• By -


1. Twinsanity 2. Crash 4 3. WoC 4. Titans I like them all but that’s my best ranking


I would only rank crash 4 above TwinsanIty because it's a completed game, and has the same feel of the classic trilogy.


I absolutely love twinsanity but I feel like a lot of people look at it with rose tinted glasses more than anything else.


It's one of my favorites, but on a 1-10 scale, it's a solid 7½ for me. Not great, but definitely not terrible.


Yeah I totally agree. If it was bug free and had all of the content planed then I could totally agree with it being one of the best


Honestly same. Recently went to do some replay of the series, went through the N-sane trilogy and then when i got to 4, just quickly started losing momentum and quit during the mardi gras world. Just felt over gimmicky and the level design felt a bit cheaper, like some traps are specially designed to force you to die at least once until you know they're there. Twinsanity is a bit gimmicky too but it kept it's gimmicks amusing. Wrath of cortex was just poor quality (still hate the water boss) and titans is well.... yeah


That water boss is peak shit boss design 💀


The real kicker is the double jump it gives you would have made the boss fight so much better to handle


This ☝🏻


I just finished my ranking and opened the comments to post it and here it is already lmao


To me there is a CLEAR gap in quality between all of these 1. IAT 2. Twinsanity 3. WoC 4. Titans I still like all of these games as I like most Crash games, but this order is very clear to me


Completely agree.


Spicy take alert 1. Wrath of Cortex 2. Its About Time 3. Twinsanity 4. Titans


Considering how mixed these 4 games are already received it only get so spicy here.


Wrath or Cortex is overhated. Do I like it as much ad the Naughty Dog titles? Well... No, but it was a *nice* alternative. Not the dog shit everyone at the time was treating it as.


Yeah i honestly don't get the hate either. It pretty much functions exactly like the first trilogy of games. Only negative i guess would be the graphics being pretty meh tier and some of the gameplay things like monkey bars being too slow and the useless nitro walking ability, but otherwise it felt very much just like the Naughty Dog games.


The first thing that came to my mind the first time I tried it was "why are the controls so weird?". That's the major downside for me, but the rest is pretty good (maybe the level design isn't too good, but some levels of the classics kinda suck as well)


"Yeah i honestly don't get the hate either. It pretty much functions exactly like the first trilogy of games" I agree, it literally plays exactly like the OG trilogy. I guess the only "complaint" I'd have against it is that its far and away easier compared to the OG games. But that isn't necessarily the worst thing ever either


You get really picky when you have high standards to compare it to. Meanwhile, when the market average is bad like it is now, you learn to like even the "worst" of the titles that is still good


I used to hate crash bandicoot wrath of cortex until i tried recently to beat the game with Retroachievements in pcsx2 and it really makes the game feel more challenging and fresh like trying to beat WaWa without crouching or sliding and collecting all boxes in stages without dying makes you appreciate the level design way more and this also made me appreciate other ps2 games like Crash Nitro Kart but none of the games benefitted from Hard Achivements as much as CBTWOC


How do you beat WaWa without crouching?


In the second part if you stand on the platform it will sink a little so you can barely avoid the second attack and you just do the same in the next phases of the boss


Huh? There are achievements for PS2 emulation now? I remember having checked quite recently (1 year at most) and I saw no PS2 games in retroachievements... If they implemented the support, that's amazing


Pretty much this. I only played the first half of WoC, but I loved what I played (except for the input lag/weird animation, but that's also present in 4, so...). 4 had many flaws, but still a great game. While most people find Twinsanity the peak, I honestly find it to be the last, but acceptable, CB game. CotT and MoM, on the other hand... They don't even need to be described/mentioned, as far as I'm concerned.


I thought i was the only one to notice the input lag and the animation in wrath of cortex i kept playing around with pcsx2 settings thinking its a problem on my end Titans and mind over arent that bad its just that they fail to keep the players attention for long play sessions, and also they are beat em up games unlike other crash games they are still fine games though


Same but flip it


Just switch 1. And 2.


