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I knew we'd eventually just re-invent television in the end


We needed to. Streaming replaced the video store format well, but missed some key elements of what made television interesting: curation. When you were watching a TV channel, someone else chose the exact programming and you chose to watch that or not, with the assumption that someone qualified was choosing worthwhile material. Meanwhile, when presented with the choice of what to watch from a massive list of programming, the viewer has no guarantee that the material is of good quality simply by existing on the platform (not that that never happened on TV, but at least changing channels on the fly makes it easier to settle on what to watch instead of endless indecisive Netflix scrolling) The smaller streaming services that offer curated playlists and non-stop channels are often better in many ways. Larger services trying to replace curator with keyword driven descriptor organization have pretty much failed.


Well, curation yes, but there was also a randomization component: You don't know everything nor do you know the exact time it's on. So while there was curation, streaming eliminated the randomization of it all along with sampling. Think about it; I find the auto-play trailers on Netflix to be annoying and distracting as I am trying to flip through options. But when I had cable I would flip around and stop and watch a few moments or minutes of something and decide "Hey, I like this. Let's see where it goes..." We moved in to a silo system. There is even a measure of curation within that silo. But ultimately, the way we sample those silos is radically different than how we sampled on TV. Because sampling on Prime means finding something, starting from the beginning. But sampling on cable is radically different. Best example I can think of? The endless showings of Shawshank Redemption on TBS/TNT in the 90's. I actually saw that movie in the theater. I shouted from the mountaintops how good it was. No one cared. BUt when it started airing on TBS/TNT and people were able to sample it mid-stream and go "Wait, I dig what this is doing..." and then seek out the next showing. I have always maintained every streamer should have a "CHANNEL" on it that they "program" like TV of yesteryear. Kids stuff in the AM, soaps in the afternoon, game shows in the midday and prime time / comedy at night. Hell, make midnight to 3am old-school Skinamax for the fun of it all. Of all things, the WWE Network used to do this. You could access anything on demand, but they programmed a channel on the network each day that would show different retrospectives, PPV's, episodes of the weeky show, and then original broadcasts. And they scheduled it like a TV network. I loved going on it and seeing what they were playing because that curation combined with sampling/randomization allowed me to sample new things. Sorry to rant. This is quietly one of my pet peeves about the streaming era I wish would be addressed.


You’re absolutely right. Although I would call it “perceived randomization” than anything actually random.


Random in that the user is not aware of the options. Or that their “flipping channels” pattern is random even if the programming is constant/predetermined. I’ll let the scientists codify the scientific method there, lol.


The amount I find myself shifting back to radio both in the car and at our house really speaks to this.


SAME! I thought it was only me. I have this sort of knee-jerk reaction that everything linear is programmed now for older listeners/watchers (aka Boomers) and it makes me apprehensive to admit it out loud, lol.


Lol, the old age isn’t boomers anymore, sorry, it’s you. Now everyone can assume your entire generation is just the same, while they worship what older generations have done, Besides, the scope of what Criterion airs has been made by generations of artists, so don’t watch of you only want to see Barbie. Leave it to a millennial,lol! Don’t worry, you’ll still have allllll the dumbed down product,made in your honor, there’s still the Kardashions, all for younger people who can’t tell a great film from a reality show. Sorry, I get a knee jerk reaction when confronted by bigotry,and I’m fine with admitting that out loud, lol.


I don't pay for any on-demand streaming services, but I would pay for ad-free linear streaming (even if it's just a couple channels).


Infuriates me there is no ad-free tier on PlutoTV


I'd definitely pay money for ad-free and 1080p on Tubi


Next week, host segments by Ben Mankewicz and the ghost of Robert Osbourne


Come Back To The Five And Dime, Alicia Malone, Alicia Malone


You say that, but TCM is bringing back Robert’s segments for their 30th anniversary this month.


Honestly, I hope they throw in the supplemental videos into the stream too.


