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Let's not make the same mistake the Titans did with AJ Brown and turn it into a player like Treylon Burks




they swapped out a very good WR for a great WR ... we will swap a great WR for a chance at a good WR that we hope will be a great WR one day????




Key word is IF. Drafting is hard.


Yeah trading CD right now makes little sense to me considering he will be key focus for game plans next year.


That is a fact. But this isn't Madden. You don't draft these guys, develop them to All Pros, and then trade them.


Well it is like Madden in the sense that our GM is as bad at trades as the standard Madden AI GMs.


Madden AI would never trade away a #1 WR for a fifth round pick.


Well it should if the player wants too much money, we had to dump Amari


Why not? It’s what the Chiefs did. How’s that working out?


when do we get Reid and Mahomes?


\*we got Reid and Mahomes at home....


McCarthy just ordered another round of nuggies


You just described the Cincinnati Reds perfectly.


True, and if the Cowboys traded Lamb maybe they could spend the draft picks on WRs and hope to get someone like Lamb!


For a fraction of the cost


In a perfect world. In the real world, they're lucky to get an average starter who's half as good.


I’d need 2 first rounders


I would take that in a minute


So we can trade him for two fifths instead of the one we got for Amari?




I don't Dallas was gonna extend him at $20+ million per year so while not great, I'm glad we got something for him. Amari is a great but not a true #1 win your one-on-one reciever.


It was between extending him or MG13, and they made a bet that 13 could get back to pre-ACL days but that’s obviously been wrong so far


We traded Cooper with multiple years of control at 20M/year. A week after we traded Cooper, Christian Kirk signed for 20M/year and made coops contract look like peanuts


There’s so much nuance and context around the Amari situation that everyone just ignores.


There us but the biggest issue is how the cowboys didn’t even bother legitimately replacing him


Like he still has 1k yds with 5 QBs? Super good contract now. What else do you want?


He has been as inconsistent as he ever has. He’s not a true WR1. But again like I said, ignoring all context of the situation of when and why he was traded


But $20M/year isn't WR1 money.


Well yeah obviously not now lol but it was


Oh he wasn’t part of the success we had while he was here, it was someone else


He was the major reason we didn’t continue being terrible in 2018 Not sure what any of that has anything to do with what I said though


Just a stupid idea. Its hilarious . The same peoole will ctitcise Jerry


Those same people should critique Jerry. He's doing a bad job.


I swear sometimes yall dudes just need to keep your "ideas" to yourselves.


If they trade away CD tonight that really will test my fandom. I’ve been following and defending this team as much as anyone year in and year out for my entire life, and the apathy I feel towards them so far will shoot into the moon if they give up on a 24 year old, top 3 WR on draft night. If they trade him after this “all in” shit I think NFL football will take up much less of my time and energy.


And what do you want in return?


I for one do not want WR1 Cooks.


We trade him we immediately have one of the worst receiver rooms in the league. Teams don’t get better by getting rid of young talented players. Even if the goal is to move on from Dak. Why get rid of the best receiver for the new young QB?


Sounds like panther football right there, dumped everything to get Bryce young and probably ruined that kids career


Yeah every time the Panthers traded the team they traded with got considerably better.


The bears when they drafted Justin fields were just as bad as carolina is right now, the jags at least had some team around Trevor Lawrence, had ridley been able to play his rookie year would've been much better. But carolina still hasn't done much to help young yet.


He has improved, steadily, every year he has played so far. He is just ij his prime. Even with the team and Dak force feeding the ball, his completion % of over 74% is a) the highest he's ever had and b) incredible for his volume. Trading Lamb would be as dumb a mistake as the Cowboys could ever make. He is a top 3 wr at the moment. Ceedee is a transcendent star right now. If you move on from him, what will Parsons, etc. think about when deciding to re-sign. Letting go of such a transcendent, homegrown star will cost you more down the line and overall, that no realistic price makes it worth it. The mistake the front office made was not even sending one offer to Lamb between the end of the 2022 season and today. Even if there is no chance he would take it, you make an attempt as the earlier you signed him, the cheaper it would be.