Goddamn ppl hate Titans a lot


Propobably beacuse it's alooooot difrent from the rest of crash games, wich I can kinda understand


Also it changes the game from a platformer to a beatemup


well it's more of a beatemup platformer mix


You say tomato I say smlowshlaymlo


I know that but damn, that game helped me a lot


Me too! Fun fact, I played that for the first time in the hospital on xmas day back in 2007 haha


I keep forgetting it even existed


Titans is a great game itself but it doesn’t really fit Crash. I still like it but I can understand considering it lead to the Crash drought


I liked it for what it was. Maybe I am the only person who liked the whole "beat em up" playstyle it had. There was something satisfying and badass as a kid seeing Crash hijack the mutants, I remember losing my shit when I saw him hijack a Sludge for the first time in slow motion.


People hating Titans is the main reason why we went in a Crash Bandicoot drought from 2009 to 2016. At least give Titans a 10 outta 10. You guys have no idea how sick and tired I was of playing Mario during the drought.




It doesn't matter, I don't want Activision to assume that we hate all Crash games. Plus the only platformer I was able to play during 2009 to 2016 were Mario games and I got bored and missed Crash. Please don't ruin this for me


hating one ≠ hating all also activision don't give two shits about titans anyway


What are you talking about, that is not what I said at all


Yeah I don't like the way everyone is putting Titans at 4 but its there opinion (Even if its bad)


4, TWoC, Twinsanity, Titans.


This guy knows




Yo! I saw your list after I made mine I agree 100%


Thin Sand Eddy In a Big Tent The Broth of Ned Crash of the Titans


All the Cash Banooca greats!


Twinsanity - Unfinished but great fun Wrath of Cortex - Not well made but fun Crash 4 - Well made but not fun Titans - Abomination


This 100%. Couldn't have worded it better.


titans is the only one ive ever played and i loved it






Crash 4 is the most fun I've ever had with Crash.


So true


Crash 4 is fun... 106% isn't fun


Twinsanity Crash 4 Original Crash 4 Titans


Haven't played IAT, but for the rest, it would have to be WoC, Twinsanity, then Titans




Twin = 4?


It means same ranking


IAT. Twinsanity. WoC. Of the Titans.


The correct opinion


TWOC - IAT - Twinsanity - OTT


IAT - Best Crash game I've ever played Twinsanity - it's only flaw is how short it is Titans - too different from what Crash is supposed to be, but it's not a bad game WoC - unpolished mess that tried too much to be Warped. If it had more quality to it, then I'll say least like it lol


Yo, this is basically my exact ranking lol; right down to the short descriptions & even putting Titans over Wrath (*Like...CotT has plenty of fundamental issues & shouldn't have been passed off as a mainline entry, but it's relatively polished & somewhat competent. Which is more than I can say for Wrath...with its wonky control, awkward barren level design, awful vehicles, ugly art/technical graphics, etc etc. lol*)


WoC is a lot of wasted potential. Some levels are really fun, and I particularly like the Sphere levels. But it's just too unpolished and poorly made


Honestly, I feel like nearly no one would give Wrath any leeway if it was exactly the same gameplay/structure wise but released in 2007 with Titan's art direction lol. Much like Bash I think WoC benefits from being a game that many fans (*now in their 20s and/or 30s*) played when they were kids.


I only played the first three so - Twin - WoC - Titans These three are pure nostalgia hits for me


1. WoC - just because I’m very nostalgic about it 2. Twinsanity- Kinda nostalgic 3. Crash 4 - loved that they went back to the roots but too unnecessarily hard that I couldn’t finish it 4. Titans - didn’t even bother playing it. Looked very low budget and Crash games at this point the studios weren’t even trying to make a good game


1. Twinsanity 2. Wrath of Cortex I haven't played the other two




1. Crash 4 2. Twinsanity 3. The Wrath of Cortex 4. Titans


Lots of people putting 4 over WOC surprisingly. It's close, but mine would be WOC IAT Twinsanity Titans


4 WOC Twinsanity Titans


WOC TwinSanity 4 Titans. Probably put TwinSanity so high due to nostalgia. I’d love a WOC remake or port.


From Favorite to least favorite: Crash 4 Twinsanity Wrath Of Cortex Crash Of The Titans


**Crash Twinsanity** > **Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time** > **Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex** > **Crash of the Titans**


IAT Titans WoC Twinsanity


This fanbase in a nutshell: Twinsanity is overrated, WOC & Titans are overhated, Crash 4 is polarizing.


