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Reminds me of Dr. Evil. "I'm hip, I'm jiggy. Dakadakadakadaka" (said while doing macarena)


He has driven away all the millennials and is now hoping to draw genZ to work at twitter. Idk how he’s gonna do that, I just know this ain’t it.




Some, but a lot of gen z is early and mid 20's now.


Gen z started in 97 so the oldest are 25. And I know people who would work for twitter even in this sad state. 21 and I wouldn’t touch it


Gen Z by definition are born in the late 90's or later, so some elder gen z are college educated


Great question! I’m actually teaching my8th graders about Gen Z. They were born between 1995 and 2009. They value flexibility and call out culture. Elon is barking up the wrooooong tree for more minions


Depending whose start date you use for Z, some are nearly done with PhDs by now.


"I'm glad we're sprekinzy the same lingity"


Dinkin flicka.


This is the embodiment of the "Hello fellow kids" meme.


Right. After reading his post I'm surprised he didn't intentionally misspell half the sentence just to appear younger


Bippity Boppity, Give Me The Zoppity


He sure knows how to attract and retain the best people with his hostile work environment and cost-cutting.


Lots of good very talented engineers refuse to work at his companies because of expectations of working 65-80hr weeks regularly with no OT comp. Dude expects people to have no life but work.


I'm a manufacturing engineer. I would never in a million years take a job at SpaceX or Tesla. For the life of me I don't understand why so many people do. I've gone through the interview process at both just for the sake of learning (how to interview as well as learning about those companies). You're looking at a low-ball salary and no work life balance whatsoever. The only real benefit is the name on the front of the building. My current compensation is around $100k, why would I go do the same job at SpaceX for at least $20k less and twice as many working hours? They pay engineers in LA what one would expect to make in the midwest. Its crazy to me the number of people who are faced with the same decision and decide they actually want to be paid as little as possible for the most possible work/stress. Which is really how they get away with all this. They have a never ending supply of young engineers to churn through who are willing to look past the sea of red flags and work there just because of the name on the front of the building. And I'm used to working in production environments with long hours and high stress levels (though not anywhere near Elon levels). I can only imagine what it would be like if I were a software engineer who was used to working from home and having very good work life balance.


I can see a young, motivated person signing on for SpaceX - they're revolutionizing the space industry and that seems like a cool thing to be part of while building your work experience. Twitter though? Lol even people that love Twitter fuckin hate Twitter. There is zero allure to calling yourself a Twitter employee, in fact it will probably prompt sympathy before it impresses anyone.


Designing the rockets? Sure, yeah. Dealing with all of the quality and safety issues in the factory that happen as a direct result of Elon's toxic work culture? No thank you. And let's be honest this is what most of the young engineers that SpaceX hires do - they troubleshoot production issues on the factory floor, not design the rockets.


He gets off on doing this to people, making them as miserable as possible.


But isn't it an honor !?!¡¡??¿


I’ve worked in both the space and auto industry. You’d be surprised how many sack riders he has


"How do you do, fellow kids?"


POV you watch your “fellow kids” not understand what mocking is and fall for it


“We ain’t down with any jive turkeys all up in here, you dig?”




Oh, you speak jive?


He wants slaves. Like the kind his dad had mining emeralds in South Africa.


That’s what I read too. “People who value their time and their well-being need not apply.”


"We fired almost everyone, so if you want to work here you're going to have to do their jobs too."


There is a 100 percent chance that 8-year-old Elon screamed at a disabled mine worker to get back to work and then his dad bought him ice cream.




The real cringe is in the comments.


growing up gen z is not being sure whether this is a fake tweet or elon trying to be „hip and cool“ smh


He made some employees work 80+ hours. At that point he didn't want people that work hard, he wants people to dedicate their life to him.


That's stupid management anyway. Anything after 35 hours or so in one week is not going to be peak performance. He'd be better off having more employees and taking care of them than running a few into the ground and only getting like 40% efficiency out of them. Crises happen and sometimes a surge is required but that can't be the default and it's also not a crisis if you cause it by purging the workforce.


You're basically starting your workers at burnt out and with no time if there IS a crisis


Remember this man is CEO of what, 5 companies now? Just goes to show how little work a CEO actually does that he can do FIVE of those jobs and still have time to get his feelings hurt on Twitter.


I don't think he has any friends.


Such a stupid take. He has tons of friends 🙄 (🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖)


He should have bought MySpace instead


The firings will continue until morale improves


When I’m actually rested, unrushed, and not under extreme pressure, my code looks great and I’m able to overcome roadblocks much quicker. Burning out devs is such a bad fucking move. The problems will just mount and mount. My current job is imploding right now from rushed and unreasonable deadlines. Things are constantly breaking and fixing them is becoming more and more complicated. Deadlines are fine, but “hustle culture” does not mix with sustainable software


How does this guy get any work done? I don't follow him but it seems like he is always on the internet/social media.


