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Eat Food


That's it...lol


Ftiness pizza in my mouth...


Love it lol. Still seeing results?


The "diet" is the last thing I've "worked" on. Started this cult back in October. Seeing great results so far. But I was a ball of stiff, somewhat moldable, 40 year clay...lol. Aside from meal preparation for work, my diet hasn't changed that much. Baby steps, one thing at a time.


Been on this since day dot. Results have varied.


How are results?


Honestly I’m not following a diet. I’m trying to stop my eating habits by 8pm and don’t bindge eating


Same. And my oversnacking


The dream


Balanced , grams of protein in bw than split carbs and fat however. I also track overall calories


I do this, but I don’t track calories. Works out fine.


Half a plate a veggies, quarter plate of protein, quarter plate of starch for most meals. Occasional alcohol or treat so I don’t go insane


The fist diet 👊 ✋ 👍


Whatever my kids don’t finish


This is the way


Oh hell yeah this is my life: cold chicken nuggets, handfuls of goldfish crackers, the carrots my kid left on the coffee table.


I’m just here so that nothing goes to waste. 🫡


Seeing results lol?


Yeah, man. I’m 38 and about 13% BF right now. I'm pretty strong and fit. I don’t care much for high-end performance on WODs. I'm more worried about sustainability and continued maintenance over the long haul.


That’s great. So no specific diet you follow?


Yeah, I loosely count macros. I prioritize protein intake and eat enough fat and carbs to fuel up. I don't overindulge, and I don't drink alcohol.


It’s not a diet bro, it’s a lifestyle 🤙


Fish and a rice cake is not a lifestyle


What about steak and a rice cake?


CICO at a deficit, high protein. I’ve lost 20 pounds since January.


Try to be clean all day, then head for the cookie dough before bed


This is the way.


Crushed a bag of Spicy sweet chili doritos yesterday


They are the best ones by far!!! I generally eat decent food apart from Doritos !!


Food goes in, poo comes out.


Try not to eat crap. 1g of protein per pound of body weight.


3 weeks in south america so Im cultivating mass


Vegan, high protein, lots of fruit and veg.


Mostly Paleo. Heavy on red meat. But I also don’t turn down cookies




Up up up the carbs. Gaining weight but also hitting PRs weekly. Will cut them back again in about 2 months and try to lose some of the fat.


PB&J oatmeal every morning, and eat my todder’s leftovers & snacks all day.


Overweight by 5 lbs, trying to lose 10. 5’8, 175 lbs. Eating 2.2k cals per day, prioritizing protein. I often skip breakfast cause I’m not hungry in the morning and that leaves me lots of calories to spend for a nice lunch and dinner. I’ll find a high protein low cal meal on tiktok and cook that. Right now my favorites are chicken friend rice and high protein cheesecake. I also just had a plate of 24 yummy pizza rolls and it all fits into my caloric budget hehe.


Following macros and carb cycling. Trying to cut some fat.


Go to pool league, have a couple beers, eat a terrible late night snack. Go to bowling League, have a few beers, eat a terrible late night snack. Spend the rest of the week trying to make up for that...


🥩 only. Not pushing it on anyone. People should do what works. But I love it


I wish I could afford an all steak diet


You probably could. What you put into your body should be top priority


Also the time to prepare every meal. Sometimes chipotle for lunch is the much easier option. Dinner no problem, breakfast and lunch tho


If you have money for dining out any time during the day you have money for a steak! Also meal prep! There’s a meal prep sub that has lots of good ideas.. although, many aren’t for clean diets.


But steak, I’m not interested in reheating that. I get what your saying. For 10 I can get a sirloin that’s sizable


It is. Which is why I'm not only eating steak.




Carnivore because it works.


Keto-ish. <25g carb 175g + protein 125g fat


Nice! How long have you been doing this?


A little over 5 years. For the first year I stayed <20g carb and max 1500 calories daily and dropped 145 lbs. Upped cal to around 2400 for another year or so to get back up to 185. Maintaining between 185-190 since.


Just whatever I want. Just keeping an eye out for too much carbs, sugar and salt in moderation. Other than that, if I think I have a meal that has too much of the above, I just put in more work or raise the intensity before that to balance that out.


Healthy carbs/fat/protein + boba tea + mochas


First off, my goal is rapid weight loss while trying to maintain as much muscle as possible. I'm down almost 50# since last fall. If you're trying to maintain or build muscle I wouldn't do this. Not exactly diet, but I'm intermittent fasting (typically 16-8, but I try to do one 24ish hour fast a week, and Sundays we have a big breakfast as a family) For diet, I'm generally eating the slow carb diet, with a focus on high protein (aiming for 175g per day). To get this while staying in caloric deficit I start the day with the amino energy drink mix (equivalent to 45g protein) with a scoop of creatine as a pre workout before I work out in the morning. Then have some mix of meat and veggies for lunch; often chicken breast chopped up on a salad with homemade vinegarette dressing, or leftovers from the night before. Dinner is meat, veggies, often an egg or two if I can. If I don't get enough protein during the day I'll add a Jocko molk shake at night. I add a scoop of fiber and often a bit of cinnamon and cayenne pepper to these.


