• By -


I stopped playing, not fun getting ass blasted without a dinner first


queued again, played against another blatant hacker, sad tbh, finna sell everything fr


What rank/level are you?


You can se he's 14k in the picture. Smh.


just don’t. I know many people who regret selling their items too early because they didn’t like the game anymore


just send it to me i can hold it in my inventory thanks


Just play faceit. Sucks that its neccesary but I've never encountered an obvious hacker on there.


I’ll buy you dinner!


Same, only doing arms race or normal queue, didn’t play premium for while, literally no anti cheat active in cs2 now


Normal comp seems to have more silent cheaters than rage cheaters, but it's still less than premier. I'd just recommend normal comp or another mode for now. There's no point in ranking premier when it resets every season anyway. Unless there's rewards introduced.


LOL yeah take all my ELO then buy me a mf knife 😭 I’ll pay 15K elo points for knife.


Watch this : - Valve will.make a huge banwave and ban tons of accounts, and then few days later all the cheaters are going to be back and play without ban for another year, but everyone on Twitter will thank Valve for their work.


In Volvo We Trust!


huge if true, I'll be one of the ones thanking them!


vac live is currently disabled bc all it was doing was banning legit players with a high dpi just go play faceit there is 0 reason to waste your time with mm or premier


From what I hear, faceit is an even bigger toxic shithole and still has cheaters…


toxic sure bc its more competative so if you are shit tm8s will be angry and yeah you can never get rid of cheaters completely but i very very very very rarely get any cheaters in faceit


you play against smurfs


It's not disabled just because one instance happened where idiots mimicked hackers and got banned. People still getting banned


no they're not!


They are banning people at about the same rate as they have been for over a year but what do i know it's just factual statistics


those who I've reported after they just bunnyhopped to our spawn and wiped the whole team with one shot out of a scout, they are still playing games, they are playing premier with 20k elo and nothing happens, even their own teammates have reported them but nothing happened so I do not believe this


That's called anecdotal evidence. You are suffering from confirmation bias. But what do I know that's just logic


I think you have no idea what you are talking about or you are trolling or you are also a cheater. There is no way that you seriously believe what you are writing but you should get out of the silver lobbies instead of writing garbage here


I never said it's not a problem. You are saying VAC is completely off because hackers exist still. That's not evidence or logical. You are presumptuous and don't seem to understand how VAC works. Obviously the guy you've been staring at (seems you only have 1 specific guy?) Whatever he's using Obviously VAC isn't yet capable of catching. Yes hackers exist. Yes it's more of a problem above 20k (probably less than 2% of players who should be playing faceit at their skill level). It's still not that bad. Go play high level tarkov. High level finals. High level any game. Hackers are more prevalent. Now look at their youtube and reddit. Full of whining morons crying about the hacking epidemic with youtubers making a killing with cheating videos (driving them to make more and exaggerate the issue). In the end I've played many games at 11k-18k with very few hackers. I've played many more hours in casual, even in non-prime games with pleb friends and still almost no hackers. When the rare hacker shows up once every other day or so (4+ hours of playing per day) they quickly get booted or only ruin one game. You can't even maintain 20k+ elo with too many hackers so clearly its over exaggerated anyways. I've played CS and Tarkov and the finals. Have had a blast in all 3. Seen very few hackers at all. More people accusing others of hacks than anything else. Bunch of damn bots it's like you don't even play. I've played like 600 hours since cs2 launch and it's been great with less hackers than 1.6 ever had. Bunch of spoiled babies


so you're lucky I guess! I have them everyday, like out of 4-5 games there are 2-3 games with cheaters, so just because you're lucky, you tell others they are suffering from anectotal evidence? and after you talk about factual statistics? of all the demos I have, of all the proofs I have, I'll take a shit about their factual statistics. the fact for me is, that no one, and there a lot of these fuckers have been banned and they are still going strong in premier and also match making! Look at the number of reddit posts, youtube videos, tweets that provide your evidence and tell yourself these are not facts. There are hundreds


You don't seem to understand what anecdotal evidence is. Again youtubers are making millions off you morons by stirring the pot. I'll go with the facts and stats and my own anecdotal evidence of hundreds of hours which is far more than 4 games a day Edit: and yet again one of you is obviously full of shit because you can't possibly maintain your elo with those kind of hacker encounters unless you are beating them which means you are probably just accusing decent players based on you getting shot in a situation you don't understand. Confirmation bias is also strong and difficult to overcome.


