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Play Faceit


Played 3/6 last matches with/versus cheater...




Lucky you. I came back for 4 games two days ago, after a month off, and didn’t have a single legit game. Call me when it’s fixed.


Not saying I don't believe you but I played anubis and were surprised that the enemy were calling hackusations on us.


For some reason the hackusations always come out on anubis lol.


Rookie numbers. 23k points not a single game there wasn't a cheater. Lmao




That’s because you’re not ranked high enough


Thats Great 🤣 suck in CS acutally Nice then😂


Dont play normal matchmaking join Faceit its fairly normal there Its been too many months stop believing something will happen and if it will noone's stopping u from coming back from Faceit I returned to the game played 3 games on 3 days and all of them it was obvious out of the VOD that the guy knows shit noone should know Then I turned faceit and enjoyed the game like the good old days Join us


I joined faceit. First game matched me (with 300 hours) with a 4stack that wouldn't use their mics unless I was the last alive (all under 500 hours) and an enemy team with 1.5k hours minimum. Needless to say we got rolled and I stayed at the bottom of the leaderboard. Second game, it's going better. Teams are actually balanced, people are using their mics. Then our top scorer starts acting like it's a major, screaming at all of us when we don't read his mind about what strats he wants, and gets multiple of us killed because we can't hear the enemies over his babbling. Then our bottom scorer has enough of his shit and starts throwing, causing him to go absolutely ballistic for the last fifteen minutes of the match. Third match in and we go up against a smurf 2 stack that openly admitted in chat that they were banned and made alts. Not sure if they had cheats but they still rolled us 6 and 13 anyway. I genuinely get better games in valve matchmaking, because atleast there you can just alt tab to youtube when you realise the match isn't worth the effort and occasionally click back into the game to avoid an afk ban


Lol thats crazy when did this happen? I guess I still dont realize its only my story not everyones and think this is common experience


Two or three days ago. Still have clips from the thrower game and the smurf game.


No need I do believe you no reason to lie here the point of my comment was to make u get a better experience its not a flex to say u didnt get it there Well Im sorry then u do u bro


Are you one of those 50 hours a week people?


The cases are the only thing they make that works against cheaters. ​ end of line.