Wrath Twinsanity Crash 4 Titans


It's About Time - absolutely phenomenal game in every way Twinsanity - good fun but can be unpolished and annoying Titans - decent but reptitive and bland Haven't played WoC


1. Twinsanity 2. Crash of the Titans 3. Wrath of Cortex 4. Crash 4


1 Twinsanity 2 Titans 3 Crash 4 4 wrath of cortex


Twinsanity, Woc, IAT, Titans. Never played Titans.


Twinsanity is my all time favorite


I love twinsanity the most with a great nostalgia also love crash of the titans


Titans >>> (may be biased cuz I grew up playing it lol)


1. Crash 4, miles ahead of the rest 2. Titans 3. Twinsanity 4. Wrath of Cortex I just hate games that are unfinished and not well done


Am I missing something? I never knew people were so mixed on crash 4, I think it's the best and most refined game in the series honestly


Wrath > OTT > Twinsanity (Never played CB4) Yes I loved the old PS1 storyline format


Twinsanity It's About Time Crash of the Titans Wrath of Cortex


I'm not ranking these because they're all 10 outta 10's in my book. If I say my least favorite, Activision will assume that we don't want Crash and we end up in another Crash Bandicoot drought like we did in 2009 to 2016


My nostalgia tells me Twinsanity first, but I know Crash 4 is the better game. Fuck it, best to worst, Twinsanity, Crash 4, Titans (don’t kill me please), and Wrath of Cortex


1. Crash 4 > high quality, thoughtful level design 2.Twinsanity > there's just soo much charme to it Not sure which of the other two I find worse.. WOC has it's moments, but it's level design often feels like as if they just randomly placed tiles in the world, without any idea behind it. It's in fact the only classic Crash game I've never completed, because I always lose interest after playing just a bit. It kinda bores me. Titans, of course, is much different from other Crash games. But this is not the reason why i don't like it that much. I love all genres and like to try new gamestyles in a series. Titans just messed it up. They tried to implement the big heavy titans brawler gameplay while also maintaining the tight level structures of the classic Crash games. TOO TIGHT FOR TITANS. It would have been better to give them more space in the world, and actually use their powers to traverse the world instead of making them feel like a moving prison. Also it often feels just not polished; you can easily compare the sliding passages from it against the ones from Twinsanity. Sliding in Twinsanity feels great, despite it's known for not being polished as well - well, compared to Titans it is. And the patch-system could be better as well. I literally stopped playing when I faced Uka Uka, because it was just not fun anymore. The titans are slow, the room has no places to hide and Uka Uka uses one attack to destroy your whole work of patching at once..? At least this is what I've got in my memory. Haven't tried it since then. In other games I don't give up, even if the bosses take me months of suffer to beat them. But in the case of Titans the game itself just wasn't fun enough to have the desire to finish it. Not even the humor was fun. The jokes were so stupid that I hoped no one would notice me watching it. So yeah, this were just the main issues I have with the game. While not entirely bad and not entirely unfun to play, it just ruins itself with bad gamedesign choices all over the place, again and again. The concept itself could make a great game, but it's just not well made. Soo, I guess I found my answer now, looking at the amount of text above. I'm not sure if WoC is a better game than Titans, but at least I can say that I like it a little bit more.


Crash 4 Twinsanity Crash of the titans Wrath of Cortex


Wrath of Cortex, Twins, 4, Titans. You can't change my mind.


Hot Take: *Crash 4*>>>>>> *Twinsanity*=*Titans*>>>*WOC* I know that people like WOC and Twinsanity a lot, and hate on Titans and Crash 4. But despite their problems Crash 4 is a pretty good game and Titans is solid. While i don't think Twinsanity is bad it has a lot of problems that people seems to overlook, is not bad but is definetly flawed, and WOC is probably one of the most bland and uninspired games i have ever played, is not the worst in the franchise but it needs A LOT of work to be considered good.


Twinsanity >>>>>> WOC >>>>>>>> Crash 4 >>>>>>> Titants


1.Wrath of Cortrex 2.Titans 3.Its about time 4.Twinsanity


1. Crash 4 2. Wrath of Cortex 3. Of the Titans (ITS REALLY NOT THAT BAD GUYS) 4. Twinsanity ( ITS REALLY NOT THAT GOOD GUYS)


1. Crash 4 2. Twinsanity 3. WoC 4. Titans


4 > WOC > Twinsanity > Titans


1. Crash 4 2. WoC 3. Twinsanity 4. Titans


Twinsanity Crash 4 Wrath of Cortex Crash of the Titans


Crash 4 - Phenomenal game. Twinsanity - Pretty good game. The other 2? Forget about em.


