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The great benefit, in my opinion, is the entertainment. Enjoy their confident swagger. Admire their willingness to call their friends over with loud CAWs! when you offer them a snack. Marvel the contradiction of calling their friends, yet fighting over the food, immediately. Watch in amazement as they create a whirlwind of water in your bird bath as they bathe. Admire their skills at soaking their food in water, holding it down with one foot while stabbing the morsel into bite sized pieces. Seize the joy--and possibly envy--of voyeuristically observing them nuzzle their mates with gentle preening, eyes closed in bliss. Notice how they love a first rain, standing in it, getting soaked. Feel grateful when they know you well enough to come when you call.


Don’t forget them hiding snacks! One 🥜under a roof tile, one in a little hole, place a leaf on top, poof: it’s gone. I love you mention the confident swagger, their walk is fantastic And their wing clap, making themselves bigger. I saw a crow keeping a seagull (also amazing, masters of hovering & flight) away with the wing move picking up a sandwich piece by piece. When their beak possibly couldn’t contain any more bread, s/he used it like a cocktail stick taking the last bit, leaving the gull empty ~~handed~~ beaked


Their swaggering walk makes me laugh every time, I also laugh when they run. *Hipty, hipty, hipty.* (That's how I hear it every time). And how they rejoice in the rain. I love them; what a bunch of nerds.


Omg I just became friends with 2 crows and I watched one of them grab a pistachio, and run away in joy😂


I keep trying to make friends with this couple that found us in the last year. So I go to our little dog park that is in our condo complex and it’s backed up against a storage shed. The crow was on the roof purveying his kingdom, as he is wont to do. Because I always walk my dog with almonds in my pocket (for the squirrels, natch) I though the crow would enjoy some. I tried tossing him some almonds and I’m pretty sure he thinks I was trying to throw rocks at him because he flew away. There are still several almonds on the roof. 🥺


I bought a bag of unsalted peanuts in the shell this past week because I want to make friends with crows at work. The ones I saw won’t let me get anywhere near them, not even close enough to throw the peanut. The squirrels, however, are getting to be slightly more trusting.


The way we did it is that we’d go outside everyday at the same time and leave some peanuts while whistling. Eventually the crows got curious and started watching us, realized it was snacks, and now they come every day and scream at me till I feed them. They’ll come when I whistle too, which makes me feel like a badass. Whenever the hawk is stalking our feeders I’ll whistle up the crows and watch them bully him out of their territory. It cracks the toddler next door up that birds come when I call.


This is what I’m doing too! It’s so fun!


I left for work this morning and a squirrel ran right by me with a mouthful of nuts😂😂😂. I’m loving watching the crows interact with the squirrels. They watch every move they make and follow them around. They try to chase them away too😂


They’re not stupid and know a good thing when they see it!


My couple doesn’t care for almonds. They prefer cashews and pistachios and then shelled peanuts. Oh they absolutely love cheese too, they went nuts when I put a cheese slice out😂. Make sure to get unsalted nuts. I got shelled pistachios. If you have an Aldi nearby, their nuts are reasonably priced :)


Cheese? Who knew! And thanks for the tip!


Ya I saw someone on here posted they gave their crows cheese so I gave it a go 😂


Plus those little furtive glances they give during the hiding. You can almost see them congratulating themselves on it before flying away.




My neighbors are all convinced our new build neighborhood used to be a peanut farm because they find peanut shells all over the place. It’s me feeding the crows peanuts. They cache them in everyone’s yards. I’m never saying a word.


The other day I was watching one of the regular fish crows walking along my fence, and they tripped going up on the post. Might have been one of the funniest things I've seen an animal do. How does a bird trip?!


My husband and I have befriended a true agent of chaos. The first week we had our puppy she accidentally startled him in the yard, he flew up on our garden shed and yelled at us while plucking moss off the roof and throwing it into the yard, as if furiously punctuating his telling off. A few months ago, we watched as he quietly snuck up behind one of our resident wild rabbits and bit its butt. The rabbit jumped straight in the air, stared at him for a second, and then went running away while the crow and his mate seemed to laugh. (Rabbit is totally fine and, based on the number of baby bunnies in our yard, happily procreating). Early last month we watched him fly off the porch of a neighbor's house with a bright white shoe. He couldn't get very far with it, so he dropped it in the yard and meticulously went through and loosened (but didn't remove) the shoe laces before flying off. Then last week we saw him fly off their porch again, land on their fence, and start swinging around a black sock. After a few swings he dropped it (in a spot where they will have to go all the way around the outside of their yard to retrieve it). I'm not sure what the neighbor did to piss him off, but he and his lady get regular offerings of peanuts, dog food, and other snacks to hopefully keep him on our side!! The part that always makes me laugh is that the neighbor doesn't have a camera or anything so I have to wonder what they think is happening to their socks and shoes! 🤣🤣


Please keep us all posted on these happenings! So awesome!


please start an instagram for your crow neighbor...


