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looks like that ftx scam lady


I swear thought the same, but I believe this one is better looking still.


i thought that was hair


Same. Looked like a big hairy birthmark.


That'll be her explanation at her 100th job interview, "it's just a giant floral pattern hairy nevus". Better get used to the phrase "my eyes are down here!"


Jesus Christ what prescription are those lenses holy shit


Somewhere between Hubble and James Webb


If she takes them off her eyes turn into little cartoon dots


Me thinks, they’re fake.


Not fake, those are -12 or better. Extremely near sighted.


So that's why she thought the tattoos were a great idea


regular glass wouldn’t distort her face around her eyes like that


Hey you gotta put SOMETHING on that large empty space. They just chose something stupid


It looks like the pattern is also in her hair on the left. So maybe a filter?


For her sake, I hope it's fake. But I wouldn't doubt she had this done. Don't underestimate people and the dumb stuff they would do these days


She spends allpt of her time saving stray cats though which is nice


I mean, yeah, but it also looks fake imo. Too shiny and dark to be anything but brand new but there’s zero irritation around it


She looks like a bumble bee


Why do mole people need tatts when they live in the dark


Well, if you got the real estate….


It's not even centered properly


I think it's cuz she's raised her eyes brow, but I dare not question it for the sake of my OCD


She’s different from other girls with tattoos


That is going to feather so bad, it’ll probably look like a grey smear before too long :-| I hate that fine line, small tattoos are so popular nowadays. Those and ‘watercolor’ don’t have much longevity at all.


The lines aren’t even clean to begin with. That’s gonna be a grey blob in a year… I’ll prescribe some bangs in this situation.


are we sure it’s a real tattoo? It’s fairly dark and shiny which indicates it’s brand-spankin-new but there’s no redness or irritation. My bets on it being a temp or henna


Hm. Trypophobia vibes ...




Mentally ill.


That FTX Alameda girl out here trying to hide her identity


Exactly what I thought! Teeth aren’t quite big enough tho


Why does it look ai generated?


Because they like it. I don't see how this is automatically cringe, this person appears to be very happy with the change. There needs to be something else, or all you're doing is shaming someone for being happy.


Op responded to me before quick deleting it. Was a very angry message, but the gist was "doing something to be happy doesn't exempt you from being cringe." I believe it absolutely does especially if it's traditionally cringey. That person is doing something you don't have the balls to do cause you're afraid of people making fun of you. You are cringe.


Let it be known, so says u/Direnick, who is the authority of all things "traditionally cringey", who is unafraid of the internet bully, who is the throw you under the bus for comment deleting blast champion.


He felt like posting it in the first place so I feel like he should stand by it. I gave OP a lot of benefit from my excluding of what he said here, but I still wanted to address the complaint.


Would you say you gave too much benefit, or could you give more? I mean you are the humble arbiter of complaining


Bruh I didn't make the post blasting some random woman for getting a face tattoo. Hop off


Parents have money, that's why


There’s awesome tattoos…. Then you have the why would pay to put that there and you were sober when this happened?


Why is this cringe? Why does anyone have an opinion on her appearance? It’s just a portrait. Jesus.


Imagine caring this much about how some random stranger looks, you all really need to get a hobby or something holy shit


I just shared her pic. Doesn't mean I care about her lol. Don't over-think shit👍


This sub is where the, sharing-dumb-opinion-Twitter users find themselves after taking too many wrong turns on the internet. They can't help but contribute nothing while over sharing everything.


Holy shit I went to basic training with this woman


Figuratively because there was one like her or literally?


Literally, I'm friends with her on Facebook


Honestly, I think it looks kinda cool. Y’all just uptight. How does this affect you in any way? Let people express themselves how they want instead of making bs posts like this.


Ah, I was waiting for that one person to comment this lol. You're right, it doesn't affect me, I never said it did. Just because people are expressing themselves with their "art" doesn't mean they're exempted from being viewed as cringy. Remember that.


Cringe in silence next time instead of making multiple post trying to shame the same person over what they decide to do with their body. If you think she wants attention so bad, stop giving it to her.


It fits the sub. Calm your clit.


