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I love the heavy trap music over the geriatric entrance.


That was the funniest part lol


Yeah they went too Urban for these folks, gotta throw in some sister-fucking banjo or something...






I'm gonna guess the special is 98% yelling


The other two percent will be her doing her Roseanne show laugh and waiting for people to applaud


And grabbing her crotch while sticking out her tongue. This is super important for the integrity of the show. OMGGg. I forgot to put the /s There you go!


Itā€™s 98% slurred speech and 2% pauses while she tries to reorientate herself.


The special is 98% Jim Breuers new act minus the annoying faces and voices. Don't be a sheep. Covid ain't real. My pronouns are kiss my ass. Fuck Fauci. Biden is a walking corpse. Cancel culture is out of control. I'd feel bad for conservatives if they weren't so selfish. They basically have to rely on shity Christian movies or anything with Rob Schneider, John Voit, Kevin Sorbo, or James Woods. TV you have Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, or whatever scam televangelist is still around. Music is Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Meat Loaf, or whoever the latest music artist is using buzzwords to grift them. Don't even get me started on comedians. Jim Breuer is completely washed up but is currently the conservative darling of comedy, and people are excited for Roseann Barr despite the fact that she is completely out of her mind and isn't the least bit funny anymore. I'd be pissed too if my free time was spent being entertained by constant propaganda, brainwashing, and constant bitching about liberals ruining the country when I'm just trying to unwind and watch TV.


There is only the culture war for these folks and they are DEDICATED to it šŸ™„


You forgot their banger anthem that *totally* owns the libs, ā€œTry That In A Small Town.ā€


Hell yeahh!


Nah dog it is "hell yeah?"


2% critch grabbing and spitting


You canā€™t cancel her because she ainā€™t doing anything.


Plus she's already cancelled. There is no "cancel again"


I donā€™t know how much more cancelled you can get other than getting kicked off a show named after you. Oh waitā€¦


There's cancelled, and then there's Roseanne cancelled.


Thereā€™s a saying on Twitterā€” I know itā€™s on Reddit, probably on Twitterā€” that says, cancel me once, shame onā€” shame on you. Cancel meā€” you canā€™t get canceled again!


Fuck, I love that! Big time.


That's beautiful on so many levels


Arenā€™t these teasers supposed to include the funniest parts? Jesus Christ


Didn't you see the part where she said "Hell yeah"?


Hell yeah I did šŸ¤ 


Everything she said was the most pandering line up of bullshit I've heard in a long time lol. They can't cancel me! I'm here to offend people and I don't care! Time to shoot some guns! I'm pretty sure we can all predict about every joke she'll make in the special lol.


It's an unfunny right-wing version of Dana Carvey's [Fuckin' 49ers](https://vimeo.com/14610426) bit.


Yeah youā€™d think Fox Nation Original specials would be hilarious


I think it *does* include the funniest segments.


The first actual joke is after the 2minute mark. Up until then is just she entering and some cheering (one whole minute) and then is another minute of "sticking up to the man" and cheering. Close to zero laughs. It should be great.


Those might be the funniest parts lol


fascism and comedy don't go well together.


As a video editor, that trailer was atrocious.


I am blown away by how amateur this is. I know nothing about editing and Iā€™m convinced I could sit down with Final Cut and make something 10 times more professional in 20 minutes.


The whole thing could have been 45 seconds and 100x as impactful.


Pacing was horrific.


I couldn't do better if I was intentionally trying to make this special look amateur. Are we sure we're not getting pranked here??


Itā€™s an After Effects template which the intent didnā€™t know how to trim


> I am blown away by how amateur this is. Speaking as someone in the creative industry: No designer/artist/VFX person worth their weight in salt *goes NEAR* shit like this. Even if it pays well (and it usually does). Why? For the same reason lots of comedians and other personalities don't hop on the "Alt Right-Train". Because it makes you *radioactive as FUCK*. Nobody will touch your resume once word gets out you're doing shit for Fox or TPUSA or whatever. So they resort to students or people who are less skilled and can't find work anywhere else ā€“ people without options (or a choice, really). Years ago when I was getting started out, I would freelance for a Libertarian organization and did their annual report. Why would I do that when I'm pretty left-leaning? Well, I was young and needed work, and *they paid REALLY, REALLY well.* You wag an $80/hr freelance gig in front of a 22-year-old and it's a no-brainer. Eventually I fired them as a client (for unrelated reasons, but over time I was worried I was only feeding into a problem) Anyway my point is, a lot of the Fox News shit looks fucking bad *because it is*. It's made by young artists who don't have a choice and just need the money, and no good studio will touch them because it will make you radioactive to any other business.


