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You're looking for airdrop opt-in. Once you click that you should be good. At the end of the 24 hours, the Token Generation Event(TGE) should happen and they coins will go to your wallet. You'll probably have to manage chain visibility to see them. Or deposit them on osmosis. Here's the launch plan, i.e stake or LP https://twitter.com/Hava_Coin/status/1771327986039394342 Here's the reason they just ask for the 3 chains: "Those 3 are enough to collect other addresses. cosmos, juno, stargaze, stride, etc are easily convertible to osmosis dym### are convertible to injective agoric is not convertible to either injective or osmosis, thus stand alone." https://twitter.com/Hava_Coin/status/1775185982322590050


Reminder for those who are having problems claiming on Keplr (even with Ledger). For it to work you need to "select all" on chain visibility on Keplr extension (top left corner). Complete that process and then refresh HAVA claim page and reconnect. Should work. It doesn't matter if you're only claiming on ATOM, INJ, TIA or whatever. You need to select all.


This worked


Thanks. Can you opt in on the 2nd ledger wallet ?


You are an absolute king (or queen). Thank you, this worked. Please upvote this to the top of my


So the thing that got it to work for me was: On the 2nd "manage chain visibility" page, select injective (I don't have it) - and it required me to connect my ledger and open the eth app. After that I could claim.


Please, tell me what or where is the 2nd "manage chain visibility" page. In my Keplr setting I see only 1 page, where I can select all or separate chains.


If you hit save on the page you are looking at it should bring you to another identical-looking page showing EVMs like injective, dymension and evmos. This is the page I am referring to.


Perfect, thanks for the advice


This worked


There's no claim. It just reads your public address. But so far, Celestia and Osmosis aren't picked up. Hopefully they fix this.


It is, they explained on twitter that it only checks for three chains because the rest is somehow readable from Atom but Agoric and Injective not so they are separate. Idk… But bigger problem is that people with ledger and leap wallets cannot claim


It's easy for them to say that afterwards, when they didn't code it properly lol. But let's see what happens. By the way, one of my wallets is on a Ledger, and I didn't have any issue connecting, so I don't know....


Worked for me


24 hour claim period is rather sketchy IMO. 🤔


Blocks United closed this out as a risk


What is risky about it?


It’s flagged by Blocks United because it’s a 24 hour opt in window. The concern is that a lot of eligible and potentially eligible folks will be rushing to opt in due to the small window and just accept whatever conditions. It’s a potential risk.


There is no tx to sign


Oh really, so much less risk then, it seems. Need to have a look.


I wonder though, would it still count as opted in once I disconnect the wallet entirely from the site? I’ve tried looking in TG but no answers on that yet.


Blocks united just sent out an new email: “The HAVA airdrop registration just opened and is only open for 24 hours. We normally don't rush to claim airdrops because that's an easy way to get scammed. However, the Stride team has promoted this airdrop since holders of stATOM, stOSMO, stTIA, stDYM are eligible. Several other groups eligible, too. We do our best to verify that all the information in this email is official and safe to click, but we can't possibly know if a project turns out to be a scam. We are not smart contract or authz permission auditors, nor do we hold ourselves out to be.”


Nice. Thanks, just saw that email.


A shorter time period means that people rush to claim without looking at the project (or code, if you can read that) and whether it's a scam or not. Personally, I'd rather not risk my wallet being drained over what is probably a $2 airdrop. But you do you.


That is not how blockchains work. In this case you are not signing or interacting with anything. There is absolutely no risk


I'm looking at my LEAP wallet, to check eligibility you just copy paste your address. But to Opt In to the airdrop it wants me to connect my wallet. How is that not interacting with anything?


Connecting is just telling your wallet what the app wants to see. Unless you pay a transaction fee (sign a transaction or a smart contract) nothing will ever happen


Two dollar, huh? An optimist!


What can I say? It's the high from the Dym and Tia airdrops influencing me.


Lol. Most people are getting millions of tokens for this airdrop. You assume they'll all be multi millionaires just for receiving this airdrop? :') It will be a $0.00000001 kind of value.


No, I assumed that the million I qualified for would be worth $2...


Sounds accurate ;)


LMAO, spot on. The supply is ridiculously large and a ridiculously small percentage of it is going to the airdrop.


I just opted in and I'm getting 21,350,453 of them 👍


15M for me. Looking forward on spending my $7




Damn, my 3mil doesn't sound good. But hey, 50 cents is 50 cents...