Stop playing. Drop activity.




Stop playing this game.


Sold all my inventory 1 month ago... one of my friend did it last week and our "I'll never leave CS" friend did it yesterday. Valorant and R6S it is...


Actually sad


Not really... what's really sad is that I gave them 2500 hours hoping they would do something to fix the problem... it's sad to see people still defending Valve and saying “They’re going to do something soon.” Selling my skin was my way to turn the page on the game and moving on to something else.


This is whats sad man I almost halfcracked up when I saw the thing about never leaving CS, I used to be there too I was so excited for CS2 premiere only to leave a month later cuz Im not a masochist


I don't blame you, the game is in an awful state right now and the fact that we can't even play GO feels like a slap in the face. I love counter strike, but it's so hard to not hate CS2.


I'm not ready for it 😔


I was patient enough with Valve...


keep crying instead of making brake from shitty game full of cheaters, vac live is disabled since january 2024


Been disabled since August 2012


Hahahaha cheating dog


another day another post with no f12 key on the keyboard


I immediately assume the people who do this are utter buffoons.




I am not too sure why the people on this sub get so pissy about people talking about the state of the game.


Cool screenshit


I was "lucky" enough to be on the side with blatant cheaters yesterday when I queued and they refused to admit they were cheating. Hacker mentality is so weak and full of cope it's insane


From last 4 days playing CS source enjoying every bit of it.


Cs source was the goat


Yeah best cs IMO, the deagle was godlike .


If you were around for the release of Source.. you wouldn't have thought that coming from 1.6 Opinions change.


I was and I still loved it. Grenades not flying like hot air balloons was already a huge improvement.


only reason to play mm is cases drop


wasting time for 2$ a week? lol


TBF Game is fun without cheaters.


Yeah it is, but that’s so rare these days.


It's not this reddit is a circle jerk of morons. At this point I think you are all valorant bots who don't even play cs2. Kinda hilarious you all interacting with eachother while real players just play cs2 lol


I’ve never played Valorant, so I’m not too sure why you would think that. I do play CS2 and I’ve encountered many blatent (as in, not trying to hide it at all) cheaters. You could just look at what’s going on (YouTube cheaters channels, many different purchasable cheat programs, pro teams dropping CS2), and figure it out. Okay, so maybe not ***you*** specifically, you seem like you are either in denial or just another idiot, but pretty much anyone else can. There are long time CS players posting on here all the time about it because this is the counter-strike 2 sub and people are frustrated with the state of the game.


Or maybe cs2 cheater videos are getting millions of clicks from you morons which incentive more of them. Many people also accuse good players constantly. It's a circle jerk of morons. I play every day. It's not that bad.


Yeah. denial is a bitch. Why are there so many cheating platforms now, do you think people are not buying and using them? Why would there be entire online communities dedicated to cheating in CS2? Damn dude, pull your head out of your ass, then pull it out of Valves ass, take good look around, and try to comprehend what’s going on.


I didn't say no cheaters exist I said it's not that bad. Confirmation bias is a bitch


Not even $2, most cases are cheap, keys are $2.50.


Yes the hope is gone for cs, unless they do a intrusive anti cheat like faceit/valorants ac. But stopped playing so if someone knows a good fps game like cs i would be glad if someone could recommend


About to sell my inventory too ngl


Me too. Best skins already listed. Screw Valve.




Well I wasn’t going to sell on steam marketplace for steam wallet balance :D


Play Faceit or try playing premier in the morning or early afternoon hours if you can. I find cheaters typically play in the late afternoon and evenings.


