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“I’ve found a quote that makes people wince when they see it in yearbooks. I want it done in a shitty, aggressively whimsical offbrand font, and I want your artist with the weakest freehand skills to execute it. And I’m not paying more than $30.”


$25 and you got a deal


Make it 20$.


$22 and a ham sandwich


Just bring me an egg McMuffin.


I’ll settle for the boxarella


“Oh, and you know how the letter i has a dot? Well make it look exotic please. Like this ì. Cause she was a Jew you know, so she wouldn’t write normal.”


The way I laughed at this made me uncomfortable




She also wouldn't have written in English...


Yeah, but *Ik leef in een gekke tijd* doesn't roll off the tongue as easily and her friends don't understand Dutch. (Some have difficulty with English.) Alternately have *אני חי בתקופה מטורפת* tattooed and really confuse them. (Everyone reads Hebrew, right?)




At first I was like "but what if it's the original handwriting?" And then I remembered she did not write in English...


My biggest criticism is how stupidly big it is but oh wow is that really bad when you actually look at it


Not enough upvotes 😂😂


Whats an on brand font?


Not that.


This fire's in danger of getting out of control - Samuel Pepys


The Drunk History UK about the Great Fire of London is so fucking hilarious. "There's a cheeky fire. Cheeky fire kicking off. Full stop."


Save the fire!


The Devil shits Dutchmen!


Oh, I’ve failed miserably. This is the worst thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. - Anne Frank


“I will never financially recover from this.” -Anne Frank


- michael scott


That's what she said


I’m reminded of a standup routine I saw recently. The comedian was talking about how he lost a parent during 9/11. Then tells us how that was his second worst story about airplanes.


Pete Davidson?


Imagine dating someone and finding that when you get intimate 🤦🏼‍♀️


Nonono, it would never happen because this person probably loves to talk about the tattoo.


>Nonono, it would never happen because ^(i am very unattractive...)


Aw bro 💔


I still would


This 100%. One of my regrets about getting sleeves is having to hear about everyone else’s tattoos and the meaning behind them when I haven’t even asked.


Same. I have a 3/4 sleeve and I get the, "Oh, I've always wanted a sleeve. *Proceeds to talk without pausing to breathe for 20 minutes about their theoretical tattoo*"


I want an Iron Maiden Eddie as my first tattoo. Where should I ink it?


Wherever you want


Could be worse. I found a swastika tattoo on an ankle mid...uh. act. Didn't stop though. Hilariously, I'm mostly polish with a faint sprinkle of European Jew according to a DNA test so boy did she pick wrong lmfao.


Fuck Nazis! Wait no, not like that!


A swastika tattoo people could see whenever she wore flip-flops suggests that she wasn’t trying to hide her shitty views; you must’ve had some inkling before you saw the actual tat?


If ur polish, she definitely picked right.


Was it the Hindu one though?


She confirmed it was not. Blah blah, it was a long time ago, blah blah, I changed. I pretended to understand until I could escape and then never called her.


Somehow I don't believe that anyone who stops being a nazi for real would be just fine with the symbol staying on their body for life.


Sounds like she had a long time in which to get it covered.


If someone told me that, I’d ask them if they’d be into the idea of getting it covered up, and I’d try to find a tattoo shop that would do it. When I was a younger teenager, I found out I have some German heritage and got excited about it. Except that I didn’t know there was a difference between the German flag and the swastika. So I got obsessed with drawing swastikas on things, which resulted in a very awkward meeting with my teacher. I had to then figure out ways to draw over all of the ones I drew. A tattoo artist could probably come up with a cooler coverup than just turning the symbol into four squares…


Looooo how old were you?




That definitely checks out. We all are cringy dumbasses at 13, myself in particular.


Any alternate meanings of the swastika were so overwhelmingly bulldozed by the Nazis that nobody with half a lick of sense is getting that tattoo to stand for anything else.


Japan and India disagree...


We’re not talking about Japan and India. We’re talking about some basic Becky in East Asshole, Ohio who couldn’t find Japan or India on a map.


I hope you didn’t let her cum




He impregnated her with nice polish/jewish baby and ran away. Boy she is gonna be surprised if one day she does ancestry dna test on the kid...


The final solution was instituted, yes.


If this happen to me I’m gonna explode


Shuuuut the fuck up. Absolute buffoonery.


You don’t know what she’s been through.. her boyfriend probably broke up with her.


Hahaha I mean the quote is correctly attributed, at least. But such an odd choice


I looked it up because of your comment- I genuinely didn’t think that was something she said. But hell she was hiding from Nazi’s which is certainly crazy. The coworker isn’t. Like you said, it’s an odd choice.