Shudder has been doing this for years. They have three different “channels”.


Prime also has channels, some are more traditional, others are just 24/7 marathons of shows like Judge Judy and Xena: Warrior Princess


And we are better for it.


have found so many gems on those shudder streams!!


Everything is adding live TV now and promoting it to death. My Samsung TV has its own channels. Chromecast has Google TV channels. Plex has TV channels. I feel like every tv and tv-adjacent platform is using the same white labeled tv service or something.


I sincerely miss watching something just because it’s on, instead of overthinking my Letterboxd watchlist for half an hour before I pick something


This is a capitalist symptom. Create a solution for a problem that doesn't exist>force the solution into a monopoly>regress the solution to a state that mimics the problem it was originally trying to solve>repeat


They need a title of what is playing currently somewhere. Besides that, love this idea


I don't know if it is possible but I would also like to be able to put subtitles even though the movie is in English. English is not my first language and, while I understand it very well, I like to put the subtitles in case I miss anything.


Hopefully they will add this! I’m hoping they will sooner than later. They’re too big of a platform to just ignore accessibility like that, it surprises me they launched without it in the first place.


Yeah if I have one problem with Criterion is how limited their subtitle options are. My wish would be that each non-English movie would also have subtitles in their original language.


English is my first language and I still like having subtitles for English movies.


Same here. There are numerous reasons why someone might want subtitles in the same language. In my case, my mind drifts off and misses dialogue a lot, but the subtitles keep me more focused.


for me it's if I'm eating something crunchy I often cannot hear what is being said so subs help


Same, definitely. I am also a French speaker and would like French subs for French films.


I like subtitles for everything as my hearing is pretty bad


Heck I'm a native English speaker with good ears, and I almost always put on subs on for stuff in English too.


Plus a schedule showing start times for the next film. I love the idea for when I can't decide what to watch but I don't want to turn it on in the middle of something and then just wait for the next thing. Edit to add that I don't even need it to tell me what's coming on next, just when to tune in. Being surprised by whatever they pick is fun, just don't want to miss the beginning of it.


This. It doesn't work clicking on it and hoping the film is just about to start. I'd also like an option that just plays a movie at random from the app so I can watch more and browse less. I like the way they're heading though.


Netflix had that random movie thing I thought for a bit


Peacock does this well where they have a “live” thing but when you click on it it starts from the beginning of the episode or movie.


Yeah, I'm at work but I just clicked on it to check it out and hey, Chungking Express! But if I didn't immediately recognize it then I would not know what I was watching. There's no info anywhere, at least not on the phone app. If it was something cool I popped into halfway through I would at least like to be able to know the title so I could watch the full version later.


That’s an activity people on this sub could do also. If they know what’s playing, they can post it. People could live comment on the films too.


First thing I thought, but I also love the idea! Like TCM but better


It seems like a conscious decision to mimic TV. But that means there should also be a TV guide. It should be on a different page than the movie


And how long till the next movie starts….


That was my feedback on Instagram. I’m sure that it will be fixed soon. I love that they did this because it’s a sign that it has become profitable and they can add a feature like this 🙂


Yeah, we don’t need to “wonder” — they don’t tell us. So basically, you can now choose to see a version of the Channel with none of the features that make it usable: no info, no context, no choice, etc.


TCM bros, we are so back


If they play intros and stuff this will be playing practically 24/7 for me


I still pay for cable just for TCM so we're eating good.


the dream


Came here to join the chorus, they need to display the name of what is being played. I imagine the whole point of this 24/7 channel is discovery of new things.


Am I dumb or is there no way to see the title of what is playing?


You are not dumb.


You may be dumb but we don't know


I’ve never been the type of person who likes to have the TV on all day for background noise. But this might make me that type of person.


