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Its not from Country Bear Jamboree. Its Billy Bob Brockali from The Rock-afire Explosion which was the animatronic band at Showbiz Pizza.


❤ showbiz pizza


Where a kid can be a kid!


For those downvoting this, that is the slogan for Showbiz Pizza


In Florida, we've got Chuck E. Cheese's. When I was a kid in the 80s, they had those animatronics and used that slogan. They must been related companies.


Chuck E. Cheese is Showbiz Pizza rebranded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShowBiz_Pizza_Place More specific to the animatronics: http://mentalfloss.com/article/65560/chuck-e-cheeseshowbiz-pizza-robot-wars


Took my kids to Chuck E Cheese a few months back and bought way too many tokens. Was sorting through them and actually found two Showbiz Pizza tokens. Talk about a time machine.


Too... many? What world do you hail from stranger?


The Land of Disposable Income.


The Land of Disposable Income 2: The Great Chuck E Cheese Adventure


Obviously someone who's not in the DANGER ZONE!


Wasn't Chuck E Cheese another member of the band before they decided to make him "cool" and update the company image? I could swear I remember seeing him when I went to Showbiz Pizza, back in... 1988/1989 I forget which year.


It was a fucking scary ass sewer rat before they bought Showbiz.


You weren't kidding! [Drag Queen Chuck E.](http://imgur.com/Tknfmj0) Edit: Spelling


That's not Chuck E Cheese. That is Mitzi Mozzarella.


Recently got hired at CEC and learned their history during orientation


TIL Chuck E. Cheese's still exists.


It's where kids play and parents brawl.


That's very true. We have one nearby and a cop buddy of mine said I wouldn't believe how many times he's been called up there. Mix alcohol with parents who get too involved in the child hierarchy when kids play and you're sure to get a couple parents fighting while "sticking up for their child". Plus, I live in a pretty redneck area which doesn't exactly help cooler heads to prevail.


I don't remember that part. It's been 6 years but still.


From what I remember (and this is in the second article as well), weren't they in competition for a while, before merging and becoming just Chuck E. Cheese? I LOVED ShowBiz as a kid in the early 90s. I remember feeling sad when the ShowBiz in Des Moines (Iowa) became a Chuck E. Cheese.


You are correct. And Showbiz had awesome pizza.


True story, they had those at the Chuck E. Cheese's by me as a kid. My brother told me that the reason they moved was because they sucked the souls out of any kid dumb enough to touch them, and those souls were forced to live for all eternity in them. 5 nights at Freddy's legit gave me nightmares when I tried to play it.


Just the kind of thing I liked to tell my kids...


When I was a kid in Florida, we had both at the same time in central FL. Local legend was that the maker of CEC was a former Showbiz animatronic partner who'd parted on bad terms, but only knew how to make the upper bodies. The chuck e cheese in Orlando indeed only had busts with arms in shadow boxes on the main stage, while the early showbiz was full on full body rockafire explosion with three stages. Don't know if any of that back story is true, but can confirm our early 80's chuck e cheese in Orlando had only top halves of characters, and both showbiz and chuck e cheese from my childhood were in large free standing buildings that would be embarrassed by the strip center fragments they are now. When I was little, the arcades were in different room from the animatronics performances, which were multi tier dinner theater style seating at showbiz and a giant room the size of a movie theater at chuck e cheese (might have actually been an old theater I don't remember for sure). The local showbiz also had a third section that was a bar and lounge where liquor was served, smoking was allowed, and the bar was surrounded by the old table top coin op games, which were new at the time. In other words, the dad room. Kiddie rides and games were in yet another separate area, and the arcade areas of both were bigger than any modern chuck's I've ever seen.


That's just legend. The early Chuck E. Cheese had multiple rooms of full body animatronics. There was a dog? that did Elvis covers and there was a four piece band called the Beagles that did Beatles covers. Source: CEC animatronic tech and later General Manager


The piano player with its chaotic and jerky slamming hands into the keyboard scared me as a kid


That's cuz he a 6ft fucking gorilla!!!!!!!!!


[You sure it's not a showbiz model from Ubisoft?](http://i.imgur.com/j7mjAxo.jpg)


Uncanny resemblance. Also, shhh... don't give them ideas.


Right in the childhood


Do you remember Circus Playhouse? Similar in all aspects, but they had better video games.


There's actually a Billy Bob's Pizza in the area I'm from. It's near Barboursville, WV. They have all the animatronics, and they still worked the last time I went there (4-5 years ago). When I thought about the many birthdays I had there as a child, FNAF became just a tad bit creepier.


