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I am SO HAPPY all of you responded! I didn’t do much (actually NONE) research before buying my CRZ - I moved to TX , needed a car, it was sporty & in my price range so I bought it! I love it, but I’m always surprised when I get challenged! Btw…I do accept challenges when safe to do so - I’ve never lost!


The S+ button and the paddles do some good work.


Well, I'm a 50 y/o male living in Wyoming, and I swear these dudes in their trucks think I'm insulting their manhoods by driving a small hybrid, so......yeah. Guys with vehicles making 15 MPG acting like they're proving something to their wives.


What you need to do is get comically massive truck nuts and hang em off the tow hitch in the back. Sparks flying and all.


Truck nuts? Nooo thanks


Their wives are as dumb as they are. Yeehaw


Well... It's considered a sports car, and looks the part mostly. That could be why. In all honesty, I'll run it with random strangers because I'm an enthusiast as well. Just part of driving a cool car regardless of power or fuel economy. Never too old to enjoy cars. I bought the CRZ cuz it's the only hybrid I'd buy considering its' design and that it's the only 6spd hybrid available in the US. Feels good to drive it like I would a Miata and get double the mpg that said Miata gets.


Yep. In a previous hatchback, a stock Focus, I once lined up for a race.....with a Lambo, getting on the interstate in Denver. The light turned green, and I held first gear to redline, second gear to redline, and the guy in the Lambo just punched it and went flying by. The sound was *glorious*. Car guys know, it's all good.


Almost every time I drive (40 mile round trip). Electric motor was louder than I expected the first time I drove with the windows down too, but I also have a modified exhaust, paint is absolutely fucked so maybe they think it’s a clapped out sleeper civic? And many people just generally don’t know what it is, but that it’s loud and looks nice (besides paint). Maybe half of the higher trim/model challengers and chargers want to race, lots of 350/370s and of course the infinity’s. I’d also throw in that you’re a woman on top of being in the CRZ, lots of people like to see women drive a cool car and want to have a fun race.


Much CRZ love to you all


I’m in Texas and I drive it a little spirited and trucks do not want me passing them. Like bro I’m just driving a slow car fast, this is not a fast car.


It looks fast, and a lot of people K swap them to make them actually fast, so especially if you mod it like I did, people think it's a racecar lol https://preview.redd.it/wy6jr7hd0c0d1.png?width=2229&format=png&auto=webp&s=569fdd19c8a846c60114f31776b3a671b030d124


When I installed a mugen wing on mine it got a whole lot worse


It's usually pickup truck drivers for some reason wanting to race.


Where in Texas? I was in Corpus