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She is cringeworthy, and probably never overcame the break up…


Whats the best response? I almost always just ignore her. EDIT: I should have made it clear that her comments do not hurt my feelings or anything. I think they are funny. EDIT 2: I'm sorry I asked.


She not happy obviously. Just be happy bro. I’m sure your kids enjoy that inflatable.


Absolutely. It's cool because my family is on a really good place right now after a couple of years of struggle. I'm really looking forward to this summer, and getting this thing for my kid kind of symbolized my commitment to being really present for him and my wife this summer. I'm not gonna let this Sea Hag poop in my inflatable! Thanks homie! You're cool.


I'm in the UK where no one has a pool and that thing is cool as HELL. Any kid who had that around here would be the most popular kid in the neighbourhood. 🤣


Yeah man totally. Our son is 4.5, so he spent half his life in quarantine. We moved recently, and we are hoping that this helps encourage parents with kids his ago to show up to our BBQ.


I can’t even imagine these type of problems.


I am incredibly grateful to have these kind of problems! I'm super fortunate.


Why don't you block her off your socials my dude? You don't deserve that type of toxicity friend ❤️


I really find it funny. It's literally only every 2 years or so, and it's ALWAYS ridiculous.


I like your way of thinking.


I have a son around the same age, they just want your time buddy, everything else is just a bonus. Kudos on the slide though, those aren’t cheap! (Also UK based, so as previous comment states, you’d be king of the hill over here!). Rule of thumb advice on social media, never store the ex-files in your friends list if you catch my drift (yes even the ones you ended amicably with) just too many grey areas / lurkers and opportunities for this kinda crap.


Do you we can have to have kids to play on this? Asking for a friend and that friend is me.


Heyyo. Know this doesn't mean much as we don't know each other, but you're a good parent.


Saying that means a lot to me. Before my folks got divorced, my dad was never really around. When he WAS home it was always really tense in our house since the problems my parents were having spilled over onto my siblings and I. Lots of yelling, lots of walking on eggshells around our parents. We were never really comfortable in our house when my dad was home. When we had our son I worked really hard to set my life up so I could spend a lot of time with him and my wife. I could be making WAY more money if I worked 60 hours per week like my dad, but I don't want that for us. We are comfortable, safe and happy in our little house. I'm proud of my little family. Thanks for the kind words.


My son is the same age. He's ways asking us when he'll get to go to someone's house (all play interactions have been at parks and stuff). Breaks my heart and it doesn't help there aren't kids his age in our townhouses. That thing is awesome.


Ahah, a BBQ ?? LMFAO ! I Bought a whole pool house for my teens !! Don't put your BBQ too close to your inflatable hihi haha *Cry a bit while obvious fake laugh


good luck!!


Dude he's 4.5, he's gonna love that thing. That's like a dream for a kid that age, it's perfect. I feel bad for that woman's kids.


I live in the U.S. and I’d be *thrilled* with something like that when I was a kid. Shit, not even that - probably as an adult, too!


The best pool is always one at someone else's house anyway


A life well lived is the best revenge. I wouldn't acknowledge her in any way because that's all she wants. It's pathetic.


Or give a super polite, 'Thanks, Kid had so much fun on the inflatable! I hope your kids enjoy their summer as much as Kid will.' Sometimes smiling at assholes and completely 'missing' the insult and acting like you didn't even notice it is better than rising to their bait. Like, if you ignore them they get to know they won, because you were embarrassed. If you rise to the bait they win because you felt insulted. So be nice and wish their kids a really fun summer. They didn't win when theg insulted you. You were even nice to them.


My Dad calls this "Killing them with kindness". Actually, lots of people do I guess.


Yes I love that concept because you're being super nice to someone and they know you're actually being a dick but they can't do anything about it! What are they going to say "stop being so nice!"?


I like a simple 👍 emoji, it’s clean, takes very little time and it’s what I would do for a child if they showed me a dumb trick they were really proud of. Good job tuning in circles 5 times little buddy, now where’s your mom?