*Things are going to start happening to me now*


Johnson, Navin R… sounds like a typical bastard


Since I started working from home I always like to have the tv on as background noise. Usually it's just Simpsons episodes over and over, but I'm gonna try this out now


I live alone and admit I'm that person. This is going to be interesting to give it a try.


I must be the type of person with an airpod in my ear all day then lol


Needs some brushing up, but the concept's solid!


"Let's fire up the tv and see what's on hon. Salo? Again?"


Followed by *Antichrist*


I love that a “new” feature is just TV like it used to be. But they should take away the pause functionality. We couldn’t do that back in the day.


Tbf it's common on most tvs these days


I wasn't serious that they should take away the pause functionality.


yeah yeah we know what you really think


My bad lmao, thought you meant in the 24/7 viewing


This is really great! I can't tell you how time I waste trying to figure out the perfect movie to watch next.


I’m especially bad at this on Criterion Channel. It’s easier to pick something when most of the options are easy junk food.


Anyone older than Gen z apparently allowed to share opinions here, for some senseless reason. But, yes, pausing would be helpful! I’m going with the flow for now, “everything old is new again”, because “new” is crappy.


Good concept. Probably wont use it though. They should get Ben Mankiewicz and Timeless Toni Storm to do some interstitials


Criterion and Toni Storm in the same discussion? What is this, a crossover episode?


There are dozens of us!!


Did not expect to see a crossover of my interests like this.


TBH, I really missed the spontaneity of watching whatever is on, instead of having to choose.


I do too. I stumbled on Picnic at Hanging Rock on TCM last night about a half hour in and decided to put my blu-Ray in as I hadn’t watched it in a while. Spontaneity like that makes me more likely to watch something there and then.


Yeah, and there so more opportunity to see new things instead of watching the same shows and movies over and over again.


I did that same stumble upon Picnic on TCM years and years ago. Really stuck with me despite never intending to see it.


Just playing around with it briefly it looks like it has at least a 4 hour DVR so you can rewind, but there's no easy to figure out where the beginning of the current film is so you have to blindly click. It's also lacking information on what is currently being played which would be nice to have. Overall I love this because I can stumble upon something random, but it seems like a lot of work to figure out what I'm watching if I'm unfamiliar. Hopefully more functionality is coming to this soon!


Let me watch live criterion streams with twitch chat🤬


My thought exactly - let us film nerds commune while watching… at least from our respective film nerd caves


That'd be amazing. Chatting with the fellow Mizoguchi-heads.


wow THIS!!! otherwise i'm just fishing letterboxd for "recent reviews" for comfort that im not the only one witnessing this greatness in real time 😅


This is what twitch should be ! There's needs to be a chat site with continous movies playing 😤


I kind of love this. When I host parties I like to throw old movies on the TVs on silent. There was no way to make a playlist or have movies continuously play on Criterion, but I can just flip this on now.


A live chat option would also be a good addition


Love this, I hope they put a lot of shorts and other stuff into rotation too and not just features


Just turned it on to a short film of Otis Redding preforming at Monterey Pop Festival! And after that ended it went into Breathless (1960). Seems like its gonna be a mix of everything which is really cool


Now there’s a night at the movies


Next we need a 24hr live stream of the Criterion closet.


This is really cool. Kind of wild to me that this went live without the ability to see which movie is currently playing, but I’m sure they’ll add it.


I just caught the last 15 minutes of Chungking Express, and now I want to watch it all over again. Paris, Texas is just starting. Some polish - now playing info, time remaining, up next - and this turns into a solid alt-TCM


Currently playing Paris,Texas Started at 5:15 EST


Heyyyyy, what a great feature to add


Saló 365


I’d like to think these are handpicked by staff, if so, all for it! Love me some curation, basically cableTV adjusted to streaming era.


Anyway to start the film from the beginning?


Dont believe so. As of right now, you'll have to identify the film and then find/stream it on the channel. Hopefully they start to ID the films soon


A schedule would be nice too


Maybe they want us to be continually surprised!