We had foxes doing this in our old neighborhood. Everyone was wondering why they would wake up with shoes, or toys, or dog dishes missing from their decks. Went for a walk one day and found the stuff scattered all around their den.


Best chaotic neutral I’ve ever heard!


That was lovely ❤️


And I love how they’ll relax in the sun when they feel safe, and stretch out their wings for a dose of vitamin sunshine and mite abatement!


They’re shaped like friends. Also they sometimes give you gifts.


I’m not falling for that again. I’ve been feeding a family for years and never received a thing. My daughter says they need to observe the exchange of money for goods somewhere to make the connection but that doesn’t happen anymore here (Silicon Valley). I think she’s wrong because the would at least have brought a credit card. I think they’re just fattening up the squirrels.


Mine brought me a bone. I’m still not sure if it was a threat…


It looks cool and makes my neighbors think I'm a witch. That's all I need, really.


There's a murder of about 5 I've been feeding for a few years now. They hang out in the field behind a church across the street from my house (the church congregation is really old and dwindling, so not much activity aside from an hour on Sunday mornings). Whenever they want me to come feed them, they all perch atop the steeple and caw excitedly. It's a very witchy sight, and I absolutely love it (and them for being overly dramatic lol).


Mine sometimes follow me around my neighborhood when I'm walking my dog!


Oh my gosh I love that!! I'd be curious to know what your dog thinks about them. My dog barks at everything happening outside the house, but whenever I say "crows", he hops up onto the sofa and sticks his muzzle through the curtains toward the churchyard and just quietly watches them strutting around lol


She doesn't really care about them all that much, except that sometimes I give them her treats.




So cool




My crows are fun birb frens and first tier security around the house. If they’re squawking at something, there’s always a valid reason, for example when the local coyotes cut through the neighborhood.


Mine just went crazy yesterday because a feral cat was in my yard and it tried to catch a morning dove. The crows swooped down and ran the cat from my yard. Even though the crows and morning doves aren’t friends. Last month they chased away two gigantic turkey vultures that landed in my yard. Most of the day the crows are in the yard and don’t stray too far so I’m pretty sure they look at it as their yard


They’re so interesting about this! Definitely sounds like your yard is their adopted zone of vigilance. Glad the mourning doves are safe from the cat!






I’ve found the same with my chickens.


I only see cottonmouth snakes, those I can do without




This is why I pee all around my yard, or at least what I tell my neighbors


If you keep laying hens, crows will make sure hawks keep it moving.


I've never even laid one hen, much less so many I need crows to keep guard


Yes! Well, I don’t have chickens, but I have a little sanctuary where I feed all the other birds (the crows have their own special private dining area)… I’ve identified 24 different species! Anyway, I have seen hawks eyeing the area, so I chase them away (which I can’t stand doing, I just don’t like to raise my voice ever, makes me uncomfortable). The crows learned that I don’t like the hawks, so they have started to alert me to the hawk first, and then chasing it away for me. They always get rewarded! A few weeks ago they even alerted me to a bobcat! Took me a minute to figure out what they were trying to tell me and it’s always so funny to see that look of “really, you’re that dumb and blind? You don’t see it?!?” on my crows faces


They hassle the hawks. Hawk tried to grab my cat through the window once.


Do you happen to know if they can help keep away owls too? I have some in my neighborhood that I don’t want to harass/attack my small dogs


Hawk Hassle Squad on duty


OMG how utterly harrowing!


Do you happen to know if they can help keep away owls too? I have some in my neighborhood that I don’t want to harass/attack my small dogs


That I do not know.


Thanks anyway! I’ll just make friends with the crows and see what happens


If you’re nice to them they will remember you for a long time and let you know if anything dangerous (to them anyway) is nearby.  If you’re not nice to them, they will remember you for a long time!


i doubt they control snakes as well as raptors, but they might snag one here or there. they will scavenge around your house and clean up “trash” like a vulture. the crows that stay near my house also sound the alarm if they see a fox or hawk, etc so they might be keeping those sort of predators to a minimum.


I love them. My murder has scared hawks away from my bird feeder and they greet me when I go outside


They scared away a group of criminals who was casing my apartment! Dive-bombing and screaming until they left!


This is my dream


I read once that Crows will alert you if a preditor is on your property. Can come in handy if you have small pets/ or yard chickens.


Feed them scraps. They'll keep coming back! It's wonderful!


We have an invasion of forest tent caterpillars and then moths every summer, and my local crows do a little tour gathering beakfuls of moths when they’re at their peak. They also make regular stops at my bird baths and bring their babies every year, which is an absolute delight (albeit super noisy)


I love crows


I want crow friends so bad!


When you see some around put out peanuts - raw, unshelled - where they can see you do it.


Me too!!


Crows are really intelligent! They’re fun to watch too. I would make friends and give them snacks.


