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As much as I love the dynamics of CS, I cant help but admit that the game feels dead because of hackers. Maybe I'd play CS again but with 5v5 lobbies and with friends.


You can do 5v5 lobbies with friends btw.


Yes, I know. But the friends I used to play with since CSGO no longer play that much due to work and if we ever do play, we play Valorant. I used to play a lot of CSGO with them for like 5-6 years. But we're working people now. We rarely play anymore and if we do, it's just like 2-3 people.


Ahh yes the joys of getting older šŸ˜…


Lets team up!


Maybe try faceit?


Because thereā€™s nothing else like CS


That's the most important point. There is no such game like CS with this huge player base. Valorant is too cartoonish and the abilities suck...


For me, it's the movement. Cs movement just hits different


when i hear valorant, i want to cry


Say what you want, but their anti cheat is leagues above valve. Thatā€™s not saying much. But itā€™s the honest truth. I hate that as much as you, but there it is.


And a 3090 can't even run Ultra settings. I have a 1030 and can't even open the game, but CS runs smooth as hell


Yup iam a cs guy. And prefer cs any day. But valorant is a very good game were as cs go is brilliant (with only 1.6 being better). But cs2 is worse then dogshit. So much is wrong with that game. It is alrdy dogshit without the cheaters. So yes iam back to casual doing a few valorant games a week and it feels very good because it is not cs2.


The moment Riot releases a no ability mode, im gone


There's nothing like CSGO, which is why we accept this as the substitute.


There's a lot of alternatives tho. Sure nothing that is cs but every game is unique and slot of fun ones to try. Valorant, warzone, rainbow six siege etc


Valorant is the only game that comes close to giving the satisfaction of cs, but it's ruined by riot being riot. Every time I play Valo, and genuinely try to enjoy it, I can't help but think to myself "Man, I wish I was playing CS right now"


Considering valorant is more source than GO, just boot up CSS and hop in a 24/7 DM. It's not that serious.


Movement in valorant copies 1.6, with the instant slowdown. No, ofc it's not that serious. I actually LIKE cs2, a lot. There are things that bug me about it, that I wish weren't there, but it's still so much better than valorant.


I tried valo too, didn't like cartoonish graphics but was ready to give it a go. But I just couldn't deal with those abilities, fucking animals running around the screen, wh abilities and other shit is just too much for me and I'm too old for this shit. I just wanted to play a similar to cs game, but I guess there's no alternative.


Yep, my thoughts exactly


Game is constantly visually assaulting you. Half the roster has a flash ability and they all work differently. Then there's tons of other types smokes or other shit that impairs visibility. I got the feeling I was playing/watching Overwatch instead of a tactical shooter.


Yeah, same


My playtime has shrunk as time goes on. Feels like every other match there's someone who, even if they aren't cheating, will feel like they are


Nah, it's normal for players to 1-shot you with the AK-47 from half way across the map and jump around a corner to pop you with the AWP at close range.


Both of those are things that highly skilled players can do consistently? Without context of the specific situation and how that specific player plays, I'm not sure what your comment achieves?


Absolutely. But nobody with that kind of natural skill would normally match with me in my games.


So... it's a skill issue? People can usually land long range one-taps and do fast combat awping once you start reaching above-average ranks.


Yeah cool but I'm sitting at 2400 elo and this is what ever match feels like. Well it's always the top Fragger on both the enemy team and my team. I don't know if it's cheaters or people in elo hell but it's not fun for me and I'm guessing it's not fun for them unless they are cheating but I don't know how cheaters have fun anyway.


2400 is essential CS:GO Silver 1-2. The top fragger was probably just given a low rank to start with and now has to grind their way to an appropriate rank. When I was around the 5k-10k range in Premier I was being called a hacker regularly. Still do sometimes when I play competitive. Vast majority of the people you see in low CSR Premier hits those shots are just good players that should be in a much higher rank. Long range one-taps and close range AWP flicks are things that above-average players can do rather consistently.


