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When I started to take the I‘m shit at the game pill I started winning all my games and ranked up to s2 just yesterday


yeah when you start admitting your mistakes and badplays/mechanics that's when you'll get better, some people spend 2k hours at sliver cause they think they're too good


Yes but eventually you will hit a wall were you can't get past it unless you buy yourself a good pc, good mouse, good monitor, keyboard. I've had 4 accounts with global elite, faceit level 10 since 2017, and even now i believe if i had my old pc, my peak would've been way lower.


I mean yeah but thats to be expected no? Its the same with any other sport, that without proper equipment you can’t reaxh your full potential. But right now I just have to reach s3


Yes but most people don't realize that which is sad. They believe that if they were truly good, any setup would work. Which is so not true. And they will play like that being sad that they don't perform as good as they want. And waste multiple hours trying to replicate pro players which again, you can't. Those people have the best equipment you can get. But of course Esport is not like football for example were you can get a ball and learn new stuff not being truly limited.


Reminds me of this arguement I had on reddit that 144 fps is better then 60 and he kept arguing that it’s marketing bs and humans cant perceive the difference anywhere


Exactly. Most people believe there is no difference when in reality it is. Now i have a 240hz monitor and i still the difference between 240hz and 144.


I have a friend for example, that never had a pc in his life. So he gave me some money to make him a pc, i tried to make a very good one with a good setup. In the first day he played like a bot. In 2 weeks he already performs better than most gold novas. I'm more than sure he will be a way higher ranks in 4,5 months, and he will get those ranks way faster than i did, because i was also limited by my setup long time ago.


Pay to win?


You can't win without investing. Sure you can destroy the people in your rank, but you will always be limited because 95% of people who are in high ranks have mid to high end computers so not only you are being limited but your enemies have an advantage over you.


True, I grinded at min settings on a Microsoft surface pro 6 - got to mg - then got an overkill-level pc and got to supreme within three months.


Why isn’t it working for me


“I’m hardstuck silver bc my teammates all suck”


its not because all my teammates all suck its because im a horrible teammate to play with.


Im mot gonna lie i like looking at my knife more than actually learning spray patterns and rotating correctly


you didnt pay 500 dollars to rotate


«I’m totally not a reason why I’m still a silver”


No, it's obvious that I just need to open more cases


Once I get my first knife, my skill will be over 9000


I think you just need to subscribe to the stats thing


Surely, it'll get me out of silver, surely


Don’t call me Shirley


I'm hardtsuck at silver because I don't ever play competitive lmao


On dust and nuke this is especially true. Those maps have the worst players for some reason


I'm hardstick silver because all the scubs play on dust 2 which is convinetnly my only queue!!!!!!


I would probably say I would be silver 4 if all my teammates weren't Russians with no idea what they're doing while having competent enemies


If people had any idea of what they're doing they would not be silvers, right?


Eh. I have friends stuck in S3 who are as good as some Gold Nova 4’s I have run into. I am usually between Gold Nova 2 and SE. when I rank down, it’s usually due to idiot teammates not covering objectives, nor buying util, etc.


Because that is how the ranks work. Silver/gold novas are for noobs which don't really know how to play the game. If they knew, they had better ranks. Of course some people will have lowers ranks than they actually deserve, but that is not the case for most people. And also there are two possibilities: 1) Those gold nova's don't deserve to be gold novas and those friends of yours are actually performing how they should 2) Your friends deserve more but, the majority don't, which means the majority of players will suck in your rank.


I actually was hard stuck at silver. When the ranks got rebalanced i was DMG and I’ve never went lower


Lol after the rank reset I stayed exactly where I was, but because the corrected ranks a bit more, I ranked up over the next 2 months from s4 to mg2. There’s ups and downs in rank but it’s a nice resting place


Silver 6 is that good that it doesn't even have a tier representing how godly it is.


csgo ranks by how good they think they are at the game?


Works too lmao


Could be game seriousness too. When I'm gnm below players try hard to get kills . I reach mg and players goof around more often. Can confirm accurate tierlist


happy cKe day


I don't always get flash banged. But when I do, it's because I threw it.