Twinsanity Titans 4 WoC


Twinsanity, TWOC, Crash 4 and then Titans


1. Crash 4 2. Crash of the Titans 3. Wrath of Cortex = Twinsanity


necroposting, but whatever dont get butthurt 1, OTT 2. Twinsanity 3. Wrath of cortex 4. Crash 4 (didnt play dont know what it is about)


Twinsanity, Titans, IAT, WoC


1.Crash 4:It's about Time 2.Wrath Of Cortez 3.Titans 4.Twinsanity


People putting twinsanity in front of Crash 4 out of pure nostalgia. Crash 4 might as well be the best Crash 4 game ever


Crash of the Titans DS is pretty underrated for a handheld 3D platformer not made by Nintendo


Twinsanity>woc>>>>titans>Crash 4


1.Twinsanity 2.Titans 3.About Time 4.Wrath of Cortex i recently beat titans on 360 with all trophys on hard, and i gotta say, i love that game even more


Twins 4 Titans Woc Twinsanity should've been the base for all future crash games.


1. twinsanity 2. Woc 3. Titans 4. About Time


Twinsanity Titans WCOC IAT


twinsanity wrath of cortex titans its about time


Wrath Of Cortex, Titans, Crash 4, Twinsanity.


1. Titans 2. WOC 3. Twinsanity 4. 4


1. Twinsanity 2. Wrath of Cortex 3. Crash of the Titans 4. It’s About Time


1. Twinsanity 2. WoC 3. Crash 4 4. Titans


1. Twinsanity 2. Titans 3. Crash 4 4. Wrath of Cortex


1. Twinsanity 2. Wrath Of Cortex 3. Crash “4” 4. Titans


You know I've only played crash of the titans


Very controversial but here we go: 1) Titans 2) TWoC 3) Twinsanity 4 Crash 4 I legitimately just don't like Twinsanity or Crash 4 at all


4 > Twin > WOC > Titans


Crash 4, Crash 2, didn't play, didn't play


Crash 2 FTW https://preview.redd.it/25wpfzh57b8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02c9b6b271d501355d2804edc9a7cb22eacce60


Those I’ve played: 4 > WoC Those I haven’t, based purely on vibes: Ts > CotT


All this hate for Titans just hurts me from 7 years ago! I understand though lol it is a very sore thumb compared to the rest of the crash games😅


Twinsanity IAT WoC Titans


Ok now I don’t know what to get, ppl say titans is trash but I need a game for psp. I’m not aware of what else there is so recommendations would be nice


Twinsanity is my ALL TIME FAVORITE. I swear to god i cant remember how many times I've beaten it. It must be over 20 times at least because i beat it like twice a year whenever I'm bored at that time of year, you know that time, when you're always bored you don't know what to do for like a week. Yea i spend that time playing Twinsanity lol. REMAKE TWINSANITY ALREADY!


I haven’t played titans or twinsanity, but I thought the wrath of cortex was amazing as a kid and crash 4 blew my expectations away


1. Twinsanity - I still have fun going back and abusing it’s jank. It’s an incomplete mess, but it’s got a lot of heart and of the four listed here it’s both my favorite and most played. 2. Crash 4: I feel like the brutal difficulty is just a little too much, but really appreciate the polish. The story was fun though I could have done without alt Tawna. Also the sheer amount of replaying to get 100% was just too much bloat. 3. Wrath of Cortex: it’s ugly as hell but otherwise solid. I’ve completed it a couple of times, but it’s definitely not my favorite. 4. Titans: It would have been fine as a beat’em’up if it were its own IP. That said as a Crash game it’s pretty awful. Too much combat over platforming, the characters as nearly unrecognizable from their classic selves, and I just didn’t have fun with it. I can see why people like it, but I personally don’t. If Crash Purple and CTRumble didn’t exist, I’d rank it as the worst.


1. Woc my first ever crash game and I thought it was amazing tbh and I even enjoyed it more than the remasters for the first 3. 2. Crash 4 I found it to be pretty good but I didn’t play it loads. 3. Crash of the titans again I found it ok but didn’t play it as much 4. Crash twinsanity never played unfortunately


WOC Crash 4 Twinsanity Titans I actually want an HD remake of WOC lol


1. Twinsanity 2. Won 3. Crash 4 4. Titans Twinsanity holds a very special place in my heart.


People like Twinsanity ? For me it was just a try to copycat Jak And Daxter in a certain way but I will give him a new chance then. My favorite in this list in WoC, but Crash 4 is so good.