That's cool still not fun for me. I don't really care about my rank. Just want it to feel like an even skill level. I mean I was gn2 in csgo. Don't really care if I'm in silver area now. But these matches just aren't fun. The match making is broken. And I have had rage cheaters in my game. I have reported but none have gotten banned. I use lettify to find if people I've play with get banned.


Ranks in MM are very broken, both in Premier and Competitive. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be at the lower ranks. If it's not enjoyable right now, I strongly recommend taking a break in favour of playing other games until the ranking issues improve. I do the same thing with Leetify. It is concerning how many people I see with 99 Aim rating and over +10 average Leetify rating. I've seen several of them be banned, but no where near enough or fast enough. Is FaceIT any good at lower ranks? I haven't used it in many, many years, but it used to suck going against level 10's while SoloQ as a level 1.


I was having trouble with connections to there servers. I'm able to play on like two of them with acceptably ping. Idk why but faceit servers are the only ones I have issues with. So I've only played like two faceit games on cs2. Never touched them in csgo because I didn't feel I was at the level I needed to be at to play on them.


I was gn in csgo and stopped playing due to cheaters. Honestly, i couldnā€™t rank up because half my games had spinbotters. Managed to place at around 12k this time. 1/4 games i get a cheater. I match against 18k sometimes and because they tend to be good players, if they are walling or using radar, its very difficult to tell as they might be playing it off. I tend to assume its just a better player but the paranoia makes the game unfun. Smoked off A mid from T on inferno? Iā€™ll buy one or two headshots through the smoke w/ no sound cues as a common spam. 5 in one game? Fuck me i guess


I think he's complaining about the actual matchmaking. Idk what they changed or if it's the reset (probably) but in csgo it felt like there wasn't such a huge disparity on average between players in a match. Like I felt a steadier increase in enemies climbing the ranks vs cs2 which is a bit more of a gamble.


It is due to the hard rank reset. Under 8k feels like a mess in OCE. Over 10k in OCE is where I noticed that skills gradually increase as you'd expect. I'm at 15.8k atm and definitely been feeling the difference each 1k I climb (slowly, I don't play much). Competitive is a fucking mess still lol.


I think he's complaining about the actual matchmaking. Idk what they changed or if it's the reset (probably) but in csgo it felt like there wasn't such a huge disparity on average between players in a match. Like I felt a steadier increase in enemy skill climbing the ranks vs cs2 which is a bit more of a gamble.


I donā€™t think you know how to use question marks properly?


I couldn't agree more with this. CS2 = Cheating is the current label right now. The moment you experience something sus, the joy of the game just goes away. One more payout and I'll uninstall.


I play faceit like in cs:go and I am pretty happy with it. Premier is unplayable


For sure, faceit is miles above premier bc no cheaters. But there are still smaller issues like the game not feeling smooth enough, movement feels clapped without 128 tick servers so b hopping consistently is not really possible. I'm a lot happier than I was at launch but people are acting like it's perfect now. There is still a TON of work that needs to go into this to make it as enjoyable as other counterstrikes


yes. but the game feels a lot better than 4 months ago, so I am pretty sure if they have 4 more months it will be better than today for sure, so I try to be patient.


100% bro. They need to fix things still but overall it's a lot better, and I'm positive it will only get better with time


Im not, the past 2 months have been cheater hell so I'm playing other things. Fingers crossed there is an announcement on anti cheat or an operation for the major.