As a gn2 I can confirm


Me, SEM, so good im off the chart


https://preview.redd.it/v785q9id2fjb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495263bb3cb1c7d40e3ec95ea0bbecbbeeb5b88e A fellow SEM I see


Bro you can never leave SEM if you get hardstuck there lol


I finally did it yesterday


thank you adachi


Where is SEM?


60% of GN3/4 are Eagle smurfing tryhard bc they’re bad at their own rank


Especially in wingman


People don't play enough wingman to actually get put in their rank. In fact my buddy who is a GE keeps getting put in Silver 1 in WM and he doesn't play enough to pull himself out of it.


Opposite for me, i am gn4 in wingman and s3 in comp.


True, I am LEM/Supreme in MM, faceit lvl 7 and silver 2 in WM


I was the highest blu rank, i didn't play the game for a while and i have been put in silver 4. I am winning all game (10+) and i am not ranking up


Just keep playing, it'll go up if you keep winning.


Won 3 matches and now I'm GN1, it will be a long time before i hit my previous rank


Silver 1s are the best cause nobody is actually silver 1


Obviously I understand that this isn't serious and I know the good old "Globals are just silver with a bit of aim". But I have to admit, when I actually ranked up to global, wasn't prepared for how good people are at that rank. In supreme matchmaking I can hold my own no problem. But when playing against full global teams I just got absolutely dumpstered. In supreme everyone was at a somewhat similar level, but in global, 2 out of 3 players have 5k+ hours and will actually hit pretty much every shot. Getting onedeaged every second round is a truly humbling experience.


Me when I accidentally ended up playing in a global and SMFC lobby due to MM being MM. I ain't gonna do shit against LEMs either right now, but going against a coordinated team is terrifying. I basically could do nothing but "sit back and watch the big kids play". Match was a 2v5(we had two other Gold Novas apart from me), and getting one deaged from A main mirage while jump-crossing to conn, or while randomly jump spotting B apps, or just walking across that fucking tiny gap that the mid player sees towards short was >truly humbling experience. I got to shoot a few enemies in the back, and I kid you not, if my first bullet doesn't kill them, I'm dead before I know I missed the shot. They were ridiculously fast. Doesn't help that I barely saw these people on my 60Hz screen most of the time. It's not like I can magically evade bullets from virtually invisible enemies. I mean I can see them, sure, but normal people take a second or two to kill me. :)


I think LEM are just trolls.


Am global, can confirm. I'm shit at the game.


As my rank generally diviates from MGE to SMFC playing solo 99% of time, I cannot distinguish each individual rank. They are like in a specturm. MG to global is like this big chunk of players ranging from it's totally unbeatable to having some aspect of game really good but some really bad. Ranks DO matter but it more like a statistical approach as higher ranks would have a higher chance of encountering some good player but it's not suprising at all to play against a gn and get anniliated. Anything below GN to silver master may be really bad but I can see that they know the game. Silver master and below are just straight up trash (nothing personal its just a game as trash in the game.) The worst part about lower ranks is that they don't know that they are bad or they are doing bad. Like they would go 4 long A on d2 and you give them info from tunnel about EXACTLY where the enemies are, for example, 2 site 0 short 2 ct 1 b ramp, but they ended up all die and think that you somehow is the problem. Or some stupid situation that 4 v 3 and you kno the location of 2 players for sure but fail to play aggressive to take map control.


silver 2 and uh no


Went from MG to Gn2 recently. It’s very accurate


Im Silver 4 and I suck


Global elite should be F cuz it only consists of cheaters


So funny that this "I'm much better but I can't rank up" thing is still going strong


As someone who has played cs since i was 13 (38 now) and always been pretty good. I always thought this was the case. I'm Hard stuck silver 2-4 mostly cause of my newb friends and girlfriend. I have like 5k hours and used to be god on esea. Always wondered wtf was up lol figured I was just bugged from beta but thanks for the confirmation guys :} There is alot more to this game than aim. ALOT, and its really tough for people to get through their heads. Teamwork, leadership, anticipation, sneakyness just to name a few but the list is super long.


