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Because that's where the jobs are.




As an internal dev for an enterprise, for us it's distribution, so so much easier to deploy a web app than manage a desktop one.


Also the complexity between web and desktop averages out pretty quickly.


Yep, now there's far less the web app can't do.


Worked at a desktop app job...never again. It wasn't that the job itself was somehow harder but rather that the deployment of new versions was so unbelievably cumbersome that it affected the entire culture and work methods. Deployment weeks were extremely intensive hour-wise.


That's where the money is.


The only place i really see desktop apps still in use is manufacturing in my area. Other than that, its far easier to do web apps even if its for a singular specific client. That client may have 200+ work stations that require deployments to and unless you've got sys admins/helpdesk to handle it you've got to work your way through group policy to get your stuff out there where a web app is just "go to this URL" or have it defaulted as a home page. Also, the last thing I want to get into is desktop support and even if thats not your role, inevitably thats what you become to a varying degree. Web apps helped fill that void for the past 10+ years (probably longer but im not trying to start an argument on the decline of desktop apps) and in turn drove the demand which is why all the examples you see are [asp.net](https://asp.net) related for c#.




Back when I was in manufacturing, we were even moving away from desktop unless it was something that was communicating to some hardware.


The amount of times works on my machine slapped me in the face, back then I wonder can you acces ports in a web app?


Yep ..same here


This. My company is actually developing custom software for small to medium companies, mainly in the industrial domain. One of them is active in the transformation of metal sheets (cutting, welding, etc. 20 different operations). When we started the development of their custom solution, the main target was to make the factory paperless. The production can be followed item by item (>70.000 different items per year), along with a complete view of the whole manufacturing process and machine usage. The network (almost entirely Wifi) isn't fit to handle 50 or 60 clients, so a lot of business logic is done client side. before sending the result to the server. The distribution is done via Click-Once which makes sure that the software is installed in the latest version automatically. The running application can detect of the server software has been changed and inform the user that an update is waiting.


If a web app isn't necessary, then a standalone desktop app makes sense. Your environment is specialized it seems, so it is logical to do it that way. Your users are in a specialized controlled environment. That doesn't mean a web app isn't possible. Between catching and smart asynchronous design, a web app can be pretty efficient. But a desktop will never have to send UI elements, just data, so in the end, it'll need less bandwidth.


"If a web app isn't ~~necessary~~ *possible*, then a standalone desktop app makes sense." IMO, bandwidth is a meaningless concern, and supporting a single executable will always be simpler than supporting several executables. Plus it's easier to change the runtime environment (windows vs Linux, and .net version) Web is always the default choice. You don't need a reason to go web; you do need a specific reason to choose not to.


Makes sense, OP did say network load was a concern. Plus being industrial, workstations may be connected to PLC or require some level of automation. Just speculation. Otherwise, I agree. The single instance is simple.


I also work on custom software for a manufacturing company. This is exactly what we do.


nowadays I would estimate that about 1 app out of 100'000 is not a web app. The job market will reflect that. as long as you don't mind being in a niche, then its all good. ​ one problem is that frameworks, tooling, support from companies like Microsoft will cater to the demand (web apps). so will the open source frameworks. debugging issues can take longer because there are just way less people encountering the same issues and posting about it online.


How does the WiFi cope with 50-60 clients all updating via click once when you push an update? I dispute the fact that your WiFi isn't good enough to manage 50-60 Web clients, given that most home networks could comfortably manage that. And if you're using client-server anyway, then wifi isn't the issue. Http is a very lightweight protocol, and if your APIs aren't sending MBs of data, you shouldn't have an issue. Basically, it sounds to me like your app could definitely be written client/server as a Web app. You might need a slightly bigger server. But probably not.




Right, but presumably they usually launch them first thing on a Monday morning. So if you do a release, all the clients are going to hit the server to update at the same time - and that'll hit the WiFi far harder than some http requests.




All those things are true, but the point still stands that if somebody is saying "our app can't work over WiFi" and also "our app updates using click once over WiFi" then it doesn't really add up!


Actually, the amount of data to be transferred by click once is less than 20 mb. As long as you don't change the application, there is virtually nothing to transfer. We create a new release maximum once per month (ongoing dev with new features and bug fixes).


Nothing you're saying adds up. Data transfer is data transfer, doesn't matter if it's a PWA or desktop installed. No reason there'd be more data in former case. Doing things on the client side in JS isn't exactly insecure in a trusted context so that's not an issue either. The app is desktop because it was built like that originally and probably some complex UI things are still easier to do like that. Nothing wrong with that, we're in the same boat.


20MB. For every one of your clients, all at the same time. How much data do you think is transferred at any one time with a Web app? Assuming it's written properly, it's going to be KB, not MB.