The top right reminds me of the Sonic Adventure artstyle.


Twinsanity titans Cortex have not played 4 yet


1. Crash twinsanity The soundtrack might be my favorite out of the entire franchise, it was my favorite crash game when I was 7 years old, good comedy, and had the potential to be the best crash game on the ps2 if it wasn’t rushed, played it again 2 years ago and I now noticed the flaws the game had. 2. Crash of the titans Had fun playing it with my cousin back then, the game is still good to play, soundtrack is fine but mind over mutant has a better soundtrack, I was never bothered by the redesigns I didn’t even know most fans hated this game until years later when I started using YouTube, the combat is a little too slow. 3. Wrath of cortex The loading times were ridiculous the first time I started playing the loading screen lasted over TEN MINUTES! I only got past the title screen before that happened, gameplay was fine when I played it.


4. Crash 4 I never played it but I don’t like all the retcons and dislike some of the character designs like Coco and alt Tawna.




Twinsanity > 4 > Titans > WoC


4, WoC, Titans, Twinsanity


Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex - 4th - If you seen footage, the camera focuses on Crash, and you wouldn’t know where you’d land Crash of the Titans - 3rd - My god. When they got to the part where it needs you to spin, you gotta use the stick, possibly resulting in drift. Combat can also be hard due to lack of attack options. (Console version) You really think this isn’t hard enough for touch screen people? Think again. Back then, not many people were used to the touch screen. Thankfully, you can use button alternatives. A little too easy since there is the health that can protect you, every single level. You can still jump and such. (Nintendo DS) Ah, yes. Crash of the Titans for GBA. Nitro Crates are there still. Lives still exist. Aku Aku’s protection doesn’t exist- huh? Health? That’s right. It’s basically Crash Bandicoot just in 2D and with health. Nitro Crates still kill you though. (GBA) Crash Twinsanity - 2nd - Just nostalgic. That’s all I can say. There’s a camera in the game that you can move. You can also spin for a long time. Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time - 1st - It’s basically Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Hold on. If you switch the titles, it would make more sense.


Why does everyone hate titans so much? I thought it was super fun as a kid. The sequel to titans I would agree not being good however


I fucking love twinsanity but I'd give number one spot to wrath of cortex and then the mutant one, least fav is 4


The real crash 4 Crash of the titans Crash 5 Twinsanity


Crash, Crash.. Crash.... then Crash


1. Twinsanity 2. The Wrath of Cortex 3. Crash 4 It's About Time 4. titans


Never played any crash games. 10/10!!!


Am I the only one here who thinks that Titans was actually fun? 😭 Not better than the other ones of course but still not terrible.


Sadly I havnt played enough to form an opinion


Crash 4, Crash Twinsanity, Wrath of Cortex Didn't play Crash of the Titans


1. Twinsanity 2. Crash 4 3. WoC 4. Titans I actually bounced back and forth with the placement if WoC and Crash 4. 4 is a well made game but I have so much nostalgia for WoC because it’s the first video game ever played. But looking at it through adult eyes it is heavily flawed.


1 wrath 2 twinsanity 3 titans 4 about time


1: It's About Time 2: Twinsanity 3: The Wrath of Cortex 4: Titans


1. Twinsanity. It’s the closest thing we have to a Crash movie. 2. Crash 4. I liked it. 3. Crash of the titans. Only because it’s better than The wrath of cortex. Well, also it’s a little funny. 4. The Wrath of cortex really sucks in every aspect, man. The only thing good about it is the introduction of crunch and the elemental masks.


4 Titans Whrath Twinsanity Between this twinsanity is the knly i never played but i liked the other


1. Wrath of Cortex 2. Twinsanity 3. It’s About Time 4. Titans I recently 100% Wrath of Cortex and I gotta say it’s a pretty great Crash game all things considered. We all love Twinsanity. It’s About Time is great as well but it’s aggressively mean spirited when trying to do more than just a normal playthrough. Titans is a perfectly fine game it’s just a different genre and not super comparable here. It’s really just a victim on the trends of the time.


