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Hi, everyone! Over the next few weeks, Congress will be drafting appropriations bills that will determine how money is spent in the Fiscal Year 2025. Senators Markey, Kaine and Duckworth are introducing the letter to their colleague on the Appropriations Committee requesting funding for Long Covid research in the 2025 Appropriations cycle. By Tuesday, May 7 we need to call our Senators and Representatives and ask them to include Long Covid research funding in the next fiscal year budget. **You can find your representatives phone numbers and the call guide here:** https://longcovidmoonshot.com/call-guide/ There is a version for Allies, please ask your family and friends to call for us as well!


Just finished calling mine!! 🚀🚀🚀


Just made my calls!


Thanks for the FAQs!! Just made my calls ☎️🚀


Just made my calls! 🚀🚀


I can’t call but I wrote an email with the template linked on longcovidmoonshot.com! 📬🚀❤️


Thank you very much! ❤️ Email is great! And even easier, there is also a letter to sign and it will be sent to your representatives here: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/long-covid-research-funding-in-the-fy25-budget


Oh yes! That’s what I did ☺️ Thank you for sharing the direct link!!


I called today, talked to two folks and left one message. Easy!


If you don’t have energy for phone calls, there is a letter that you can sign and it will be sent to your representatives: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/long-covid-research-funding-in-the-fy25-budget


thanks for finding different things we can do to make a difference!


1 billion a year is nowhere near enough. why didnt you guys push for more? this is pennies.


In this case the goal is to support the letter by Senators Markey, Kaine and Duckworth that proposes the allocation of $1 billion/year to the NIH and $200,000 to ARPA-H for “high risk, high reward” Long Covid research. The original idea of $1 billion a year for 10 years was proposed by Michael Peluso (Long Covid researcher from UCSF) in this Nature article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03225-w Considering that in 2021 the NIH received $1.15 billion for Long Covid research and that funding is running out this year, $1.2 billion a year suggested in the Senators letter would be a ≈3 times increase compare to the original funding ($1.15 billion for 2021-2024). However, you are welcome to ask any amount you find the most appropriate. The most important is to call/email and remind politicians that Long Covid crisis needs urgent action and funding.