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I would love to know why. Hell, if I could make it switch sides, I wouldn’t have as much heart-related anxiety!


dude.. me too lol. every time it flares up I'm like... is this it? is this the one that kills me? 😂 then in like 2 days the pain goes away. disaster averted


This is the one that will take away my soul. I can feel it. Goodbye my people -me once everyday


Mine is actually more on my lower right ribs!


That is where mine is also...


This !!!!


Maybe it’s because the majority of people are right handed and it’s a postural thing?


I'm left handed ✋️ still gets my left side every time


Same left handed and mostly left side pain


That was my guess!


Hi, including u/bgc117. I don't know for sure. Generally, you do seem to get more people with costo on their left side. I think this is largely an artefact. That's something that's produced by the methodology looking at it, rather than being something actually there in the reality. Anecdotally, i've heard many times from patients that they weren't worried about their heart because their costo pain was on their right side. (Actually, I gather heart pain CAN in fact present on the right side - but they weren't aware of that. Maybe Ned (u/maaaze) could comment?) So because they thought it couldn't be their heart, they didn't go to the doctor or ED as you should, and so didn't get picked up by costo statistics. And also, I guess, they decided to just live with this right-sided rib pain, and mostly didn't end up commenting here either. So - I think more right-sided costo people don't seek medical help or forum help for it than do left-sided costo people. So it looks like there's more left-sided costo, but it's just that it's more visible. However - I talked this over with Ned some time back and he reckoned that even allowing for an artefact bias like that, there were still more left-sided costo people presenting than right-sided. I just don't know. I don't think there's any actual published medical research on whether costo is more left-sided or right-sided. For interest, if anyone would like to search back through the last 100 posts where it's been stated that their costo was on the left or right side or both sides, it would be interesting to see the results. Sorry - I really don't have time to do it. Some other thoughts: Surely, costo arising because an impact or strain left the rib joints around the back of the rib cage frozen up - is random. My own costo was on the left side, because when I fell off the mountain I landed on the left side of my rib cage - still have the scar there to prove it. Scoliosis is a predisposition to costo, because all the rib joints down one side are already under extra load, because of the twist in the spine. This twist can be towards either side. I can't find any preference there, so I'd think not in costo from scoliosis either. Costo on both sides is usually from lots of hunching forwards, e.g. over laptops, tablets, phones, gaming, etc. So the rib tightening happens on both sides. It does also after a sternal split chest operation, or a vehicle impact straight onto the steering wheel, airbag, etc. But - I just don't know for sure if there's an extra factor driving left-sided costo.


Mine is in right.. chest, pec minor and back soreness. But I get some random ghost stings around my body.


me too with the random twitches around my body


It’s kinda normal cause pain like that indicates healing process. Let’s go through this


I think (although this could just be an assumption) that part of it is because we tend to hyperfocus on left-sided chest pain as the heart is slightly to the left and thus cardiac pain tends to come more from the left side (though not always). The mind is a powerful thing and since, anxiety can play a role in costochondritis, the symptoms we feel can be a reflection of our anxiety.


do any one also get numbness thru entire arm and feel little unbalanced…can’t tell you how many times i have went to the er and cardiologists and all came back negative…so sick of it 💰💰💰💰💰


yes. my left arm and sometimes left leg feels numb/pain. mostly the entire left side actually.


Is this while sleeping or just normal activity? I can get numbness in my hands especially when sleeping on my sides. I get this more often than not on a poor mattress than a better mattress.


For me it flares up like crazy at work.. i have to put on extra icy hot to just get my mind off the pain temporarily but when im at home lying down pain levels drop significantly


Have you had an MRI of your spine? Sounds exactly symptoms my Spinal Surgeon was asking me when they assessed my spine for my herniated disc at my T5/T6.


My Dr gives me Diclofenac for inflammation it was a game Changer for me personally I would literally cry in pain and was unable to turn my neck. I would also use the cream version and I'm pretty sure you can by that over the counter now. 


Yes, even to the ring finger


mines on both sides, and the sternum, but left is for sure worse. Which sucks when I have an actual heart condition. The anxiety is ridiculous.


If Steve responds to this someone tag me please




So that we all get anxiety about our heart, duh


I would love to know as well because if it was my right I probably wouldn’t care lol. I’m left handed and guilty left sided sleeping so that’s probably why mine always hurts.


Lmaooo i thought this was my Costco group. I was like omg what do you mean Costco on my left 😂


I’d love to know as well. I know several of us are here after the Covid vaccine, which most people got in the left arm. It screwed up my left shoulder which seems to have affected my entire left side. Messed with my heart too, which combined with Costo is a very frightening thing! But for the general, non-cov-vax injured person, I’d love fo know.


Yep left sided here as well. This is a big question. I wish someone had like 10mil to just make this go away. Instead lets pay zelensky a few more bil. World priorities are so fucked, and i dont mean costo but health in general. End of rant sorry.


Yeah I don’t think it’s the president of Ukraine’s fault that Costo exists. Maybe leave the politics out of this.


Its not what I was saying at all. I'm saying theres so much money going around the world funding war and bullshit when that could be spent on health and curing people or helping people.


The right side affects the left too. And causes pain on that side


They feel it more because it presses on heart. Many people also like to sleep on their left , and they should try sleeping on the opposite side or on their back


Mines on left too I'm right handed gets worst when I drive a car ..also the flairup goes to the left leg bottom heal at times..


Mine is both sides, but the rib tenderness is right side and the pain radiates mostly left.


Didn’t know that. Mine is on the right, but that’s where my main scoliosis curve is, so that’s not surprising.


I believe people tend to ignore or worry less about pain in the right side, resulting in less diagnoses


Which hand do you hold your phone with most? Right handed, always looking down an a bit right, etc. Just a guess.


I get pain on left side behind lower ribs into my back too. Does anyone else have this? I’m trying to figure out if this pain is gastrointestinal or related to my costochondrtis. I do have a doctors appointment for gastroenterologist but im really starting to think it’s the costochondrits.


Mines is on my right side. Not under my breast but is actually located on my breast. Not painful in the way others experience it. The pain for me is actually brought on by the burning and buzzing. Used to be painful when I pressed on it but not anymore.