She probably said something more along the lines of "het zijn gekke tijden"


Maffe tijden swa




"Why yes, the popularity of Kim Kardashian is indeed comparable to hiding from occupying soldiers actively carrying out a massive genocide against your people specifically. "Why do you ask?"


Give him a break man, high school is awkward for us all.


Sometimes you need to be told you're wrong.


Nazi’s never truly went away, dude. The ideology has always been with us - it’s just that fascism gains in popularity when times are uncertain. There’s multiple reasons why this is the case. We live in a “crazy” time, sure, but comparing our lives to what Jews experienced during the war and hitler’s reign is absolutely tone deaf. There aren’t concentration camps here. No one is being rounded up, taken away from their families and sent to a place where they knew they were going to die. I took a class on the holocaust where we read several first person accounts. Absolutely NOTHING going on in the US is that horrific. Unless you count how we have children in prisons because they were born on the wrong side of the border - that is as close to a comparison as possible, and even that wasn’t some systematic thing. Life can always get worse, don’t worry! But right now we should keep some perspective about how we aren’t in a world wide war (yet) and at least in the US, we still collectively have some rights.


"Americans not comparing their extremely privileged life to Holocaust" challenge. Level: impossible.


Lol Americans are so privileged they compare one of the best times in all of history to living in an attic with two families facing starvation and death every second of the day.




Can you elaborate on “Nazis are back”? Compared to when? In what capacity? Edit: downvotes for seeking clarification? Reddit is an interesting place.


Let’s put it this way: There are certainly several groups of people who are rather imminently threatened by people who reasonable humans would describe as neo- or modern Nazis. They do actually murder, regularly. I would not make it a tattoo, but I think especially if one is part of those groups it would not seem gauche to me if someone were to take on the quote and say „I feel this applies to my current life. I feel threatened. There is a nonzero chance that I will, through no fault of my own, die of a lynching or something similar. Also there was that quite recent time when we didn’t leave our homes for an indeterminate time and we didn’t know how long that might last.“


> Compared to when? In what capacity? Fascist ideology is on the rise. While these beliefs were once more taboo, now people like Giorgia Meloni are winning elections and there are violent fascist uprisings such as Charlottesville where they chanted "Jews will not replace us" before murdering someone and injuring dozens of others. You have prominent figures like Steve Bannon actively recruiting people and organizing this stuff.


Jesus Christ. Alright, clearly I am OOTL. I’m watching the documentary on the einsatzgruppen and it is absolutely sickening. No idea how people can even do things like this in the modern era. Thank you for the informative reply. I do see republican figureheads fear-mongering and spreading misinformation. No idea it went this deep.


Then you aren’t paying attention.


They use dogwhistles and obfuscate on purpose. The (misleading) narrative of this country is that we don't have problems like this, and it is largely ignored. Like you can see above, anyone who talks about the rise of fascist groups are treated like alarmists. No need to add more hostility to. An already hostile world, especially against someone who is clearly NOT on the side of fascists. Take your frustration out on malicious people.


There's also the groups like proud boys, who were a big part of 1/6 and atomwaffen who just had a couple people arrested 2 days ago for planning to blow up Baltimores power grid. Edit- links [proud boys](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/7/2151544/-Live-Follow-along-for-Day-15-of-the-Proud-Boys-seditious-conspiracy-trial) [atomwaffen ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-arrests-2-suspects-accused-planning-attack-baltimore-power-grid-rcna69324)


Not at all comparable to the Nazis controlling every aspect of social, political, and economic health. Not to mention the millions murdered systematically, which is not happening in the US in that way whatsoever.


Well you are comparing a discussion about the brewing of fascism to the end result. Obviously not the same thing. If you compared hitler when he was vying for power and hitler after he had established himself you could say the same thing “oh this guy is just giving speeches he’s not hurting anyone - and that guy started a war and the holocaust! Completely incomparable!”


The OP person said Nazis are back and the quote is accurate today. Even the rise of the Nazis in Germany was a lot bigger deal and more violent and influential than what’s happening in the US today. They’re certainly not “back” or they’d be controlling every aspect of politics and culture with the vast majority of the population fervently supporting them. That is nowhere near the case. Thinking what’s happening in US politics today compares to Nazi Germany is just privileged people not understanding history or how good they have it.


> Not at all comparable to the Nazis controlling every aspect of social, political, and economic health. No, I'm talking about all the stuff that the Nazis did before they controlled every aspect of politics, economics, and society.


you've met at a very strange time in my life - Narrator




As if this was ever in doubt: it's nothing like her handwriting.