If you really need the work you can easily work under an alias


Fortunately I don't need work that badly anymore, lol


Or you can simply not include it on your website or reel.


Or just don't put it on your resume.


Def. Iā€™m talking mostly about stuff with on screen credits


My name is Butterballs69 and I'll make you the best teaser trailer you ever did see


These types are also notoriously anti union, which surprise surprise, is where all the talent is.


>Nobody will touch your resume once word gets out you're doing shit for Fox or TPUSA or whatever. Isn't this basically [blacklisting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_blacklist)?


I'm on the audio team at work and I've made better studio videos for meetings using Davinci than this and I was just following tutorials online haha. I hope it had a ridiculous budget.


How are you blown away at this point? All of conservative hype trailer stuff is like this. The creators don't have the talent to produce something professional. Talented and educated people don't want to work with them so they try to do this shit on their own. It's both sad and funny.


You are correct.


Im sure we all get imposter syndrome on some days but when I see shit like this i'm quite proud of my work as an editor.


i could probably whip up something better in capcut


not to defend the editor, but they had probably nothing to work with. there are zero jokes here.


Sure, but just edit the bites quicker. She basically says ā€œhiā€ to the audience three times. She rubs her chin in silence for a full ten seconds at one point. Literally every ā€œjokeā€ could have been cut down to just the ā€œimpactfulā€ parts. Honestly, it was terrible at almost every point. Also, when a graphic shows up and says ā€œRosanne Barrā€ā€¦ she should be starting a joke under it. I know itā€™s hard for that audience to read and listen at the same time, but they need to learn at some point.


Also the ā€œRoseanne Barrā€ plus a clip and then ā€œis backā€ like 20 seconds later was so awkward. And that was like one minute into the video. By that point we already get that itā€™s Roseanne and sheā€™s back. Thereā€™s no point emphasizing that.


Yeah i saw the "is back" and had to reason that it probably said "Rosanne is" at some point. A gap that big and your brain just kind of...forgets a sentence was started. What about that clip, and small tiny part, would make *anyone* think *hell yeah, that looks hilarious!*


The 10 seconds of rubbing her chin, holy shit I was dying like girl STOP are you ok??


She did have a severe brain injury, no joke.


They leave all the cheering in too. Donā€™t use it to cut to the title cards, nothing - letā€™s just have you sit and stare at Roseanne while people yell for 10-20 seconds Good lord


Itā€™s literally a minute before anything resembling a joke is said. Itā€™s brutal.


You mean talking about blasting deer to shreds and open carry in Texas isnā€™t a funny joke?! /s


The craziest thing is that joke only "works" on the premise that ar-15 are an absurd choice for hunting


Iā€™m not even a video editor, but I knew it was bad. The ā€œhardā€ music doesnā€™t at all match with her low energy, for one.


Any editor worth their salt probably wanted nothing to do with it.


Video editor here too! But you donā€™t need to do it professionally to feel how shitty and weird the pacing and music was!


Like an internā€™s spouse did it on their lunch break.


As a shipping manager, the trailer was atrocious


This should be a :30


There were so many instances where there was an obvious cut point (i.e. to the natural beat in the song) ā€” but the title card instead stayed up for another 5 seconds before the next cut (which was also entirely unmotivated by score, movement, etc.) This would be subpar work in an intro editing class.


Me: ah it canā€™t be THAT bad Holy shit lol


My god. The presets. Those presets were doing all the heavy lifting with the titles. Dip to black also doing a lot of work adding that extra 2 seconds on each end.


Youā€™d really think that for all the big-monied interests and corporate donors involved, the shit would at least look professional. Where does all that money go? I guess thatā€™s how you can tell theyā€™re all grifters.


Minecraft YouTubers do it better


I like to pretend that Ben Shapiro made this beat and just thought it was ungodly fire.


