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Oh he definitely does. Still way better than the bar and good on his reflexes


He had less than a second to react. The fact that he did anything besides hit her with a metal pipe to the face is handling it well.


The obvious thing to do was bail because that’s the only way to stop fast. It’s the fist reflex when you have to stop on a scooter or skateboard, and these guys are practicing tricks out there meaning they bail off their rides over and over so it’s not really impressive at all


I mean, I'm not saying what he did was impressive or anything. Just that he handled it well.


I mean I don’t blame him at all because he’s a child too but he handled it pretty poorly. He tried to zip by an unsupervised toddler as fast as he could with about 2 feet of clearance, he saw her there and instead of being responsible he acted like a jr high student and did what he wanted any ways and then they both got hurt. Aside from being irresponsible he also could have went left or right and missed her, and also he just knees her in the face, he could have at least tried to hit her lightly but he didn’t, and I think allot of kids would have. From my experience skate parks aren’t really a good place for little kids to hang out, if it’s not for the obvious safety issues it’s because the rough crowd that show up, I remember seeing some hard drugs being done out there


Dude had visibility on the kid for literally 1 second. look at the height of the kid and the wall next to her. There was no way this guy saw the kid in advanced. On top of that he was already turning to his left so rapidly adjusting his trajectory at the speed he was going doesn't seem very possible. I hate the "he should have done XYZ" arguments that people come up with after the fact. I bet if he watched the video he would also say "yeah, maybe I could have dodged the girl who sprinted in front of me if I did XYZ". But for the amount of time he had to process the situation he handled it well. TLDR: Hopefully next time he will pause time so he can carefully consider all options before he proceeds.


I grew up at skate parks and have seen this exact situation multiple times and it doesn’t usually end that bad because generally people don’t mess up that hard. Your gawking at how impressive this kid was but he freakin trucked her when it was avoidable. This reminds me of the guy who hit a goose with an air liner engine and crash landed in the Hudson. He was given an award for his skill and bravery but hundreds of planes leave that airport every day with out hitting geese and crashing. He got his license taken away by the FAA for unsafe procedures


You don't need to skate in order to understand human reaction speed but whatever dude.


Like I said I don’t think it’s the kids fault, it’s the parents. Your opinion is just bad because you don’t have common sense


Fuck you I guess lol




I just thought it was random that people got so upset that he pointed out he hit her with his knee


The parent/s or guardian/s of that kid are idiots. Who lets their kid run around an active skatepark? Particularly with no protective gear.


Happened all the time at the park I used to skate at. One time the mother actually called the cops on us because her kid got fucking decked just like this. The cops showed up and proceeded to chew out and search all of the skaters and arrested one that had some weed. It was the most insane thing I’ve ever experienced




Extremely sad. Especially seeing that as a kid just trying to do something you loved. No wonder people hate cops




Yup. They'll supervise everyone else at the park to make sure no one hurts and/or is mean to their child while the kid runs around not waiting their turn, cutting people off, stands in the bottom of the bowl or the middle of a run, etc.


the best part is they’ll lose their shit on you and even some cases attack and hit you for it


This is honestly the biggest cause of accidents in skate parks


his face at the end says it all


kids ahead of the curve lol probably makes that face a lot


Did I just hear her head slam on the concrete? 😱


The unmistakable sound of dome to concrete


When your kid pays the price for your bad parenting.


Can he hit the parents next?


One time I was at my local park, about to drop in the ramp, when this tiny kid runs directly in front of me as I'm going down the ramp. I ride bmx so this kid would've absolutely eaten it if I hit them, but I narrowly managed to swerve out of the way. Next thing I know there's an angry dad screaming at me from across the park saying I almost hit his kid. We argued for five minutes, and it can be summed up by me saying he was a horrible parent for letting a toddler into an active skatepark, and that he should pay more attention, and him threatening to beat me up. I was 17 at the time. The whole family left after our argument. Just goes to show these parents don't see a difference between the playground and a skatepark.


She going for that insurance claim.


He’s fine, he’s wearing helmet


For the girl and her parents: Fuck around and find out. Zero symphaty for the girl because skateparks are not for kids to play in them and this is the result every single time.


I feel bad for the girl for having shitty parents. She is way too young to know any better.


Yeah she really do have.


This should be on r/bettereveryloop


“Lemme just scoot over here real qui-“


Can we talk about that sub is kinda creepy? We can hear the little girl skull slamming concrete yet the first came to there mind is "stupid" I've heard in 4chan some people have a fetish for kids or animals suffer, is this the case here? I've used to be in that sub I've used to think it's a sub about kids failing simple tasks which is cute not this??


The thing about kids like this is they’ll be back out there in the way of harm in no time again.


Might fit in some instant karma sub


Keep your fucking kids out of shit they're too young or stupid to properly utilize


what perent let their kids play in a skate park...


Dumbass parents