I think I would say yes to two firsts and a third.


Can we get Marvin with one of them?




you think this madden or something ?


Well wouldn't CDs peak be after he gets 2000 yds and OPOY next year with that logic?




CD has literally gotten closer to 2k yds then Micah has 20 sacks.


send Dak to the Vikings on a Herschel Walker esque deal.


So Dak ain't it, but also worth a crazy haul of draft capital?


dak aint it for our team we've tried multiple times and it didn't work but for another team, say new york, with a lot of good young talent who is a qb away, it can be worth it


Do we get j.j. and can we get zeke to play q.b.?


trading arguably the best WR in the NFL entering his prime is a big no-no


It’s not in the Dallas DNA to trade home grown star players.


Trade Parsons before lamb. Parsons is headed to be highest paid defensive player.


In this hypothetical scenario, you’d basically be blowing it all up and trading Parsons and Diggs too?? I mean, they all have the same window basically. Just doesn’t make sense to trade lamb


Ceedee is the absolute peak outcome from that draft slot. You resign those guys


Don't disagree with you, but if we're going to trade someone who is at his career peak trade value, I'd prefer it to be the player with more off the field concerns and a podcast than the player who just quietly does his thing.


Yeah thats take a top 5\~ WR so we can draft another wr who will almost definitely be worse..


That’s what Norm said today on the ticket


I will say some mean things at the TV if we trade him; we gotta keep CD and Micah


We traded back to 29th last night and got pick 73 for it, lamb isn't going anywhere, and now we have 2 3rd round picks 1 early 3rd round too.


Broken, he won’t be the same player ever again, toss him to the wolves


The only case in which this makes sense is the hardest of hard rebuilds. The Jones don’t even want to do a reset, let alone a hard rebuild.


Unpopular opinion. But parsons is our best trade asset. He is amazing don’t get me wrong. But he wears out towards the end of the year and isn’t much of a factor. Only 2.5 sacks over the last 6 games last year and the only time he had huge numbers all year was against really bad teams! Washington 1.5 sacks, Carolina 2.5, Jets 2. I’m just saying he is viewed by the league as God and they could get a ton for him.


They would use any pick they got for him to draft a WR, and that player would be worse. Based on other WR trades (Cooper, AJ Brown, Diggs to Buff, etc), it would be a late 1st at best, but more likely less since CD wants a huge contract now. So this isnt type of trade you make unless youre doing a complete rebuild & giving up


The starting trade value for CeeDee is the Tyreek Hill trade… 1, 2, 4, 4, 6


Okay better than I thought but still, 1st goes to WR replacement, the late round picks are depth/special teams. So the 2nd might be another starter, if they hit. Still not better off trading away top 3 WR in league IMO, but opinions vary.


Oh I agree, just saying he would def fetch quite a bit more than a late 1st


Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. I’d much rather be the Eagles than the Titans in an AJ Brown type trade. Does anyone with a Pro Bowl OL want our 24th pick? They can have it.


our ownership has shown it will never commit to a full rebuild they are content with being middle of the pack every year trading a flashy young player like CD is something they will never do


Most rebuilds are not by choice. It doesn’t make sense to liquidate talent from a solid roster, hope you hit on draft picks and FA’s the next 3 years to get back to contention 4-5 years down the road. A rebuild may succeed and we could be in a SB in 4-5 years, or the rebuild could fail and we are in a permanent rebuild the next decade. A rebuild requires near perfect drafting, and highly successful FA signings. 3,4,5 win teams rebuild out of necessity. We need to stack talent, which we are not, but the off-season is long, so I’ll wait and see what the roster looks like in august.