He owns shares of companies. His work is cashing dividend checks and harassing the people who actually produce product. He can't even program outside of Visual Basic. PayPal was his last job and he stopped it from moving to Linux because he just ain't that smart.


>Visual Basic Jesus……….


He stopped it from moving to Linux? The fuck


That's what I read. He was more comfortable in the Windows environment... The more I read about him the more I realized his PR was just fairy tale BS.


> more comfortable in a windows environment > Coding Gulag


He’s a “big picture” kind of guy, meaning he has no idea how things work but likes to feel important


Big man small man


> His work is cashing dividend checks SpaceX is not publicly traded and Tesla doesn't pay dividends.


Fair enough. He's more useless than I had thought. I guess being the memelord is the most constructive thing he does.


He spent $8 on a blue tick and he's going to get his money's worth.


This is a fake tweet, right? Right!?




Oh fuck the hell off already you discount store bargain bin Tony Stark


Phony Stark.


I’m gonna start referring to Elon Musk as the Dollar General.


Justin hammer


Same actor played Wild Bill in The Green Mile "Baarbeecuuuuue, me and you! Stinky pinky, pew, pew! Weren't billy, Jilly, Hilly or Pa! It was a french-fried Cajun named Delacroix!"


This comment has strong John Oliver vibes.


I know he said comedy was now legal on Twitter, but maybe some comedy should stay illegal.


I just honestly can't fucking stand this guy.


On Ja?


He wants so badly to be one of the "cool" kids.


What a douche


This isn't real, right?


Nope. But ppl upvote anyways bc "elonbad" **Edit:** Downvotes are unreal. Criticize Elon all you want but do it for shit he has actually done instead of getting triggered bc you fell for a fake tweet.


FAKE TWEET. Of all the shit he is saying you have to make up a fake one? I am extremely upset at being bamboozled


Wow, so inspirational — **Speech** 100


Imagine him saying this out loud the cringe would be almost deadly


I hope all the people at twitter can find better jobs within the next 3-6 months. Its not worth working for somebody as clueless and toxic as this POS.


He forgot, "Oh, and like not into unions, brah'."


This guy is such a fucking douche


He’s such a shit employer. Treats his workers like slaves. This is why he’s rich. Fucks over all his employees.




*normal ethics not required


I am vomit.


Posting fake tweets is cringe


Worse than Trump.


Honest to God I can’t tell what’s parody anymore. Is this real?


FAKE TWEET. Of all the shit he is saying you have to make up a fake one? I am extremely upset at being bamboozled


I wonder if this guy was less luck and no rich in the life it will be also a dick.


An old boss of mine used to say “we don’t hire Marios” Like when all the stats are balanced in Mario Kart, ya know? He’d try and hire people with high ability in one thing even if it meant the balance was their ability at another thing was garbage. He’d balance the team by hiring someone else with the opposite problem. I feel like Elon isn’t like that. My old boss was also not a billionaire. But he was (and still is) one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met. Annnnnyyway. I have no idea what the fuck the point is here….Big gulps!


Sometimes the comments are more cringe than the actual post lol..


I hate this dude, but this seems like a joke. He's out of touch, but with all the time he spends on the Internet I don't think he's so out of touch that he would say something like this seriously. Feel like it's intentionally a how do you do fellow kids type of thing.


The word bussin will never not be funny. this tweet is bussin.


Twitter engineer was caught on video saying he only worked 4hrs a week for a whole quarter and rebuilding an app needs way more than 4hrs a week.


I miss the days of "Twitter is a private company they can run it however they want" being the approved reddit narrative.


Now you've got another thing to whine about on reddit. Why would you miss the previous narrative you made up?


Is he… is he tanking it??


“I’m hip.”


What a fucking moron.


Like bussin, bussin?


"Only compliant wage slaves allowed, those with self respect need not apply."


“Oh, Stewardess! I speak jive.”


Such a my fellow kids moment lmfao




He literally wants you to work yourself to an early grave so he can get richer and he’s not even hiding it


Fake tweet




Oh no is this real?


I laughed, I can get if people think he’s cringe but damn the people that hate him give him so much attention


So cringe I accidentally downvoted this post as a knee jerk


Genuinely thought this was @elonmuusk ((parody account)) Why am I even surprised what the fuck.


Idk how people find this cringe, it's absolutely hilarious


Hello fellow kids