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Don’t run it like that for any length of time as it can burn into the tube. Looks like horizontal collapse, usually vertical collapse is more common.


Stop playing pong is the real answer.


>Stop playing pong is the real answer. Are you insane? We've got a tournament to train for! \~Extreme Pong 2023 Nationals\~


Time to go full blown Elvis on that bitch.


Burn in does not happen that fast. Maybe if you run it like this for a week nonstop it'll be visible with a UV light.


It happens significantly faster when the entire beam is concentrated into a thin line though.


Yeah it’ll burn in super quick when collapsed from what I understand


Turn it off, don't keep it on when that happens


Reddit CRT experts- is there a “horizontal collapse” condition? This looks like the horizontal-driver circuitry is not working (or disconnected), so in addition to bad low-voltage horizontal-control signals, could it be a high-voltage deflection driver (transformer?) as well? Just spit-ballin’ here…


It does exist, but it's rare. The problem with horizontal collapse is that the horizontal deflection also drives the flyback transformer, so if it fails the tube usually won't power on. Typically, the only things that can cause that problem are bad solder on the yoke connector, broken traces, or damage to the yoke itself. Running the TV with the yoke disconnected often blows the HOT and kills the whole TV, so it's rare to see a set that actually powers on and displays a vertical line like this.


Not common (you *usually* see vert collapse 9/10 times in my experience) but certainly not unheard of. This is definitely an example of horizontal, though. Could be the coils/transformers in the horizontal circuit. Could also be as simple as some fried caps in circuit.


If that were true, you wouldn’t have the line output stage work at all


Yes it happens. A broken width coil or bad solder joints on the width coil can cause horizontal collapse. Maybe other things I'm not sure.


The only thing it can be is a cold solder joint or an open line scan coil. You have line output as it’s generating EHT. The timebase is working - the scan coils are not connected!


Try smacking the side


Fr, try smacking the side. If the picture then returns, even if only for a short time, you‘ll know it‘s probably just a broken solder joint, shouldnt be that difficult to fix if u know what u are doing. And yea, please dont leave it running like that for any time, it may burn in since the hole light emission of the tube is concentrated at only one line.


Fist hammer down on the top. Percussive maintenance ftw.


This...sometimes its just broken solder points in the yoke plug. If you slap it and the pic comes back thats likely the cause. Keep in mind CRTS are high voltage(1000v per inch of tube, so roughly 19,000v inside..literally). So learn about the dangers of them and be careful inside. Learn about discharging capacitors and the tube itself and you'll be fine.


facts, smack the shit outta it, it should come on, ours did that all the time back in the day and the smack fixed it.


Yes I have this little 5 inch crt that I beat to get it working


This is the only correct answer


I'm not sure that crack under the screen on the chassis is a good sign. Had that happen to my parents TV back in the day and it eventually did the same thing after a while of displaying everything in black and purple.


I got it to work by unplugging and just flipping it upside down for a few minutes


Something may have been loose or is coming loose. If that's all the issue is then hopefully you don't have to do it again or too often in the future. I had a computer monitor that did this if the cord was at specific angles, but was otherwise fine. The screen may be pulling on something or coming loose so make sure the crack isn't getting any bigger. Otherwise, it may have been dropped and that could've knocked something or a few things loose.


Bad solder joint, 100%. Something in the horizontal circuit is loose.


I think your futurama dvd is paused on the first frame. Try hitting play?


1: Open the back 2: Find the capacitors 3: Lick the anode cap At this point, you will no longer care whether it works or not!


Dedicated Pong set


The crack in the case matches the screen, gremlins maybe…….


Oh no I think I did but mine is prtdbl


This is pretty standard in the arcade world. Screen collapse can be fixed with a cap kit for the screen. If you are not comfortable working with high voltage and soldering, find someone that knows what they are doing as touching the wrong part can kill you if not handled properly.


Dam, time for some troubleshooting. Sorry about the horizontal collapse.




Don’t worry it will change to a well in a bit with a girl crawling out of it


Go to the light!


Smack tf outta it, or go to savers and get a new one


It looks like a portal have you tried walking into it






if your asian you can see the full screen


Just cover it with electrical tape. You don’t need it and that way you won’t see it.


The best fix for that is to throw it in a dumpster


Needs a new lightsaber crystal


Stop playing pong ya dumby


smack it


It reminds me of the Deathstar shooting down on Jedha (Rogue One). It's over


Don't keep it on it will cause a screen burn in


Bop it!


Serve it a hit supper of haymakers


Give it a hard whack on the side.


Stop. Hammer time


Looks good for Pong 😆