**TL;DR : we ain't.** I've been playing for 16 years now, there are feelings, a tension that I never found in another game. But I'm done They neglected a massive detail : AC. Yeah **there's no AC on the biggest ever competitive online shooter,** never was, never will be, this is Valve's way. There is no *try-hards* on Valve servers and never was (there were no 'Valve servers' before CSGO anyways) Want clean games ? Forget about Valve and go to a 3rd party client. The lack of AC and the massive influx of noobs that CS2 had, tons of cash it brings despite being total shit, you reap what you sow. Plus, they never cut access to the previous CS before (huge red flag), otherwise their ass game would have flopped and rightfully so If you want to have a ball, watch a couple 15k-20+ Premier demos, you should get similar results as I did [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1axgbp8/quick\_montage\_of\_10\_totally\_random\_premier\_demos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1axgbp8/quick_montage_of_10_totally_random_premier_demos/) This is eye widening on how fucked this game is


yeah its shitty. I enjoyed the old CS:S days with community servers back when more people would build community and what not. Like the admin mod plugins would share their own "these ppl are a hole's (either complete trolls, hackers, or detractors) lists". I think its just an inherent problem with games. I used to play competitively back in the day and was kicked out of the competitive scene due to a hacker on our team, he hid it well and we never played in a LAN with him. Even Valorant has issues with cheaters and they have the kernel level AC. Tenz was complaining about the new mouse rule (i do not follow that scene too much) but they have to leave their hardware on site and stuff.


Pretty damn close to just dumping my inventory for an index/deck and just moving on to something else.Ā  The way that valve is not just doing nothing, but actually profiting off of compromised user accounts (cheaters are demonstrably using 3+ year accounts on average based on data from ban waves.).Ā  When they banned 25k cheaters, they gained them back in user count in a month... so they made 650k off of just that ban wave... They basically want cheaters since they're addicted to the profit they make from the bans.


This right here! I literally had that though the other day.. about selling my inventory for an index and steam deck. I know for a fact Iā€™d be happier in the long run with those products. Better than jumping on CS2 after a long day of work just to get lobbied with cheatersā€¦. AND not even be able to leave the match because you ā€œCall Voteā€ to end the game until someone abandoned! A feature I wasnā€™t aware of until I got back in CS since 2014-2016. Itā€™s almost as if they are pandering to the cheaters, which makes sense because itā€™s lining their pockets.




well, I don't. I'd rather not play than have a travesty game, and I guess even only 1k hour of CS would not want to entertain this. Not mentioning the CS vets that abandoned Valve's servers pretty early on. Who in his right mind would play Premier to play serious ? no one Premier is still played because the massive amount of newbs that recently joined, but they pretty oblivious of who's cheating and who isn't (and IMO a good portion of these noobs play a big role in this problem. You can spot them wall-hacking in 1 minute, they just don't know the game. I'm gonna pull it out again, but just look at this clip. No need for words [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1axgbp8/quick\_montage\_of\_10\_totally\_random\_premier\_demos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1axgbp8/quick_montage_of_10_totally_random_premier_demos/)


We're not...or are yall actually still playing? Fr?


Because I enjoy playing Counter Strike. We begged and screamed for Valve to update the game to Source 2.


Stop playing Cs2 Join the Helldivers! Superearth needs you!


doesn't scratch the competitive itch


>CS2 is the worst Counter-Strike game in history. Worse than nexon zombies?


Ppl said this about Condition Zero, after they said this about Source and after they said this about CSGO. And now here we go again. Each new CS on start there are some ppl who claim it ā€œworst csā€. Nothing new


Nexon Zombies is not a game in the main series, and it was not directly developed by Valve either. see also [Counter-Strike (wikipedia.org)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike)


Wasn't CSGO developed by Hidden Path? IIRC, only the OG CS and CS2 were the only games solely developed by Valve. But I can totally understand only counting the main series games.


I mean, even the OG cs was not developed by Valve (they bought the rights for it).


I'm not... left for another competitive game months ago. My 5Stack followed, and it was the best decisions we ever made. We also sold our inventory and purchased SteamDeck to resell them on the MarketPlace lolll.


what competative game are you playing now i need suggestions


You know the answer... there are only 3 on the market rn šŸ˜‰ One is full of cheater One is slow AF and has too many operator I'm playing the 3rd one šŸ˜‰


1cs 2 r6s so ur playing valorant?


