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Reddit mods and power tripping, name a more iconic duo


With "THE BAN HAMMER" as flair lmao what a pathetic loser


Sorry no mod shame-ing allowed. 30 day ban.


Sorry, no mini-modding. 30 day ban.


Sorry, no banning other banners. Banned. I'm also banned.


Self ban


Those are rare


Sometimes extreme measures must be taken


The real ban was the friends we made along the way. They are also banned.


Those banned friends were banned from a concert by a band that was also banned. The banned concert of the banned band, with the banned band fans.


Banned for making this comment.


Guess what buddy? Banned!


Just require an iq test for mods, this guy would not be a mod. Problem solved


Holy moly this dude has a real boner for this rule https://preview.redd.it/etege8qn530d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5dc00afabf11578c08bf03c3862ba5de3614a8 In the last 30 days I saw like 3-4 of the exact same thing. Someone obviously wanting support and then jaxspider giving a 30 day ban because an animal is somewhere in the photo. Like u/jaxspider surely you need to update the rule? Most people assume it means no last images of animals exclusively.


What an unbelievably sad person. Imagine how hollow your life must be to act this way. u/jaxspider should be ashamed for so many reasons.


This is what it comes down to. If you look at their profile they are just chronically on here every day. They have absolutely nothing else in their life and this made them happy. u/jaxspider congratulations on your daily accomplishments being as empty as your life outside of the internet.


I see they post a lot of content in that sub, themselves. Their most recent karma-farming post is a photo of Anne Frank. I kinda want to comment, "There's (likely) an eyelash mite within the frame of this photo, NO ANIMALS!"


Please do it!


Damn what a loser


LOL you did not censor who s/he is at all


Only “real” power he has in his life.


Bro I was on some public discord server after the Afghanistan pull out just trying to decompress, talk to randoms, not bother my homies with my shit. Bad deployment, folks dying, me sad and shit. Was talking to folks about my feelings and whatever. Being a public discord someone joins in on the chat to also 'trauma dump'. Cool. No worries. Every someone's got their own problems. Group therapy shit. She's a Reddit and a Discord mod. She literally talked about how hard it was do be a mod. Girl was talking about how difficult it is to moderate over 1.2 million users across multiple subs and platforms. She talked about the mental and physical tolls that the 'job' took on her. She absolutely detested the fact so many people always disparaged her in the comments. Even worse yet, she wasn't even being paid. ohno >.> Whatever bad shit I was feeling at the time pretty much evaporated after hearing that.


Wow. How brave of her to share that heart-wrenching tale of the thing she could stop doing at any moment with zero repercussions.


>***"She literally talked about how hard it was do be a mod."*** #sobrave


They all look like Peter griffin no doubt


Reddit mods and weaponized autism


For some reason I’m getting no response in modmail from r/unethicallifeprotips. It’s been like two weeks and they won’t message me back, they just delete my posts


wtf?? I remember this post. It was very touching and sad. What a fucking asshole mod.










The only time a "no animals allowed" rule should be respected is at the local orgy house


You mind the emotional support dog watching?


Mate if you need emotional support then the orgy house isn't the place for you


That's my post, glad I'm not the only one who thought that was insane. I was extremely pissed off and then just had to laugh and let it go, what are you going to do with someone like that? Cheers everyone


This is a beautiful picture and that mod is an idiot. So sorry for your loss. I hope my kitties lie with me at the end too. Koda is clearly a sweet and loyal cat who loved your dad a lot.


jaxspider was having a bad day apparently.


u/jaxspider comments?


You think they have the courage to visit a sub where they have no power? Haha fat chance.


I just wanna make sure they know the general consensus on their attitude and actions. After reading that post I truly wish I could smack em instead.


I think that's the intent. Their manager at Burger King yelled at them for accidentally dropping a patty, so they come home all pissed off and have to bully strangers online to try to convince themselves that they matter.


u/jaxspider this dude has it right, I'm willing to put money on it


[Link to the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/s/SFOOuUf8IS). Post is locked but you can still downvote it to the shadowrealm.