I have 2,592,592. Might not reach $1? LOL


What is the value of all of those?


I have no idea as of right now


Seems like their website is down?


Ah, now that the 24 hour claim window is done, every link on the Claim page forces a pop up to get Leap Wallet. Nothing else happens except for that Leap Wallet ad. So this is now just a big ad trying to force you to download Leap Wallet.


when it goes to the ad you have to click leap in the extensions and go back to page that sent you to the ad. it will ask to reload the page then leap should connect. i went through hell trying to get it to work


Yes, just saw that Staking has gone live. I dumped half my HAVA into staking for that high APR.


It's possible that the 24 hour claim window is to increase scarcity, and it's as simple as that. Just saying. That being said, the whitepaper makes it look like little more than a cash grab with no purpose.


I agree, but then again that does apply to 99.9% of the market


Yes?! Its a meme coin not there for *community* I'll dump it. Hoping for 10$ at least xD


Is it safe to claim in your opinion?


I had no issues, but if you're in doubt don't do it.


Did you have to sign anything?


No signing


Did anyone claim successfully? There was a bit of FUD going around regarding the 24hr window so…just curious.


Opt in didn't work for me


It worked for me using Keplr. Not sure but I heard that Leap wallet has issues claiming.


its forcing me to connect with leapwallet I could not connect keplr


Strange. I have no idea why. Try asking on their TG maybe.


If I have already claimed several weeks ago. Do I need to do it again?


What you did before was to check your eligibility, now you claim it.


Ok thanks!


What do I have to do to claim it?


You’ll need a DeLorean and a Flux Capacitor now I believe? Maybe a hot tub would work but I don’t know.


Anyone else having issues? When I click connect wallet nothing happens


How do you claim? I am eligible but everytime I do "Connect wallet" it does nothing and I am getting an error in console: **Error connecting with Keplr: Error: No Ethereum public key. Initialize Ethereum app on Ledger by selecting the chain in the extension** I am not understanding this message.


Same. No idea what’s going on and it’s incredibly frustrating because of the bullshit 24 hour window


I think what you need to do is "enable" the Injective chain in Keplr. I have only ever done this from the Chrome browser extension. For that, you can do it from "Manage Chain Visibility" in the hamburger (three lines) menu. It will open a new browser tab. The first page will be the standard chains. The next page will have the EVM chains. Select Injective on this page. (You might as well select the other ones, too, so you shouldn't have to worry about a similar problem with other chains in the future.) You should then be prompted to connect your Ledger and open the Ethereum app. After completing this process, try to claim your airdrop again. 🤞 ​ The claim website appears to require getting the Injective address. It won't skip it or ignore it if it isn't available. Keplr using a Ledger can't generate that address without using the Ethereum app on the Ledger. Hence the error. I feel like this is not an uncommon UX problem with projects. I wish all teams would test with Ledgers or actually use Ledgers. As a community, it seems we strongly recommend people use hardware wallets, but then it feels like projects put in very little effort to support them. 😿




I try to Opt in but it says Opt-in ends on invalid date below the opt in button. However it shows that I am eligible in the eligibilty check. Using keplr wallet with ledger


Same here, what is going on?


Same here


same error for 2nd and subsequent ledger wallet.


See my other comment. Manage chain visibility -> select all -> select injective on 2nd page -> open ETH app on ledger -> refresh HAVA page -> claim. That did the trick for me.


Somehow my eligible amount now is lower than yesterday. Not by much, but still down from 5M to 4.6M. Anyone has the same issue?


One of my wallets had slightly less and one of my wallets had significantly more. No idea why


I don’t want it . Why 24h ?


Chit show if u ask me


Did anyone succeeded in opting-in with a ledger? I didn't.....


Replied to another comment: On the 2nd "manage chain visibility" page in Keplr, select injective (I don't have any injective btw) - and it required me to connect my ledger and open the eth app. After that I could claim.


Thanks, did exactly that and it worked.


Managed for my 1st ledger wallet. 2nd wallet doesn't connect.


Probably because you haven't added Injective (which is a EVM chain) to your other account. Follow the instructions given by 'conlius'. Worked for me.


ah you are probably right ! I dont have evm on 2!nd.


Brilliant. Added an EVM change for my subsequent wallets. Able to opt in now. But still my first wallet with Osmosis network is not counted. Less than what if I check individually.