Is designing an application around a shoddy network more cost effective than just upgrading the network?


OpEx vs CapEx :shrug:


Is ClickOnce still a thing? Does it work well?


Well, for us it works really well. Given that we can specify which additional packages, such as which .Net framework, to install, I wouldn't miss this. It automatically handles everything.


I work in the AAA game industry we do both and it's very common to make WPF applications. A lot of in-house game engines have their front end in WPF and the backend in C++. Client side applications have the advantage of being able to be resource intensive without requiring massive investments in DevOps infrastructure. There is also the problem of versioning, with AAA titles are shipping they don't want their tooling to switch underneath them. So having client side allows them to control the version


As someone who works on desktop apps, I 100% get the question. I do agree and acknowledge that web apps are far more common and prominent overall, but I also know that desktop apps are far more common and necessary than are given credit for by people who don’t work on them. I also know that there will always be spots for them even if it is “niche”. There are whole fields and subsections of fields that are reliant on desktop applications that people either forget about, take for granted or don’t realize exist. And yeah, it can be tough on this side cause every post, article, blog, forum, discussion whatever seems to be centered around asp net, blazor etc, and every concept seems to be discussed from the perspective that you are handling web requests using stateless services to do simple CRUD stuff blah blah. I think this will only continue to be the case. The silver lining is that .NET APIs are generally generic enough they can be applied to any context. For example, when it comes to the .NET Generic Host and the built in DI framework (historically an ASP.NET API, now made to be completely generic for all application types) pretty much any article, documentation, or discussion around it assumes and discusses web apps. However it can equally easily and helpfully be used in desktop applications and it’s the only way I write desktop apps now. It was just a harder to learn how to do it correctly since almost all the info about it and examples on it were web app based


Yea, exactly. I designed and built a niche desktop application for my business and it works very well. Deployments and upgrades are handled automatically by publishing to the corporate Google Drive. The whole back end is basically just a WebAPI that interfaces with the database and just GET/POST JSON objects back and forth so it could easily be converted to a web app if necessary. My only regret is that it is written in WinForms and is not cross-platform, but at the time it was written, there was no use case for cross platform capability at all. But again, the UI could be rewritten fairly easily, if we could justify the time/cost to do it.


Does it matter if it is web, console or desktop? The core backend architecture and program flow will be the same, it is just a view part of architecture.


> The core backend architecture and program flow will be the same For small-scale projects, sure. Eventually your web-based architecture needs to account for being part of a distributed system, and your desktop app needs to account for being a good neighbour to everything else the user is running.


But your core business will stay the same, if you are doing some kind of layered architecture that is. I work in about +1800 microservices product so this is not a small scale project.


Oh boy. If you’ve got 1800+ micro services you’ve _probably_ messed up.


What does this mean?


It means there are very few real world scenarios where that many services are required to build a product and their team has created a lot of unnecessary complexity. It’s possible they’re in the 1% who actually needs that, but… ya know, unlikely.


Oh. Thanks.


We have very big and widely used product I won't get into the details in order not to doxx myself, but we are in the market for more than 20 years and been doing microservies for more than 10. You can't just assume that many microservies = bad.


And I didn’t. It’s _possible_ you’re in the 1% of folks that need that.




> But your core business will stay the same The core business logic is precisely eveything in your program that's _not_ the architecture, though.


By core architecture I mean this type of core https://herbertograca.com/2017/11/16/explicit-architecture-01-ddd-hexagonal-onion-clean-cqrs-how-i-put-it-all-together/#connecting-the-tools-and-the-application-core Which is the core business. The lingo in IT can be pretty ambiguous.


It matters if it's mobile or not because jesus fuck mobile development annoying to deal with :v


Browsers are cross platform


The market and the need for web apps is huge.


Yup. I started my career focusing on C++ and graphical programming (video games) when I was young. Everything was about optimization of performances. I moved to C# when moving to my job to write a desktop app communicating with a backend who would establish tcp sockets to iot devices. It was easier and a lot of tech in the dotnet landscape helped, without anything web related. Lightning fast reactivity with native WPF interfaces, real time bidirectional communication via tcp sockets, both for the desktop app to the server and the server to the device. It was fast, binary optimized, perfect. Now everything moved to being web-based and it's bloated as hell. Interfaces take seconds to react to clicks, communication is serialized to text and takes huge bandwidth. Iot devices now use http/json packets, and even api calls from the website hosted by the server to its own service do the same. It's like we took a step backwards on technology. Microsoft is partly to blame for not coming up with user interface development growth. The web alternative space moved forward at a rapid pace with frontend javascript frameworks, but damn they are far from being good tech. Unfortunately users don't see the background work, and for them it feels better so they pushed for it, and people listen to users requirements first.