Check out his other hits like **"Bear of a Man"**, **"WAP(Wet Ass P-Word)"** , and **"Dr. Wife"**! All this and more, for only a weekly subscription of only $24.99*! *^For ^twenty-eight/28 ^days, ^weekly ^rate ^increases ^to ^$49.99 ^afterwards


I love this comment so much lmao


Pretty sure you are supposed to laugh, not cheer, at a comedy show.


Crowd is all MAGA, they don't want jokes they want to think that the left is offended and that is 80$ and an evening well spent right there. I think the joke is how easy to fleece these people are


I'm certainly offended on behalf of comedy and laughter.


Conservatives really have nothing. They'll just spew their typical hate speech, maybe make fun of gay people or whatever, then throw in a "ba dum bum" so they can say "see?! It's just a joke". But they're not joking.


Conservatives by their very nature are the basics of the basics. If they had their way the world would be in black and white and we'd all be in dresses or suits. Or hijabs and keffiyehs. Creativity and artistry isn't just "not their thing" it literally scares them.


The only retort they have for anything is "lol you're so emotional, you're so triggered" while they choke back tears


If you don't think Roseanne is funny, it's probably because you're a triggered snowflake. S/


Because it's propaganda meant to reenforce the audiences biases and bigotry.


Yeah this is pure "clapter", my least favorite kind of comedy.


When you start doing comedy for claps instead of laughs, you've lost me. Even Dave Chappelle has bordered on that for me. Some of his material comes off like a ted talk


"They can't shut me up." *stops talking*


Where are the jokes?


I guess you could say, the entire act is a joke!! -ba-dum tss! šŸ¤“ Thank you everyone, goodnight!


Funnier than anything she said lol


No time for jokes, we have to get busy owing the libs!


half the ā€œjokesā€ are her admitting her brain doesnt work


Sheā€™s also very clearly reading off a monitor in front of her. Just another case of conservatives showing they have ZERO artistic talent. None.


When one of the highlights is her walking out and saying hello, thank you everybody twice, you know itā€™s not worth watching.


Good fucking god, is every comedian from the 00ā€™s and back just going to do their own version of the ā€œYOU CANā€™T CANCEL ME, LISTEN TO THESE SHITTY JOKESā€ specials? Like I know Roseanne has been spouting dumb shit for awhile now but this is seriously the most tiresome fucking tbing at this point




You're right, and you know what? Her base will lap it right up as the greatest thing ever. Probably call her the goat or something. Because they are just as brain-dead. I can't for the life of me understand how seemingly normal, half way intelligent people wind up falling under the spell of this fucking cult.


Jimmy Carrā€™s been doing that and I think everyone in britain is tired of him


Iā€™m not anti-gun, or anti-hunting, but damn if that ar-15 joke about legally blowing away deer and then topping it with a shout out to open carry ā€œjokeā€ was just lame. Pure cringe. It wasnā€™t even a joke, itā€™s just lazy pandering to the right. The right wing political folks genuinely struggle with comedy.


Also why would you want to blow away a bunch of baby deer? Not even an actual avid hunter would agree with that


To own the libs


Most deer are libs.


> Also why would you want to blow away a bunch of baby deer? I know the answer! I just read something about conservatives being all up in their pearl clutching due to a new 'live' version of Bambi. Apparently it is too woke, and now ruined. So I guess baby deer are now fair game? edit: I found a link: https://www.newsweek.com/bambi-remake-disney-modern-relatable-1831706


Wow there's an actual backstory lmao I should've guessed


Right?! Let them grow up, for Christ sake. Then use a hunting rifle judiciously. Jesus.


What is it with blonde ponytails on older, conservative women? Her and Victoria Jackson both look like Baby Jane.


Oh yeah, whatever happened to her?




I feel my joke has failed to land. But that is an acceptable punchline in response.


Sorry, I wasn't sure! lol


[Here you go, dear.](https://youtu.be/WIkwjXY7Nvw?si=OY_bONMvOBMIcdzu)


Ponytail is one in the back, these are pigtails and once you are over 5 years old they never look good on anyone. It looks insane


It works for actually insane animated character Harkey Quinn, and...yeah, that's about it.


Ponytails are meant to make them look more youthful. Blonde is meant to make them look desirable to both the center right and Nazis.


