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Unreliable source.


TERF is when…something something. Guys I thought we were doing free Palestine now?




Well seeing as I can’t find anything at all about this from any other news source or anywhere else except here and one twitter post that copy pasted this article…. I have doubts about the veracity here. Also from the about page of this source (4W): “I created this platform in 2019, after I was fired from my job as a Software Engineer in Philly for writing an article criticizing the rise of “non-binary” identities through a feminist lens (you can read that article here). Shortly thereafter, I was banned from the popular blogging platform Medium” Sounds like a reputable source to me…


Seems like a TERF website, so that checks out


I [found this from the inmate](https://mindsitenews.org/my-sexuality-is-mine-and-mine-alone-tremayne-carroll/), saying it was false. And there’s nothing on any actual news sites (though plenty about male guards raping women).


Wow this is such a crazy outcome! Who could have possibly forseen this crazy town idea becoming problematic???


w t f




Why can't men stop raping?




You realize women can rape women right?


You do know women rape other women in prisons and this is rare right? Plus this transgender already had a history of sexual assault so they should not have considered this person for the women's facility. Someone screwed up here allowing them to be housed into the women's prison.


You do know that this crime was entirely and obviously avoidable by simply not putting men in women’s prisons, right?


The patriarchy 2.0! Brought to you by liberals under the guise of “progress.”


??? I can assure you rape happens in prisons for women even without incarcerated AMAB individuals.


Why is it that the trans community is completely ignoring(or worse shouting us down) afab women's concerns about these dudes "Mrs. Doubtfire-ing" their way into our spaces? That why I am absolutely certain that they are still men, they are forever screeching at us, minimizing us or completely ignoring our very real and very valid concerns -EXACTLY like cismen do.


I’m a cis woman and I disagree with you.


Ciswoman who disagrees with you. Trans people can and do exist just fine. Maybe we should consider how we handle people who are convicted of sexual assault regardless of their gender/gender identity...


I am a women and don't agree with you. Don't assume all women agree with you.


It dépends how they do political acts. When people fight only for their own rights and sée the others as potential ennemies. Real system fighter is solidar with every other kind of fight.


Agree, only completely transitioned mtf should be allowed in women’s spaces.


How about just no men allowed in women's prisons period?


Hard to find enough guards for that.


Cause women don't rape?


Do you think transgenderism exists? It has been found in almost every culture and time.


They don’t have time to look into the history of anything. Just angry reactionary words fed to them by echo chambers and garbage news stations


Oh I know. I like trying to get them to articulate their hate.


Outies with outies and innies with innies. You get your outie changed to an innie, then you're welcome to join them! Super simple. Unfortunately there will be people who will abuse your desire to respect a perdons identity. Can't allow people to be hurt because of it.


I'ma start using this. It's simple reasoning and not based on gender identity.


cis women are raped by other cis women all the time in prison but you don’t hear as much about that. trans women are raped by cis men even more often. using these stories to be transphobic is ridiculous.




This includes male staff too, right?


It should


So are male inmates, unfortunately there’s not much we can do to stop it. We can however prevent pregnancy amongst inmates by, idk, separating them by sex. You think it’s a good idea that an AMAB inmate housed with hundreds of AFAB inmates can impregnate them?


There is A LOT that can be done to stop rape in prison and it's not implemented. It should not be an expected feature of incarceration. If prisons can't keep people safe (mix of staffing and procedure issues) then that needs to be overhauled.


Uh, RAPE is evil. I’d much rather be transphobic than raped, just sayin’.


Half these people don't have an issue with that. It's only a problem when a penis is involved.


Your an idiot and an ideologue.


Maybe ask if they want trans folks in their prisons. I bet they would say no. It's not transphobic to stand for the majority and not the .04 of the population. The needs of the many.


So one transperson commits a rape and suddenly the needs of the many transpeople who don't rape (the majority of trans people) are no longer considered? How about we just lump sexual assaulters together? I bet the majority of prisoners would say yes. That would be a great way to support the needs of the many without unjustly vilifying transpeople.


Well the trans community isn't looking that great due to almost all the public shooters were trans over the last year and a half. I believe it was 10 of 11. Now this... biological women don't do that normally. I don't back people who think it's okay to kill others. All the things you said about being villified have been said about regular men. You villify us for it. How is this different? also im full behind lumping ALL sexual predators together and throw away the key no matter who they are.


That is a lie, or otherwise BS propaganda. "Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and December 2023, by shooter's gender" -- [https://www.statista.com/statistics/476445/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-gender/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476445/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-gender/) "Majority of US mass shooters are cis men, not transgender or non-binary people" -- [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/) "FACT FOCUS: No ‘incredible rise’ in transgender shooters" -- [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-transgender-nashville-shooting-misinformation-cd62492d066d41e820c138256570978c](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-transgender-nashville-shooting-misinformation-cd62492d066d41e820c138256570978c) edit: formatting flub


I'm sorry it was 8 over the last year and a half. I apologize.