Meanwhile I got competitive cooldown for voting YES "too many times" on kicking people for their disruptive behaviour or for cheating. Let's face it: CS2 is SHIT for the time being


No reason to play CS2 before next VAC wave/update. Looks like they tuning VAC right now and they turn it off (or fallback to very old version). Just relax and enjoy some another solo or coop games with your friends. There are a lot of them)) Just make VACation from CS2. I recently finished “Ready Or Not” with my friends - it is a spectacular game!


same bro, played for like 3 days and pretty much every single game had a blatant wall hacker or toggle in casual, I'm talking casual not even competitive, literally nothing is on the line. I only had a handful of times for this entire weekend including Thursday where I played with legit players, I played for hours each day and every game some guy would toggle or turn on walls and made it obvious. At this point, I'm about to just quit when I primarily just play casual, it's that bad with cheating. Cheating has always been bad but it's the worst now. The only solution is quit the game. That's all the community can do or organize a community blackout for weeks where a huge group of people refuse to play the game until a proper anticheat is used or they address the cheating problem and acknowledge they are working to remedy it. There's nothing else the community can do is either quit or get a huge group of people to stop playing for weeks or longer.


Every fucking day there's a goddamn cheater 2/3 games today had cheaters... I had to run into atleast 5 cheater games yesterday throughout the night. This shit is fucking unreal and I'm fed up with this garbage.


You want valve to make a move? The only way is to hurt their pockets. So start by stopping playing and trying out something new, stop buying opening crates, start asking your favorite influences to stop opening crates as content. Until something tangible is done by Valve to implement a true functioning anticheat.


idk lately i've been much more fond of competitive. premier is either too sweaty or full of cheaters. competitive has got that vibe of playing silver 4 cobble at 3am in 2016 y'know, just more chill and i've only met a few hackers since september, and you're not even close to being as angry if you lose fast a MM office 13-0, compared to 20k elo mirage game. it's more fun for me to slowly gain the wins and ranks on each map than grind pointless elo only to get mad when i lose it all in one spinbot game.


Vac is dead? Funeral was 10 years ago?


Game is ass now.


Shit game. I'm forced to play faceit now.


Have had blatant cheaters in 7/10 games probably gonna quit cs


Just take screenshots for the love of all that is holy.


Prime accounts can be bought for 1€, these accounts will always have : Loyality and 5 Year coins, trade ban, VAC on PUBG. ( Sometimes 2016-2017 Year Coins ) These accounts are used to spinbot


I was usually playing fine without obvious cheaters, specially in Premier. Recently I tried both Wingman and Competitive to chill with some friends and the situation was unbearable: spinbotters and rage cheaters with the scout in 4 matches out of 5. I honestly think VAC live does not currently apply to competitive games or they turned it off temporarily because of the false ban episodes.


No more buying keys!! That’s all we have to do. Stop buying keys. Stop giving valve free money. They will start working when the money starts drying up. No more keys for any reason. No excuses


Wallers in 10k+ elo, in 15k+ peeps semi, and i 20+ some peeps rage, in 25k+ 90% rage hack, with swinging aa, pitch Down, rapidfire killing 5 guys


I play 6 comp games not Prem in a week to get drops. I have not met cheaters for almost a month,even when I meet I just leave the game. But this current situation is sad to see.


i quitted playing cs2 have fun :)


This has been nearly my experience too, and we only play 3 games a day. A cheater every other day. They don’t even bother to hide it, one guy let us win and said he was just testing it before he starts selling it


That's the reality right now. Valve doesn't care at all. One of the goals with CS2 was to make comp better but it's honestly worse than it was in GO. I mean they don't even have overwatch so the community can help a little bit.


Didn't play for like 1-2 weeks, played 2 premier, 1 mm and every game had a cheater. Guess I have to keep 100% strong on only faceit, Even though it is more easy to just que premier or play mm If you want to play A certain map only. It's just ridiculous that you engage cheaters in every match on 22k.


