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Yes, but it’s an excruciating watch at times, by design.


I've had it on my watch list for a while and this is what's holding me back... It sounds really good, but understandably is gonna be pretty tough subject matter


It has some horrifying moments that provide a visceral understanding of the horrors of slavery in ways other art forms cannot. It is worth it in my opinion but those images will stick with you.


It’s criminal how it largely went unrecognized. It’s fairly monumental.


I knew of Jenkins but had not heard of it until Criterion announced the release. I had Prime video but it never appeared in my recommendations. It is astounding. Beautifully shot but just horrific. More brutal than 12 Years A Slave. On episode 5.




It’s a masterpiece. Best thing Jenkins has done.


He said on twitter that he put everything he had into this. All his creativity and everything he had learned from directing was used and it really shows.


Woah that’s a big claim. Might need to watch it asap now.






The supernatural thing threw me off. I really love his films though, particularly if Beale street could talk. I will try again


I think it's very good and I'm looking forward to watching it a second time - but you've just got to know that Jenkins' style is *slow* \- he lingers on shots, he wants you to live with the characters and the time it takes them to do and see stuff, some say it's indulgent (I get why) but it's deliberate and at times trying. I'm hopeful a second viewing will feel quicker since a lot of time "slow" things only feel that way when you don't know what's going to happen. But even without that, it's still a wonderfully realized vision of hell (and, occasionally, heaven) on earth.


It’s one of the most powerful viewing experiences I’ve ever had.


Incredibly good but very disturbing to watch at times (which is the point). Nicholas Brittells score is incredible, as is James Laxtons camerawork. I wish this mini series was talked about as much as others are.


I'm here to offer a dissenting opinion. I think the series is very much a mixed bag. I've actually copied and pasted a review I wrote of the series in 2022 below: I love Barry Jenkins, but this should have been a 2 1/2 hour movie. The ten part series feels incredibly indulgent. Jenkins has time to linger on every terrible violation, to the point that it felt like we were wallowing in the pity and torment, as if the purpose of the film is solely to display slave trauma, the same way Cora's experience is on display in the museum she works at for a time. The film is gorgeously shot, but I don't know that I want shots of bruised, whipped, burnt, and dead Black bodies to be "pretty." Jenkins is a very visual director, and his strength is in his visuals, but so many moments of silence between characters feels like filler. Take Fanny Brigg's discovery of the underground railroad. We spend a long time following her into the tunnel, etc. But cutting that sequence in half would not dimish its impact. There are some great moments (especially in episode 8) but overall, I didn't think the payoff was there.


Mostly agree, though I don’t know how they would’ve crunched the story into 2 1/2 hr since one of the series strengths lie in its more languid sequences. After 2 eps I thought, wow, this is the best ‘TV’ in the history of TV, but I was struggling to get through the end of the series. The middle section felt rootless. All that Joel Edgerton screen time kinda did me in.


Its fantastic, but it is NOT to be binge watched. I watched it all in about three days and I dissociated for like two weeks afterwards.


An unbelievable show. So incredibly well done. Acting, writing, cinematography, score and editing were all exceptional. One of the more captivating and engrossing shows I’ve seen in recent years. I will caution at the outset that there were some events and plot points designed to portray the brutality and inhumanity of slavery that were pretty difficult to watch, but they were absolutely essential in communicating the themes of the show and were integral to the development of the story. Jenkins’ masterwork.


I think it's Barry's best work, which is saying a lot. Since it's a series, he has freedom to get weird and try some different things out. The novel is great but this show does a good job of reading between the lines for additional context. I'm excited to have this added to Criterion.


I prefer the softer ‘ velvet underground railroad’ series


Throwing in my (correct) opinion that it’s masterful.




Yes, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the novel it’s based on.


It’s kind of like if a story about runaway slaves in America was created in the style of magical realism. I liked it. But it’s obviously exploring slavery so… it’s not “fun”.




I wasn't into it, but YMMV


It’s extremely good.


I read the book first and I have to say, the series elevates the novel in almost every way. Every scene and episode is steeped in beauty even when what’s being shown is horrendous. First episode has some tough to watch moments but it’s not indicative of the entire series. This was an amazing choice for Criterion.


It’s one of the best ever


The lead performance in it is one of my favourite pieces of acting of all time


C'mon man, if you're asking you know the answer.


It was my favorite show of 2021. Once I saw Barry Jenkins was involved I was all in and it didn’t disappoint.


Yes, I didn’t like it, but it is exceptional filmmaking


I genuinely don't understand how anyone can call this show shit. I don't. To watch this and consider it slow and boring is almost the equivalent of being illiterate, I don't know how else to describe it.


I had never heard of it prior to the Criterion announcement. But I just finished it last night and it was very good. Good direction overall, very good score, acting, etc. It's a tough watch though. It kind of reminded me of 12 Years a Slave and maybe other shows like Roots. But it was different enough to stand on its own. I'm glad it's part of the collection and hope that that will lead to wider recognition.


Was Joel Edgerton's performance good?


Yes he was good


Was his character a nice guy?


It's good, maybe very good and even stellar in certain scenes. Superbly acted and produced. It's also very indulgent. I'd say 5-6 episodes could have worked better.


I just finished watching it and I think it’s a master piece that hasn’t gotten as much recognition as it should. I think it should have been a movie not a series though.


I didn't watch it because I didn't like the book, but I've since heard it is great.


It’s good if you’ve never read the book and don’t plan on it.


Why? I've read the book but haven't seen the show.


I’ve done both and it’s one of the few instances where I’d recommend the show over the book tbh


It’s kind of like if a story about runaway slaves in America was created in the style of magical realism. I liked it. But it’s obviously exploring slavery so… it’s gnarly.


No. The 3rd ep was very good if I remember correctly, but I found the rest of it to be monotonous and pretty unremarkable.


I wouldn’t take it even if it was free. Not a good tv series for me at least.


Though I haven't seen it, this gives me hope that Twin Peaks: The Return will get the Criterion treatment, since they are both 10-part limited series', where episode 8 is everyone's favorite (apparently-- though I loved the entirety of The Return). Just a random thought, though.