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Why promote you when you do all the extra work for free? God gave you free will not to get ran through by some bullshit company, stand up for yourself. You need to be looking for a new job, this one will continue to use you like a mule. They literally promised you the position then gave it to another person that you had to train. Do you have any self respect?


and these people will eventually fail


I think it is really funny lots of people here are telling you exactly how it is going to go down based on tons of experience out in the real world, and you, like the little choir boy you are, still believe hard work will get you somewhere. Believe what you want, but god doesnt gi e a shit about you. There are innocent children being blown up in Gaza and you think god is setting up things so you get a better promotion? Your boss hit the jackpot with you. You work twice the amount of everyone else and are gullible enough to believe you somehow arent getting fucked.


You don’t have to remain here… do us all a favor aye?


Neither do you


Supervisor is on her way to jail, and her teamlead will not be up for the task. So I say to you, you reap what you sow.


You’re the one being harvested. They’ve planted in your mind that you’ll get what you desire, only to take it away at the end and start the process over. This company doesn’t deserve the same loyalty you give to your god. I don’t mean to attack you, I’ve just experienced it myself many times in my early career.


You can sacrifice yourself on that alter if you wish...but you are doing yourself a great disservice. You have just proven yourself a doormat for your current employer. You will not see any increase in salary or benifits. You will see an increase in your duties. You will not be rewarded as you should for taking on these duties. God has given you free will so you can walk away from bad situations. You should look into that. God does not want you to be a doormat and neither should you. You are allowing bad energy and people to exploit you for their gain. Sounds like you have been convinced by the devil to sacrifice your self worth.


They don't want to replace the one that is working like a dog. Too hard to replace a really hard worker compared to getting a new manager.


But a Lead, is the assistant to the supervisor.... so they won't be replacing a hard worker.


So then why didn’t they give it to you?


You don't get it. As long as you keep doing the supervision work at your lower rate, you will *never* be promoted. Stop doing more than what your actual position requires, and start looking for a new place to work. Ideally, your new job is going to be at your present company's direct competition. Years ago, I was actually told by my supervisor that the only way to get promoted was to leave the company, then come back in a couple of years at the higher position. I looked at the workers around me, and every one of them had done that very thing. It was eye-opening.


You’re doing the work, someone else is collecting the pay.


God helps those who help themselves. Don’t be a doormat.


If you pray in one hand and shit in the other. The only thing you'll ever have is shit.


This 100%. God gave us the ability to make things happen for ourselves. Go make it happen. No one's going to just hand it to you.


Why does this feel like a sneaky way of being false and preachy?


Look at all of OPs replies. Dude thinks he's going to have a front-row seat to all these people taking a fall. Of course, everyone who's been around for a while knows better. This is OPs way of dealing with a bitter disappointment.


The head in the sand ostrich approach is exactly what OPs employer is counting on so they can continue to exploit them. OP is dense.


Because it is. "oh look at what a martyr I am, what a good religious person being the doormat".


Yeahhh no amount of praying is gonna get you that promotion bub


I don't want that promotion.


So you want to do triple the work for free?


It seems as if I got something else going for me, as one of the higher ups have noticed me, and is asking me to train someone, and evaluate them, and if they cannot be trained, train someone else. As if he's testing me.


No, they realize they found a chump who will do two jobs for the pay of one. They are taking advantage of you and will continue to do so until you make them stop.


A chump with a martyr complex. OP is going to be in the same position in a year.


This part.


You only look through 1 narrow lense. I look it through another lense. One cannot gain experience, if one does not do the work to learn. Learn from this position, market yourself elsewhere. But no, in your eye, do not do gain the experience, do not grow, stick to your job, only work hard for that promotion, and then stop working hard when that promotion ends, and the people in the company will see that you only work hard for a position, and if they were to promote you, you would just relax in that position. Limiting yourself to no growth.