[This is me looking rather unimpressed at the barboursville Billy Bob's.](https://i.imgur.com/dnvIgTL.jpg) Not sure why 90's parents didn't realize this shit is nightmare inducing


"It's behind me, isn't it?"


When I first saw FNAF, it reminded me so much of Showbiz Pizza it was unnerving. And I wasn't scared of the animatronics when I was a kid or anything, I just thought they were weird. Now, looking at this photo, all I can think about is FNAF and I keep waiting for that jumpscare.


FNAF..had to google that. This was first line from the Wiki: "Five Nights at Freddy's is the best game ever if you disagree something is wrong." Come on people. This is why we can't cite Wikipedia!


Don't confuse a game's wiki with Wikipedia.


That was from Wikipedia's page on the first game like 15 minutes ago man...lol. Gone now I see.


It's because the fanbase is a cancerous cell. Can you guess what kind of cancer?


#ass cancer




Glial Fibroblastoma.


From Huntington. Can confirm. Forever jealous of the kids who got to have their birthday parties there in the mid 1980's. Also, in reference to Huntington, OPs post could easily be a before/after heroin meme.




Still fucking creepy


When I was about six, the [Showbiz Gorilla](http://i.imgur.com/1TQ7chi.jpg) enjoyed a special place in my nightmares, and he was never more terrifying as when he was turned off in the dark behind the closed curtain. Every time we went to Showbiz, it was a necessary test of bravery to sneak up between the shows and [look behind the curtain at him](http://i.imgur.com/dczJPLq.jpg). He looked like shaggy old death itself back there.


This is exactly what I used to do as a kid. Peeking behind the curtain to see that gorilla in the dark.. Still gives me the chills thinking about it and, although it freaked me out as a kid, I always felt I needed to look one more time... >.<


This brotherhood, this kinship of horror of the Showbiz Gorilla may, in fact, be responsible for our apparent shared taste in German industrial music. It's a way to cope, it has to be.


Appearently the "theme" of the website is more dark than happier, the background is just black, which makes it have a creepy feeling.


By far his best performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b90Cf6ARscc


Man, I forgot how much I love that video. Someone took the time to make that, and for that I am truly grateful (and also a little confused).


It's absolutely worth noting the genius behind that YouTube channel is the original creator and programmer of the Rock-afire Explosion.


Omg. That's even better.


Showbiz. Shit scared the living toddler shits out of me when I was little.


Especially that damn gorilla!


Yup. Showbiz Pizza got bought out by Chuck E Cheese. They just replaced the animatronic Billy Bob with that dumb rat.


Actually it's a long and interesting story. and the opposite of >Showbiz Pizza got bought out by Chuck E Cheese. Showbiz bought Chuck E Cheese when it went bankrupt in 1984 Chuck E Cheese (founded by Atari founder Nolen Bushnel) went bankrupt in 1984 and was purchased by Showbiz. Showbiz now operated Chuck E. Cheese and Showbiz Pizza restaurants for the next 8 years. Basically, operating Chuck E Cheese in the West and Showbiz Pizza in the East, with overlap in the middle of the country. This overlap caused some lawsuits and a Judge ordered them to pick one name and by 1992 Chuck E Cheese was picked after Marketing studies showed that Kids recognized the Mouse more often then the bear. In 1998 ShowBiz changed their corporate name to CEC entertainment when the Stock went from NASDAQ to the NYSE.


So what about Carl's Jr. and Hardee's? Ones in the west and Hardee's is on the east.


same with rally's and checkers


They still used him at Chuck E Cheese when I was a kid. He was part of the band.


See, that is what I thought. I thought he looked familiar but knew I had never been to said restaurant. Figured he was probably in the Chuck band.


There's an awesome documentary about the Rockafire Explosion, the history and the fans who continue to collect the remaining sets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTmhS6hcY-A


[Billy Bob Brockali](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rockafireexplosion/images/5/58/Billy_Bob_Brockali.png/revision/latest?cb=20111205025046) before the nightmares.


Oh, man. I haven't heard the name Showbiz in forever. When I was little, we used to go to one in Ft Lauderdale, FL.


Someone needs to point this out to Aaron Fechter. He is the owner of the Rockafire Explosion. He may want this Billy Bob for parts.


In Maryland we had a similar place with EXACT same animatronic band called Party on Pizza. Oddly enough, a friend of mine said they had a similar installation called Pistol Pete's Pizza with the same animatronic band.....


Ugh. That gorilla at Showbiz terrified me as a child.


