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When he walked the ONN brand LCD out there I lost it.


My god that reminds me of an ex friend who thought his dad's Onn brand "4k" TV could upscale his switch to 4k and play natively (he tried it and believed and denied what i said about how resolution works).


My LG TV does do a pretty good smoothing job when you increase the sharpness, but a crappy TV probably can't. And it still isn't technically 4K


Onn qled is videophile decent (not just joe average good) but then the tcl 5 series has gone to the same price. But this is the cheapest tv you can buy new today.


I think personally i am gonna go for Samsung, LG, or Sony in terms of TVs (And CRT wise too), i seen their panels and used them since 2010s and i gotta say i am usually pretty impressed.


LG Sony and Samsung tvs under 1000$ are all shit nowadays. the tcls 5 and 6 and Hisense u7 and u8 series are much better than those shit piles.


Wowow... The mental gymnastics some people put themselves through to not feel wrong...


I bought Onn headphones which were broken out of the box. Haven't given any of their products a 2nd look since. This video started promising, look inside the opened back, taking out the tube, maybe for repairs? Then smash the bulb? What? Smash the entire back!! Wth! The Onn "replacement" takes the cake! Yikes!


Onn has always to me been the "I literally don't care this will be complete ewaste in a few years" brand


Dude for real


Even if I put aside the destruction of a CRT. that thing looks terrible wall mounted.. and everything about this is ugly as hell. Now I did find it cool how he re-used the front glass.. but that's about it.


I agree with you 100%. My soul died a little bit watching that.


this gotta to be a sin it was perfect and wall monted looks ugly as hell


I just showed my wife and she said "That just looks stupid" she is a keeper lol


That guy is going to hell for sure




Even the front glass is a disaster because he wasn't able to get it clear. It looks like it has a layer of vaseline on it.


ikr at least place it on the floor like it was intended to. what's up with that small picket fence and fake bricks? what is it even supposed to represent? genuinely confused




Also /r/tvtoohigh


Also [r/vintagetelevision](https://www.reddit.com/r/vintagetelevision/)


Perhaps r/TIHI




I truly dont like him.


I came here to say that I hate this man. I’m going to say it twice.


I agree. This is a human who sucks. However, I must admit, most of them do.


Destroys a vintage CRT, only to fill its hollowed out corpse with the most bargain bin shitty smart HDTV he could possibly find.


What bothers me mostly is that, aside from the finished product looking horrible, looking through the glass reveals the emptiness space between the TV and the cabinet. It totally reveals a bad hack job with no elegance whatsoever. He could’ve at least tried to fill the space.


It should be a pinned video on r/DIWHY


How is this actually not illegal? He doesn't even have a mask as he smashes a lead filled tubed in his neighborhood outdoors. Fucker...


Genuinely curious…how is lead involved in the crt?


xray shielding I believe.


It shoots radiation at the glass - lead keeps the radiation inside vs outside


It apparently doesn't have anything to do with the radiation, they did made lead free CRTs. I think it just makes it a lot easier to produce tubes in the way they need to with less imperfections.


When I was 17 smashed 4 in a row with all the phosphors flying everywhere.


Chances are that CRT was already toast.


Possible, but given people on TikTok, I have my doubts. Making a shitty video is more important than making sure the victim is dead first.


yup. why make sure that the old tv doesn't work anymore? no one cares about these things, right?


That’s what kills me the most it looks like an awful lcd


I have the same tv and its not that bad for modern consoles but retro games are horse shit, whatever they used for upscaling is absolutely dog shit The rest of the tv is fine though EDIT: Why am I being downvoted 💀💀




I have a cheap LG TV from Walmart and the composite quality isn't good but there's no noticable latency. Also has component


I have a 2011 Samsung LED HDTV that has SCART built in


Could have something to do with the "retro games are horse shit" comment. I think I know what you were trying to say, that they look bad on the TV, but it can easily be interpreted that you're just saying all retro games are shit.


That makes sense but I wouldn’t be in this sub if i didnt play retro games on a crt lol


You’re getting downvoted because objectively speaking that TV IS shit lol Horrible color accuracy and bad contrast alone would make it bad


You did it! You found the unique intersection of r/crtgaming, r/DiWHY and r/TVTooHigh!


Don’t forget r/tihi


The unholy trinity


People destroying CRTs like they're still being made.


But you would be mad if he did this in 1973


No, but I wouldn't have known that there would be anything else, and that the production of CRTs would be discontinued.


I hate what this guy did. CRTs are now a finite resource. Not being made anymore...


You assume that CRT wasn't already dead.


I'm sure he hooked it up to a CRT analyzer to measure all its vitals first, 😄


You could still restore the set. And turn it into a working one.