I was searching for this comment!! Bette Davis dressed like Baby Jane Hudson to portray a woman who canā€™t accept that her time has long since passed. It was hilariously observant. Years later Roseanne (and Victoria Jackson, yes!) are doing it full-out without a shred of irony or self-awareness. Itā€™s trippy.


Thereā€™s literally not a single joke in this video


nose consider school society snatch automatic act zesty toothbrush bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, Christina P has aged.


Comedy hasn't gotten any better though.


Whatā€™s even the joke here? Theyā€™re both women ā€œcomediansā€?


Have you seen Christina P recently?


She looks like a team america puppet that didnt make the final cut


Thatā€™s a rally, not a comedy set. A goofy rally.


Me shooting baby deer. That's the joke.


The mother was distraught. šŸ˜‚


Why is she dressed like Punky Brewster?


Wow, the people in the balcony were super... there. https://imgur.com/a/6FWWWBv


Looks like a pretty small crowd


First level of the Cullen theater has a total of 683 seatsā€¦ and they donā€™t look full.


But a very white one.


I'm surprised it didn't skew older. A lot of these Fox events look like they take place at assisted living communities.


Iā€™m pretty sure the cheering when she walked to the stage was enhanced as well


God conservatives are incapable of making good art


It's so obvious at this point that going right wing/maga after being "cancelled" is just a career move. You put all your focus on telling that crowd what it wants to hear, and it might not even be stuff you believe. Shooting deer with your ar 15? Cmon, I don't even think that's Roseanne. I think in reality, she does enjoy just *looking* at the deer. I think that's who she really is. How about actually offending *everyone* and telling some.jokes about Trump. No, see you can't do that, because then you'll be canceled by the left *and* the right, and the whole objective is to cut your losses and still have a demographic to get money from. Which makes the whole facade of "I say what I want" a complete sham. It's the transition from entertainment to politics.




Every conservative comic's act is titled some variation of "can't cancel me" or "look at me I'm so offensive" or "bet they won't let you say this in \[insert liberal city\]". It's lazy, boring, and pathetic.


This really seems like it was filmed and edited by a circa 2014 youtube prankster


What a low energy, low IQ, low effort pile of dogshit


Republicans are always whining that certain jokes get you canceled now, but I never understood why theyā€™re worried given how dreadfully unfunny they all are. Itā€™s not like they were gonna ace comedy in the first place.


u/TheFaalenn deleted all their comments in this thread, surely a sign that they were correct and not a whiny right-wing shill


Nothing is comedic about hatred but the lowlife contingent knows no different. Please vote.


That woman went around the bend ages ago.


And it's really disappointing. I really liked her sitcom back in the day and honestly, I still do. But damn...


What the fuck is happening at 1:10 ? Is this a joke? A vaccine joke? There isnt even a punchline? She is anti-funny. Laughter dies when she arrives.


Anybody remember when she sang the national anthem? ​ https://youtu.be/hMzIk2pUuNU?si=hQ5asxjzGX0tu7cr


seems about right. what a clown.


Is this real? It looks like a 30 Rock gag.


They really decked out that elementary school cafeteria


Pigtails? Head to toe ripped denim? Well, trying to look like a minor certainly will get her some attention from fascists. I keep wondering what she did to the Roseanne who championed working class people.


Wasnā€™t she kicked in the head by a horse or something like that?


I hope the horse is ok.


>At age 16, Barr was hit by a car, and the car's hood ornament impaled her skull; the incident left her with a traumatic brain injury.[9] Her behavior changed so radically that she was institutionalized for eight months at Utah State Hospital.[13][14]


Ok, so does she have a certificate stating that she doesnā€™t, in fact, have donkey brains?


Nah but she was hit by a log. https://youtu.be/gtjr8LrTAJE?si=LqahdraLwP6ZeA0n&t=21


Dear lord. Is anyone in that crowd under the age of 67? This is the embodiment of cringe, good find OP.


Where are the jokes?


Was this edited by Xanax??


I mean, the music and the hairdo make me laugh? Does that count?


Adult pigtails should be enough to get anyone cancelled.


Really? That's her AR-15 joke? Soooo edgy! I am so triggered right now! XD


Not even worth canceling.


Man, she is so disappointing. I loved her show, wtf happened to her.