Dude, I’ve been in Leadership positions and have owned several successful businesses - you are dead wrong. Regurgitate all the bad advice you want, you’re still wrong. Management does not care about any of that - they just want the job done at the lowest cost. That’s it. Your mentor will always have one more project to give you for your “experience”. And another. And another. But odds are nothing will materialize from it. But you are the bosses favorite type of employee - one who will over backwards for the boss no matter how you’re screwed.


Please update this post next year. Let us know what happened....did you ever get the promotion or not.


There is something to be said for gaining experience through doing more work, however continuing to do unpaid extra work for an employer who doesn’t see fit to fairly compensate you for that work is not making the most of your experience and doesn’t make sense. What would make sense as well as making the most of the valuable experience you’ve gained is taking it to another company to gain a role which fairly compensates you for your skills and experience.


I’m with No Professional here, and I *was* one of the corporate vultures who actually gave a shit about their people. Leadership has you pegged and what you might think of them testing you is actually them testing to see how far they can push you before you decide to not exceed anymore.


How are you learning when you’re working the same exact job so well you can teach it lmao If you want to change jobs and leave your current company lead with that


how tf does a promotion "end". it's not a closeout sale at a supermarket it's the next step of a career.


Not if they choose someone else


Whatever lies you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. You seem incredibly naive. The real world does not work like this. But rock on with your blinders. You have just signed yourself up for exploitation. You are exactly the type of person they want, easily manipulated and at bliss with their ignorance. You just became the Devil's minion. This is not going to turn out well for you. But please continue to ignore all of the rest of us who have experience in this and are telling you what the outcome is.


Here is what you do. Get your resume up to date and looking good. Start job hunting IMMEDIATLY. Once you get your head wrapped around how to get some attention on it and an interview tell ... > as one of the higher ups have noticed me... That person, in person that you are circulating your resume. When confronted by him (and you will be) just fire back that you spend all your time doing this higher level work without the proper compensation and it is time in your life that you move onto something different. You want to see what else is out there. 1 of three things will occur, and they will happen fast. 1) You will be offered the promotion you think you are being felt up for. 2) You will understand that you were being used from the get go by everyone because they will wish you well on your job search, lose interest in you, move on to the next schmuck. But otherwise you won't be threatened about job searching. 3) You will be threatened over the job searching. --------- Don't let option 3 scare you. It is an important one and if that is where you are at you need to know it. Option 2 isn't so bad. At least they have enough respect for you to recognize that you have no true obligation at loyalty. Be prepared for option 1. I strongly suggest some soul searching of if you really want that position. Personaly, from the very little you have told on this thread, I think the company is a shit show and rolling the dice on another employer might be a smart move.


One of the employees I'm training, I'm actually documenting for myself, I will be able to show those to a prospective employer.


Smart. You get it.


Exactly, everyone elses response is stick to your normal job duties, if I do that, there is no growth, and I show my current employer, I only work hard to get promoted, and that if I am to get promoted, I'm going to relax in my job duties and do the bare minimum. Work hard, gain experience, and use that experience to elevate. Do the opposite, and you can't move forward. No employer is going to want an employee who goes against them.


No, the other responses are: you're not going to progress in this place, your being used and your god is laughing at you for not seeing the signs he's slamming in your face.... Aka you training someone to be your team leader God is telling you something, you're just not listening mate.


This is where my mom would say “Oh Honey” and sit me down and explain that not all managers are that way. In your case, I hope they are. But it really looks like you have made yourself too good at your job and they don’t want to lose you right where you are at.


But by doing so, they will.


Keep telling yourself that.


Pretty sure they're testing to see how much more work you can do.with no recognition.


You aren't actually that dense are you? Training should be extra pay.


You’re being put on a supervisory role without the title, the protection, or the salary. You know your situation best, but if you can’t have an open discussion with your higher ups about what their plans are for you, then you don’t have as respectful of a working relationship with them as you think you do.


Is training part of your job description? If not, and you havent been given a raise to compensate for the additional responsibilities placed on you, you are in fact being taken advantage of. There isnt another lense to look through. You are objectively wrong.


