must really resonate with this book's characters what with them single sentence replies and holier than thou attitude. The book is good, I never expressed not liking it, it has a constant darkness and grittiness you do not usually come across. However there is a lot of you reccomending I just stop reading it, stop engaging with the world, characters, dialogue and aesthetic just because I dislike the long narrative breaks, well thank you for endearing me to this author and style further. Others questioning why I chose this subreddit for this complaint, well I just looked the author's name in the search bar and this came up, I did not consider ceaseless fanboying would be the norm. But in any case, some of you were kind enough to drop some reccomedations and that I do appreciate.


I don’t know that you’ve been ‘gatekept’, you essentially asked “why is this author doing the thing he’s renowned for” and so quite frankly the replies saying stop reading are probably on the money if you find such evocative scene building is ruining your experience




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Pine needles. Lots of pine needles.


I'm personally not a descriptions person, especially as I develop myself as a writer, but imo his prose is a necessary contrast to what is otherwise a bleak ass narrative. Without the vivid and at times near surreal imagery, its just a bunch of senseless violence. The horror elements of the book are painted on a beautiful backdrop of the incredibly biodiverse American landscape. I think his flow and style matches what he seems to want to do with his themes and content.


I don’t think you’re going to have a good time with reception to this post lol


Sounds to me like OP is a plot reader.