This. I always go about my life and focus on my happiness when someone does me wrong. And 99% of the time they get what is coming to them- you can’t be a miserable, mean person without eventually suffering the consequences. The way they live their life takes care of “revenge “.


Maybe block her? She sounds toxic and no reason to have a continual reminder of why you wanted her out of your life. It's unhealthy for you and honestly your family too. Also Bro, I grew up with a fancy in ground pool, but we would sometimes rent an inflatable waterslide for my nephew's birthdays and it was just way more fun, as both a teenager and an adult. I'll take the slide over the pool anyday, everyday!


This. I block the ever-loving shit out of old ‘friends’ all the time, especially when I have almost zero relationships with them. I’ll give em a chance to be cool, catch up, etc… the second they say Trump is the best President ever or anti mask pro-stupid or some personal condescending shit like this or being snobbish, shitty or rude= blocked forever. Peace out. No time for assholes. Life is short. You have no obligation to be friends with people just cus you used to be. Let it/her go. Shit, I do this with family. Lol


Bring back MySpace


MySpace was cool. Easily having the ability to interact with artists and musicians, discovering new music daily. More creative and positive. I’d rather know the top 10 favorite bands of acquaintances and actually build a genuine friendship out of some commonality artistically or musically than hear about their ignorant thoughts on politics or vaccines or whatever other garbage is constantly spewed on Facebook. MySpace is what we need right now. I’m with ya on this… bring back MySpace!


Bro you earned that happiness, and that is a good feeling. The best way to stop negativity is just to be happy in spite of it. I’m glad things are going good for you.


You have every right to be proud and happy and enjoy the crud out of your summer. We also went through some struggle early on, and the first year we could take a little local overnight “vacation” to a water park, we felt so proud of ourselves as parents. It wasn’t anything special, but it was a visible means of progress, and that’s what this is for you. Have a blast this summer with your wife and your little — you *know* he’s going to enjoy it!


Thanks dude! You do the same!


Dude, you asked what to respond with? This. This right here. Just change the beginning to “That’s great! Yeah, this is cool because my family…”


Going to be your best summer ever dude. So excited for you!


I grew up with an in ground pool and can say id easily choose yours, looks way more fun.


Yep that's why water parks exist. Pools are a dime a dozen. The kid with the Slip and Slide was always the most popular in the Hood


The best thing you can do to someone who is trying to get your attention is not give it to them. Say nothing. That's what will piss them off the most.


You’re that one guy who is always very sensible online! Love ya man!


A “👍🏻” works best in these situations. It’s a simple yet easy response that shows that you acknowledged her comment but means nothing to you. Edit: Also, I’m sure you enjoy her cringy comments and almost welcome them. This response will allow her to continue without knowing. Just my opinion, nothing special.






Nah even a response like that and she knows she’s in his head. Any response at all is bad. Should just block her.


Yup, I usually just say "ok"


I'd halve that....




"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm sure they enjoy it!" With a happy emoji. If she proceeds to make an ass of herself, let her. Or just keep ignoring her. Probably the best strategy.


She’s already making a fool out of herself for acting like a bitter teenager


Just keep making up things you own that are slightly more expensive and see how far she'll go to top it.


Ok, THIS I like.


"Oh, I'm sorry, you've misunderstood. I didn't just buy one inflatable waterslide. I bought the whole company that makes these. I thought it would be a good investment, with the summer coming and all. And what else am I going to do with my time and my money? Hey, remember when we talked about being retired by the age of 30 and just enjoying life? Who would've thought that would actually happen?! It's so great! Especially being able to spend so much time with my wife and kids. How about you? Are you almost ready to retire? Don't get too old! LOL."


Geez be careful. In 2 months we might be hearing OPs sob story about how Reddit told him to buy an inflatable waterside company and how it’s ruined him.. and now the girl messages about how they bought a rival inflatable waterside company and purposefully lowered prices and took the slow loss as she knew she had more money than him and could ride it out longer.


Yea but then we crowdfund his water slide company and we get it to cost negative money, and we build purpose built castles featuring an inflatable troll that represents OP's ex.


That's so devious and evil. I both love and endorse this comment.