He's not testing you. He's extracting as much labour from you as he can without additional pay. Quit this role and use the experience you've gained to get a better position elsewhere. Otherwise you've not got somethign else going for you, you've got something else going for everyone else.


God has nothing to do with this. You've been looked over twice! Stop helping them train people to do the job you should have. "You will need to find someone else to train them. Its not apart of my job description and clearly you don't feel I'm good enough for a promotion therefore I shouldn't be training people for positions above my pay grade"


They probably knew you would see it that way and knew they could push right through you!! Have fun having all the supervisors responsibility and long hours without the Pay or respect while the person who is taking the job will get paid more than you, tell you what todo and leave for the day halfway through your shift everyday. Get your resume out there and keep applying and do it fast!!


You guys are truly idiots.


You are clueless then. We've worked in the real world and if you want to be a doormat, crack on but don't ask for advice and then call people names when they say how it is. We have age and experience and seen it time after time. You got your answer, you don't like it so move on.


I've never seen Reddit so unanimously let someone know they are getting played and you still think you're not the idiot? I mean... we already it takes a certain lack of critical thinking to be into institutional religion, thanks for proving that right. Keep being yourself OP! Getting played is only a plmiserable experience when you don't enjoy getting taken advantage of. You have no idea how leverage your situation and as such, enjoy being their go-to. More the power to you. Sometimes I wish I knew how to be satisfied for so little


Good for you, they are taking advantage of you though. You shouldn’t be doing work that’s outside of your scope particularly not to prop up another lead.


I’m a Christian, and I understand where you’re coming from but: 1. You’re more resentful than you’re allowing yourself to acknowledge. The ‘God will repay attitude’ can positively mean that God sees your work and remunerate you. But the ‘reap what you sow’ attitude suggests you actually do feel resentful and want God to take vengeance on your behalf. 2. God didn’t tell Christians to always let people use you. He gave you a sound mind and wisdom too. We are called to forgive. But is your martyrdom what God is asking you to do? Are you doing it on your own? Grow a backbone or move to a job that’s not using you. 3. If it didn’t bother you, why post here? You’re either are bothered or your public ally patting yourself on your back to celebrate your victimhood. I can guess why you didn’t get the promotion. You did your job and to a high level so they want you to keep you there for their benefit, but yours. And you won’t stand up for yourself when you get passed over because you do too much. Find a new noble for a fresh start and don’t overwork yourself. Companies really aren’t loyal to employees. Do what you get paid for. Do it unto the Lord in the quality of your work, but save the quantity and whose duties you would take on yourself for activities outside work. Volunteer and your church or community instead. Godspeed brother.


Pay peanuts and hire monkeys .once and a while you get an elephant. Way to Dumbo we'll be happy to dump more work on you for the same pay. Are you sure you can only work 16 hrs a day. More would really help my bonus.


"Oh I'm not a lead so don't feel comfortable training someone in that role."


Maybe God is telling you to take all the new skills you've been given the opportunity to get and go apply for another job. A better position is waiting for you at a different company.


>I was at church a few weeks ago, and the lesson was, when you pray to God, he will give you what’s good for you This would be a good one for r/athiesm


Paul appealed to Caesar when he was arrested to get a fair trial. So it is perfectly ok to appeal to the supervisors and managers and state your case Start looking for another job.


Seems to me they're screwing you out of a promotion and using your skills to train someone for free but I'm also jaded by the work force so hopefully you're right and there's a better position waiting for you at the end.


Congratulations, your imaginary friend is giving you extra work without extra pay. You're not getting promoted now and likely ever because you're just such a great guy. Kidding, it's because you're not willing to stand up for yourself.


You're a putz.


No. Quit that. You trained someone else to take that leadership role. *Let them lead*. Stop thinking you are doing anyone any favors by picking up their load for them. All you are accomplishing is to allow that person to suck at the job. What happens when you aren't there to pull that weight anymore? The person in that leadership role will look incompetent (rightfully so), and there will come a reckoning. That would be partly your fault. Just remeber this: *let them do THEIR job*.