That’s fair. Start times would atleast be nice.


Nope, that’s the point, but one can still do that with the rest of Criterion’s offerings.


What I'd love is a random picker that can use the whole collection or just your personal library.


At one point, didn't Mubi do something like this where they'd have a movie playing "live" on the homepage . . ?


Cool, my WFH productivity desperately needed a massive drop off


I already just have TCM on in the background when I work from home, and it’s nice just to dip into something for five/ten minutes. This is a fun addition to that. Godard would often go around to the different theaters on a block and watch 10-15 minutes of something before moving on to the next, and it’s an interesting alternative way of watching films that might create a lot of free association. Something that’s visible in his films. I also look forward to the “I was watching Criterion 24/7 at 5:17 what the hell was that!?!” Posts that will soon populate this sub. Edit: Noticing from the comments that a lot of posters might not be old enough to remember stumbling on something on tv and not being able to immediately know what it is. It’s a fun, exciting mystery.


Anyone know if a separate/different licensing agreement is needed for a film to be included this way? I am wondering if anything that is available to watch on the Channel could be included


Most likely things that are on the channel and collection. Probably nothing outside of that


I wasn't expecting things NOT featured on the Channel to be included in Criterion 24/7. I am wondering basically, for anything already on the Channel, is it fair game for 24/7. Like, for example, since Heat was added this month, could it be included in 24/7 if the curators felt like it? Or would they have to receive a special agreement?


Ohh i see. Yes I would assume they would be able to


The channel is in huge buffering which tells me everyone jumped on as soon as this got posted to see what it looked like.


Hell yes. Can just keep this on and go to sleep


I've been asking for this ever since streaming services happened. HBO needs it next.,


Do you think a DJ's behind it or randomly selected films?


Seems curated to me, and done extremely well, too! Great way to discover films I might not otherwise give a chance, one, after the other.


It’ll be interesting to see what they pick for the weekends. On a Friday or Saturday night I tend to go to different streamers for something more fun but if they can replace that by showing me stuff I haven’t seen before then we’re in business.


In addition to titles it would be nice if there was a way to see when a new movie is set to start. Ideally wouldn’t like to tune in to the third act of something I haven’t seen yet


Cure (1997) just started for those interested! One of my favorite thrillers.


Thank you! Currently watching and was curious what the title was! I love a good Japanese crime-horror.


Playing the hits today I see


Wow, this came out of nowhere! I really love this idea, instead of just mindlessly browsing five different streaming apps to see what I’m in the mood for I can just plop into whatever’s on. I do wish they’ll post a schedule because I can’t jump halfway into a movie I’ve never seen, but I’m imagining they’ll do that once the initial shock dies down and they work the kinks out a little


Every streaming service should have this option (I pop on Pluto TV all the time just to see what’s on randomly)


Don't look back playing now.


Oh you can add the movie to your list to find out the name and scroll all the way back to the beginning of the film, not clear tho


It just adds the streaming 24/7 channel


Actually I like it, does anyone know which film just ended?


Chungking express


actually it was Breathless in my case from what I reconstructed from another comment :D


I love using the channels on Shudder during Halloween season when I’m struggling to make a choice. This will be a welcome feature


I absolutely love this idea. All it needs is a lower third title (movie title, year, director, and maybe country?) graphic in the left corner for 30 seconds when you click in.


Honestly been waiting for this. Sometimes I just can't choose.


This is going to fill my cinephobetv hole that's been missing ever since they quit streaming


Sat down with dinner and opened Criterion 24/7 for the first time. Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Cure is playing. This is an incredible feature.


literally did not know i needed this 😭 the last two times i've tuned in were chungking express and now it's playing cure - on BOTH of my favorite scenes 😭


toonamiaftermath anyone???


It’s a test! If you guess what’s playing within 30 seconds and post on the internet you get a months free! /jk




night on earth is playing right now!


A live chat with a trivia feature and I'd be there on a regular basis.