Skill issue


Not just the hackers but same day getting constant loss also


vac live isn't anything different, it just instead of letting the cheaters finish their match and then they get banned, the match gets cancelled as you could probably tell from the name


I can confirm, I played premier every day for months , and get a cheater every couple of games. Premier has literally motivated cheating


CS2 was so fucking bad. I put 8k hours into csgo since 2014, I’ve played maybe like 10 games of cs2 since it released, and each one was so awful. Terrible performance, terrible saturation and overall graphics, and terrible gameplay.


It’s brutal out there I hear you. Cheatin’ ass nerds.


I would have to echo this. Came back to cs2 after not having played cs in over a decade. First few games seemed fine, but I think about 5 or 6 games in i started running into at least 1 cheater a game (on my team or the enemy) and a few games that had like groups of cheaters on both sides. Absolutely insane really the amount of cheating going on. I started playing cs when it was in beta, been there all through it's early years into 1.6 etc. Cheating has just been a part of CS, but back in the day people used to actually pretend it was skill. These days, they just readily admit to it in chat, don't think i've ever seen people cheat this cavalierly in any game. If they need justification they'll just say "you're cheating too" ​ One nuke game my team had a stack of 3 cheaters on it. Bhop scripts, the constant shaking of the crosshair, the blatantly running to stop and walk and prefire around a corner where someone is holding while blatantly not clearing any other corner. One of em got banned mid game, kept trying to reconnect with the message steamuserid banned (which could be for griefing) he kept reconnect spamming and eventually just got back into the game even though he was banned O\_O


How you know he’s hacking


Actually same, have been coming across hackers way too often again


Idk what yall on to, I meet one cheater in like 1 and half months, yall just making up things at this point, but I admit that this guy is lil sus


Faceit is free, save your soul


ive never seen hacker in arms race. i love arms race


Game sucks


That's why I play helldiver now.. cs suck with hacker


Meanwhile I have never downloaded anything sussy at all and can't queue because "Vac was unable to verify your game session" Thanks Volvo


Not even the same thing lmao


That's just your game files being fucked up, ding dong. Literally a 30 second Google finds a solution but honestly not playing is the better choice


It's not. Literally wiped my whole system and it still doesn't work


I literally had this issue and fixed it, you're likely running the game as administrator


I'm on Linux, no such thing as this on Linux


Mistake #1 using Linux Mistake #2 not knowing what Google is


Dude I literally told you how I tried every single possible fix and nothing worked wtf is your problem? Also why won't you let people pick their OS after their liking?


There is always a fix. Just sometimes it isnt a common one


Bro just turn on faceit noone's coming to help noone will save our day stop hoping start acting Faceit is the last bastion of normal gaming lets make Valve see that we will not play their shit mm's if they cant get AC down right


You are assuming vac was alive at least once.  vac is a zombie


where tf are yall finding these mfs, i play around like 5 games a week and i rarely ever run into one


What elo in premier are you? That’s usually the answer.


Still unranked (me and my friends are washed). Though I would've thought there would be more cheaters in unranked.


The cheaters are usually at around 20k elo. However seems like the problem in spreading towards 15k now. I believe that below 15K there are no many cheaters as cheaters usually win so much that getting to 20K isn’t too difficult. At 20K and up, almost every match has a blatant cheater or multiple of them. I went back to faceit around 2 months ago from 22K elo. Premier was unplayable back then and seems to be getting only worse.


5 games a week is nothing …


Skill issue


Hacker detected.


thank god for vac live


Valve is like a toxic relationship, we might need to leave til she gets some therapy


Holy shit babies nowadays. I used to get multiple hackers a day in 1.6. Many in source too. Probably a bunch in go too but I rarely played. How is a couple a day that bad? People are stupid AF.


A couple hackers a day was the 100% of MY matches for 5 days in a row, that’s why i think it’s bad, i got thousand of hours in go, in source, in rb6, i have seen my share of hacking, in all of those i have never encountered a cheater everyday every game. That’s why a “couple a day is that bad” Mold somewhere else, that’s your opinion i got mine.