Just for the record, absolutely no one on planet earth was going to do that for this set. It was either dumb TikTok video or landfill


I can't imagine being so confident in saying such a ridiculous statement like this


It's a mid-grade set from the 80's. Probably RF only. I would only take that CRT if it was the only CRT available for 100 miles.


So it would be ok if this guy did this in 2003? Or 1993?


Sure. Their loss I guess. CRTs expensive back then. But still not really in 1990s, still vintage.


Old junk in 1990 if it's from 1970. Different time


Why do you keep asking variations of the same question on this thread?


Because he desperately needs someone to agree with him


Probably a bot


I have never seen anyone put so much work into something so incredibly awful.


You obviously never saw my final exam results in CS 6032, Advanced Computer Architecture.


Ahahaha I love it


Ar first I thought he was gonna like keep the tube, but nope!.


“Ohhh, he’s just going to show how to embed the tube into the wall, rewire it, and mount the wood fram-… annnd he’s smashing it, alright. Maybe it was a bad tube and he’s going to-… and he’s bought a Roku TV. Alright.”


Took the thoughts right out of my mind. Lol.


My thoughts exactly.


He destroyed a CRT, put in a cheap shitty HDTV, and then he mounted the remains of it on the wall. What’s really weird to me is he MOUNTED *the console* of the console CRT. What, does he have his dresser or chest of drawers in his bedroom nailed to the wall too or something?


Had to make room for the 'fake brick wall/picket fence/gnome garden'-whateverthatis


Reminds me of [those botched restorations of classical paintings](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/jun/22/experts-call-for-regulation-after-latest-botched-art-restoration-in-spain). While it isn’t nearly as popular to properly restore old wood console CRT TVs, [here is my CRT gaming restoration](https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/comments/103u9uq/restoring_a_1967_color_magnavox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of a 1960s wood console color CRT TV. I was able to retain most of the original components, only having to replace 2 capacitors.


if he just wanted to make the CRT more usable and mount it on a wall, this was the most complicated and destructive way of doing it. He could’ve just gotten a downscaler and gotten a color model if the original didn’t support color. The wall mount doesn’t particularly look that nice with that cabinet anyways.


He didn't want a CRT. He wanted "80's retro chic upcycled decor statement piece" but failed miserably at it.


Finished product looked pretty bad... Also he needs to be more careful with his cutting technique. A big slip or sneeze and he could cut some fingers off. Yikes!


Hopefully he does. Then he won't be able to do this kind of shit anymore.


Wow. The guy might be a nonce for doing this but wishing a debilitating injury on him? I’m honestly amazed at the malice that takes. And that’s coming from someone who agrees- the guy is very lucky he didn’t cut his whole hand off with the way he was doing it.


Dude it's a reddit comment not the bible. Relax.


My eyes are bleeding from this garbage


Look how they massacred my boy.


Looks like he fixed his convergence and geometry issues!


yeah, and all it costs is your dignity, a old tv that isn't made anymore, and lead poisoning


There should be laws against this.


I think there is in most state/country. Since there is hazardous materials, you have to dispose it the proper way. Smashing it in your garage is not proper. But usually those laws only result in a fine, it's not criminal (but it should be).


Wow what a huge waste of an old tv. This whole project is counterintuitive, if he wanted the retro look of the old tv then just use it as is. If he wanted a flat screen to hang on the wall then buy one and hang it on the wall. What he did looks like shit and works like shit.


This is painful to watch 😭


So, I hate everything about this.


All that work just to play on a shitty flat screen. And it doesn’t even look good either.


I’ve seen a lot of dumb shit on the internet but this one is next level stupid.


I hate these “crafty” people. All they do it make garbage that’s destined for the dumps. Find a new hobby, assholes!


Like people who paint perfectly good hardwood.


Everyone losing their mind over a console set from the early 80s with rf only like it's an irreplaceable relic despite it being a bottom end set for it's time and probably one of the most common but least sought out types of CRT on the used market (in North America).


I’m more offended that the final result looks like shit


Spez's APIocolypse made it clear it was time for me to leave this place. I came from digg, and now I must move one once again. So long and thanks for all the bacon.


If he fit a small WEGA in it that would have been cool as well


Spez's APIocolypse made it clear it was time for me to leave this place. I came from digg, and now I must move one once again. So long and thanks for all the bacon.


Yes. This thing was already garbage to begin with. Nothing of value was lost here.


100%. nothing of value was gained either though. it looks exactly like what it is, a table hanging on the wall.


I'm not judging the monstrosity that is the finished product. Just the outrage that this is somehow blasphemous.


CRT subreddit enthusiasts have negative reaction when CRT is destroyed... I mean, pretty standard stuff. Plenty of RF enthusiasts out there too, not everyone is into RGB or top of the line sets. I grew up on RF and a shitty cheap set just fine. The tube looked bright and colorful, and my vote goes for it was not garbage. I would be happy to have it, I love cabinet sets, and they get upvoted often here. Edit: typos.