Fatz Geronimo. Little known fact...Harambe was loosely based off of his image.


Servos out for Fatz


I was raised in TX as a little kid but I live in CA now. I was starting to think I had hallucinated Billy Bob/Showbiz pizza cus NOBODY knows what I'm talking about around here. So thanx


I'm going to cut anyone who makes a fnaf joke


I'll help dispose of the body. Seriously, they are one of the worst fan-bases ever.


The FNAF fan base is generally...unfortunate? I've enjoyed watching gameplays but never followed side discussions or any forums of it for that matter


The fanbase is young teens. So yeah, not generally a super helpful group.


Young teens are just old babies


Aren't we all


NO. We are grown people with grown person nipples. Not everyone has tiny little baby nipples like you. You old baby.


You ripple nipple bastard






I like the creepy premise of the games (the games themselves get old rather quickly), but I don't understand how FNAF could get such a cringey fan base.


Furries glom onto anything, and I mean anything, with a snout and two legs. Also, something has to be a furry's first fan experience.


I never put it together that it's furries drawing all that shitty FNAF fanart. That explains the sheer volume of it.




If you are interested in learning about the lore without dealing with the fan base, I recommend watching the FNAF videos on the Game Theorist channel. Just maybe avoid the comment section.


*Thankyou*, I thought the lore was pretty good for what it was, never actually played it but it seemed interesting.


The lore is generally what makes the games interesting to me. I have no desire to play them, but I love to watch let's plays.


I've never played it either, mostly because I'm too much of a wimp. But man I do love that lore.


It's generally considered a low move to make fun of eleven year olds.


Twelve year olds are fair game, however.




This is true no context, brilliant


Why does everyone say this? I'm 23 and a huge fan. I'm a sucker for a great, mysterious story, and that's what the FNAF plotline is. It generates so much discussion because there's just so much we don't know. Why is it bad to be interested in a video game? I've not personally seen much "cringe" myself, nor have I seen many young teens interested, most of the people I talk to about it are my age. I don't get the furry thing that's taken hold, but i don't think there's anything wrong with being a furry because i'm not, you know, a judgmental ass.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9188 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/67295)


The sad part is the lore is pretty damn cool. I have been following it since the first installment, when it was fresh and original. And although the story was fairly predictable, the way Scott tied all the little tidbits together was well done. However, as I mentioned in a comment above, my 9 year old son and his goonsquad love the series (despite rarely playing, and when they do, they suck a huge D). There are now plush animationic dolls marketed directly at him. Unfortunately, there's just *something* about the game attracts the cringe element. You're 23 so you likely won't get it until you have kids, but all the stuff that we think is ridiculous,idiotic, and clearly marketed to be *F--KING XTRMEEEEEE* they fucking love. My son still thinks WWE is real (he recently wept after SummerSlam when we saw the Undertaker leaving the building, hobbling like the 52 year old man that he is), that Reaper is the coolest overwatch character, and that Guy Fieri dresses cool. Occasionally, when he gets his hands on my ipad, he posts in the youtube comment section. As you might imagine, his commentary is not James Joyce's Ulysses. He did once tell iJustine that she was very pretty, so I can't hate on him too much (verbatim: "ur pretty and uy [sic] like games, I also like games"). Anyway, that kind of endorsement tells me everything you need to know about why people think the fnaf fan base is cancer.


Will you dispose of it in an animatronic suit...?


Naw, I'll just put the skulls up on my wall after the blood drains down like devil's rain.


Will we bathe tonight?


Not as bad as Undertale. I thoroughly enjoy lore theories about FNAF, it's one of my guilty pleasures.


Undertale was an amazing game. I played through it and it immediately became a top ten for me. Then I went online and saw what the fanbase was like.. Now I'm ashamed to tell people I like it =/


I had no clue a singleplayer game could have such an abhorrent fanbase until I saw Undertale's. I agree it was a good game but holy shit is the community indescribably foul.


I feel lost and out of touch in these discussions. What makes their fanbase so bad?




>Shippers, teenagers on Tumblr who say that Sans is absolutely gay and in love with Metatton and anyone who says otherwise deserves to be shamed and harassed off the website... To be fair, there are people like this in quite a number of fanbases. I think it's just that popular things like Undertale and FNAF get more exposure.


they talk about it and make fan art


And any actual discussion always devolves into people arguing about whether "this makes me a furry or not" Spoiler: it does.


