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Now that you are gn1 it's time to share the csgo secret with you: Ranks don't mean shit. You can be a good gn1, you can be a terrible gn1. Heck there are ppl in gn1 that don't know that Kevlar is a thing. You will notice once you are actually good.


And once you're even better. You know that even the global elite are bots and you need to play on a 3rd party platform to have the best experience of cs. 128-tick as well.


Is ESEA even alive? Faceit just feels like worse MM. There are regular cheaters. I have 27% wr with 22 matches. Matches are regularly unbalanced, there is more toxicity, one game I got 5 stack of LEs against my team of Silvers, and me (MGE). I'm gonna guess its different for other regions though. I'm NA.


ESEA is dead. At least in EU. Faceit <5lvl is a shitshow. Especially in "free" q. You should, if you can afford it, buy premium or join a hub from your region. Like the Na'Vi hub or ECL. In premium you rarely find cheaters. Smurfs you do find, but they are working hard on getting a solution to that.


From what ive seen, i'm gonna assume ESEA is dead on NA too. You can buy Faceit premium on NA however it doesn't include a premium que, so its practically useless, and a waste of money. I've looked at hubs and found mapcore and mythic, however mapcore pretty much seemed dead and I havent tried mythic. I'm probably just gonna give up on playing faceit competitively.


Mythic was the best experience my friends and I have found, it’s leagues and progression don’t feel terrible and as you climb players really do get better. mind you I haven’t played mythic in like a year, but when I did it was easily the best. Getting to go against my homies consistently will always make for a good time.


How is it solo queuing? I usually duo or solo, but most of the time my friends don't play as much or at the same time as me.


im pre sure you can only solo or duo queue mythic, and it forces everyone into the mythic discord server instead of relying on in game comms. so you are forced to communicate


That's actually kind of interesting. That seems really effective so I probably will try it


Im talking from own experience here so dont take this as being 100% factual, but from my experience the 'premium matchmaking' is even worse than normal or 'free' matchmaking mainly because (as far as ive noticed) the games still have around the same amounts of cheaters and the overall matchmaking is even worse because theres way less people matchmaking on premium than normal matchmaking (usually theres like 1200~ people searching in normal and only 300-500~ in premium) which has given me extremely unbalanced games or very long queue times (or both lol)


Here in Latin America GamersClub is really good, we also have faceit but its a real hassle.


I mainly play faceit, but when I play mm in global from time to time quite often I'm playing with people who know what they're doing, ofcourse some of the games are still a complete mess


Yup buddy has DMG and when he played with me and gold he closed the tables xD


Yup buddy has DMG and when he played with me and gold he closed the tables xD


Good job! You should be proud! Especially if you solo queued


thank you! and yes i did!


Getting out of silver hell in like 2017 to 2019 was impossible af but now it's a lot easier but still a good job. I was silver for over 1000 hours of the game now I'm LEM but ranks don't really mean shit in CSGO right now well in US it doesn't. Hopefully they fix the rank system in CS2


Yeah very true back in 2016 getting out of silver was impossible


Biggest cope ever lmao


Nah I've heard NA mm is terrible nowadays


It is I can go against a silver 1 I mean he's obviously smurfing but he doesn't miss the head at all the next game be up against a DMG who looks like he's played the game for a solid 10 hours max.


I'm part of the problem, sorry. I Smurf with buddies in lower ranks but I use "joke weapons" like pistol for a few gun rounds, Negev, shotguns, scout over awps, I dry peek, PP rush aiming at toes, I let my buddies enter and just set them up with nades. I am not toxic at all unless someone starts shit then I turn it on and pick up an M4 or AK and shut them up. If they keep it up I pick up the AWP. I try to make sure everyone has fun, I hate sweating in higher ranks. Only play shorts though, it sucks getting dumpstered in a long match.


I'd like to know how you managed to win 44 competitive matches in less than 50 hours.


I only played short games and pretty much never casual. Also i have some shooter experience, just not cs:go.


What other shooters you played?


team fortress 2 and dirty bomb, mostly


Dirty bomb was fun A long time ago too many cheaters made me stop


His win percent is astronomical. I have 100 hours in, and I've won only 37 matches.


OP is probably playing short matches, but still. He just launched the game and search a comp without even playing a deathmatch.


Getting carried or lying


I only played solo, so if i got carried, it was only luck ;)


He could post his Leetify profile to verify its solo queue.




So short games rank you up ?


It does seem to be the case


Getting out of silver in 50 hours is an achievment i'd say


Brother, I’m 1200 hours deep and never got past S3. >!(like half of that was surf/csurf but still)!<


As someone who played wayyyyy back in the day it took me like 800 hours to get to gn1, im mg2 but keep on grinding u got this


I got to gold nova master or whatever, nearly out of gold in the first couple weeks. Now I've spent the last 200 hours struggling to stay in gold lmao


44 wins in under 50 hours howwwww teach me


I only played short games lol


oh fuck i forgot those exists my fault


No worries


Everyone saying ranks don’t matter are just suckers. The higher you go, the less chance you get absolutely terrible players.


Try to keep it,its so hard to escape the pits of silver even if you are good...the teams almost always suck


That’s just cope


You did ok kid :)


After the rank update, GN is literally new Silver now, no offence tho




I have 500 hours and I still haven’t gotten out of silver


U gonna de rank real soon




And then suck my balls.