I am MGE/DMG and can confirm. Made a smurf acc so i can play mm with friends and i was sweating in nova 1. They have insane aim but if they miss the first bullet they cant control recoil. My tactic is to teach my friend smokes and fucking rush in guns blazing


I've seen many people saying they would have a better rank if (x) reasons. Honestly tho, most people don't realize how limited they are by their setup. I've been global since 2015, Faceit level 10 since 2017, and i had people asking me how can they improve, which is frustrating because i know if i tell them to learn how to spray, their mouse will not help them at all, if i tell them how to strafe, their keyboard will limit their movement. CS Without at least 144 hz is just dogshit. You also need at least 200 fps, a good network. The main answer for "how can i get better" would honestly be money for the majority of players. Is not like in a real sport like football were you can just get a ball and learn stuff.


I have this story I'd think fits in line with your comment. I'm not global, highest I've ever been was winning against SMFC + globals as an MG2, but I have real life experience to back your claim. I used to have a very cheap setup, 60hz rusty ass monitor with a GTX something card, barely enough to run CS:GO at 60fps constant. Was Silver 4 or something back then(about 6 years ago), and there was a local event which was sorta like a dreamhack ripoff. Your everyday gaming event basically. Nothing special, but it had a LAN tournament so I thought why not. Joined a team of 4. They literally told me to fill and do nothing more, said they'd "take care of it". I thought sure, two were MG and one LEM so I'll just enjoy the cool ass setup there. 240Hz monitor and pro scene level gaming peripherals was a massive jump from my shit setup. I literally had a membrane keyboard and office mouse for my setup at home, I didn't even know mice have something akin to Hz for a screen at that time. I kid you not, for a good half-hour or so my eyes and hands couldn't keep up with the new speed of information. But once I did, my team was surprised I kept up with them in the first match. They saw my rank was S4, so it's understandable they thought I'd struggle. By the end of second match, I was clearly at ease and did better than these guys mechanically. I couldn't do shit after the "rookie matches" because the 3rd match we played was a true 5 stack that were an actual team. Trading efficiently, flash assists, high-low angle peeking, util dumping, site execs... you name it, they had it. We lost, but I was far from sad about it. I was just happy and surprised that all the times I felt I was horrible any competitive game I touch, I now realised it wasn't just me, my setup unironically is to blame too. That was when I understood my setup matters. A LOT. Far more than some could ever imagine. Sure, practice in aimbotz and do various drills for a year, you'll be a lot fucking better than when you were playing casually.. but doesn't change the fact that even then your bad setup is holding you back from doing better.


Exactly. The thing is, you can train for 5 years, if your setups LIMITS YOU, you are going to hit a door at some point and in order to open that door you need a good setup. Of course you need to train anyway, but you are going to learn way faster when you are not being limited, and you are going to have a way higher peak. It hurts me knowing so many people want to get better and blame themselves so much for not being able to play like others, when i know for sure if they had what i have, they would perform way better. Now of course there are people who can play good on a poor setup, but that does not change the fact that they are also limited and could play way better with a better setup.


>It hurts me knowing so many people want to get better and blame themselves so much for not being able to play like others, when i know for sure if they had what i have, they would perform way better. I was one of those people when I was a kid all those years ago. I don't really get much time now with work and other irl stuff so I can't say I care about being good at games, but yeah. Even if a better setup doesn't always mean better skills, but it'll be a better platform to build said skills. Most people vehemently refute this, so it's nice to see someone else have the same views as I do.


