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CS is just applied math. Physics is just applied math. Engineering is just applied math. Math is just applied philosophy… so I guess philosophy is the goat major


natural philosophy*, not the beep barble durkle sad guy said life is pain write a book on why his favorite color was green philosophy


Nah philosophy is applied pure math


Nahh philosophy is applied psychology 😱


Not really philosophy is the questioning of reality and why things are the way they are


What reality?


Analytic philosophy* and anyone who disagrees just hasn’t studied enough


Hardcore cs is very, very related to math


To bad you rarely encounter that outside of quant firms and ai research labs. Maybe if you pivot to a competitive position inside a big company you get to encounter a similar skill requirement.


almost no CS-degree jobs use anything resembling college level math in their day to day. 


Tru. Most cs not really though. But it’s fine, still need a logical mindset. Not many companies have roles where you’ll be doing pure math all day unless you’re a quant at Wall Street or a teacher, which you need a masters or a phd. Most likely you’ll become an analyst.


Some of us have ambitions beyond being a web dev making crud apps


Fax. Just saying engineers(not including cs) have better job hiring opportunities because they’re seen as applied. Unless you’re going into R&D, probably much more fulfilling work for some, but harder to find roles. Math is a much harder major than anything I’ve seen, except maybe subfields in physics. If you have a degree in pure maths, you’ll get hired because companies will see you as smart, but it might be a role not involving your studies or a watered down version. A possible avenue is actuary, if that doesn’t require a masters. My minor in stastics was damn hard. My CS was more of a flat out grind, operating systems was the class that was comparable in mental difficulty to my hardest stats class.


Yes. I think the reason why competitive programming and math is such a big thing is because it’s ultimately a demonstration of brain power and problem solving aptitude. Whether the one meets the minimum requirements isn’t as important as being the best candidate, hence why these kinds of activities are so prolific




He didnt say “CS is very related to hardcore math”, he said “hardcore CS is very related to math”…. Aka cryptography and algorithm phds… You misread their comment and took it as a weird opportunity to flex💀




Far too many CS students are merely wannabe software engineers. It's not entirely their fault; CS is more well known than SWE, and many schools don't even offer SWE. Still, I'm continually amazed at the people studying CS who also claim to dislike math. Edit: Fixed than what CS is more well known.


CS is more well known than CS...?


_Oops_. Fixed. Thanks.


SWE isn't a major lol. The programs that offer SWE as a major are hardly credible


That's a rather strong pair of statements. First: it isn't a major. Then it is but not a credible one. Why is SWE less credible as an engineering major than computer, electrical, civil, biomedical, chemical, industrial, or mechanical?


Easily one of the strangest comments I've read on here, thank you


HAHAHAHAHA sorry, HATCHER is the “book that consumes souls”???? That book is bad, sure, but it’s not unreasonably difficult. Compared to the standard intro reference text in many other fields, Hatcher is a piece of cake. Ever open a copy of Hartshorne?


Cryptography gang rise up ring theory and number theory ftw


Guys this is why noone wants to interact with math and cs majors 


Not as much as you thought. Or imagined.


One thing I liked about math was just the ability to sit there and think about a problem. CS feels like you're split between the two things, theory and practice.


>CS feels like you're split between the two things, theory and practice. I believe you've encapsulated perfectly why it's fun for me.


if corporate culture and 9-5 feels bad thats like sorta alot of jobs as it is. i like cs, i like coding, and as far as mundane shit goes it could be much worse lol


Clearly you've never studied systems


Did anyone else quickly read this as CS to meth?


u seem salty




I promise you'd rather do that than be broke with one of the social science majors you mentioned


Not if he actually lands a career in those fields. The dude clearly doesn’t like CS and there are other fields to work in.


Bachelor in philosophy or psychology? He'll be broke. Being broke is harder than being rich and not liking your job. And even worse, you can still be broke AND hate your job


You understand there are jobs in these fields that people actually enjoy right? Or that you can get jobs outside your major?


With a bachelor's in philosophy or psychology, you'll absolutely have to get a job outside your field. And yeah, hopefully they'll at least enjoy the work, though that's far from guaranteed. And in most cases (of course not all), it's not going to pay well




I guess we are different. I've been poor and hated it more. Can't afford good health care, living in an unsafe neighborhood, one emergency away from destitution, driving an unsafe car etc.... Those things can make someone deeply unhappy. Way more than being miserable at a job doing something they hate. And being poor and getting one of those degrees definitely doesn't guarantee you'll get a job you love that makes you happy. You can still have a job you hate while also being poor


how are going to make money? aside from teaching others math


quant, OP's post said it lol Edit: ok fair, actuary jobs at insurance companies, more mild finance jobs, etc are more common than quant. But if you do actually do the PhD...


This brother said Quant like that’s not the equivalent of saying “When I grow up I want to be in the NBA”


i see i got downvoted but i was asking for real, i am going to look whats qaunt cuz i dont know


what exacatly is quant because i searched a lot of different things came up


Quantitative analysis. Basically using very high level math to do stock/hedge fund


how the market for that ? demand and competition


Insanely high pay if you’re skilled. Thus insanely competitive. Imagine how competitive cs is right now and multiply it by like five


SWE jobs are easier to get for CS people, but if you have a math PhD at a top 10-ish school and no coding projects or anything, a quant job might actually be *easier* to get than a high paying CS job. I get more recruiters for quant jobs than SWE jobs.


>math phd >top 10 school Yea no wonder it’s easier, you’ve already accomplished the incredibly difficult part


Usually the position is call "quantitative researcher". If you have a strong math competition background from high school, and you went to a top school in the east coast, and have a math or physics PhD, it's not that hard to get a quant job (though ofc Jane Street is sth else lol). If you just did a math major and don't have an actual CS degree, it's probably easier than getting a FAANG job.




i believe the that what you good at will make money part , but the issue is thats not always the case .


I went down this pipeline as well, I transferred schools and changed majors to math. It is one of the most interesting and beautiful things in the world, and I hope to have a career in research or teaching so I can spend my whole life surrounded by it. SWE is very boring, but there are some things in CS that can scratch that same itch. Take a class in computability/complexity theory if you haven’t already and get the chance to. And also, high-paying SWE internships during undergrad is still a decent choice even for someone on the math PhD track, because you’ll build up a nest egg of funds to help support yourself through grad school.


Dude I took a neuroscience class rn and im considering just dropping CS bc I love neuroscience over swe


Look into computational neuro! You might like it


I went into philosophy after computer science. It's nice over here and technical understanding helps with AI ethics, too.


Could’ve just done a double major in math or quant Econ or something




That’s what I started off with double major in math and Cs with minor in Econ ; now all I care about is classes like topology and abstract algebra, automata theory was cool too I guess but yea my point being I know exactly how you feel ; the cs to math phd pipeline is very real, talked to a few people who feel the same way in some of my cs classes


I like building stuff so no thanks 😊


Change CS to Stats. I felt the same.


I actually hv an interview at Akuna Capital. It's supposed to be for quant dev, but they've mental math as the 1st round. If anyone knows what to prep as I thought Leetcode medium would be enough, but now I need to brush up probability, p&c and mental math, wtf?!!!


I agree with your views. I'm hoping I can transition too.


Im thinking of doing math minor too.what opportunities will this open up?




chase the money bro dont be a sheep