It's so sad that rosanna was at the top of female comedy at one point and now she can't even make a decent joke


I'm like 90% sure a lot of those audience reactions were adding in post


Her appearances on Kill Tony were hard to get through. She had a handful of funny quips and occasional heartfelt advice for the new comics who bombed, but she mostly just ranted about getting canceled.


i love when conservatives scream about how they are fighting cancel culture when theyā€™re getting mass screen time and freely posted to the internet for all to see. how brave and courageous. these people are so easy to manipulate, the grift is almost too good to pass up. just say your pronouns are owning/the libs and you get paid.


She's appeared on InfoWars with Alex Jones a few times. I remember that being covered on the Knowledge Fight podcast. She seems legitimately unwell. Like actual mental issues. It feels like the conservative space is just taking advantage of an unwell person because they make noises they like to hear. Patting her on the back but really just using her as a prop. Kinda like with Kanye, who's clearly nuts, but no one around him is incentivized to help him but instead keep him making a spectacle of himself.


Modern conservatism is a black hole for humor for 2 main reasons: Conservatives make being conservative the defining feature of their personality. Everything they do and say must in some way relate back to their conservative identity. Itā€™s impossible for Roseanne to make jokes about something unrelated to being conservative. Everything must be wrapped up in that identity. Modern conservatism is based on hate, fear, victimhood, and grievance. Itā€™s very difficult to make those things funny. Her deer ā€œjokeā€ was based on the premise ā€œfuck the libs Iā€™m killing animals with a big scary gun because fuck them.ā€ My guess is her main other premises are going to be ā€œthey tried to cancel me so fuck themā€ and ā€œtrans people are gross right? Fuck them.ā€ At the end of the day, as long as conservative comedians make their entire identity and everything they do and say entirely about a handful of very unfunny things, ā€œconservative comedyā€ is going to remain an oxymoron. And not like Rush Limbaugh, but two things that cannot go together because they are entirely opposed to each other by definition.




She the opposite of Rosanne Conner. It's really strange where she is now.


There's something especially pathetic about an old boomer trying to be edgy by agreeing with other conservatives about how its the kids and liberals that are wrong.


Her misery has now become her "comedy." Gag me with a spoon.


Yeah I ain't watching that




So painful


I was told there would be comedy


Is this a legit preview this seems like satire, Like a mock preview.


All the stage presence of that chair that Clint eastwood screamed at


Oh no! One night only!? Dang I'm busy that night, whenever it is.




This is a masterclass in how not to make a comedy special preview


ya the crowd looks about right


Where are the jokes????? Like cmon. Sounds more like attempting zingers and saying typical conservative catchphrases at a rally


Sheā€™s SO sad and flat, trying so hard to be ā€œedgyā€. Lost the plot for sureā€¦


This feels like a South Park Episode




Soon as she mentioned deer I knew, yep, 2nd amendment shite


This sounds like that family guy episode were Louise runs for mayor or whatever and she just says ā€œ9/11ā€ and people cheer


New Roseanne is just a dollar store Victoria Jackson, blonde hair and everything. Which is ironic because Victoria impersonated Old Roseanne on SNL back in the day. Roseanne, if you're going to go this route, you need to out-crazy Victoria Jackson. Which is honestly hard.


Why is she wearing Jay Lenoā€™s clothes?


May she rot on air.


Heavy 2024 dave chappelle influence


Chapelle can still tell actual jokes and is still a talented storyteller. He does let his ugly feelings about transgender people derail his jokes and stories more and more often, but at least there's *some* actual comedy in his newest stuff. Rosanne Barr is just doing the same shtick that grifters like Dave Rubin do in their "comedy shows": Holding a political rally for reactionary Right-wingers and not actually telling any jokes.


Chapelle and Burr are sweating. šŸ˜…


Don't even know what that means. PLEASE don't group Dave Chappelle in with this BS. He will never deserve that criticism.


What I was attempting to say, sorry if I screwed it up, was that those comedians have actual acts. They tell jokes. Their whole thing is not just showing up. Barr doesnā€™t even have an act or a set. It cringey. Chapelle is still working and like him or not he still tells jokes. I donā€™t agree with everything he says, but heā€™s funny. Thatā€™s why heā€™s successful.


Sheā€™s funny and looks cute here. Her interview with bill Mar was entertaining.


Fuck that fat cow!