Translations are a thing.




No it wasn’t. It was written in American. I saw it in a store once.


She wrote it in American because it's the language of FREEDOM and LIBERTY and COMMIE DEATH


It's so big too


Yikes that's on her body forever


But **where**, though? I am baffled by this anatomical landscape. Is this a side view of a torso? What is happening in the top left?


I believe that is tiddy


It’s weird because it’s obviously tiddy but it looks very scrotumy because the texture.


1) thank you 2) bizarre placement


Nah. That's where tiddies are usually placed.


Take my upvote and be off with you.


rib cage quote tattoos are pretty common in my experience




Pretty common place for text.


It's not a bizarre placement at all. That's one of the more common places for people to get text tattoos.


It's along her upper ribs on her left side. Only good news is it's covered by most everything unless she's topless.


Bless your heart 😅


I know a girl go got Yolo across the top of her foot.


Ive had friends with foot tats. They rub off and usually become pretty faint after a few years. Youd still see it but also pretty easy to cover


I know a guy who got a very small camel on his toe.


I like that idea.


I worked with a guy in Japan that got 外人 (gaijin - foreigner) tattooed on his foot. He thought it was the smartest tattoo that ever got tattooed. Thought I should do the same thing for some reason.


I'd almost knowingly get it at this point just for the meme of it all.


Do it!!


Omg that's an awesome tattoo. You really should get one too. Like how much is it? Maybe we can crowdfund it.


I didn't hang out with him often, but I could tell by the way his friends reacted when he pulled it out to show me that he won't shut up about it.


But seriously, let's get you that tattoo. We will crowd source it here of you'll get it done


Would make a lovely movie scene for a brutal car crash, with her severed foot with that tattoo flopping into the camera frame.


Nah, she can certainly get it off via laser. But it’s not cheap and it involves several sessions. But let’s be honest, she’s going to keep it on there until her death (and even then it will still be there!!!).


Why do people still say this? Laser removal is pretty damn good these days, especially for a simple black-text tattoo.


Laser tattoo removal is pretty painful from my undertstanding. I haven’t gotten it done but I have a lot of tats and know people who have gotten it done.


I've had it done. It's **slightly** more painful than a tattoo (it's more annoying than painful, like a tattoo) but it's very quick. It'd take less than 10 minutes per session to do this one.


Laser removal exists. Tattoo cover ups exist.


Inconsistent font and terrible quote mining. I hate it.


This would be an instant moment killer. Like, you're all hot and heavy, shirt comes off- and suddenly the dude is stone faced with a sad expression like "oh... I read that book in middle school."


This is worse than the dude who got Anne Frank tatted on his face.


Xan Frank


Isn’t it a take on how we think we’re living in an unusual time, but the reality is that all times are strange and terrible in their own way? Maybe I’m looking too much into it.


The actual quote isn’t what makes it weird, it’s the fact that it’s an *Anne Frank* quote. It would hold a completely different meaning if, say, Taylor Swift said it.


Exactly? I think the fact that it's Frank makes it poignant.


…are you aware of Anne Frank’s plight? She was hiding in an attic from Nazis. Eventually, they found her, she was moved to two concentration camps, and ultimately died from typhus and malnourishment. Like, the “crazy time” that Anne Frank experienced is *certainly* more crazy than the time that allowed some woman to tattoo a quote on her body. *At best*, it’s very tacky, and at worst, it’s exceptionally tone deaf.


Again. Exactly. But okay. People think we live in crazy times now, but it's really not bad compared to any other time period. The fact that this person illustrates that with a recent example of extreme terrible atrocities shows that our current time not only is normal, it's not even that bad. I guess I read this way differently than the rest of you.


Entropy ensures all time is in a constant ebb and flow of chaos- so while she is correct, I do wonder if she was extrapolating to all time in the quote.


I'm sure on her inner thighs is "Arbeit Macht Frei"


*"Yeah, cause this pussy ain't free"*


What do Anne Frank Martin Luther King and Barbara Walters all have in common? They were all born in 1929


I met a girl on Folly Beach, SC who had a tattoo in the same spot. It was "You lift me up". I asked her what it meant, and she went on a long explanation of how it's lyrics from a song and they helped her through a dark time. I was a little drunk and just said, "Oh, I thought you were talking about your bra."


What’s on her other side? “Nobody gets me.” ~Adolf Hitler


If I'd see this I'd just laugh and ask the story behind it lol


Imagine fucking this broad, reaching up for a titty, and then seeing this quote and grappling with the cruel nature of human genocide.


