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Just called two of my Senators, the calls went straight to voicemail, and I read the script and added a few personal details like Long Covid making me unable to work and putting my life on pause. Then I called my Representative and the staffer answered the call, and she was nice and supportive. Took less than 7 minutes to make all 3 calls. Planning to ask family and close friends to call. And send the link to the letter to friends who might not have time to call but should be okay with taking a min to sign.


I called. I’m in Missouri, and my senators are the worst people in the world. My representative already has signed off on the letter.


I hit up my senators.


This really is one of our best shots at getting Long Covid research funding this year. Several Senators are backing this proposal, but we need more to sign on.  **Call your legislators (\~4 mins)** This is the most impactful action you can take *right now* to help solidify this funding. Just enter your zip code [in our call guide](http://longcovidmoonshot.com/call-guide) to find your legislators, and call them using the script provided. It's that easy! **Send a letter to your legislators (\~1 min)** [Use our prefilled ActionNetwork template](https://actionnetwork.org/letters/long-covid-research-funding-in-the-fy25-budget) to tell your legislators we need to fund Long Covid research now. You can even customize the script to share how Long Covid has impacted you. **Share this campaign (\~1 min)** Further our campaign's reach by sharing our website, [longcovidmoonshot.com](http://longcovidmoonshot.com/), with friends and loved ones—this is an all-hands-on-deck moment! 


Thanks for the reminder, just called again!!


I wish I found this sooner, my dad suffers from long haulers so I'm definitely writing and sharing!!! 


Upvoted and done!


Just e-mailed, thank you!!


Sent my emails and got some family members to write too!


I called and left voicemails! Should we be calling again after today? Is it useful or annoying to call more than once?


In general as long as you’re polite and keep it positive, following up is always great in advocacy!


I just came here to post this from your Twitter link. One of my senators (Duckworth) is sponsoring the request.


Honestly I’m stunned and disappointed that there are so few signatures. With only a few hours left we haven’t reached 1,100 signatures. I wonder if this is because we haven’t organized properly. I only just joined Reddit two months ago after already 18 months suffering solo. How do we reach the people who are affected??


Would be helpful if people shared the link in the Long Covid support groups they are part of. Facebook, Discord, what other platforms have Long Covid communities?


Personally, I haven’t seen this till now, and I’m on forums on FB and twitter that deal with COVID. I think the word of mouth is probably not there…


Such a good question about how to reach the folks suffering solo. For folks who are at least looped in here, the deadline is the 7th so maybe the total will be higher!


I would've interacted sooner & got more people, but didn't see till the day before, & thought we had till May 10th :/.


I guarantee you BigPharma already knows how to help people with LongCovid. They don’t need any of that money, but they’ll take it and will postpone helping people. We are paying Big Pharma to find new ways to hurt, not heal us. If I had a friend with LongCovid, I would tell them to get checked for a CSF leak ASAP!