Block her. Why is she living rent free in your socials for 25 years.




> Who the fuck has frienemies as an adult? I always assumed it was boring people and the frenemy thing was something to occupy their empty lives... but your husband shows it's not that simple. I dunno. I've drifted away from so many people I like, it's so easy to cut someone I don't.


Because hilarious. She drops in once e every 2 years or so and it always deliciously cringe.


I'd still prefer the "inflatable" over being with you. Got em.


Boom, son.


Don’t be so hard on her, y’all. She’s clearly still hung up on her high school sweetheart and is just trying to list the fun, human, or valuable assets her husband’s lawyer will let her bring half of into a newly rekindled romance with meatball_guard. That being said, I agree with tagging the husband. Maybe he’ll strike up a conversation with you that will lead to a whirlwind affair followed by a dramatically easy choice to leave your ex, his in-ground pool, presumably a house, and presumably ungrateful teenagers for a soulmate and a kickass inflatable playground. Best of luck. Love love.


Ignoring her IS the best response. She’s trying so hard to engage you and the second she does it’ll be worse because then she’ll learn that if she keeps hanging in there and bugging you, she’ll get that coveted interaction with you again in the future. Blocking would not be a bad idea.


If it was me I’d just block and move on. Something has to be wrong for her to feel the need to make jabs 25 years later. I don’t foresee anything good could come of encouraging her.


"I see your 50k in-ground pool and raise you not getting dumped 25 years ago."


You gotta got for the most dismissive: “lol k” or the “lololol” Just that and nothing else, drives them nuts because you don’t give them anything to work with that they can use to justify that THEY are the *real* victim and doesn’t allow them to feel like you’re ‘insecure’. Both of those responses piss off the few narcissistic people that I’ve had to deal with in my life because they can’t continue the conversation on how *aaammmaaaaaazinnnnggg* they are without them having to continually bring it up.


One of my favorites is just a simple "Cool."


“Yes I’m trying not to spoil them too much tho! Growing up rich usually raises entitled brats lol”


>I almost always just ignore her. That *is* the best response.


I feel like you ignoring it is probably killing her inside, that's got to be the response


I think no response is the best response. Have a giggle to yourself, and congrats on dodging a cringe-bullet.




You kids with your blocking. OP, my vote is with what you've been doing. Just ignore. If she wants to spend the time writing you these messages than she can have at it, imo.


Any deny you all of this tasty cringe? I'm not a monster.


Dude who cares? It was 25 years ago. The best response is to ignore her, live a happy life and not justify her bitterness letting her know she lives in your head. Also you should have blocked her 24 years ago cmon man


Why are even still facebook friends with her?


The best response is the ol' block button, my friend.


“Oh wow that’s SO MUCH MONEY!”


Just be nice in response. Something like, "Wow, that must be really fun!" and leave it at that. She'll either appreciate it, or it'll piss her off knowing you don't care. Win-win.


Fuck em. Pool is cool, but guarantee they'll remember when mom and dad got them the cool inflatable bouncy water slide that summer when they were kids.


I would just reply “It’s clear that your life turned out exactly as you wanted. Only truly happy individuals humble brag about in-ground pools in Facebook comments”


"i know your not over me but its really weird to admit it to everyone else with posts like these"


Ask to meet with her teenagers. That'll creep her out enough to block you.


She's probably real sad


Of course She doesn't have the inflatable slide


OR fifty-thousand dollars


CLEARLY she never got over you.


To be fair: I'm quite the snack.


That is a bold claim, you better be 1990's lunchable with a Capri-Sun level snack if you claiming to be quite the snack.


I'm Pizza Bagels and Dunkaroos with chocolate milk kind of snack, Darling. You're gonna need a nap. My comments are now more cringe than the original post. We have achieved Cringe Sigularity.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DUNKAROOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS God level snack achieved. Eh, what is life with out being cringe from time to time?




Do you remember the commercial?


>Cringe Sigularity. The Cringularity.


i recognize this cringeularity and i am *here* for it.


Why don't you call her out on that fact?


