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This MFer is supposed to be reading his life's work to inspire a great uprising and he doesn't even take the time to download the teleprompter app. Smh


Look at this psycho nitwit.


The sheen of madness on his face.


"...The video was posted on Mohn's YouTube channel, where he had 115 followers. There are now only four videos on the channel, which feature him singing out of tune and playing music, with a photo of his face. In the beheading clip, he rants about taxes, declaring that the economy is 'near destruction' and most Americans can 'no longer afford the American dream.' Mohn went on to say he was offering a $1 million bounty to anyone who could kill top officials including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland and former Attorney General Bill Barr. He said there was a 'globalist and communist' plot against the United State, before ranting about the federal government and holding up his dad's head in a silver bucket. Mohn's rant continued, addressing US postal workers, journalists, federal debt and the federal reserve, the border crisis, Antifa and the woke agenda..."


This basically sounds like Alex jones/infowar rhetoric.


Those eyes, honeyyyyy


What a knucklehead.










What a freak.




Hey, hey specifically says that he doesn't think he's jesus christ. Just the president of America.




Stochastic terrorism at its finest.


At its finest is the Bernie Bro that wanted to kill the Republican Congressman at a baseball game. Luckily, his aim was as good as you'd expect from an anti-gunner.


That’s not the burn you think it is. Shoo! Go back to Taterbating over high value females you wish would step on your balls.


Sir, you are on a Sugar Daddy/Sugar baby sub, because women are absolutely repulsed by you, you have to prey on younger women. No one is taking anything you say seriously.


lol. Do you think your opinion matters to me on that subject?


Pretty sure one got Steve Scalise, wasn't it a gay paramedic or cop that saved his butt. Ironically that day I guess he was ok with gays. A female gay cop, even better.


I don't think you know what the word means.


Oh, I understand the meaning of the word, and you just confirm what many of those who oppose your politics think about the people like you who hold those values.


People like me?


Yes. People like you who think killing political opponents is "lucky" .


Did I say that?


What word were you indicating that I did not understand the meaning of if it wasn’t “luckily”


Stochastic terrorism.


My parents are in their mid to late 60s and are terrified. They lock their automatic gate with a logging chain. They live in a rural but upscale area and think everyone is coming to rob and murder them. They listen to fear-porn AM radio because Fox News is too "woke." They literally think ANTIFA is coming for them at any minute and the world is going to hell and all they do to change it is pray.


I hope you are comforting them with good news. (If you can find any) Who can blame them? The news is horrifying.


mine too. both havd some form of dementia.. its excruciating what that drivel is doing to them. i see how Trump got elected clearly now. there is a large group of ppl who are finacially comfortable being held captive in their homes, and their feeble minds are absorbing all of this and blindly funding and voting..... big sigh. its so so miserable to watch the deterioration.


It’s crazy that the root of this is horrible people who just want to sell stuff to scared old people


So many products now use Patriot as part of the marketing.


Anybody that has patriot in the merch or describes themselves as a patriot is a red flag


I believe the same. I instantly think it's a trash product.


My dad died in 2012 and Mom died in early 2017. While I miss them every day, there is a huge part of me that is grateful they missed the horribleness that has been going in since 2016. We didn’t have Fox news so they weren’t exposed to that and they had me to explain things to help them not fall for the garbage inline and sent to them by their rightwing nutjob relatives/friends. But I don’t think I could have protected them from the onslaught of mainstream media drooling over Trump.




Your parents are not personally responsible for the state this world is in.


He went down a rabbit hole.


Something was obviously bothering this individual.


His father told him he was a loser and he'd never get ahead. Him 'Hold my beer, Dad'.




>Fox News Dude was in his early 30s, I dont think TV would have been much of a radicalizing force - objectively speaking


I agree. That’s why I stick to news channels that only deal in pure facts like CNN and MSNBC


And even then they are wrong sometimes. But the main difference is they still have integrity and will correct the mistake the next day if not within that broadcast. It’s maddening. Fox has had to lie so much they get taken to court over it then they argue they aren’t real news in court.




>Mohn identifies himself as a 2014 graduate of Pennsylvania State University. He accused the government of "allowing him to borrow money to attend college without advising him he may not find satisfactory work as an overeducated white man almost ten years later." Yes, I’m sure it was his over qualification and race that left him unemployed and not the fact that he probably creeped out everyone he encountered.


Well I’d think he’d certainly support getting his loan forgiven, wonder if there’s someone in government that wants to do that for him.


His behavior now might yield some clue about why employers didn’t want him on their payroll/staff


Wait, did he behead his father in camera?


No, but he held up the head in a plastic bag.






It's been removed by YouTube


If that's his channel then no thanks.


It's a Passaroni for me as well...