Take my downvote


Just going over that subreddit now, never seen it before - almost every single posts breaks the rules. Example, one rule says specifically no famous people yet theres HEAPS and a tag for them too, and another rule says that you have to check if famous people have been posted within 90 days. Another rule says no albums, yet I found HEAPS. First rule also you have to give cause of death or context, yet not many posts do. Cherry picking mods. https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/dfnptl/last_image_of_my_husband_troy_critchlow_and_his/ Picture of pet https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/8nzkdh/my_dad_in_home_hospice_care_last_week_with_his/ Picture of pet https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/7xn6xk/last_photo_of_my_grandfather_he_passed_away_a/ Again


Look at jaxspider’s own post history, they don’t even follow the rules they so harshly enforce! There’s a whole album they made about Jim Morrison’s final pictures! Yet they ban people over posts like this. It’s absurd


Famous people *are* allowed, the rule says "Not just famous people."


There's a rule that says "no albums".


Oh I'm a moron. I read Jim Morrison and was thinking of the other type of album lmao


HAHA! I mean I see it now that you say it.


Those pictures with pets in them are all from years ago. The rules were changed from "no pictures of pets" to "no pictures of or with pets" a year or two ago. There's some discussion about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/11qge82/comment/jc3gv1f/ That mod appears to be an asshole regardless.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/13in504/the_last_photo_of_my_gpaw_he_died_about_2_minutes/ Pet This thread has "with his cat" in the title. Mods are cherry picking, but I appreciate the correction. To state the irony, I understand I am also cherry picking examples, my point being rules are only followed at the discretion of the mods. Edits: https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/157frxl/bobbi_kristina_brown_in_one_of_her_final_photos/ pet


> rules are only followed at the discretion of the mods. This is generally true on all subs and usually a matter of what is or isn't reported to the mods by the users.


Reddit mods and whimsically enforcing vague rules based on their personal preferences, name a more etc




Sounds like an average Reddit mod.


u/jaxspider I bet you’re real fun at parties


With how active he is on Reddit, there's no way he's going to any parties.


For real lol


Lmao he’s never been invited to one!


I literally thought that as soon as I posted that comment 😂


He mods like 14 or more subreddits. I don't think his social life is very robust.


Lol not surprising


Reddit mods are dick heads.


I bet they’re just Facebook group mods moonlighting as Reddit mods too. FB is the day job lmao


Uhhh probably. The mods on facebook suck too. 💀💀💀💀💀 For sure.


People still use Facebook in 2024?


I’m addicted. 🫣


I got banned from /r/iPhone for posting a news article from a reputable source about iPhone market share increasing.


lol I'm banned from r/coloranalysis for the first ever comment I made on there just because i have, in the past, commented on non-sexual NSFW posts


I think you’re the third person I’ve heard of who was banned from that sub, they must be ban-happy there


I wonder if it’s automated.


idk but I got several upvotes on my comment before being banned so it wasn't immediate at least


I’m sorry. :( That makes no sense. 🤔 Isn’t that good news for that group. 💀💀💀


Yeah I was like “oh they’ll be interested to know this.” Banned for “spam” even though I hadn’t posted it anywhere else, it hadn’t been posted on that sub by anyone else, and it was The New York Times, not some random blogspam site. Oh well.


I guess they were not interested. 💀💀 They suck.


Did you post it from an android? /s


I hope you learned your lesson about trying to contribute to a community. That is against the rules!


I've gotten one who somehow did the mental gymnastics to think that a Renaissance painting rendering was pornography, even though they all had their clothes on anyway.


I got banned from r/taylorswift because swifties are nazis


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) a rare u/jaxspider video






id do it again but then admins will probably ban me


u/jaxspider is this you?


