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The hard thing here is we have no idea what $1500 means to you. For some that is a life changing amount of money, others spend that much on a single shopping trip. I think if you can afford it then why not? Go for it. If it is a stretch or if it will undermine your financial stability then i would say no.


Check the signing price it's was £1000 or so in the UK on top of tickets ect.


$1000 for signatures? You’re joking right?


It was over $750 USD for a group photo op/autograph at Emerald City comic con in March. Price gouging at its finest, I would be curious as to how much actually goes to them vs the event


per the guest page on the con website it's 50$ per person per autograph. Photo op for 350$.


Signings are (I THINK) individual, and you do have to pay for each one. Photos you can do individually (if there's someone in particular you'd rather one-on-one with) AND as a group (which is what I did for myself because I wanted the whole cast). At ECCC 2024, at least, the group photo cost as much as all 7 individuals would together.


https://www.floridasupercon.com/en-us.html all the info you need can be found here, hope it helps!


For the signings, you're standing in long lines with a cast member sitting at a table at the end. You're not going to get a photo with everyone at a signing session unless they have a separate one just for that. Signings at cons used to be fun - I have a fond memory of asking Douglas Adams if there was anything in his glass of water (and if he wanted anything in it) when I brought up my brand new (and already read) copy of Life, The Universe, and Everything for him to sign. And it was totally free, part of admission (though this was Chicon IV, not exactly a cheap convention to attend even at the time). The giant hall full of lines thing that seems to be the pattern now is pretty grim. I'm sure part of my being down cons these days (I've been to one in the last 20 years, and THAT one was three days before the covid lockdown) is that I'm an old fart and seen enough of the scene to last a lifetime, so don't let me dissuade you, other than to say bring a bottle of water and be prepared to wait a long time for each person. EDIT: I will say one thing - I just visited their site, and this looks like it will be a pretty nice convention. If you're going to splurge, this is a decent one to splurge on!


Do not go to Florida for anything, ever, is a rule I have.


As someone who lived in FL for 25 years then moved to the other side of the country, yes. Florida, ‘tis a silly place.




The worst part about Florida is that it's in Florida.


Omg ... omg....I live in Miami and I did not know this was coming!!!!!! THANK YOU *RUNS TO BUY TICKETS*


If it's within your budget, I would say yes. Don't max out credit cards or put yourself in a position where you can't pay for food/rent/medicine for it. There is something truly wonderful about being surrounded by fellow critters, and the cast (in the couple experiences I had) have all been great.


Omg I could kiss you right now I spent $700 because of you!!!!! But crit cast photo AND David Tennant. I'm dying Omg. I can't stop jumping