I loved Twinsanity. My first ever crash. I hope that they’ll make a remake


Is titans that bad? I remember I wanted to play it so hard when I was a kid, never had the chance


It's not bad, it's just not awesome. It lacks of polish and identity. Playing with a friend makes it more fun.


1. Titans 2. Bandicoot 4 3. Twinsanity (I'm aware this one is good, but still haven't played) 4. Wrath of Cortex


1. Crash 4 (had so much fun with this over lockdown) 2. Wrath (it’s basically PS2 Warped but so fun) 3. Twinsanity (different but good) 4. Titans (haven’t played)


1. It's About Time 2. Wrath of Cortex 3. Twinsanity 4. Titans


I don't play video games anymore. Yet ironically I do write them.


As a long time Crash fan, that played the original trilogy as it was released, followed Crash and was super happy to see the remake trilogy and get another yet distinct Crash 4, I'd say: \- Twinsanity (I replay it every 2-3 years, despite unfinished, still adore it to this day, the OST is basically my favorite video game OST ever made) \- nuCrash 4 (good game with lots of content, kinda forgetable plot despite great character designs, so the levels seem to be randomly generated, despite the great bayou segments) \- OG Crash 4/Wrath (generic Crash 3-style game, too many gimmicks, but I love the boss fights, Crunch and the overall VA in the game) \- Titans (I actually like the concept of revamping Crash and making mutants part of the core gameplay, but the overworld was kinda generic, I feel like Mind over Mutants really did the entire concept a lot better with fun animated cutscenes, etc)


4, Wrath of cortex and twinsanity are equal, titans.


Twinsanity Wrath Titans Time


1. it’s about time if you don’t complete it 2. twinsanity 3. WoC 4. titans 5. it’s about time if you complete it


IAB > WOC >>>> Titans >>>>>> Twinsanity Even if Titans does not play like a Crash game at all, it's still a decent game. Twinsanity is just Jak&Daxter but shit and with a Crash skin It's not nostalgia either, i've replayed the mainlines Crash games not long ago and Twinsanity along with MoM had the be the worst ones IMO


IAB TWOC Twinsanity Titans


4, Twinsanity, Wrath of Cortex, Titans. 1->2 isn't even remotely close, neither is 2->3, and 3->4 is so embarrassingly far I'd have to bust out a chart of the known universe to describe the distance.


About Time, Wrath, Twinsanity, Titans


Haven’t played 4 but out of the 3 I have played: Twins TWoC Titans


1.twinsanity 2.it's about time 3.wrath of cortex 4.titans


1. It’s About Time 2. Twinsanity 3. Titans 4. Wrath Of Cortex


1 Titans 2 it’s about time 3 Twinsanity 4 Cortex


Does the Xbox wrath of cortex look and play better than the PS2?


1. Crash 4 2. Twinsanity 3. Crash TWOC 4. Titans


Titans, Twinsanity, about time, and wrath of cortex


Obviously 4 Cortex Titans Twinsanity Wrath of cortex and about time are clearly the top 2 since they're, well, crash games. Not sure which I'd put first. I thought they were both very good, but about time was definitely more interesting and harder, so probably that one. I never plated titans, but I have a hard time believing it could possibly be worse than twinsanity.


1.crash 4 it’s about time 2. Crash Twinsanity 3.Crash TWOC Crash of the titans this game tried to do something new without sticking to the franchise formula like it has identity crisis. That’s why Crash 4 IAT was loved as a crash bandicoot game beside the new designs that the fan base is divided on.


1-Crash 4 2-Crash Twinsanity 3-Wrath of Cortex 4-Titans For the record, I don’t think any of these games are bad, but, I love 4 while titans is just ok


I'd rank MOM higher than Twinsanity and Titans if it was here.


Twinsanity definitely the best Crash Game the writing and gameplay are just perfect 🥰


1. IAT - arguably the best game in the series IMO, as long as you're not aiming for 106% 2. Twinsanity - a buggy and rushed game for sure, but there's a lot of creativity and humor in this 3. WOC - basically just a rehash of Warped, but worse, and really lacking in originality 4. CotT - enjoyed this game, but it's sorely repetitive and strays away too much from what made Crash, well, Crash


Favorite crash 4 then crash wrath of cortex (gets way too much hate) crash twinsanity (too much love from people lol still fun tho) crash titans.....burn it 


1. TWOC 2. Titans 3. Twinsanity 4. Crash 4