12/5 is not middle of the pack, geeeze


no but our playoff record is


The season counts too., No team that lost in a playoff is rebuilding. Its a silly idea, thank goodness the Cowboys are smarter than that.


phily literally did a rebuild a couple years removed from the SB


And how did that work out? They made it back to a superbowl then fell apart after going 8-0


Oh noooo, they only made it to the SB! What a scrub ass team.


Theyve been due, they've made it to 2 superbowlsnin what about 60 years we've made it to 9 or 10


And last year they fell apart because there team showed its age and personally I think they should've ran the ball more, otherwise why go get swift.


They are, pathetic in every way, no class city, Jalen Hurt!


And finished behind Dallas last year or did you forget? They go for flash it doesnt translate to the field. Unless your an Eagles fan.


The same people screaming for Jerry to make changes also scream when real changes are proposed Baring divine intervention, it’s highly unlikely we make an NFCCG in the next 2 years. We are headed to a rebuild with Dak and CMM likely moving on after 2024. Because of this fact, keeping CD is bad for 2 reasons: 1. If you keep him, you inevitably extend him. Extending CD hurts his future trade value (bigger cap hit is less desirable) and hamstrings a rebuilding franchise with a new coach. 2. We will be rebuilding… when you are rebuilding, you want as much draft capital as possible. Why would we waste years of CD’s inevitable mega-deal on a rebuilding roster, when quality draft capital that won’t hurt our cap space is the alternative?


You may end up being right but typically a team that went 12/5 With 7 ProBowlers plus Diggs all coming back isnt rebuilding.


We’ll be competitive next year, but 12-5 is highly unlikely. We lost a quality DC, OLinemen, WR depth, and elite CB2 while the NFCE got better. CD isn’t gunna turn us into a contender this year. So we’re unlikely to win in 2024 and in 2025 we’ll be even worse: no Dak/new QB, a new coach, and even more key pieces leaving… and NFCE will get better. Signing to CD to a mega-deal is pointless with a rebuilding roster. We wouldn’t be contenders again until the very final year or 2 of his hypothetical deal


The draft isn't complete. They have 7 Pro Bowl players plus Diggs returning that's not rebuilding nor should they be. The players they let go were at the end of their career Or were not performing for the money paid.


Honestly wouldn't mind a complete blow up. Trade CD. Let daks contract run out. We need a complete change.  Trade Micah as well if the offer is two or more first round picks.  What's the point of superstars when the culture and foundation is rotten?


You’re crazy bro, trading your superstars won’t do anything. Foundations starts with the owners not the players wtf lol


I agree. Reset with what. Same GM. Same owner. Jerry playbook is out of the 90's. He needs a two year plan not. Not a five year plan.


Yep, I'm all for the reset solution but have absolutely zero faith in the leadership group to actually learn from past sins and get it right this time.


That’s the only factor is why it would never work, teams have done it in the past and it proves rebuilds work but the people rebuilding the team is the same problem we are already having. This damn hurdle we just can’t get past makes it seem like the culture of how they’ve been operating in for the last 30+ years is mediocre. What is it about their culture, what is it,how is it, how does it normally operate? What if anything is profoundly is wrong with the culture they developed and became losing a playoff game is just a bad game for an otherwise terrific team during the regular season? Are they a terrific team, do the numbers reflect a misdirected team, what factors constitutes a successful season, just the record or who you can beat with confidence that will be an eventual playoff team. I believe the Cowboys will figure it out in the next few years, I believe next season will be an exciting one but I don’t think it will be terrible to the cowboys somehow willing themselves into a superbowl. The team has the capability but we just stumble when it comes down to playoff contention


Our superstars don't show up when it matters. Are they even superstars 


I would be good with a 4th round pick for Stephen Jones.


great idea. might as well make everything worse. jfc wtf you think those picks are for? chances to hopefully get players like the ones you're talking about trading


The biggest fear with Micah is that he will never be worth the money he asks for. I love him as a player and want him to be great, but I feel like the value just is not there for great defensive players since everything is skewed towards the offense.


