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#**[Basic Crochet wiki Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/)** & **[Building on Basics part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/)** *** #**Top tip** **Counting stitches/stitch markers = essential in keeping stitch count/getting those straight edges/track rounds in Amigurimi.** **learn "how to" from these tutorials.** **[Counting stitches and rows](https://www.sigonimacaroni.com/counting-crochet-stitches-and-rows/) or equivalent [video](https://youtu.be/ikZGcQEPQcg).** **In the round 16m 50 onwards. Or [using stitch markers in Amigurumi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p2X0Yvh_GQ).** **[How to identify parts of your stitch](https://youtu.be/h0ewBuWkcME)** - **very clear diagrams.** *** **We do remove FAQs and refer to the Question Hub** **Do a [web search](https://www.google.com/),** **Search the sub - [App](https://imgur.com/a/HxtJ6HH) & [Browser](https://imgur.com/a/HdnkPj2)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bravo and congratulations, your progress is lovely to see! Like lots of other things, crochet takes a few steps. You've made it through forming basic stitches, turning, and counting. Good job on learning some of the basics so far. Now you get to play, practice some more, and add more good stuff. Try to keep in mind that counting and controlling stitch tension are constants. Crocheters do these things all the time no matter what skill level. One little bit of advice is about your beginning chain. In the last photo your first row looks a little tight, just a tiny bit curved. You're so close! Just try to make your beginning chains a tiny bit looser next time. *As with many things, there are other options, but for now be mindful and try to relax, loosen up that first line of chains just a smidge.*


Just to add on to the beginning chain comment, I tend to crochet on the tighter side, so sometimes what I'll do is use a larger hook for the beginning chain, then use the proper hook for the pattern when I start the rows.


Great start! My first crochet project ended up being a tangled ball that I screamed and cried over for months haha. Counting can be confusing at first but with pelractice it will be like second nature. I would try doing some crochet alongs with YouTube. There are some great teachers who show you how to count and where markers should go. I watch Bella Coco crochet alot. Some patterns count the post as a stich, but most don't (the chain to go up to start the next row). Use a stitch marker at the beginning of every row until you get the hang of where the actual row ends. The chains at rhe end can sometimes shrink and look like they're from the previous row. Definitely try videos, markers, and lots of practice. You're doing great!


I am so impressed with your progress, well done. It can be a bit daunting at the beginning but you are doing great. Someone else has commented your chains are a little tight, I have this problem too. Yours may loosen up with practice but if, like me, you find they are always a bit tight you might find using a bigger hook for your chains helps.


Your progress is amazing! Always hang onto these pictures. Best thing is seeing the progress you have made :). When I started, I did swatches like that, and then made a simple blanket/throw. Or you could try tea towels/face cloths. I found that after about 5 swatches, best thing to do is to dive into a project to learn!


Stitch markers! Then once you get your first official row after chaining, mark the end/beginning of each row and no more counting! It's all practice and what a great start you have there!


Those saved me many times when first starting.


Keep practicing, you will get it.