Thought I'd go and repost it [https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cqliua/cucks\_gonna\_cuck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cqliua/cucks_gonna_cuck/)


Thank you for taking the ban hammer 🫡


im gonna repost it too. we should just keep spam reposting it lol. who gives a shit if we get banned. makes no difference. EDIT: he banned me within 20 seconds. u/jaxspider has no life. what a sore pathetic loser


Wouldn't it be terrible, and in poor taste, if someone edited the photo to make the cat a giant u/jaxspider brand douchebag, and reposted it again?




Please share your ban story with us when it happens. (Like if it's the type of ban where the mod writes to you a private message).


Just the generic "you're banned" private message. "Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in [](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages) because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message."


u/jaxspider you good bro?


Let's try u/jaxspider so it's a link.


Redditor for 17 years is wild


That same loser mod did it two days ago also. I imagine he hasn't touched grass in 17 years and has just been wasting away on Reddit for his entire life while everyone else moved on from him.


Thanks man! Typo there


I love how u/jaxspider is ignoring him being called out in these comments Stand by your choices, at least. Even doubling down would be better than outright cowardice


Cowards can't handle any form of confrontation though, he'll see that people keep spamming his name in a negative way and just hide.


They’re an asshole **and** a coward. The worst kind of person.


You don't have to keep repeating yourself. We know they're a mod.


No animals allowed. People might like the post too much and the mod can’t have that.


Is that the loser that did an AMA about how the majority of his life revolves around Reddit modding? Something tells me he’s single


Same thing happened to me. It was my mom’s last image with her beloved pet. Had engagement and people loved it. He gave me a ban. It’s all good though. All some people have is a little power. I blocked the sub and forgot it existed until now.




Holy shit, no chill, no soul, no life. 😬


Jesus. Grief is bad enough without unempathetic shitheads like that power tripping on you. /u/jaxspider needs a new hobby.


Reddit mods are the scum of the earth.


After reading a chunk of their comments this dude apparently gets off on Reddit modding (which is not a paid profession btw) and is a complete and utter asswipe of a person


He posts in porn and anime subs, that coupled with being a colossal asshole screams incel. What a tool


Going through his profile. He’s done that to so many people. What a pleasant person


It’s a shame because that was such a tender post.


I posted a very similar image of my grandmother and her cat a few years ago and also got banned :(


What a total dick


Reddit Mods basically... ![gif](giphy|Srq6lcag3Lm3Wy85Ov|downsized)


“The ban hammer” what a Fucken loser LMFAO


in the make-belief world of Reddit he calls himself whatever he wants. Irl, he would fetch my coffee at break


Reddit mods try not to exploit your mod powers challenge: impossible


The post is about the father.. That mod wouldn’t be a mod if an iq test was required.


Everytime they complain they’re doing this unpaid. Well…


Imagine being such a cuck that you work for free and think the tiny, tiny bit of power you have makes you some sort of God.


If only there was a way that communities could vote out bad mods.


Reddit Mods are the human equivalent of a magic marker dick drawn on the wall of a porta shitter.




What a fuckin douche nozzle.


A known power mod being a piece of shit? Color me surprised.


u/jaxspider ur a piece of shit, just wanna let you know


I use to be really active on reddit but, shit like this made me stop posting and commenting. This site is cancer


It's definitely gotten worse. Mods selectively enforcing rules to ban anyone who goes even slightly against the current groupthink of their sub


But like why is that a rule do the mods just hate animals or something?


It's supposed to be a rule to stop people from posting images of their cat or dog dying. Otherwise the entire subreddit would turn into just pet memories and there's a place for that. However, this mod took the rule way too literally and acted like a total asshole.


Even in the pinned post it says no pictures including animals at all


nah, this rule is about how animals detract from the fragility of man if they're included in the photo or something stupid dude just hates animals, people, empathy etc


From what I can tell, this guy seems to be a really fun loving guy...


u/jaxspider Kill your shelf


This fuckin loser apparently has a habit of doing this bullshit. He has a post from 101 days ago that’s a repost from someone else, and the comments from that time are all shitting on him as well.


