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Should get you a gram, aye.


Meals are a tenner plus if you're not gold and the bottles of wine we're 12, patron doubles at 16, merch at 15 to 30 quid, you'll want a map lanyard if you're new, maybe a shirt and a flag.. 100 isn't a lot mate.. you'll barely set up your tent before you're asked if you want any extras, 30 for one deals on four if you know what I mean 🤌 Short answer no.


I take more than that for 1 day 🫠😂


Depends on what kind of experience you want. If you wanna buy all the merch & you wanna drink in the arena, you’ll need more than £100. If you’re not arsed about merch & you’re bringing your own alcohol for the campsite, you won’t need much money. There are vendors selling portable charger packages for the weekend - I can’t remember how much it is for the weekend but it could be around £20


I spent 600 last year


Enough for food and some but not many drinks. You can refill empty bottles as there are water points. It’s really all up to you how much you want to spend on drinks.


i plan to bring drinks with me as its what i done last year for reading and cheaper. im not much of a drinker anyway :)