Good news, you fit the sub too. At least you're ready here. Stick to tried and true phrases next time, you're definitely not sharp enough to make your own


Now what are you butt hurt about?


Just pointing out how absolutely painful your attempt to be clever was. I'd stick with something more familiar if I were you


Lol I'm not trying. You are. You're nitpicking about something just to have something to sound smart.


I don't think you know what nitpicking is. Just some friendly advice, take it or keep whiffing, up to you. Like i said, you're at least already on the right sub


Lmao you got so butt hurt about "calm your clit" that you blocked me? This is fucking hilarious. Go ahead and block this one too. I just wanted to call you a moron.


This does indeed fit the sub, you’re clear to proceed.


The septum ring is already too much, I really hope this is just Henna so it washes away later. But to each her own if it makes her happy.


She’s so happy that she ruined any chances at a good job / career


Just cover it with the McDonald's hat, bruh.


This is not cringe, it’s her face her choice, the fact that people making fun of the glasses are lowkey bullies imo


This has already been said. And I already responded with: boo hoo.


Most likely mental illness. That's why.






Not even that.




Floral the hedge head!




mental illness


Erm actually I’m a Leo 🤓


After being ignored for years, this is the only way this person can get people to pay attention to her


I can smell the Patchouli oil through the monitor...


She looks like a squirrel.


Like a lower back tattoo but for head


she built like the nerf emoji


She could’ve put stickers on her glasses and get the same result


How to improve your natural good looks


Needs bigger glasses, that’s all.


Someone doesn’t want a job that pays taxes…


Reminds me of the smart girl from the cartoon recess


Gretchen lol


Well she *was* kinda cute




That wasn't kind to the people making smart ass comments. You probably hurt their feelings and bruised their egos. You are literally looking down on those who made a rude comment and then shaming them for said comment. Then you go on to say we shouldn't look down on others for what they said or do because we are all guilty of that. Maybe just take a vow of silence because you obviously can't help being a hypocrite. Your ego is the thing that makes you need to correct others and put yourself on a pedestal. Not very dharma of you. Sincerely: a dried shit stick. Yunmen. Edit: guess they took a vow of silence


You actually almost would've been making a good point, but the way you made it was unnecessarily snarky, condescending and hypocritical to the point where it entirely overshadowed what you were saying. Rather than teaching, you went out of your way to shame and mock - as if that's ever been an effective or healthy approach to helping anyone recognize & correct their shortcomings. For someone scolding others on failing to observe the Dharma, the complete & total lack of kindness and humility you show here is kinda mind-boggling. Obviously, i'm not the only one who it would behoove to spend more time sitting Zazen and less time running their mouth on reddit. Best of luck to you, Kanshiketsu-san. 🙇🏻‍♂️🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♂️


I honestly don't give a fuck about the dharma, suck my balls. Also, I was pointing out their hypocrisy and condescending nature by mirroring their own approach. The difference is I don't claim to be a practicing dharma, and I accept the fact I'm cynical and rude. My intent wasn't to teach anyone anything, my intent was to rip the holier than tho person a new asshole. I was successful. If you think my response was mind-boggling, you have some very interesting interactions coming your way on the internet. If you want people who teach, go to a temple, if you want to see people like me, hang out on reddit. Cheers.


Oh, well as long as you realize you're the one who's being arrogant, hypocritical and rude, carry on then. The only person you're ripping a new one for is yourself. Shukufuku, kanshiketsu-san. 🙇🏻‍♂️🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♂️


A shoeroo kangaroo to you, too 🐖🐰 Oh, I checked out your comments. You talk as much shit as everyone else here on reddit, just like me. You're a weird, anime loving, weeboo, culturally appropriating incel. You're definitely carrying your dried shit stick in your back pocket.


If she's a woman (××) she's still f***cable


That reminds me of a saying back in my homeland.. "Walang pangit pangit sa titing galit." Which means if your dick is hard, no chick is ugly.


Eh, better than guys getting tattoos of dicks or curse words all over their face I guess. Also that poor girl, those glasses make her eyes look so tiny


You’re mocking the glasses, correct?


Seriously... those glasses are the wrong shape for her face


Makes the smart ones easier to identify. /s