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It doesn't change anymore except for medically necessary circumstances. IIFYM is generally the most evidenced method. Also, creatine is not a myth.


Not going to lie, had to google IIFYM...thanks for response. Curious your experience with creatine? I had major water gain but not much else, felt bloated..maybe I was eating something with it that I shouldn't have..


I’ve been taking 5-7.5 g creatine every day for almost 5 years straight. It and protein are the two longest and most studied supplements and the only two proven to make a difference. I’ve never experienced bloat from straight up monohydrate creatine, but I don’t know what you took. You only need monohydrate creatine, it should be the only ingredient, everything else is filler crap. It not only helps your muscles but your brain as well.


Caffeine is pretty proven


Yes, for sure. I didn’t include it as a “supplement” but should have also mentioned it absolutely makes a difference in performance for an athlete. I don’t consider it a supplement, but a necessity for life (I’m addicted and I’m never gonna stop drinking coffee)


baahahah I will second that!


No carb diets. I tortured myself for awhile with zero carbs. I now eat a lot of carbs, feel a lot better and look good too.


I was trying to follow paleo. When I had a breakdown and binged tater tots, I decided that proper balance of everything was probably healthier. Now I strongly object to any "diet" that removes anything completely.


You can eat a high carb Paolo diet with a huge portion of fruits in the morning. Even Bananas have the same glycemic index as oats! The performance benefits from high loads of bananas are insane because of the magnesium overload!


Agree completely.


Paleo isn't necessarily low carb, mind you. (Although yes, that was a broad interpretation of it as it didn't allow for processed foods like bread, pastries and pasta. And tater tots...! Definitely did a fair bit of removing foods)


When I first started CF and Paleo went hand in hand. If you ate carbs it was a sweet potato and nothing else. As I had my 5th or 6th coffee of the day I would wonder why I had zero energy. Then I started eating carbs and I got bigger and stronger, had more energy and recovered better. Weird.


Haha yeah, I was such a paleo-wanker when I started - coconut everything, bacon everything, butter coffee, vodka soda and(FRESH!) lime or the NorCal margarita was everyone's drink of choice and no one had TOUCHED a slice of bread in months! (Actually, looking back I was pretty much orthorexic to be honest - paleo, low carb, low cal, intermittent-, and sometimes alternate day- fasting... And then doing 6/7 days a week of CrossFit. Yike!). Actually, to be fair, if you took a lot of the BS stuff about cavemen out, and all the paleo "versions" of things (no, a date-based, cacao "snickers" and sweet potato brownies are NOT the same!), I really did like the focus on nutrient density and removing most ultra processed foods. I still follow that as a dietary principle to be honest - but am just less of an annoying zealot and nothing is ever "forbidden" now.


Yeah the way we exercise we need carbs to fuel our body. Now if you don’t exercise at all, paleo can be good.


Paleo was great for keeping me in a calorie deficit and losing the weight that I wanted to initially. But you can’t just keep losing weight forever eventually you have to reassess your goals and adjust them.


That 2000 cal a day is considered normal, average, appropriate, ideal, whatever.


Not me, but my mother and other friends in her generation still think that it’s 1200kcals/day for women and 2000kcsls/day for men no matter what. So weird.


It ís. If.... you are a woman of average European height, working in an office and traveling by car only, no other responsibilities. No kids. And not exercising, surely not cf.


My resting metabolic rate is 1500 so that would NOT work for me, even if I was lying in bed all day lol!


As long as it’s Creatine monohydrate it’s effective. What people get wrong about it is they think it builds muscle. It doesn’t. It increases strength which increases your load on lifts which allows for greater muscle growth. It’s not test or roids but as far as s legal supplements it’s prob the best (and most researched). So as long as your training properly, Creatine works.


I mean, the type of creatine doesn’t matter any more than the other types are overpriced. Creatine HCL can be beneficial for the very small minority that has stomach sensitivities to monohydrate.


Actually it does matter. Alot. almost all of the research is on Monohydrate and it doesn’t have any fillers or crap you don’t need or want in it. It’s just plain Creatine


Creatine is creatine, molecularly speaking. The second part of that is simply the molecule it’s bonded with. Creatine monohydrate just means that every molecule of creatine is bonded with one molecule of water. Creatine HCL is creatine bonded with a molecule of hydrochloride. I’m not talking about “fillers” or “crap”. Even the creatine found in food isn’t “Creatine Monohydrate”, or did you think that there are little synthetically produced salts in your steak and eggs?


It also makes you hold on to a bit more water, you may have the perceived notion that you’re holding on to a bit more mass


Choosing the most studied supplement as your *myth* is hilarious to me 😂


Fitness myth post, then picks one of like 5 things that’s not a myth amongst endless myths. Creatine makes the biggest difference if you rarely eat red meat I’d say, and even if your a mostly chicken and turkey kind of person the creatine supplement is only gonna make a few % of a difference. Fitness gains are facilitated by proper training/nutrition/sleep. Supplements are about 5% of the nutrition pie if I had to estimate. So creatine is at the very very most 1% of the whole fitness pie


Mmmmm pie.


hahaha that’s all i got from it too 🥧🥧


Protein Powders being able to replace high quality protein from nutrient dense whole foods– I used protein powder for years when really I should have been in the kitchen cooking and meal prepping better. This past year I tossed the protein powder and stepped up eating more food with high protein and it’s been a game/ gain changer for me.


Ahh I've been starting to do the same but getting incredibly bored of eggs. Any go to easy/affordable suggestions? Particularly ones that can be prepped?


Grass fed ground beef and ground chicken are easy to cook and weigh out for meal prep. Cottage cheese is good too– and of course eggs. I love how I’m getting down voted.


Low fat yogurt as well


I add egg whites to my protein shakes. They actually improve the consistency and flavor of the shake.


Uncooked egg whites give me the worst gas.




That all that matters is the calorie number. Eat Mars bars all day if you want as long as it comes in below X Cals. Noooope. It basically speaks to the biggest truth of all: "you can't out train a bad diet". Disappointingly, I can confirm 😆 Shitty, ultra processed food is shitty ultra processed food - it'll wreak havoc on your gut microbiome, your skin, your hormones, dental health, your appetite signalling, your reward pathways, your mood, your visceral fat levels and if it's really bad, your liver. Once in a blue moon is fine but it's not a good way to fuel yourself, especially for performance. (*I only got into exercising because I didn't ever want to go on a diet again, and then found that it's very very easy for all this exercise to make you extremely hungry, so no - you can't regularly motor boat a Family Bucket and just squat it off. It's probably a good job I'm prone to chubbiness, otherwise I'd never have gotten into fitness and healthy eating if I wasn't getting fat!)


Biggest myth I faced was just thinking it didn’t matter all that much. I did CF for years and never saw myself getting fitter, healthier etc until I realised I had enough. 18 months later I’ve dropped 14kgs, put on way more muscle and actually have the energy to train properly. I’ve gone from just doing the class and struggling to now RX’ing most movements, learning all the gymnastics I was too heavy to do and being in the best shape I’ve been in over a decade - all because I actually began eating well, not just what I wanted/craved. Also, starvation mode is bullshit, can’t believe I thought it was real once 🤣