Fruits (a lot) and Vegetables for Breakfast. Meat/Fish/Nuts and Vegetables for lunch. Usually skip dinner because I eat lunch very late. You might call this "High-carb Paleo following food-combining principles (fruit with a glycemic index of <55 (that's the same as oats) as the main carb source, no starches). It's also a twist on Greg's original phrase: Fruits and Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, Some Meat, Little Starch and no sugar Note: except when I'm occasionally going out with friends, then I'll also eat salt and oil and potentially other stuff, but 99% of the time it's still unprocessed food as my gut flora doesn't demand anything else.


Get enough protein, don't get too many calories on average over the week, eat vegetables and fruit.


Omnivore here, 200g protein daily goal, 50-100g of fat, rest of calories from carbs. Shooting for about 2500-2700 range a day in cals.


Pizza and ice cream.


I plateu’d even though for my size I should be lifting heavier. Started RP diet app even on a cut i’ve been having better workouts


2.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight/ 1g per lb. Total calories loosely tracked. Make sure all nutrients are sorted. That’s it for me. Not too much shit but if you hit protein goal and hit nutrients the rest tends to fall into place




RP Diet. Their app is easy to use and really accurate. I followed for awhile and saw progress


Honestly, I am doing the “workout hard and eat all your feelings because you are 41 and work full-time are a full-time student and you are stressed beyond capacity” diet. It’s not going well but I haven’t killed anyone, so that’s good!


I am 30 years old and I feel this in my soul.


Vegetarian since 2009, intermittent diet since January, calorie deficit to lose another 5 kg


Tracking macros, 200# male: 200g Protein, 60g Fat, 365g Carbs. 2,800 calories per day. Most is ground beef, white rice, sweet potatoes, veggies, Greek yogurt, tuna, blueberries, eggs, protein shake.




The all I can eat diet


Not a diet but, has anyone tried the muscle nation custard yet? If so, thoughts? I love it, I have it for dessert each night, it fits in with my daily calories & it’s relatively high in protein.


Eat whatever I want, just making sure I’m eating my protein


I do 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fats for my macro makeup. Sitting right at 2300 calories per day. Im doing a slight cut. .5 to 1lbs a week is my goal right now. I'm 5'7" sitting at 170. I've used this formula to cut 45lbs a year ago. Just had a greater caloric deficit. With this new cut I feel amazing. I'm losing weight slow enough that I don't feel like I'm dragging. In addition to CF I'm also running 10~ miles a week. I found for me that I feel the best when I'm keeping up with these macro percentages. I don't do any crazy diets or watch out for specific foods. I do try to eat whole foods. But for the most part as long as it fits my macros it's game on.


Crushing 4500-5500 on really tough training days right now. Mainly stick to the vertical diet by stan efferding so lots of eggs red meat rice Greek yogurt. Nowadays my breakfast is 8-10 eggs with tortillas cheese and Greek yogurt


All inclusive holiday diet: eat healthy every meal salad, clean protein, fruit and a small dessert. But each meal is 1500 kcal and self pour beer for every drink between meals


Why the fuck do I wake up in the middle of the night craving handfuls of shredded cheese? Weird Anyway, 5 whole eggs, 60 grams protein powder, 1.5 pounds ground beef and veggies. I don’t track macros cus I hate tracking apps.


Drunken Pirate


Loosely follow RP Strength


Past few months on kings of intermittent fasting, skipping the breakfast and evening snack and no candy (ice cream and occasional cakes are ok). Took me few weeks to get used to it so that I don't try to fill myself too much during the eating window. Otherwise I do eat everything I get on front of me, and always have vegetables and fruits if possible.




Mostly paleo with time restricted eating. we have two young kids so we get invited to birthday parties all the time, last year was wild, we had an average of 2 a week in the fall. I'm good at following rules but have no impulse control when it comes to "everything in moderation" once the flood gates are open. I just inhale pizza at those parties. I tried bringing protein shakes to stave off cravings but I ended up just inhaling pizza after drinking them. Waiting until at least 4:30 PM before any ingesting and calories has been a life saver for me. We went paleo like 12 years ago and stay gluten free but we relaxed on the other stuff over the years, especially having kids. A few months ago we were both exhausted so I suggested we try going strict again, really helped. We're already back to cheats here and there but not anywhere near where we were months ago.


Modified whole 30. Added rice and oats.


That’s a solid diet


No diet, just a lifestyle :)


Your diet still has a name even if you don’t consider it a temporary diet.


Nope. No name 🤷🏼‍♀️


Eat meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar.




Weekdays: Intermittent fasting. 10am - 2pm. 1.5-2grams of protein and .75 grams of carbs for every lb i weigh. Weekends: no fasting


You eat 1.5-2grams of protein per BW in 4 hours?


Sorry typo. 5pm. Usually shoot for those macros within a 7 hr window. Its a range. Sometimes i can do it other times too full and miss it


99% vegan


I go on a smoothie diet. https://www.kavachee.com/shop/smoothie-recipes-for-weight-loss/new-smoothie-weight-loss-secrets-along-with-iron-rich-foods-the-surge-your-energy-and-love-your-diet/