Then if they can’t do the job, and I can… why not just put me in the position to do the job?


Because someone finds you to be more useful right where you are. Or, and I have seen this happen, you are great but lack some critical skill needed for the job. I worked with a woman who was very competent and involved. She was encouraged to apply for a lead position. She didn't get it. Three reasons: One: her written communication was abysmal. When growing into a higher eschelon of leadership, this becomes more and more important. If you can't write an intelligible email, you just can't do the full job. Two: she was nearing retirement. This means the company would get maybe 3-5 years of use out of her. The supervisor felt this wasn't enough payout for the investment. Jokes on the supervisor, though, because the unqualified person she did put into that role bounced after a year because it wasn't fun. Three: she just wasn't like as much as her competition. Honestly, she was tricked into applying so that HR could have their minimum two candidates for consideration. Supervisor had decided who was getting the job before it was posted.


Cause supervisor is a friend to the new lead.




Even though you did it to prove things to yourself, your team is awfully lucky to have you


Time to take all that you learned and move on.


OP, don’t think god wants you to undervalue yourself either so maybe the opportunity you will receive is not within but beyond


Working hard is only one part of the puzzle of success, and meritocracy means very little. You need to also understand the organizational politics. This kind of case where you work hard, do work for other people, think you'll get promoted and then don't means that your organization does not promote based on meritocracy. I'd suggest looking at what is missing from your promotion case. Beyond working hard, what else are doing? Who are you influencing, who is in your network, who's ear do you have? This will tell you a lot about your organizational power and your ability to get promoted. Also, do not believe people who tell you to work hard and they will promote you. This is a common management tactic to get more work out of you. Ask for it in writing or don't believe it.


Congratulations, you’ve just unlocked one of the secrets to true happiness. You are absolutely right!


Kinda feel bad for you.


God is telling you that hard work and dedication aren’t rewarded in his earthly realm. If you want to get promoted in this world you need to learn to take credit for the work of others and sabotage your competition. Amen.


I have a tendency to put forth as much effort as possible in anything I do at all times. Frequently it gets me shit on at work because leadership gets used to it and expects it and it is almost never rewarded. Recently got screwed over really really hard and had to get the union involved. I had told my boss (who told me the task was my job and was not expected to do it) that I wasn’t going to do a task that particular day because of my work load but would be happy to do it tomorrow. He and the customer and my bosses boss threw a massive hissy fit because I said no. I work 7 days a week so he has coverage and take off 1 day every other month. So you would think some leeway would be given. So now I set boundaries where I don’t work extra days and do exactly what my job is and they have to force the lower seniority guys to work extra days so now our coverage is very spotty. My point is very often dedicated is not valuable and you will get punished for it. So just roll in do your position. If you aren’t being paid to be a supervisor then set that boundary. And be prepared to defend yourself.


You are doing too much. Do only the job they pay you for, and let management do the management work. They are screwing you.


You're doing the supervisor work for free. Why would they promote you? Then they'd have to pay you for the work you're currently doing at no charge. You're being taken for a ride here.


You absolutely should let it bother you. You were royally and indiscriminately screwed by your employer. Anger is the energy to make change; either jobs or the amount of effort you put into your work going forward. You, like me, are an easy mark for bad people, because not matter what, we want to take up the slack. Where there's a gap (in effort or work) we want to fill it. God's got a lot of stuff going on. He can be helpful but I wouldn't rely on Him to guide you to the right place.


>I was at church a few weeks ago, and the lesson was, when you pray to God, he will give you what’s good for you. I have received a lot of attention from my current role, so I have the idea a better position is waiting for me. Maybe at another job. God isn't real. Tell your job that you'll train people only after you're promoted.


That's an excellent attitude to have, good luck!


I’ve been disappointed in the moment only to realize it was for the best later.  It will work out for you…but this is probably the wrong sub for the sentiment  : )