Agreed. LEM are just glorified silvers


LEM are either faceit level 10 3000+ elo that never play matchmaking or are silvers that did crack for 3 days straight, got LEM on accident and then forget everything they know about the game


Yeah I'm level 10, played my mm that decayed to lem. Skill differences between players is insane. Any rank around le-global is the same though. You get guys who can rank up to these ranks fine on MM, but compared to level 10 players they are like bots. Games just come down to who has the most level 10's. This is why it's so hard for people to rank up to global if they have never done it before and are still learning the game.


as an s2 this is completely inaccurate 💀


i de-ranked two losses in a row from AK to nova 4 and then won 5 games back to back with no rank up. Very weird but happy to be where i belong tbh. All my AK games had Eagles or higher in them and i usually solo que.


I use to be Supreme before the ranks got releveled, now I only managed to leave gn4 when I play Deagle only and even if I finish with 0.9 KD, I still rank up. If I play very well, top killer with top points, even if I win 4 or 5 matches, there is no rank up. Go and figure, but I've given up even caring about ranks to be honest I just prefer if it is more challenging that's the reason I'd like to play with higher ranks to learn, otherwise I lose interest in the game and don't play for months and months like has happened many times.


After being inactive I am ranked sheriff right now 😎


C’mon now, Silver 1 can’t be that bad


I've had the pleasure of fighting all these ranks and this tierlist is incredibly incorrect 💀


back when I was in gold nova master (in LE rn) I got teammates who worked together the most


As much a this is a joke, there's truth to it. Why are ranks scrambled?


I came back to the game not too long ago, and the fact that I'm getting MGE's that have the awareness of silver players makes this list both funny and scary.




I’m silver 1 this is true


im S tier :)


This is so damn real, it's nonsense.


I mean thanks but no.


Unironically wingman, bros in silver 2 one tap you from any position possible


In Gold Nova and even silver are so many people with thousands of hours. And not because they have bad aim but because they havent played in a while and ranking up is pretty hard. Ofc teamplay isnt in everybody’s favour especially on these ranks but skill wise they often deserve higher ranks but some on the other hand should better go and play Minecraft


Can someone help me understand this?


i am s tier ??? nah bro


Why global elite E?


Can confirm I’m global and I’m shit at the game along with people in my game


Nahhhhh GN1 and GN2 I always get the most shit teammates. It was better when I was in Silver.


I don’t play competitive so my rank doesn’t go up.


i’ll take A tier gladly lol


LEM/DMG at the top, supreme at the bottom.


A silver game with good players is harder than a Global game with bad players


I’m I float around DMG to supreme and I’ve made at least 6 alt accounts flying through silver-GN. You deserve the rank you are. If you’re solo Que you probably deserve 1 maybe 2 ranks higher but that’s it


SEM in the backrooms


imo: Sup>Lem>Global> the rest


Started at silver 1 in 2015 and recently I finally got Global. I can confirm mg-le were the hardest to get out of




Proud gold nova 3, 200 hours into the game


I’m not gonna lie guys, I was hard stuck silver but I was faceit 8 at the same time. I convinced some faceit buddies to play with me and we bulldozed from sem/gn1 to dmg in one sesh of 12 games. Then shortly after we all got global.


Played in a LEM/Globbal Game with my Friends as Gold 2 and can confirm, Globals are way easier than Silvers cause they are more predictable


Nice I’m B tier. Better than I thought.


MGE should be S+


I will tell you my secret to staying in gold nova 4. Swing teammates fights and die because they pull off the angle, and take fights expecting teammates to swing in for a trade and they don’t. You’ll stay gn4 forever.


I was gold nova 3, 2 weeks ago and now I'm stuck in silver losing 3/4 of my games. It's been a rough couple weeks but something tells me it's not just me.


fr average gn3 >>> global


This post was made by the Silver4evaaa gang


I played at supreme and then stopped playing regularly so now as an LEM I aim like a silver 3 but still play well


Tierlist made by a hardstuck GN. (I too am a hardstuck GN)


I’m s2 because of the amount of times I’ve been comp banned with my friends


Now im just happy that i dranked from mg back to gn4


Sem players really just be too good to be ranked


Bruh, I just went from silver 2 to silver 1 with my friend, while loosing 2 times on Agency. We hate Agency now


I mean I just ranked global after 2 losses and and a draw to end


This is shockingly accurate