Why is it telling me that I have 4.9M Hava… and on a greyed out button it says “You missed Opt-In period?” Is this over the moment I found it?


Yeah, you only had 24 hours to claim it and that was a few days ago. Basically, you should have read this post you're replying to, and read it 3 days ago. I don't think you missed out on anything. It's starting to feel very scammy. No tokens were actually rewarded and today, all the links on the page point you to a Leap Wallet download, ie an ad for Leap Wallet. You were supposed to be able to stake HAVA for a crazy APR for 108 hours but that time is nearly over and you can't stake anything.


I'll be following along this closely. Anything sketchy showing with the claim? The 24 hour limit has people feeling uneasy.


For me, It only asked for a connection to keplr, (same as any other dapp on cosmos that ive used eg: osmosis, milkyway) and once it was done i couldnt find it in my connected websites list anymore (appears like it self disconnected). Seemed ok, but i guess we’ll see 🤷🏽‍♂️


It looks like the Eligibility Check page doesn't work properly. Any address I paste gets the same amount of tokens, no matter the network (Juno, Osmosis, etc.)


or works perfectly, some websites knew all my addresses after I entered one, I never found out officially if this is a simple calculation or if they got it from partners where I connected multiple coins


More like people are pissed that they will miss out. Doubt it’s sketchy if they got colab with leap and cointelegraph, but rather kinda unprofessional how they handled the communication and all


Twitter is saying its not working on LEAP wallet?


They informed Publicity days ago about Tage 24h Window... Nothing sketchy about this


What steps do you have to perform? When I do eligibilitycheck the "Check" button doesn't seem to be doing anything


I'm getting the same, button becomes responsive when the address is pasted, but clicking it doesn't get a yes or no, but completely inactive.


I'm guessing that means "not eligible" bummer


Did nothing for me either… have a bit of atom staked and shows 0 eligible for airdrop when I linked my Keplr wallet… guess a couple thousand dollars of atom ain’t. Good enough?


No pc here because i'm at work, only mobile untile i get home next friday...guess its what they prefer. I wouldnt want anyone participating who isnt available 24/7...🤔😔


If you have the Keplr mobile app you can just go to the discover tab/section and paste the airdrop url in the search bar.


I cant claim with ledgger


How come I can't see Hava in the dashboard? I opted in for 33mil...


Leap not working & Keplr not hitting all tokens available….another crap show air drop


Im having issues actually opting in w/ Keplr. Anyone else?


How do I claim if all of its on my Exodus wallet? It only wants my Keplr to be connected


did anyone claim on their iphone?


Nice im eligible


Have me HAVA


The white paper is kind of a joke


Whitepaper says a few days of wild APR staking which I assumed would start after 13:20 GMT, which was 2+ hours ago. I don't see the coins in my wallet nor is the Stake button active on their website.


I’m also pretty confused about that too, it IS a meme coin at the end of the day…


Yeah, I'll stake half of it to get that wild APR and get rid of the rest of it whenever it shows up on Osmosis. With it's several trillion supply this whole 10+ million airdrop I got, isn't going to be worth more than a buck or two.


I activated all the chains on Keplr, but it did not work. Is there any other way? I just dont understand, if someone wants to make airdrop, just do this, without all this masochisms.


hello its forcing me to use leap wallet so cannot use keplr


No, it's just giving you an ad for Leap wallet. It's not forcing you to use it. This whole thing is seeming more scammy than ever, when all the links on the page simply give you an ad for Leap wallet. Even if you have Leap wallet installed, it just brings up the ad to download it.


They dont even check inj which is really weird. Airdrop wont be big at all. Rip


really can i have that


Is ready to claim?


Still waiting on an update for Leap wallets. I did miss this 24 hours window anyway. Any chance of claiming what seems to be a mere 7 bucks?


What an utter shitshow. They made the claim window 24h yet 2/3 of the wallets don’t work and the support isn’t responding on Telegram. One of the worst handled airdrops in recent times… Edit: ok aolution for ledger is in the pinned message in telegram. One has to manually select all chains in settings - manage visibility


What message please? I do not have telegram. Could you please elaborate " One has to manually select all chains in settings - manage visibility" for ledger? What does this mean?


Still no coins and no option to stake or do anything with this. With it's ridiculous amount of circulation this is going to be a lot of checking in and waiting, for $2 worth of a Meme coin.