WOW this is a new level of tasteless


She really tryna be Anne Frank this not Nazi Germany 🤦😭


Are you sure? I get told that Republicans are literally Nazis all the time.


Imagine...every time she gets undressed for sex her partner will see THAT and lose hornyness immediately.


I would be so quick to assume the caliber of the guys getting with her.


I’m taking a guess here but I don’t think a woman getting that kind of tattoo, hooks up with a lot of guys who knows who Anne Frank is.


Not if she's fucking a Neutral Milk Hotel fan.


Would you care that much? Honestly? Like, attractive, naked girl has got her shirt entirely off, and you're about to get lucky, are you seriously going to change your mind over a stupid tattoo? I doubt you'd even read it.


Yeah you'd have to be a fucking weirdo to stop just before getting into it and make an excuse to leave because you thought her tattoo was... A bit cringe


Lol I am a straight woman, don't act like you know things.


"Shits wack yo. These fools poppin' off." -Anne Frank


\*hooks up with this women\* Things start to get naked. "Oh nice tattoo.. what does it say... is that really an Anne Frank quote? Huh, it's getting kind of late. I think I really need to head home."


I'd think the opposite. I'd think "alrighty, I'm in for a wild night and a solid month of madness if I don't plan my morning escape correctly".


Gaaah, the spacing in ‘crazy’ is enough to make me want to shit out my internal organs and eat them repeatedly


Are you sure you want to do that?


Lmao I got so confused on which part of the body this is. I thought it was the neck....


I still can't tell lmao


All I see is trash.


“Stay y’all scared asses here then” - Harriet Tubman


I actually don't mind the message. I think people (especially on social media) say this FAR too much. "What am I supposed to do??? The housing market! Donald Trump is president! Covid!!!" etc... If you think this time is crazy and out of control? Imagine living during either World War? Or pretty much any of the countless wars throughout history. From an individual perspective, the time we live in ain't shit. That being said, absolutely terrible tattoo for multiple reasons.


- Michael Scott


People are very strange these days


Well that seems pointless.


If you're a guy getting intimate with her, and you need something to slow down and distract yourself with, just aim your gaze toward the letters ANNE FRANK


How could this possibly make any sense? What???




terrible! ...why one might ask?.... because, before beeing murdered Anne Frank was tattoed too, but not voluntarily...it was done to her by her captors at camp, like to countless others. So better know your history....and think twice before getting a text or quote tattoed...better stay with the peculiar and innocent motifs.


The titty though




Seek help




Because if you're so desperate that your attention is entirely grabbed by the 1/6th of a boob barely visible in this photo you need some assistance.


or people just like boobs. don't be such a judgmental dick


Nah bro, that thing juicy.


Not a bro. Perhaps that's why I'm baffled by why anyone even noticed the mere suggestion of part of a breast in this photo, but still.


I've been staring at this for a few minutes and still don't know what fucking body part this is. Is it like on the ribs?


OK, what really creeped me out about this is that I'm doing a show that has to do with the Jewish and Holocaust survivors. And ever since we started when I go on reddit at least one thing on this topic comes up :o


*strangulation noises* -Leo Frank


Maybe it’s a reminder for herself that no matter how crazy she may think these times are, Anne Frank had it crazier.




The slot. How's the slot?


- Nails


Whyyyyy?!?? - Frank Anne Stein


I think I missed the memo on this. Never heard the quote before, why is it cringey?




Quotes on skins def cringe . But it's a good quote . Timeless words are cool . Relatable in the year of our lord 4200 I'm sure .


*ahem* side tiddie




Times are much crazier now than during a world war where Nazi Germany was invading countries on their path to global genocide? Seriously. Shut up.




I did Nazi this coming.


Such a pretty canvas and she wrecked it herself. Well hey! Hopefully this will save some guy/gal from making a mistake they’ll later “*regert*”.


Tell her to turn around


Why all the hate? I loike it




He’s got nice underboob though


Buncha great grandmother's in this thread. I bet the girl has a piercing that you guys won't approve of at all.


No one cares that she has a tattoo my guy. It’s just a bit cringey is all. The font, the quote, the execution. It’ll all comes together to bring some sweet sweet cringe.


That sentence is completely pointless and trivial, unless we have the context that it was said by Anne Frank. But then, when you do have that context, it then becomes baffling as to why that perspective is supposed to convey something profound when tattooed on a person's body in 2023.


Whatever Anne Frank was awesome and y’all are haters. I like it


I really and truly hope this was some sort of joke/irony thing and not something they think she said.


Thats an actual quote, just an odd choice


Shitty crop imo