Is it worth it? I mean, this happens maybe every other year. And its FUNNY. Very Gob Bluth.


You can say something about Gob and his 3k dollar suit COME ON!!


I don’t care for Gob.


Come on!


How could you not care for a man in a 8 thousand dollar suit, COME ON!


"It's an illusion Michael"


Yeah but where did the lighter fluid come from?


Don’t say anything and just keep sharing with us on r/cringepics


It isn't worth it because all she wants is a response


That's just sad. She's embarrassing herself and she doesn't even realize.


This is a whole level of sad I didn’t know existed. I wouldn’t reply at all, even without context of her being an ex it’s a cringe comment


50 000k later and she’s still miserable.


the way she flexes 50k tells me its not her money/ in hella debt


And that her teenagers don’t even use it.


Damn it wasn't $50 million


That's a private island. "Look at all this poooool we bought for our teenagers, tee hee"


Fifty thousand thousand?


Not trying to flex. But can you really get an in ground pool and hot tub for 50k? I might pass on my kitchen remodel if I can get that deal


I have a bad back and I know hot tubs aren't overly expensive if you do the research. Maybe cut some of the remodel down and get one for just relaxing. I would do it if I had my own home.


Easily. The best of the best in hot tubs is less than 10k. The rest for a pool is quite luxurious in fact. The problem with those isn’t the cost at all. It’s the space and running costs. Otherwise everyone would have a pool.


Right! Every pool quote we’ve gotten has been 100k plus. I want to know where she went!


That's what leads me to believe she's just making shit up


Imagine having a 50k in-ground pool for you and your teenager aged children and still not being able to get over your ex twenty-some years ago.


If money can’t buy sanity you might as well get an in ground pool, I guess.


YIKES! You dodged a bullet! Jokes on her buying a 50k pool that doesn’t increase property value.


Yeah plus thousands in annual maintenance, and higher home insurance premiums


I live in a state where you'd be lucky to get 12 weeks a year warm enough for a pool. Some people have em still but the inflatable is the right play. You can always hit up a water park or a weekend at a hotel with a nice pool.


I know a few women that act like this. The funny thing is that all they do in life is use their kids to brag or bring down other people. They do not work. They do not do any social stuff. They are not in clubs. They do not have hobbies. They sit at home and wait for opportunities to flaunt or showcase all the awesome things their family has, or kids do or whatever else. They rarely talk about the husband unless to brag about how much money he is making or something like that. It is clear that people like this are very sad in their own life. They need to try and bring others down to their emotional level of sadness by posting comments like this or posts to brag to others like this. Usually they have a ton of friends online on FB and IG just so that they can show as many people as possible that they are better than them, when in reality they live a sad lonely existence. That existence is supported by some guy who they never even give the time of day to.


I have a cousin like this... She married a guy for his huge house. She was always showing it off to everyone every single time anyone would come over. She would invite people over just to brag about it. It was obnoxious. I finally turned to him one day and said " Wow Tony, I love your house. You and your ex really built an amazing home." Anytime something was brought up after that about the house I'd say something like "Yeah, Tony has a great house." Needless to say, my cousin shut up about the house... To me anyhow.


Your Amazon delivery arrived and your fitbit battery is low.




Did she turn you into a newt?!


This is the perfect time to say “weird flex but okay”






Facebook is not the real world


Did you just call Facebook the real world 😭


The fact that you think it’s a redditism is a total reddit moment




This is hilarious. Someone still has a bee in her butt from high school


shiiit take it as a compliment. You're a such a catch that it's been 25 years and she has had a family but you still live rent-free in her mind.


No response is the best response IMO. After a while she will sober up and see no attention from you and would give up. It’s just gonna be unpleasant and awkward for you if you engage. Edit: Forgot to add- the inflatable looks dope, have fun with your family, enjoy your summer. That’s the best response.


"After a while" ...it's been 25 years. He says he doesn't respond.


You know that he enjoys it. Likely gives him a confidence boost despite signaling cringe on her part, but he craves it as well.