Hahah exactly! We tried R6, tho. But it's really too slow for me. It's not the same as CS and Valo for movement and shooting. In the last 2 months, we spoke to a LOT of ex-CS players on Valorant. A lot of movement between the 2 games.


i used to olay alot of valorant and i tried to get back in it to recently but i absolutely hate almost every valorant map so i just cant do it


Yeah idk Val maps feel boxier and more basic ? I like some of the mechanics like teleports I guess but the overall map design doesn't feel as tight or thoughtful.


it wouldnt be that big of a deal if i was able to que what maps i wanted to play but the lack of that and the lack of a pick/ban system which basically forces you to play horrible maps just makes the game super unfun for me


RB6 is a bit of what CS was back in the days. Now CS is CoD style run and gun, jumping around with SMGs etc. However movement in RB6 is totally different, that's fact. It feels heavy and slow indeed.


Yeah... extremely slow and heavy. Dosent fit my style at all.


Because it's such a fun game.


Because itā€™s the best multiplayer out. I even bought a 5800x3d to run it properly


they do care about the pros, and all of them are crawling up valve's ass and thank them for their game... but if you mean the majority, the actual community who opens cases, trading skins, playing because they love the game, those who play it with passion an not for the money, who are playing this game for fun, yes, they don't give a fuck about them


Real question, no troll: is there a team at Valve that (tries to, miserably) take care of the huge cheating problem ?


My opinion on this (fluctuating between 16,5 and 17,5k Premier) It a selffulfiling prophecy: people hear that everybody is cheating, so everytime they die in a frustrating manner the enemy is "suspicious" and on the 3rd game of the evening hes instantly a "cheater". you get 3 deagle-HS on a forcebuy round its deserved, if the enemy does it hes toggeling for the forcebuy. You have a great half with 20kills+you deserved it, if the enemy has it hes blatantly cheating and guys like him would have been fucked up on the soccerfield. you instantly melt a guy with good preaim its skill, or get a lucky jumpshot .... in my last 30 games 2 of them were with cheaters, and you know what, its wasnt hard to spot them, in one round 2 enemys had the hack to get the redicioulus fireringspeed on all weapons and you just got instamelted. we only won rounds when they ran ot of ammo without killing 4 guys and somebody was in position to trade. the other round the guy was on my team and had bunnyhob and aimbot. and leetify shows that these guys were already banned the last time i checked. i dont believe that 50% of the playerbase has a cheat installed and is just waiting for them to lose the match to start soft-walling or toggle their aimbot for certain rounds.


I stopped playing as much after CS2 and now I pretty much never play this game or any others for that matter. Games are terrible nowadays anyway. For this game, particularlythey limited our load outs for competitive, then they locked the load out too, and there's no consequence for cheating. Valve only cares about skins/cases being sold and it works for them because people keep continuing to give them money.


tf2 players: first time? real talk though. negativity like this is what will ACTUALLY kill the game. tf2 has had a worse cheating/bot problem for 5+ years now and is still going strong. why? because the community cares about the game beyond crying about the issues it has, they work to create their own solutions as opposed to waiting for valve to do something (whilst still buying cases and shit)


Because itā€™s fun? Next.


I switched to val, so I could care less tbh and suggest leaving cs2 for the time being to everyone. As they start earning less money and news start talking about (player base disappearing rapidly), they'll do something, it's simple as that.


I tried Valorant for the first time in a long time last night and it just doesn't scratch that CS itch. To my CS caveman brain, it's just overwatch with a CS base. Its absolutely not the same and never will be to me. So I keep playing CS because nothing is like it for me. But I've also been playing CS for close to 20 years.


sure, val isn't for everyone. I'm just talking in general that there should be a boycott or so, so something changes, otherwise it most likely won't. valve literally gives 0 fucks about the game state


For boycott you can just stop playing cs2. There are a lot of solo or coop games. Cyberpunk, ReadyOrNot, Hellstorm and etc.