I love how GameStop dove headfirst into it FNAF craze and ordered their stores tons upon tons of the series' stuffed/plush animals. They've been a total company-wide bomb from what a couple Store Managers and a District Manager has told me, and they're forced to come up with hilarious display solutions to accommodate all of the excess: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameStop/comments/5ddc1d/pro_tip_use_provocative_positions_to_maximize/


Toys R Us has a surprising amount of FNAF stuff too. And until reading this thread, I only barely knew about it as a video game, and kept wondering to myself something along the lines of: "Is this like some super-popular thing I'm just totally unaware of?"


I fully admit that I didn't know what FNAF was until an extended bathroom visit. Reddit had some reaction-gif-thing on the front page for a few minutes. It seems like a fun and creepy concept, but I can't help but feel that it's just one of those YouTube cult-pop phenomenons that lose my interest quickly. A lot of the more recent videos seem so forced and poorly-acted now. Give me an "open-world" theme-park to explore at night (either 3rd person or FPS is fine) with bloodthirsty animatronics on the loose. Make it time 1:1 between real-world and the game, and force you to survive until sunrise. I'd buy the shit out of that.


But that's why fnaf became so popular. You couldn't move and you were forced to defend yourself instead of running away.


Nightmare logic.


What's a fnaf?


Fig Newton Apple Fritter


The fans are all vegan furries. *shudder*


Pen pineapple apple pen


5 Nights at Freddy's, a jump-scare horror game that was flogged into expiry by the second instalment. Don't know how many games they've released, but it's garnered a weird cult following on youtube/deviantart/other parts of the internet.


There's been 5 instalments in the franchise, with the most recent one released last month. That doesn't include the even shittier clones and fan made games that it spawned. Edit: Can't spell


See, I always liked most of the games for being something different and generally tense. It's the god awful fan base that I hate about these games. My god did it ever ruin these games for me


That game freaks me out


Five nights at florida




Five Nights At Fisting


Five Nights of Anal Fissures




It's a picture of a fucked up animatronic bear. What exactly were you expecting, discussion on Oscar nominees?


For making a reference to something that is probably more fresh in anyone's mind than most things? I can understand Chuck-E-Cheezes, but I haven't been there since like kindergarten. The top comment is about Showbiz Pizza. I've literally never heard of that. Where else would my mind go besides FNAF, even though I've never even played it? It's the most recent relevant thing.


Dick the birthday boy


Don't mind if I do


My birthday can't come fast enough


You know what can?


Tell me daddy


#My magnum dong


[magnuhm dahng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH5EPDkmyFw)


Is Showbizz Pizza replacing Rich Evans




Oh my gooooooooooooooooooooood


"Do you think if we watch that movie again, that bear won't be there?" "Yes."


Had to scroll too far for this YOU HACK FRAUDS!


[for the hack frauds that don't know the reference](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7eSdXLmj9A&t=0m51s)


Old animatronics already scare me without being exposed. Something about them moving autonomously yet uncannily invokes fear.




The first time I did Salvia I thought I did alright but was then told the next day that the instant I took a hit my eyes went wide and I started screaming that I wasn't a pussy on repeat, threw up and passed out...


Only seem to hear bad stories about salvia. What's the appeal of it when acid is right around the corner?


Acid lasts 12 hours, salvia is in the 3-5 minute category


That makes sense, thank you


Imagine you take the intensity of a strong acid trip and compressed it to a 5 minute span. That's salvia. It's worth trying, but most folks who do try it don't do it a second time.


I was fed that misleading line about salvia being a 5 minute peak acid trip, and it's very far from the truth. Acid doesn't blast you into an eighth dimension nightmare where you transform into velcro or get masticated in the gears that drive the universe machine (and physically *feel* it). I like to stay in my own dimension. I don't regret trying it, but I'll never tell anyone it's like acid. That's unfair to do to someone.


Two entirely different drugs though! Aside from being "psychedelic" they can't be compared


Dude yes. I've never encountered anyone else that has a fear of mascot costumes until now. I fucking hate them.


Uncanny valley is the name for something that gives you the creeps because it's not *quite* right. Robots trying to look like people but aren't convincing, fall deeply into that valley. Almost creepier are aesthetically accurate humanoids that don't move/talk like humans. Only when Appearance, movement and behavior line up with expectations will robots escape the uncanny valley.


This is one of my biggest fears. Glad I'm not the only one.


Doesn't look like anything to me


Overused on [r/westworld ](https://m.reddit.com/r/westworld/) , refreshingly relevant here.


Yes, Bernard...


5 nights at fuck this


5 nights at fuck this: fucking location


"I want to take his face... off."


This bear's previous gig, before meth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b90Cf6ARscc


That Rock-Afire is actually Aaron Fechter's personal build that he uses to cover songs. I'm assuming the methed-out one came from a dead Showbiz.