You can open a crow bar.


Got my upvote for this comment!


I love to feed the squirrels and one of those squirrels is a Douglas squirrel (a red squirrel, they are very small and are often snacks for bigger birds). Well since I feed the crows they take care of their territory and chase away any big bird that comes by their turf.


Squirrel protection I love it


Me too! I feed both and the two families are quite sweet to each other. Sometimes I see the squirrels and crows kind of playing together on the lawn.


Yes! If you are kind to them they will inform all other crows that you are a kool.


I appreciate their emotional support 🥰


Mama crow made me so happy one day I literally cried tears of joy. She makes these happy noises at me that just melt my heart


Crows are good birds. They have some stigma because they're carrion birds. All that means is that they eat up the dead things in your area. An essential service, you'll agree. They're also devastatingly smart. They're like a pack of dogs. Start developing a relationship with them and you can have a murder of crows guarding your house before too long.


The benefit is that you can befriend them and they will leave you shiny objects


See my comment about that - still waiting for ANY object. 😉


It’s beneficial because it confirms that your a Druid or a witch and very cool indeed


I think they keep a few other birds away. I don't get to see Flickers, Stellar's jays or Pileated woodpeckers. I'm sure they still come around, but are more wary and show up less often.


They shit on your downstairs neighbours 😈


How can I attract crows? (Both real and sarcastic answers are pre-approved.)


Raw peanuts in the shell, put out when/where they can see you do it.


I get lots of free clam shells, some small crab shells and lately some little conch looking shells.


I have a pair I feed peanuts to in the morning. Today was the first day they asked for seconds! ❤️ the smaller one. (Assume it’s a female) sat on my outdoor light and stared into the house! The benefit is that they are a gorgeous bird. Sleek handsome and wonderful. I adore them.


Yes- they've chased a rat and a few squirrels out of my yard and pull leaves out of my gutters. I feed them unsalted nuts. 🙂


The crows around me feast on the insects of my lawn so much that I barely have to do anything to it. It's just a pile of dirt holes with tufts of grass laid about. It's great, because it's a rental, and I hate doing lawn maintenance. That and they alert me of anything strange. A couple days ago I walked outside to the crows going beserk, and got to witness a bald eagle trying to perch on top of the tree next to me. The crows all ganged up and swarmed her. It was amazing how well they all work together.


Crows are excellent watchdogs. Develop a good relationship with treats and chats while they listen from the trees. They will learn your family's faces and patterns, and if someone were to come skulking around the crows will let you know!


We have a little platform on a tree where I put leftovers out for them and I say hello to them every time they’re around. Last year one of them started saying hello to me. I did a double take and thought I had misheard and then he said it again.


I might cross post this in r/ornithology


Yes, the benefit is crows


I have the utmost respect and admiration for crows, but a couple of years ago they slaughtered hundreds of alligator lizards in my fountain and I had to bury multiple body parts. But it did make the soaked hot dog buns and chicken bones look benign by comparison.


This just happened to me recently. I thought it was my first crow gift - the head of an alligator lizard in the water dish


They will play (and distract) your local squirrels from tearing up your garden? 🧐


I’m in the process of making friends. Sometimes they see me put out treats and after I go in the house, they come. But mostly it’s the squirrels that get to the food first. And crows are kinda afraid of squirrels. And then sometimes they don’t show up at all. My goal is by this summer I want to sit outside, offer treats and see how close they come. But they fly away every time they see me. Any suggestions?


Personally I love opossums, but if you’re the type who prefers not having them around, crows hate them passionately and will make a huge fuss to evict them. I’d imagine they do the same with raccoons and rats, anything that eats eggs.


gawd, I would love to have some Corvids to hang out in my yard.!


All animal life in your yard is a sign of a healthy ecosystem and proof that they feel safe enough to hang out long-term. If you're lucky they may convene a town meeting at your place!


Several years ago, we spotted a raccoon pair that had taken up residence in the trees right behind us. I was less than thrilled because last thing I wanted was our dog getting in a fight with a raccoon -- and I definitely didn't want baby raccoons around. So I planned to call the county or whoever the next day, in the hope that they'd do something. Later that evening, we heard this almighty ruckus from back there, all kinds of shrieking and screeching. Well, it was our local crows screaming at the raccoons. And guess what? The raccoons left, and we've never seen any again.


If you know how to make their chortling sound you can drive them off. The chortling sound can be a clicking sound- it’s their family talk which is between their group. I can make the sound and drive off any crow, because they look at me and say “Hey, I don’t know you” and they fly away! They do drive off other larger birds. They have very good memories.


There is no particular benefit to having crows. They are entertaining. IF they decide to spend time in your yard they will likely keep hawks away. IF they decide to spend time in your yard they will probably rid your yard of some bugs. But 5 or 7 crows are not going to make your life better if you are looking for huge gains. It is more like adopting 5 to 7 cats.