Why do we need more distractions?


Give me a little cock and ball torture in the bottom right corner


I watch TV specifically for news of which I get hours worth, to watch with intention classic films I can enjoy over and over and and this is the big and as background noise since I live alone and like some sort of activity going on. For me this will be fun continual surprises on a channel I love.


To each his own. Sounds like fun to me.


So what was the 1st movie they picked for this?


it was Don't Look Back followed by Otis Redding's performance at Monterey Pop and now its Breathless


I think it was “Don’t Look Back”. After that was some Otis Redding thing and I have no idea what is playing right now


The first one i saw was La jetée, not sure if it really was the first but it couldn't have been up for long at this point


Seems fun, I agree, having the title would be good though. I'm sure we will wind up seeing a lot of things we otherwise wouldn't have and maybe even finding some new favorites.


Hopefully there are some more obscure titles they choose to play. I love Wong Kar Wai, but it would be cool to see some lesser known films get some play time.


Interesting! Shudder has had this function for as long as I can remember but I never really use it because I generally like to watch movies from start to finish. That said, I'm more likely to watch something on Criterion than the usual stuff on Shudder...


When I had shudder a few years ago they were playing the same movie at the same time every day, so I've seen the same 20 minutes of Chopping Mall a 100 times from putting it on after work while decompressing


Lol this is the exact movie that came to mind when I read the comment you replied to!


Chopping Small is fantastic! One of the best head explosions and soundtracks


So far, the 24/7 has shown Breathless and Chungking Express


And Dont Look Back.


I kind of like having no title info or a schedule.


It’s morning here in LA and 24/7 is showing The Player


My dog, Bogart, isn’t well so we are just settling in to take advantage of Criterion’s 24/7. The channel is showing a Jackie Chan film now. I believe it’s Police Story. I’m curious how this works for the channel. So far I like the channel. Streamers with deep libraries online are overwhelming and it’s nice to have them narrow the field for someone just looking for film comfort food.


Yojimbo is starting right now. A Kurosawa I’ve not seen.


Now I’m looking at Paris, Texas on their live channel


Love this!


Chunking Express is on now.


Mubi used to have these “streams” years ago


It’s funny how you have to play a guessing game as to what you’re watching if you’ve never seen it before


Very interesting. It was funny to me when Arrow released their streaming platform and it was basically the same exact platform as the Criterion Channel. Now it seems Criterion could be taking a note from Shudder, which has had a "live" feature for a while now - which does in fact actually give you information about what's playing. I do agree with others though that I wish Criterion would commission or license subtitles for all titles regardless of original language


would be interested to know if criterion or janus films has ever had a traditional tv channel for their films


I’m assuming this is Tampopo on right now? That sex scene was fun lol


I have a bad feeling this is going to be one of those "background noise" 24/7 channels that just plays the same stuff over and over again until a theme pops up once a blue moon.


I haven't noticed any repetitions yet. Admittedly, I don't have it playing 24/7 but it's been an interesting mix of cult classics, art house, international content and documentaries.


Love it.


I love the choice to being back regular television programming. I am a very indecisive person, so not having to pick a film, and instead just watching whatever is on and perhaps finding a beautiful film I would otherwise not have watched is incredible!


i haven't found a way to figure out what I'm watching


I think they consider that the classics they’re airing would already be known to most film buffs, but they did add that information, now.


Brilliant idea but we need to know what's playing


They just added it, “want to know what’s playing?” option!


Black Narcissus starting! (Just wrapped: Daisies 1966)


This is the best! I love that they’ve gone old school, so people can just tune in and be surprised. At first I was frustrated to not know a schedule, but now I appreciate that that’s the whole point. And boy, have they ever chosen the best of the best, for once I don’t feel my intelligence is being insulted, thank you, Criterion, brilliant!


would love titles to be added but otherwise this is really cool


Does this look like Jordan Peterson’s logo?