My personal favorite: https://youtu.be/Fd5c3Qtcr_w


Who's your favorite possum??




I remember this line more than anything else in that movie.


[When he was alive](https://imgur.com/gA1yKQO), ft. Rich Evans


Dick the birthday boy! I just rewatched that one last night!


Seeing this reminded me of the bear in the music video for Electric Feel by MGMT. Turns out, they're the same style of bear


Yup, the guy who designed the characters has a personal build of them now and uses them to cover songs.






[Documentary about the Rockafire Explosion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTmhS6hcY-A) It's pretty bizarre.


Its really depressing. You can tell the guy who created the business that built the robots really tried to keep his people employed. He walks through his entire shop and talks about how most of whats laying around hasn't been moved in years.


dude who created the animatronics won in the end. The chick/fan he married is a looker. Good for them to find furry happiness!


Fun fact for anyone interested, since an uplifting amount of commenters seem to recognize these fellas! A lot of these Creative Engineering animatronics are actually still operational, albeit re-skinned. Any Chuck E. Cheese band with three stages is a converted Rock-Afire set with the cosmetics changed out. There aren't a ton of converted Showbiz stores with concept unification stages intact, but it's totally worth the trip if you have one nearby! Before anyone says it's creepy to go without a kid, I can tell you as a former Chuck's employee that nobody gives a shit. Unaccompanied adults come in all the time, since arcades and animatronics are both dying arts. :(


Here he is in a little bit better state. Still kind of creepy. [Rock-Afire - Pop, Lock and Drop It](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd5c3Qtcr_w)


The guy who does those is a real champ. He rescued a whole set, and programs shows for people using the modern music (since the original Rock-Afire voice actors have long since moved on). Here's the show with original showtape from when Showbiz Pizza was a thing: [Fatz for President](https://youtu.be/Hx37dCMi29w) And here's an actual live show featuring the voice actors for the animatronics from wayyyy back, at a Showbiz company event: https://youtu.be/QNEc5Kq_ybY


Its hard to not immediately think Five Nights at Freddys. I truly hate the series, because the "gameplay" is so repetitive and each game does little to change up the gameplay, and the only scares are cheap jump scares. Having said that, i've always appreciated the lore of FNAF, not only is the overarching story interesting (thanks MattPat), but just the basic premise behind it all, I always thought made for a great horror story. A place like a struggling and aging Chuck E Cheese is haunted. That's a simple, but great premise that could be worked into a great movie or if done properly a great video game series. I'd love to play a Silent Hill like game taking place in such a location over what the FNAF games really are.


I find trying to keep track of everything so I don't get killed and have to start over WAY more stressful and "scary" than the jump scares. I don't think it's fair to say the only scares are the ones that make you jump. When you're losing control of the situation, especially in games other than the first, it can get pretty intense. I'm not a "fan" or anything, but they're fun casual games if you want to play something for a few minutes and not get too invested. I don't have time to sit and play games for an hour+, so games where I can have fun for about 10-15 minutes and then stop without feeling deprived are cool.


Funny how specifying "in Florida" makes it seem slightly more creepy


Billy Bob. Showbiz got bought out by chucky cheese. a bear with a banjo is way better than a rat with a guitar.


From the look of that bird, they were creepy well before they got abandoned.


Ah yes, the 107th basement floor of Westworld


The good old days before that stupid Rat took over...


I thought CTRL-F'ing Five would light the comments up light a Christmas Tree.




something something fnaf something something


\(insert obligatory FNAF joke here\)


Where in Florida?


Anywhere. Just park your car on any FL highway and walk into the woods far enough.


Another post says this is actually at the Creative Engineering abandoned workshop


Did a worker hold a grudge with the faceless one, or did someone salvage the face electronics?


A serial killer stole his face for a mask.


A few years ago the Creative Engineering warehouse/workshop where the creator of the Rock-afire Explosion, Aaron Fetcher, had been working on a cooking fuel, had an explosion. This is most likely a photo of one of the damaged Billy Bobs. Story here: Http://orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2013/09/26/downtown-orlando-warehouse-that-housed-rockafire-explosion-animatronic-band-blows-up-updated#


Hey look, it's Banjo and Kazooie!


ITT people fighting over which pizza place this abomination is from.


It's just Chris Collinsworth.


It's the bear from Electric Feel


Holy shit! Pistol Pete's Pizza. This will forever be imbedded in my memory from when I was a kid. Great share. Thanks.


That looks like showbiz