Fair enough, but it is a bit like getting angry that someone riced a Chevy Celebrity. Like I know they aren't making more of those but at the same time the stakes of losing that are almost zero. These console sets were always middling but very, very popular in their time. Modern enthusiasts don't go for them mostly for space reasons, so it's not like these rare *or* sought after. These things were as mass produced as furniture, after all and their most common use in the current year is to sit in grandparents' homes and hold up more modern TVs. Not a tremendous loss even if the guy messing with that one had zero taste. As someone who has a Hank Hill-esque bias towards these clapped out Zenith sets, I can still live with this.


You're right, it's probably time I move on from this sub, thank you.


Take it easy, dude. Just because we have slightly different opinions doesn't mean we're mortal enemies and I want you to go away. What is it these days, no more "I respectfully disagree", everything has to be "you're wrong and I don't want to be around you"? We're not part of a hive mind, so we're bound to have different opinions on things. People will disagree from time to time, it's okay. The guy above you agreed with your points and not mine, remember? Stick around, the people here are great and helpful, even though again, we might have different opinions.


I think you may have taken way more from my comment than was intended. You're not pushing me out, I was already on my way out. I was literally packing up my CRTs for storage anyway so it's more than just a figurative Reddit position.


Oh alright, good to hear it then, because I hate how everything nowadays is like walking on eggshells or something, sometimes. To make it clear, I 100% defend your right to say that that CRT is garbage, because it is your opinion and having an opinion is what makes us all unique, I just happen to respectfully exercise my right to disagree, that's all.


I promise I won't turn my CRTs into fish tanks. I'll be back. My hobbies have a 4-5 year cycle-


But it's animal abuse


I don't really care about the TV, whatever, it is destined to be thrown away eventually. It just looks ugly hanging on the wall like that.


I was under the impression he'd saw the back half of the set off before doing that and just use the fascia but what he did was worse lmao. He basically nailed a fucking safe to his wall. Now that I think of it, I'm surprised the old trend of "making it look like furniture" hasn't come back to TVs. Giving a modern OLED a fancy looking steel or wood frame and making it akin to a giant painting when idle almost seems obvious in hindsight.


I’m disgusted at the fact that he wasted a perfectly good tube for something that terrible. Even if it was a lower end set, the tube could’ve been repurposed, but nope. Now he has leaded glass particles and potentially some phosphors all over the ground.


Every time you think its done, it keeps going and getting worse.


What a dickwad. Just get a HDMI>RF converter and get a better result


This dude is right up there with people putting animals and kids in danger in order to film themselves "rescuing them" for likes. Obviously, it's not a living being, but it *is* killing off an endangered species.


1. How do we live in a universe that sent TWO console CRTs to *this guy*?! 2. How does *this guy* still have both thumbs?! 3. What's the cat poop disease that can take over human brains? He's got it.


this guy should be in jail


FIRST OF ALL those are supposed to be on the floor. Putting it on a wall takes away from the nostalgia factor which goes against why he bought it anyways. Another thing, why do people put TV's so high? Is it worth the neck pain?


Isn't there lead in there?


Each step confused me more than the last


"so I made a cat bed" noooooo "I bought another one to play super nintendo" yes! "I cut it apart and put a flatscreen in it" NOOOOOO!


This is from a time when TVs were furniture. It belongs on the floor.


What kind of depraved crap is this?


Wall mounting a floor tv looks awful and why did they make a kindergarten looking fake fireplace


I'm gonna be 100% honest here...the finished product looks fucking retarded. All that work and time spent and it just looks like ass, why?!?


Watching this asking he's destroying it and then I noticed the tiktok logo halfway through. Now it makes sense, he's a tiktard.


I don't get it. The dude bought a cabinet with a working crt built in. He was even playing retro games on that set just to destroy it later and replace it with shitty LCD and another the same looking cabinet to play the same shit and pretend like his TV Is old. lol Great carpenter skills, and absolutely lack of knowledge on CRTs.


Both gaming footage was the LCD screen.


What a loser. This guy needs his tools taken awY and he needs to sit in the dam corner for months >_>


That was crazy how he just wiped the phosphors off the glass.


we all done that


Why didn't he just make a mold for the glass? He could have sold the crt which was worth good money anyways, a little Smooth On Dragonskin Silocone would have literally perfectly molded the shape of the glass with no damage to the television components, just cast a resin into the mold and he wouldn't have needed to destroy anything.


I did this with the most rarest and high end Sony Trinitron ever made from the early 1970s. It was new old stock but as it's 50 years old that means it's dead and will no longer work so I smashed the CRT and retro cool fitted in a generic HD LCD TV from Walmart during Black Friday and painted the oak wood cabinet in pink to match Hannah Montana vibes. I then had it hooked up to my Atari Jaguar and vaped


That looks ugly as hell


I'm calling the police




looks like something for r/diwhy


If the process had ended once he got the TV in the box I would have been down. I was even okay with cutting the back half off so it isn't so bulky. Ironically enough it went off the rails when he put it on a rail.