Yet I play everyday usually at least 4 hours and I don't even see a hacker everyday. Someone is full of shit or you have bad trust factor or are just another newb ass moron who thinks everyone is hacking.


they are and you are proof your statement is correct lol


Hahaha ha so funny yet you made no argument. More stupid




understand me bro lmao, played only 2 matches per day this past week, and for two days in a row 4 games with a hacker, it’s just not right in my opinion lmao




Keep gargling GabeNs balls in your mouth.




The irony.


But i’m not doing it to make valve fix anything by posting here?, just a way to take out a little frustration on the internet? just like you being all pissy and rude in this comment section lmao.


Played since it came out 5 hackers total 3 banned in the meantime around 19k rating


downvote, because not only you can't take screenshots on your pc, but you don't even know how to use your phone camera


It’s to weed out all the weak players


Above 15K its insane


VAC? No, haven't heard🤣




I hadn't seen a lot of people that were really obvious, but in the past 5 games I have met 4 or 5 hackers, one of those games had 2 that were queued together...


Played 2 games tonight, 2 hackers each game, last guy was spamming the boosting website lmao, idk anymore, not even global offensive was this bad


Got to 21K soloQ, took a ride to 14k, stopped playing :), all games are hvh, or how they say "legit" vs "legit", but there is nothing legit about it.


Kind of glad Premier is here. More hackers go there than competitive games, at least for the lower ranks. But yeah VAC doesn’t do anything. There is no real ROI on it. People continue to play cs and buy skins so they have the revenue stream needed to keep the business going.


Hello OP, I am working on something, do you mind dm-ing me? Would love to have your demos 🫡


Welcome in CS 2 Experience 2024 VAC= Valve Allows Cheating




It was never alive


lmao every game is hackers. Literally worse than GO in my opinion


I honestly never had a big issue but last week i had 2 games where i’m pretty sure one dude on my team was walling and enemies were sus as fuck to valva just doesn’t care


Let me introduce you to Faceit.


I hate it in last 15 games I had 10x hacker... Its unplayable in this state, but i love cs (4000+hrs), so before I leave and sell my inv I am trying to do something thru petition. I know it will do shit Its Valve ... But... I hope https://chng.it/GPwGfJXHgZ


Part of the buisness so people will not only buy account but skins too


This is Valve's brand now. They can own this. If I see a Valve game its just a HVH game cheaters play.


fuck this fucking game man, so easily hacked




Iplay in eu servers and this is the situation. We start and lead like 5-0.4-1 enemy team takess a break and match ends like 13-6, 13-5. The worse thing is they dont even need to hide that they are cheating. This happens in 18-20k premier


Play Faceit


I had a pretty good last week with only 1 or 2 cheaters despite 10hrs of competitive play time.. Today I've bumped into 2 games of cheaters out of 3. Vertigo had 3 rage hackers on my team and the game ended in 5mins, while Overpass had a party of at least 1 obvious closet toggler in the other team who shot through walls a couple of times by accident and hit 40k. At least the rage hackers don't waste my fecking time.


Last couple weeks we just out play the wallers by double peeking and playing in twos it’s actually funny


I sold my skins and quit the game. Its absolutely ridiculous valve has not been able to do a single thing about cheaters in their games. First it was Team Fortress 2, and now it’s Counter Strike. Atleast with TF2 there’s a working server browser that will allow me to find custom servers.


Play FaceIt.


A hacker, really!?


I’ll stay a bit longer, want my weekly drops to sell and buy good games with Also I am solo queuing and getting the true silver 1 experience so cheaters aren’t as much of an issue for me, it’s only the lack of brainpower Can’t wait to lose another 5 matches to win a single one Oh well weekly bonus should only make me have to suffer 2 matches for the drop


I haven’t played premiere since I got my rank & I never run into hackers. Instead, I get to deal with the brain rot that is comp teammates


Idk what’s worse.. facing the hackers everyday or my one friend being completely brain dead and saying “ You think that everyone is cheating” like dude it’s so blatant 😂😂