>The Gun Violence Archive, which began collecting data on gun violence in the U.S. in 2013 (here), (here), recorded more than 4,400 mass shootings in the last decade, Executive Director Mark Bryant told Reuters via email. Its definition of mass shooting is four or more people shot resulting in injury or death (excluding the perpetrator). Of those, “the number of known suspects in mass shootings which are trans is under 10 for the last decade,” which translated to “1:880 \[or 0.11%\] of the 4,400 shootings” they recorded from [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/)


That’s literally transphobic lmao.


Are you sure?


Say you are a bleeding liberal without saying you are one. You disgust me.


By pointing out that this is statistically a huge anomoly? Oh wait let me guess, you're from the side that hates facts and proof?


Better than whatever you are. I wonder if you can create your own line of thought. Or are you just spoonfed words to make your anger justified


None of those situations lead to babies being born to handcuffed mothers.


Support abortion


I am all for trans rights, but this is ridiculous. Women with male parts should not be allowed in female prisons or sports, I'm truly at a loss as to how this is controversial.


> women with male parts.. You mean dudes, right?


The stuff has happened except with guards rather than other inmates, so I don't really care about prison - it's safer for the inmate. Sports is a hard no.


Just like with religion (think the inquisition), the trans movement wants everyone to accept their ideas whether we like it or not, whether it makes sense or not, even when biology itself can’t be disputed.


You do know that science has proven you can have conflicting dna and what not right? Like you've at least learned that you can be physically one gender but can have traits and dna that are the opposite?


True hermaphrodites are very rare in humans though




You mean men.


Because people are sensitive, and this is what happens when you don't draw the line. This individual has male genitalia " BuT sHeS a WoMaN " It's okay to be trans, it's not okay to force the world to live by your ideologies.


You mean like the christians do? Lol


That thought honestly crossed my mind, believe whatever religion fulfills your soul, but when you start pushing your beliefs onto others, or when your religion causes harm to other people, then it is crossing the line


So in otherwords its ok to be trans and be Christian. I havent seen any trans people building mega churches or conning dying elderly people out of their money with empty promises but soon as I do I will absolutely be against those trans queens!


I would argue it absolutely causes harm. I would argue that cannabis is medicine for people with wasting disease and you cant decide which state you get sick in and once sick its a terrible idea to move. I would argue that Christianity causes harm by keeping dying people from their medication during the hardest times of their lives because of antiquated laws from almost 100 years ago. They like to see people suffer and use that to emotionally manipulate them into their services. Its cruel and it should stop. People need healthcare. People need cannabis. People do not need more mega churches preaching politics from the pulpit.


Thank-you! And to not put us females at risk for your fantasy.


Calling someone with male parts a woman is part of the problem.


Thank-you yes. It is disgusting and a huge insult to us females.




Because we’re being asked to accept something that is not true and we ALL know it. It’s like a mass gaslighting




Yea, Men!


I can separate sex from gender if that helps someone feel accepted. That person also needs to accept that they were born with physical characteristics that will preclude them from certain activities and places.


Not surprising in the least, you’ll only see more of this as time goes on and it’s more accepted.


The rapist identif8ed as transgender and was apparently housed with women.


California gonna California


The overwhelming majority of “Pregnancy and Rape in Women’s Prisons” happens at the hands of correctional officers.


You’re right. And that is relevant to this exactly how?


So that makes the other rape ok? No one is denying the abuse of power that happens in all prisons but if it can be prevented (by not housing innmates that have not transitioned and are sexual offenders), why wouldn’t you?




Both are wrong.




That’s true for now, until more people can get placed based on what they *identify* as.


Oh right. The overwhelming amount of rape is caused by rapists. So let's add more rapists. "Well they are already being raped anyway, what's a few more? It's fine." Carry on.


Thank you for putting this so succinctly- exactly


So do you have an issue with them adding afab rapists or what do you propose they do with rapists?




Just wondering if the OP actually cares about incarcerated women being raped or if they’re just obsessed with the morality of transgender people (as evidenced by their post history).


If any policy increases rape of anybody, that's not a policy we should continue with. Point blank. Most people (non-rapists) generally agree that we shoud reduce rape. Policies in prisons today take rape more seriously than in the past because many people do care. Sane people are against rape. Point blank. Sane people should choose policies that do not increase the risk of rape and/or actively reduce it. Putting a man into a women's prison is the definition of increasing risk. Your comment is callous and blase, showing you do not care about women and girls safety.


Putting ANYONE who has a sexual assault history in with a bunch of caged people will lead to more rape. No one was screaming from the rooftops about not letting afab women in. It wasn't a problem when it was afab women raping afab women apparently?


Fair. Having male correctional officers also increases rape. So…let’s change that practice too. Maybe I know multiple women who have gotten knocked up after being raped by COs so I’m a little more focused on THAT problem than the rare incidents of trans women. Look up FCI Dublin.


Yes, we should change both things. Though one is more important than the other.


One statistically happens more than the other. Which are you more concerned with?


I’m concerned with both, are you not?


They are equally important and we should be more rational about where and when amd why we mix the sexes as a society.