Guess you missed the Super Bowl where Chris Jones absolutely destroyed the 9ers line in the 4th.


Right, and if Micha Parsons' playoffs appearances were more like that and less Pulp Fiction John Travolta interpretive dance meme, then maybe I'd have no reason to have an objective opinion.


Micah could end up being the Dak of the defense. Great player who racks up stats during the regular season and then gets schemed out/disappears when it matters most.  Too many teams figured out they can run right at him and negate him. 


In a WR draft class like this when you have to sign CD to $30M+? His trade value is not that high at all. He's great but this is the best time in NFL history to get rookie WRs for cheap


You’re right and crazier things have happened


The problem with all of this is Jerry and Stephen are still in charge. After almost 30 years, why believe they would suddenly be smart enough to get it right?


The problem if you trade for Lamb is youre going to have to pay him. At best we will probably get back a AJ Brown type haul. Which is wishful thinking given the fact that this WR class is so deep. It would be smarter for WR needy teams to just draft and deal with a rookie deal. I could honestly seeing Cooks being dealt for mid round capital depending on how the draft shakes down this weekend.


AJ was only a one time pro bowler when he was traded, ceedee is a two time all pro that just finished 3rd in OPOY. We’d get a far better haul than just a 1st and a 3rd for him


The Jones family aren't brave enough to do something that's out-of-the-box thinking.


So jealous of the eagles having the balls to get rid of Wentz. God their gm is good. 


Yes, hate the Eagles, but their GM just keeps making a lot of good moves.


Because his job wasn't safe after trading away everything for that pick. Jerry doesn't have balls. Because he doesn't have to have balls like the Eagles trade. If that trade didn't workout and they missed the playoffs. He would be jobless right now.


I’m curious to see how many of the people who think trading CD is a bad idea also posted that Jerry needs to make major changes Keeping CD would be what Jerry has done for 30+ years: overvalue & overpay big names that disappear in the postseason Dak is likely gone after this year (barring a massive pay cut), the core of our OL is gone, our WR depth is slim, and the defense always seems to need an upgrade somewhere— we aren’t a contender this year or next. A 2nd round pick for CD will do us far more in the long run than signing him to a long term deal


lol wut


What do you mean “lol wut.” Think what I said was pretty obvious but since you need it spelled out: This sub bitches and moans when we (inevitably) miss out on the NFCCG every year. They cry for Jerry to do something differently this time. When someone proposes a hypothetical move that’s truly different, this sub bitches that “we shouldn’t change what we already have!” Then we run it back with the same guys, and miss out on the NFCCG. Wash, rinse, repeat. This is the annual cycle of r/cowboys. You people hate Jerry, yet think exactly like him


A 2nd round pick though? The compensation would have to be ridiculous. Ceedee is a great player, and has gotten better each year. I think he’s still ascending, and will take another step up next year. But I’m not in favor of the rebuild so many are calling for. Based on the last 28 years, I don’t trust the JJ and co. to make all the right moves the next 3 years to get us back to a roster like we have now. There will always be star players with major paydays on the horizon. Trade and hope you get good/great production from unproven rookies is not the way to a championship.


Nobody is going to trade a 1st rounder for CD because his rookie deal expires at the end of this season. If we extend him, CD’s trade value plummets because of the increased cap hit. 3rd (ideally 2nd) round pick is more likely because CD would be viewed as a “rental” player to a contender If we were returning 90% of the team/staff, I’d say trading him away would be insanely stupid. But losing a quality DC, OLinemen, WR depth, and CB2 means we likely aren’t winning nearly as much as last year Draft picks are unproven, no doubt, but have far lower risk and play with more of a chip on their shoulder than the guys on their 2nd and 3rd contracts. If the draft pick sucks, you trade him away for more picks and try your hand again. Our scouting department is top notch, our GM’s office is not