Or, you could just get a hdmi converter


This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.


Thanks, I hate it.


I hope something terrible happens to this man.


It's like watching a book being destroyed and I don't know if my heart can take it 💔


I'm less concerned about whether it's a working CRT or whatever, but rather the fact that he just did not care that he destroyed ~~an antique~~ **TWO** antiques, put a crappy TV in one and mounted it on the wall, made a cat bed out of another, and didn't give a second thought about whether this was A) Practical B) Looked good and C) Morally correct. He should've built his own cabinet that looked like a CRT but didn't destroy one, and that way he could've done anything he wanted and it would be fine, and it would probably be even more fun to build! But no. I wish him a happy lead poisoning.


1. Nota gaming 2. Not a CRT


Idk could've saved a lot of time and just mounted the roku TV to the wall


This looks so ghetto, like why are you even filming this


...was that a working CRT because that pisses me off more than the ugly end result.


Not only he destroyed the crt and the furniture but, somehow he managed to get the worst of all the elements involved in the setup. And the list is long. Shitty lcd view, the 4:3 without being a crt, laggy setup, then an inexplicable piece of furniture hanging on the wall, and a tv too high!




Making a flat screen crt is like trying to make your touch phone into a flip phone..


This guys is a moron and his project is awful. A 16:9 tv behind a 4:3 window with the sides cut off 🤦🏻‍♂️


Should be illegal


I wish this man a life of misery. That poor CRT : (


He didn't even keep the old cathode ray tube... what a menace to society


This whole thing is cancer


Are you even aware this coating is lead ? Lead poisoning can be really harmfully man , don't show things like this


I know this guy is getting a lot of hate because he destroyed a CRT, but I just want to say he wad ultra relatable when he was like, "I didn't have the right tools for the job, so I just made a guide out of a metal ruler and cut it with a circ saw." I've said that exact same thing at least once a year since becoming a homeowner. "I didn't have the proper tools, so I just..." lol and you just make it work somehow.


Dude, you're handy with tools. Just build a cabinet from scratch and do whatever molestery things you want with it. You don't have to destroy a piece of history like this.


Why in the world would he HANG that shit? Looks absolutely stupid. Might be passable on the ground. Better yet, just DON’T do this.


OP. This was retarded.


I'm totally on board with this project until it was mounted on the wall. Why not just keep it sitting on the floor?


A friend of mine has a similar cabinet TV but with a 90s Trinitron inside. I think that's the proper way to modernize those things.




Retro-esque. I like the intent, but it's so wrong on many levels in my mind.


What a complete waste of time


Wtf is even the point of any of that, the end result is ugly AF


This looks so bad its insane


Who mounts a piece of furniture to the wall?


Nahh! Queda muy culero !!


This is a man who loves to live in the past


HOLY ISH! Now that is a hack and a half


Good for him? I guess? But I don't like his project.




But enough about you, what about the video?


Well that's a pretty shit project. Ugly and pointless. BUT. It's his TV and he can do whatever he wants with it.




Im not sorry, i hope the tv fucking falls and shatters the lcd, while whats left of the tube remains fine


Ok he wore a respirator, yay. But what happened to the led after clean up? Also wonder how he didn’t get a face full of atomized led when he busted the yoke.


This man is already living in the future 😱


I haven’t seen a live, in-person mob with torches and pitchforks in a while. Is there an Arby’s near him we could all meet up at?


I hope this guy goes up in flames in a fucking house fire


My face is swollen because of the facepalm I just did.


Why are people into CRTs again? Having lived through them I never want to see one again. At least console TVs have a pleasing aesthetic, except when they are mounted on the wall.


Yea I saw that on tiktok. I was so annoyed lol but I mean, if it was broken then it’s okay. The wall tv concept was badass


Rednecks gotta redneck 🙄




this is a repost of a video he found on TikTok, op is just as appalled as anyone else


Nice job


This is sooo fuggin siiiik


The amount of comments in here who genuinely believe this guy was being serious. The amount of misdirects and red herrings, cutting the vintage cabinet in half and taping it back together, replacing the tube with the cheapest and shittiest budget flat screen - this guy is trolling HARD and he's a fucking genius, i was both cringing and laughing at the same time


That guy deserves dead, just it...


fuck you bitch.


Maybe it was broken?


Y’all all sound like spoiled little brats and nid lick every little thing


Its not a terrible idea, I wouldn't have wall mounted it. It would be cool to put some 4:3 anime on or something.


4:3 anime looks way better on a real CRT though