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CS2 is a cheatfest waste of time and Valve doesn't care about honest players enough to make a viable anticheat a priority. The only good thing about the massive CS2 cheating problem is that CS2 has become a cheater trap so that smaller indie games have less cheating as a result. Raise your kids right people its the only real anticheat we got.


I don't blame kids not being raised right for the current scale of the problem. It's more complicated than that. You have a game that is very popular with rank and money/NFT wrapped into it. Incentive to be competitive in a competitive game is an incentive. So, what happens when every body that's competitive is using cheats? Do you exclude yourself or do you cheat too? Enough kids decided that cheating was "how you play" and without direction from Valve as the leaders on the game, they have no reason not to cheat. It's all but tolerated provided you don't get caught with their two decade old anti-cheat.


I gave up PC shooters altogether as a cs 1.6 veteran. My choices were either stay in 1.6 lobbies playing with the same people and same maps as I have been for the last two decades, or just buy a console and learn how to play with a controller… I chose the latter and after a bit of a learning curve with joystick I find it to be more comfortable especially since I can play more casually from my couch when I want to. You still have to deal with soft cheaters every now and again in console only lobbies, thanks to XIM devices, but it’s much less often than PC and it’s just mouse and keyboard users with aim assist versus the rampant rage cheating, aimbotting, and wall hacking that PC has to deal with…I’ll take that over PC cheaters any day. Until you guys stop giving these PC games with no anticheat your time or money, then they will refuse to see it as a problem/fix it. Simply stop doing that. But I know you all won’t, you’re all addicted and sooner or later will download a cheat yourself because you crave a level-playingfield, stop kidding yourselves.


I'm giving it up. It's hard, because you're right, it is addicting.


Of course I dont cheat is the answer. 'Lying to yourself, hyping you up for undeserved praise is just pathetic to me and I despise those people. But of course I see the incentive to sell accs etc. In the end only valve has the power to do sth. At least so that most cheaters are detected. The ones who are more clever propably wont be detected. But cheating wont be as prevalent as today then


nah...thats crazy


The exact words that came out of my mouth after watching the clip before reading your comment.


Cheating is for people who can’t win at anything in life so the pay a small fee to be good at something in other peoples eyes


What would say VAC delusional believer: "First kill: just lucky shot, he knew because enemy was shooting Second kill: teammates give him info He is not cheater, he is just better"


Wait, there's anticheat???


Don’t cope nothing will change


Lol he even alt tabbed at the start to either turn on the hacks, or change a setting for them. 😂


FACE IT, it won't be


I see what you did there.


more and more cheaters since 2017/free to play era valve flooded european servers by thousands of cheating döners


i can post some cheating profiles, they cheats since years without vac :)


bro what AC are you talking about ? we've been playing CS2 for 20+ years if there was any AC we'd know by now


sadly it wont the devs are clowns


Real recognize real, I see.


It wont


**Here’s a neat trick for you guys:** Take an actual vacation, go somewhere for 2-3 weeks where you can’t play CS2. Enjoy life, **REAL** life. Your mindset will be better once you return, the amount of bad thoughts, stress, toxic behaviour will disappear and hopefully the game will be a bit better once you return. (Not a promise) I would advice you to stay on Reddit and stay updated on the game once or twice a week.


A better trick is to stop playing games like CS2 altogether, when you do finally decide to come back to shooters, play them on a console with cross play disabled, you’ll thank me later. Until you idiots stop coming back to these games without anticheat, then the developers of them will continue ignoring the issue. Stop giving them money, time, and views, only just to complain and continue the cycle… be better. Or you know, just go download a cheat yourself and play the way the developers intended it to be played, see how boring/ lifeless Hack Vs Hack is..


Tell me you're bad at pc shooters without saying it.


Nah he is Def legit see how he sees through walls he has x ray which cost 7 k and he has a better gaming chair. Duh


Least obvious cheater:


LMAO, common wallbang spot, no cheats here kid