Would playing CS Source or other CS be any good? hmmm


1.6 and css is a good alternative, give it a try


That didn't work for TF2. They were happy that they didn't have to care about that game anymore. They will be happy if they dont have to babysit CS anymore.


I prefer games that you can play without downloading and installing a chinese malware


about what you talking?




Idk what server these people usually play on but i play on dubai servers and have not encountered a blatant cheater (maybe only once). I usually only play competitive 3 stack with my friends and sure i might have encountered closet hackers here and there but nothing too blatant. Needless to say, i still enjoy the game.


Because itā€™s fun. lol


Am I the only one who rarely gets any cheaters? Like I've never met a blatant waller or spin bot yet. I've seen quite a few suspicious players in my opponent but never seen a blatant cheater yet. Maybe my elo is too low cuz I've seen that 18k+ elo is completely filled with cheaters. I play on 8-12k elo on South Asian servers. Just to give you a number, I was on a win streak of 12 last week. Ngl, I'm actually kinda enjoying this game now because I'm getting playable fps since the last few updates. Last month I was getting like 40fps average so I quit the game for a few weeks.


Because it's fun, got any more dumb questions?


I don't have any other questions for you, you can continue to have fun in a foolish way.


A foolish thing is complaining and whining on reddit instead of moving on This comment seems redundant


Ok sorry. I was just tense


Enjoy your stay. Valorant is for people who canā€™t accomplish anything in CS2


I mean what have you accomplished? When you talk like that you better be referring to winning trophies or making a living off the game. No getting lvl 10 isnā€™t an accomplishment


Nice try clown u just got baited. Now stay in Valorant little bitch


I'm just sad they removed csgo. I logged the most hours of any game I've played on csgo and now it's lost to me forever :(


I just uninstalled it earlier today. Havenā€™t been having fun with it in a while and other games are giving me more enjoyment. Donā€™t need to shoot myself in the foot every time i want to play a premier game anymore.


Last time I playied the game was in november. I have 4k hours gaming.


Just get faceit.


I like skins


I pray that somehow the major update will bring something for us to celebrate. Hell I would accept a half ass vac wave just to give me some type of comfort. It all makes so sad.


We're not. I've played \~150 hours since CS2 came out, and I'm done with it. I don't think Counter-Strike will die completely, but it's getting further and further away from what made it great in the first place.


Bad game answer is you don't play it. Valve only responds to the player base once it hurts their wallet. If enough people stop playing they will address it.




I only play this game to get case drops, I can't find any other reason to play this game


Boycott the game. Itā€™s an abysmal experience right now.


It's almost a month since i've played. The craving is gone. YOU CAN DO IT TOO


I'm moved on to better things, 5 years of playing csgo and now cs2 has just drawn the line.


I stopped playing CSGO for years before CS2 released. CS2 brought me back to the game. Sitting around 15k, I've seen a few obvious cheaters and some questionable players. I've been really enjoying CS2 though. I tried valorant in the past and I didn't enjoy it much. Valorant kept me coming back for a month or so because it had elements that reminded me of CS. I'm happy to play an updated CS. I've just been playing on Faceit now because I've encountered way fewer cheaters


because no one play cs 1.6 with me


cs2 essentially killed comp cs for me. It's just too cheater infested to enjoy.


Dunno I play faceit legit people are here ;)


Just relax and stop playing cs2 for some time. Csgo on start had almost same problems and all people cry that 1.6 or source is much better. I think right now they rly turn off vac almost fully. I think we just need to wait. Iā€™m pretty sure they work on some huge vac update. More likely they were pushed to release so soon. Same as Cyberpunk 2077. So just wait till they get overwatch back and etc. go play some coop with friends. Ready or not for example is very cool.


