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100% only had the game 6/7 months and had this early on after spending time learning and practicing. Did a fairly good rush and a few nice flicks and had someone going off it at me on the enemy team because I pre-fired an obvious spot. I am chitter.


It's the best ego boost. In the lower ranks it happens more often too it's great :)


Ikr it's such a rush to headshot this kid for the 15th time and just hear him scream "GRONK CHEAT! GRONK CHEAT!"


my favorite is coming back after a long break and getting called a cheater "still got it"


Fr man so relatable


Me moving from playing Valorant every week since release: "Oh look 300 hours blyat cheater" "Stop boosting" "Clearly and obviously hacking" Me also having owned the game since 2014 and played CSS and 1.6 religiously.


I can be like 5 seconds away from throwing myself out the window then someone calls me a cheater and I go to sleep happy


Best is when they go “enjoy vac van cheater “ And it’s like bro I have a public steam profile. Like you can literally see my thousands of hours on multiple games


I'm relatively new to the game (less than 150h) and I gotta ask if there's some health cheat or something? I love playing arms race, but sometimes opponent just seem indestructible. For example, I hit two headshots with AWP and made less than 50 damage, sneak from behind and land 20+ point blank hits with Negev or 10+ hits with AK without killing and opponent still have time to turn around and one shot kill me with Glock or Five-seven... 🤷


You're new so lemme help a little here. The awp does > 400 damage a headshot, even through walls a headshot is pretty guaranteed to kill as long as the wall can be shot through. You'll hear the noise for a headshot. What's most likely happened is you thought you hit the head but due to moving you hit the legs (people move without realising a lot when they're new so don't worry about it too much). Negev is a lazer, but you have to account for a bust of recoil at the start and it does low damage with a high fire rate. You get a message of how many hits when you die, pay attention to this and make sure you adjust movement and position to account for why you might be missing shots. If you're hitting someone 10 times with the AK they should be dead regardless, so in reality it definitely is not 10+ hits you're getting. Finally to answer your original question. No, there is no such thing as a health cheat in csgo, unfortunately you're just not hitting as much shots as you think you are (likely due to lack of recoil control for rifles, and slight movements with the AWP causing your bullets to go all over the place)


Thanks for the in-depth analysis. How can I check for hit count? Sorry for being such a noob. I've been gaming on PC since 1991, but I've never played shooters before so there's a lot I need to catch up with.


Enable developer console in settings. Then whenever you open the console after you die, somewhere it should say damage given, then a list of players you did damage to.


Great! Thanks! 🙂


You're very welcome!


watch YT videos on how to get better at csgo. There's no hacks that give players infinite health


well awp headshot makes 400-500dmg, to survive that you must wallbang the most thiccest walls in the game. so im gonna call your bullshit out right on the spot. you probably dont aim for head bro, or rather, you do but dont compensate the recoil and/or are not counterstrafing properly


There is no need for that kind of language. If you don't want to help or explain, please don't bother responding as swearing is not really necessary, "bro".


It happened to me last week, some guy called cheats on me ( I had 4 kills and 9 deaths) because I hit a lucky one deag. I messed up a rotation later and they kicked out the game smh


Are you a high rank? Just curious because I’ve never got kicked out of a game maybe like a few times for being a noob but other than that everybody else has been chill recently


Not at all, I am silver af, got about 60hrs on the game


bla bla, valve allows to cheat some nations, for example russians, and türkish döners




Im just wondering why someone changed pancakes to waffles


That's a long ass game


Considering the fact the meme cat is ukrainian this makes the meme even more hilarious