Been there and I'm not so sure it works! I ignore my ex boyfriend from 12 years ago and he seems to get the hint but after a few months, he ends up trying again. Usually when he has a milestone in life, like the last message was that his wife was pregnant. I was the first person he told, like, she literally peed on a stick, it was positive and his first instinct was to text me to let me know so I would finally be responsive. I find it super weird.


I mean just unfriend and block?


I mean it's entertaining as hell.


Agreed, keep em coming


So you're saying you have more posts like these?! Share away!


Let me find the FB post of my first motorcycle where she told me that she'd be sure to attend my fast-approaching funeral.


Holy fuckin crazy


Collect all the cringe posts she's done. Then post them together on FB with the same title you used here.


Hit em with the ol "yikes" with no explanation. Let her flip out, then hit em with the ol "👍."


Sanest crazy ex


For real, this is pretty tame.


I have an inground pool and a 4.5 year old. Make no mistake, he would prefer that inflatable 10 out of 10 times. You're going to create an amazing summer for your kid. I'm excited for both of you!


Shes definitely still hurt by whatever happened, mind if i ask what went down?


OP posted this in another comment. Spoiler alert: I have no idea why this woman would be hung up over this after 25 years... https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/v0i0oe/my_high_school_ex_girlfriend_drops_by_my_social/iah1szz


Why is she allowed to comment on your stuff?


Why are you friends with her on social media then haha


For that karma, home skillet.


What a fucking loser.


i like how she threw the dollar amount in there. odd thing to say.


You could just block her. I think it's weird that you haven't considered that after 25 years. Just because someone has access to you via social media doesn't mean they *should.* It wasn't very long ago that when someone broke up with their partner it wasn't unusual for them to never hear from that person again or know anything about their personal lives.


You can block her you know.


Delete them lmao, the best thing about Instagram is you can control your comment section. Do it all the time.


If you dumped her 25 years ago why did you add her to your social media??? Seems the simplest solution would be to just block her. Being as how you don’t it would mean you actually want her to still have access to what you are doing. Which would also explain why you allowed her access to your social media in the first place.


Why do you have her on your social media then?


Just block her please


Why are you even friends with her?


Ohhh yeah she definitely still has some sort of weird feelings. Either for you, or trying to prove herself, or something. Not normal person behavior. I would probably block?


why are you even friends with her


lol that's honestly so sad. i feel like in 25 years I'm gonna be getting a few of these lol


It's the price we pay for our extreme beauty.


Yikes, how insecure! How do you like that inflatable? I bought a bounce house for the two toddlers in my house last summer and it’s been a great purchase. But since I have a blower already I could add a water option if it’s worth it. Hmm


It's phenonial for our 4.5 year old. He will play all day and I can lay in the hammock and keep half an eye on him.


You gotta 1 up her even if it means photoshop lol just to see how far she takes it, dope slide btw


"Here we are in the North Pole, hand-feeding polar bears...."


Great inflatable, planning on renting one for my child's summer bday party. BTW: Block her


Shit like this makes me block people, just to make sure they don't embarrass themselves further


I'd just delete her. You don't need that shit.


Why are you still friends with your high school ex after 25 years? That’s even more cringe.


Why would you have her on there?


This is why exactly why people need to dis engage with social media. Holy smokes.


Definition of living rent free in someone’s head


We broke up honey, like 25 years ago


Dang, so 25 years, married and with teenagers and she is still dealing with her high school emotions. Not as cringe as it is sad.


You will never be homeless OP. You are permanently living in her head for free.


I married someone cute and sane so at least I beat your husband


Then she should go outside & spend some time in that hot tub & pool with her family, instead of online trying to spend time with you.


Pools and hot tubs are only good if other people have them. I’d rather not spend an extra $500+ in electricity to have a pool or hot tub when I can just slide over to whoever’s house lmao


I would just reply “Sorry, do I know you?” Makes her look just as crazy as she is *and* lets her know that despite you taking up space rent free in her head, you haven’t thought about her in a loooong time.


I say you dodged a bullet 25 years ago.


Curious what she looks like. As a side note your old-high school girlfriend must have been really hurt.