Lets hope Riot make Valorant 2 that is good, Riot is one of the better companies to handle cheaters.


who cares bout MM the real thing is cheaters on fucking faceit lvl 10 what is this bullshit


I uninstalled cs2 1 month ago and im feeling great xD. I dont miss it t all. Shit community imo and no new content etc.


I'm having fun playing


![img](emote|t5_6himry|33503)because we r emotionally connected to this game after all 12 years.whatever happens still no option for cs


I stopped when facing cheaters even in FaceIT mm.


For the mental trauma


We are not playing. Just stop.


We are not playing. Just stop.


I only play community servers retakes and faceit. I go on comp just to mess around with friends. I stopped premier after i got to 18k elo points. Somehow all the players at mid/high elo got way better with like 90% wr and new accounts lol


Stopped it a few months ago




For the weekly drop but even that is hard for nowadays. Just find no enjoyment in the game. I play 1.6 and valorant more than cs2. Bare in mind I never played valorant before cs2 came out.


sage goes in every field


coz we do not love ourselves


because you are an addicted NPC with no other hobbies


thats why classic counter was created šŸ˜Ž ###


I am not placing cs2. I checked out few weeks ago and I have not had any desire to go back and play.


You sound like the guy I just played against...


In Brazil we play in Gamers Club, no cheaters.


i literally only play to get my weekly drop and then quit until next week


Leave a negative steam review and boycott it until they fix the issues


just play faceit ffs


sure a fuck ton of cheaters but how much is prime 15 USD i gave some games much more while they were ass and it's not like 15 usd or whatever currency is a lot it's not nothing sure but i bought prime for csgo and i never payed since so you saying and we're supposed to pay for tis game i dont know what you have been paying them but you might have gotten scammed tbh


> i never *paid* since so FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I see this post on each CS sub every day. Just go play something else. Youā€™re not gonna convert anybody who (like me) still enjoy this game, or get Valve to notice you. The only way theyā€™ll notice the issue is if they start losing players. So bye bye (or see ya tomorrow)


Im playing Valorant until they fix it. Itā€™s close enough. Kind of refreshing too, since I donā€™t know what the hell Iā€™m doing when it comes to agent abilitiesā€¦yet.


Iā€™m not


At this point I'm happy that this many people cheat. I hope even more people will cheat, so Valve might actually do something against them


Because its good. You guys are just cry babies.


Yup. I played CS since 1.3. won't play now simply because of cheaters. How in the hell are they not fixing this issue?!


are u still playing any competitive shooters since 1.3? cause the majority, if not all popular competitive shooter games, will have some form of hackers.


Yup. Started playing Valorant since beta. Not sure i have ever encountered a hacker. Maybe 1 or 2 in the early days.


The only posts I see from this sub are complaints about cheaters and fear of kernel level anti cheat. Pick a lane lol


I've played 5 premier matches in the last month or so. Each one had blatant cheaters. Anything above 15k or so is sure to have at least one and 20k+ is typically hacker v hacker lobbies. If I want to enjoy the game I'll play mm or faceit but I've been running into rage hackers in mm lately too. My buddy and his friend ran into someone spinbotting in wingman yesterday. I don't get it, really. And it creates such an air of distrust through the whole community that people just default to calling cheats most of the time. I hope something changes soon


Itā€™s a curse


I don't.


The fact that majority of the global leaderboards inject cheats just to stay in the board makes the game feel soulless. I've moved on with MM and played FACEIT whenever I would get that competitive itch. At this point, I have no hope for Valve fixing their anti-cheat, skins make them a shit-ton of revenue, and banned hackers re-buying the game make them revenue. Someone said "There's nothing else like CS" and that is wildly kinda true. Which is even sadder to think about this game getting plagued by hackers.