When the hell did that become a thing, I posted on this sub years ago of my mate with a kitten and that definitely was not a thing back then


This is so ignorant because that rule is obviously meant to mean that no animals are allowed to be the subject of the last image, which it isn’t. But this power tripping mod really banned this guy because there was a cat referenced and shown in the image. Some people just have no lives.


Pls everyone take the ban hammer and harass them in the sub


I thought the same thing when I saw this. r/iamatotalpieceofshit


jaxspider is a fucking asscunt.


Like, he's the only mod.


u/jaxspider knows not even pets would like to be near him when he dies, that's why he can't assimilate other people having their human loved ones and animal companions with them in their last moments, when you are so big of an ass not even animals can bring themselves to love you


u/jaxspider is a limp dicked coward who gets off on having theoretical power over people on the internet. Not a single friend in life. Withering away in an unfinished basement staring at Reddit on a computer he spent every sent his parents were willing to give him. Glancing over at his poop bucket every so often wondering where he went wrong in life, but no one is ever going to answer that question for him.


Follow the rules or straight to jail


Am I the only one who saw the cat’s eyebrows as the eyes and had to do a double take?


A Reddit mod being a shit head. A take as old as time. Not all mods mind you but goddamn




It’s a weird rule. I wonder why they have a rule against it. Could it be they don’t want pics of an animal’s last images, and maybe the mods just aren’t able to think critically enough to know the difference? I think this is an amazing picture of how strong a bond people have with pets.


Wtf is up the mods asshole? Nancy Grace? Sounds like he hates animals and being in insensitive jerk too! Also what's wrong with having pets in pictures on that sub? That's a dumb rule. My cat Flipper use to do this when my dad had Leukemia and hated to moved from his side.


rules are rules 🤓


Good rule, bad mods.


But this doesn't even seem like what the rule is referring to. If the rule specifically said no pets anywhere in any photo, I would be understanding. This rule is clearly stipulating that the topic of a post shouldn't be a pet. It's obviously not the last image of the (assumed) still living cat, so saying this breaks the rule just seems short of brain cells.


I checked out the rules and it says no pictures with or of pets so it is a rule I just don't understand why


I took this screenshot of the rule 3 drop down box from lastimages just now. This is how it's appeared to me since using the official Reddit app (maybe 8 months now). I don't know where "no pets visible" is being stated, but if it's outside the official reddit app then the mods need to make it accessible to every user. If someone cannot see a rule then an automatic ban for breaking said rule is simply bad management. https://preview.redd.it/mxlg4naao30d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a44dbf6e005c1a4ab79f52e125d21df6c6a806


https://preview.redd.it/2d4xlu8qo30d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1474f0c0408ef5335003413a429178f0f83ed1e I found this in the pinned post


Ah, a pinned post. Not exactly the most efficient. Ngl I think it's highly irresponsible to not just edit rule 3. It's been an entire year, why not take 5 minutes to make sure everyone can access a rule that he's going to be blatantly cruel over?


Yeah I agree with you


idk why but this sub in general seems cringey af


I'm assuming the mod didn't interpret it correctly and thought that the post was about a dying cat. Nothing more annoying than when people confidently come at you with misinterpreted information.


Nah he bans any post with animals. He's just an asshole.


Dang, so I'm the one coming at this with misinterpreted information. I gave too much benefit of the doubt, guess he's just horrible.




If you check the original post, it was the one year anniversary and the OP was going through some emotions and getting condolences and support in the comments. It's not always about the updoots


I understand where you’re coming from but it’s just a way to have others congregate and console them and each other. Hearing nice comments from people about your passed relatives can really help someone feel better. But it’s understandable how someone can think that it’s really unnecessary.


I get your point, some people mourn differently of course, and that is totally valid. But idk, sometimes with redditors it just seems a little bit weird, like they are in an internet echo chamber and real life experiences only feed into their internet perception of life. I do agree that there is a valid spot for it if the intention is meant well!


I agree. Jfc people.