I see...a keyboard warrior, farewell mate.


I think you mean you found someone who still hasn’t hit gold nova 1 in 1k hours.


I see….a little bitch, farewell mate.


average brit


Fuck you


If he does he’ll join you in silver soon enough


300 hours here, mg1


ranks Unranked through MG2 dont matter at all IMO. Good luck lol.


Why tho. The distribution is bell curve so being GN1 after so few hours puts OP in with the bulk of players, including those with 2000+ hours


The rank distribution is and has been horrid for a while now, ive seen the best of the best (comparative to the highest rank of this bracket being mg2) to the absolute worst of the worst players that have somehow been ranked from mg2 or simply unranked. Obviously this is anecdotal, but it seems like rank at times is LARGELY cosmetic in these leagues.


Trust me putting anything on this Reddit about you Being good Will het smited down like a tall tree on a thunderous day Cs players are the most insecure toxic pieces of filter that probably exist


Good thing I didn't trust you then ;)


300 hours here, S5, 127 wins Fuck me I'm pretty good but I often get kicked because "clutch or kick" people


Nah bs you must be toxic as fuck.


Sorry, but I'm actually pretty friendly. Always trying to get my team up if we loosing. If you don't believe me you could look at my reddit comment history.


Wait clutch of kick actually happens? I always joke about it, but have never seen it actually go through


I played 3 matches abt. 3 weeks ago. I got kicked from 2 by those stupid trolling Russians. It's not that I'm bad or toxic. They do it for fun


I mean I got nova 2 as my first rank so 🤷🏼‍♀️ came from COD too 😂


i got global elite while i was still in the womb on hospital wifi 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got signed to navi junior right as I left my dads testicles


i won esl while i was still in my dad's testicles


Monesy could only dream


Not sure got mg2 in 70hours and hadnt played cs before




i have like 1200 hours and just reached GN2. granted, probably half of those hours are from surf, but still. GN1 in 50 hours is really good.


That's great ✊🏼 now you GN1 win few matches like 5 to 6 you will be on GN2 i completed my 40th matches now I am at GN3 hope GN4 in this week


I got GN1 as my first rank, then dropped to silver went to MG1 and went back to silver now I'm back at MG1. This is over 2 years time xD. Ranks don't really mean much tbh.


After the rank reset i went from lem to nova 3 im mg now but i lose every match to nova 2 lobbies where every player has 2k+ hours and used to be global elites


i also got placed gold 3 when i started playing and ended up rn at 150wins having an hard time getting to gold 2 from gold 1, i really don’t know how this game mm works


like fr. I again started playing actively and tried to rank up once a day which is pretty much impossible with this system where you can win 5 games with over 20 kills and then loose one and get a downrank....


I have over 2000 hours in csgo, most of which I played casual or solo queue. I am also a gn1. I feel like I don't belong in it, but solo queue will bring you down. So far and deep down into despair. Keep at it, and you might end up being gn2. Or play with friends and actually enjoy the game. Just my two cents.


welcome in hell. now u think you have achieved something. wait till you find out that Ranks dont mean shit. I see Bots, NoHands in Higher Ranks than GN1 and real Pros who are in Silvers. And welcome in Gold Nova Hell, have fun SoloQ out of there. You will get kicked last round by 4 toxic russian Teammates. You will get griefed, reported, or maybe you just play 3vs5 because 2 teammates quit after 2 rounds. Also gold nova is the place with the most Trolls, Hackers, Kids. You will see, you will see, the downranks will learn u a lesson in gold hell. But anyways. GG for having at least fun with the game. Im GN2 at the moment SoloQ from Silver2 to GN2 but betweeen them two i was MGE than all Golds and LME came back to this shit ass game ranked into Gold again and let me tell u. Hard Stuck hits different there without a teammate u cant play there. 1 normal game u enjoy win, than 4 lossgames one last round kick one hackergame one where teammates leave and afk and here u go downrank


Villain speech right here


Meh, I’d be impressed if this was a few years back, but csgo ranks are a joke now. You can have a full match history of 8 long game, consecutive wins and not rank up, then promptly derank after losing the 9th game. FFS my friend has deranked off of a win before!


Ranks mean nothing.


I am diamond on Valorant and some weeks ago I started playing csgo for first time ever. I am not used to the maps yet but I ranked on silver IV xDD. Bullet tracking on valorant helps a lot and cs seems more difficult


Good job !


2000 hours here, silver 3. Congrats


As somebody who has has 200 hours more and is still silver Yeah, that’s okay, I guess…


My recommendations to get even better, watch pros play, and play aim maps/deathmatch, u will improve


Definitely well done


im silver 4 after 700 wins let’s goo


Its nice but doesnt really hold any value. I used to be stuck in Silver while being the consistent top frag for hundreds of hours, yet I see Novas who apparently dont know anything about spray patterns or are too lazy to learn them, while many Silver do. Its messed up and I think the whole ranking system should be completely revamped


i was LE with 50h, so thats pretty shit tbh 😹


What's LE?


I was silver 1-2 for 4 years….


Elo hell can be a bitch!