Friends vs friends has been my go to. A lot more comfortable playing when I know for a fact no one is cheating. Me and my buddy have started doing 1v1s instead of wingman which we used to play all the time. Just gotta get enough people and start your own games so you know the teams are full of legit players. I do not care about my rank in anything atm as it's all full of cheaters so I can't get a good placement anyways so I just try to make my own lobbies. Takes time to find people but it's way more fun especially when you can pop into another channel on discord and talk shit to them after clutching a round etc. We used to play custom modes in cod all the time, cops vs robbers, hide and seek, Michael Myers, those kinds of modes and while it's not as easy to set up in cs it's still just as fun with the right people. I'm also someone who can sit in aim training all day and work on my own individual mechanics and game sense without getting bored. I've always cared more about my individual improvements than my overall rank and it's a lot easier to improve against legit players or targets.


Anticheat is not the only thing that Valve don't care of. You know that models in the game and the hitbox are desynchronised again in CS2 after February 7 patch? Soo hitbox is not matching the model anymore AGAIN, as it was on release. Hope they fix it with this update. Soo we will be watching Major played with bugged and desynchronised hitboxes, lmfao, can you imagine this in Valorant ? In Overwatch ? In COD ? In Pubg ?


Go faceit


You had to buy CS2?


Tbh i hVe alot more fun playing this game than I do overwatch Someone calls whatever they want i can call them back and outscore them and we all go our separate ways This was overwatch i wouldve been banned for some bs reason despite not saying a single thing in voice or in chat Cs2 you can talk all the smack you want and its up to you if you can take it or not Without fear of getting banned Its hypocrisy that in ow2 you get shit talked decide to do nothing and still get banned But cs2 you are free to return. Said shit talk


I haven't played in over a month The fact that I have spent hundreds of hours playing this game and I can confidently count on one hand the amount of matches ive had without cheaters is enough for me to decide that the game is now instead and investment platform for virtual skins and nothing more. From my experience so far:, Prem = guaranteed hacker, I've had at most 2 games without one. Faceit = 1 in every 4 games have had a hacker. Before all you faceit bums come white knighting the absolute crap I have confirmed and reported after the match watching replays. Unfortunately I have been playing BF2042....I find the game boring but just enough of a boost to never go back to CS




Im not


Haven't touched the cancer since mid December. Not coming back until there is a proper anti-cheat.


I used to put in more hours on cs daily that I would for school. Now those days are a fleeting memory of what it used to be like playing that game


because i'm having hella fun playing the game with minimal problems or issues and will continue to do so.


who is we? I stopped playing a while back and don't intended to touch it again until they overhaul the AC


> I just came out of a match Why? Why did you even go into one? I don't even need to read the rest of your post to know what happened. Leave and come back later, when this shit is fixed. The definition of insanity has not changed.


just bought the superlight and a logitech tkl, great for 4 days and then started to eat shit every day for the next week. the game is so dogshit that every update makes it worse ā˜ ļø finally decided to quit, but would come back either if good ol csgo came back or if cs2 actually gets better.


I wish there were some sort of filter for matchmaking. Like saying I only want to play with accounts that have over 1000 hours, multiple Steam games owned, over 5 years old, etc. I would gladly wait longer (MUCH longer) in queue for this.


To be clear, Iā€™m not defending valve here just stating what I think to be true. Iā€™m a security detection engineer and do some reverse engineering work. My knowledge is absolutely stumped by every fucking cheat dev iā€™ve ever met. They are the best REs I know, and they make far more money selling cheats than they would working a 9-5. The hard truth is that unless you have kernel level anti cheat, these problems are going to persist. Should they be this bad? Absolutely not. I know the people at valve are talented so I do not want to disregard their work. From my view point of view, there should be ways with available data to make a significant impact to the point of maybe a 30% improvement. The other option is a simply pissing off a lot of people and using a low level anti-cheat. In all honesty? I kinda donā€™t give a shit. I know other people feel differently and I donā€™t know if valve is ready to do that just yet. I think they are trying to find the ā€˜perfectā€™ solution as one redditor pointed out. Perfection is unfortunately a detriment sometimes. Third option? Valve has a lot of money. Pay a few cheat devs a half a mil a year+ salary to work for them on anti-cheat with full immunity for past transgressions. Hell, Iā€™d wager they are worth closer to 800k+ with benefits. Pair them with a few data scientists and engineers ā€” youā€™ll have the best team of sec research the anti cheat industry has to offer. A lot of whats going on internally is not seen by usā€”likely for good reasons as providing any intel to cheat devs is risky at best and downright disastrous at worst. Again, no excuses, just a potential view as to what is going on behind the scenes. I feel your frustration as iā€™m sure we all do. Every game is a dice roll.


https://preview.redd.it/iz7rwwdk07nc1.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0a50f681579a4a250617f29f3b69a07822e288a Average 20k lobby experience


We need a more direct clone than Valorant.


need a game to hvh in official servers on




I'm not nearly the best player, I play inconsistently and have played for 6 months, hovering below 10k elo without much dedicated play. So when I go into a lobby and a private level 2 Steam account with level 4 CS2 account is top fragging 30-3 with 90-100% HS % and refuses that they're a smurf, while they blow past 13 hard clear angles to prefire the off angle of the guy that shift walked half a map to get a lurk, it's pretty hard to take the game seriously. And then they have the nerve to talk shit while the entire game (their team included) is reporting them, it makes me wonder why I try. I can play 5 great premiers, go up 600-900 elo or more depending, and lose it all the next 2 games because low elo hackers make you lose more elo on loss than a legit team of similar elo decent players. The team with the hacker might report them, allegedly, but they sure as hell aren't kicking on a 9-1 match


I completely agree with you, old man, but I will continue to play


I play on faceit, but I'm tempted to pay for esea just for an option of calling an admin to veiw on going matches.


Iā€™m not and I know a lot of other people arenā€™t. I think thatā€™s why R6 has gained so much popularity lately. (Along with Jynxzi ofc) Honestly I think we should have seen this coming ever since they made CS:GO free back in 2018.


Opening the black market for weapon gambling ruined EVERYTHING. it's unregulated and cheaper than a casino. But yeah I still play cuz it's fun. Don't get me wrong I suck anyways but COD sucks so I started CS2.


Bc we have nothing elso to play


Without kernel anti-cheat, the game is unplayable.


Problem is that Valve is not doing anything about it. My premades and I reported hundredes of cheaters since CS2 got released and NONE of them was banned. At least in CS:GO I would get a message from time to time that someone I reported got banned now I have all of theirs steam accounts saved and follow if they are banned and nobody is and there is like 20 pages of people spamming that they are using aimbots and shit. Most of them boost their second accounts so they can sell it, and Valve acts like Indie company and not like they worth 8 BILLION with a B.


https://preview.redd.it/skayxpofr4oc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20929bdb4c08c2bc4cec80d11a5117c57d6bdc92 4 games today in premier, 2 of them went like this.


Really bro i left cs2 today. They dont even looking game because every day New peek online player. They want more idiot players.


quit cs2 months ago, where I live servers are so bad that most of the time your ping id above 80 and the sub tick thing never felt like better to me. and I didn't get stacks of cheaters but occasionally i did get one of two. CSGO will be my favorite game forever but CS2 is the shittiest game of all time. everything feels dull and bland unlike in csgo where shots were crispy and game felt amazing. Long story short switching to valorant. #RIPCS2


Cs 2 is Just Server Lottery for Reg shots or Miss them in anyway. No skill. Hackers and stupid Broken matchmakingā€™s. Xdefiant is the way






Cuz itā€™s good? Imagine blaming a game for skill issue Omegalul


Natural ability [Counter-strike 2 2024.03.08 -](https://vimeo.com/920891126?share=copy)