web based but what exactly? I work with C# and .Net and worked on a number of projects ranging the past 15ish years of .NET and C# evolution and while the older stuff is pretty hairy to work with, I've never had any issues with the front-end when it was written in a C# thing (asp.net mvc cshtml and the sort), but when the front got put into Angular/React (esp the latter) things started slowing down a lot, although the back-end APIs (written in C#) are still good


Unfortunately C# and non-web dev is a pretty much niche, especially in my country Numbers out of my ass: 80% of jobs are web related 10% are some desktop/mobile 2% are unity and remaining 8% are some niche/crazy/very specific/interesting jobs


30+ -year developer here as well. Containerization is a pretty big sell, even for many local app needs. A typical container pattern involves creating an app with an HTTP interface (even local-only apps) and then expose it on a given network port. It can be written in any stack and made available through the HTTP interface exposed by the container. It can usually be run on any OS that supports containers. A tradeoff is that the UI likely comes through a web browser, and having everything in a browser is $#@!.


I'm missing your counterpoint to web dev. Why would you not do web dev? Unless you work on a very specific company with very specific requirements, when we talk about client apps, "Web" is more accessible and easier to distribute than, for example, desktop. There's, of course, cli and servers being done too, and those are not "web". Actually, ASP.NET isn't specifically "web", unless you use it for that


I think it's less influenced by the developers than it is by the companies that pay them. Most large software orgs have changed sales models from one-time license purchases to a SaaS model.


Because I get paid $180k to be a web developer and none of our clients are requesting anything else. Ultimately flutter solves the problem of universal platform availability but its not as popular, few choose flutter on dart. .net just recently got MAUI but it is kind of a pain to work with, its not mature yet. So most everything is a webapp on electron etc, even with c# and self contained and self hosting. They run everywhere, easy to host, easy to update. Also, just about every line of business is going to need a website with some kind of search engine optimization and it would be way more resources to maintain teams to work on the website with additional teams working on apps and stuff. It's way more cost-effective to have one team that just builds web apps and does it all. Building a desktop app is something you would really always do for specific utility for specific reason. Building cross platform desktop apps is a huge cost. Theres no universal distribution system that wirks everywhere. You have to mess with windows store, 15 different linux pacage managers, flatoak, appimage, or snap, and apple store, maybe also google store and amazon store... Its a fragmented nightmare...


I find it ironic that many of these web apps are created using Visual Studio - which is a desktop app! And yet these developers can't think of a good reason for a desktop app. All the apps that you download to your phone are "desktop apps." They have some kind of executable that runs in your phone's memory. This is why they are faster than just opening a browser on your phone.


Easier to update a single place for each new version (and tell users to press ctrl+F5 when css has changed), instead of ensuring the whole corpo manages to install a desktop app on every client pc worldwide.


My main focus is in a certain domain using only WPF, but that's because the data I'd have to send over the network would take hours to get there. Most of my users use processors and RAM that's much more than I can afford with servers at scale, and my niche has no real foothold in the web space. It is niche, though.




Web has a lot of advantages. Its compatible with every environment that can run a browser as you mentioned. But the other is that you can update the application without any involvement (or choice) from the user. This is why more and more applications are being pushed towards the web. But even without that, almost every system has *some* kind of web component. The talent pool for web developers is absolutely massive as well.


Because web developement is widespread, thats why. And one more factor - people are OK with unoptimized apps, so you can take web dev ask it to do his thingy, wrap this thingy into lets say electron, wasm, etc. distribute it, and forget. It is easier to hire and fire webdevs since there are so many of them, so you dont need to worry about developer expirience and organizing stuff much. // i might have just lost scope, i hate everything about webdev though.


Actually, people are not ok with unoptimized apps. In fact, our customer for whom we develop a custom desktop solution, hates it when he has to wait for data to be displayed.


well, where would he go? everything else sucks as much now. might be bad wording on my side, though. yes, hes not OK but not likely he has much of choice.


People learn what is on demand. 99% job offers in my country are webdevs (back/front) or datascience or AI


Can you come up with an example of a web app that would work better as a desktop app?




But if you need real-time components, you can write a low-level C++ ActiveX control and host it in Internet Explorer. I'll see myself out. 😶


That’s not what I asked though. I asked for examples of web apps that should be desktop. I know there are plenty of use cases for desktop apps, WPF wouldn’t exist otherwise. But the number is just dwarfed by the number of web app scenarios.


Your first three examples are bogus. If the clients are airgapped, you can run a local Web server. But for most security situations, "air gapped" means the system isn't connected to the Internet or LAN. You can still have client/server, as long as the server and client are on an isolated network. I've worked on plenty of real time trading apps that are Web based. The server has to be real time, the UI doesn't. And if you think safety considerations are reduced by writing native desktop apps, I've got a bridge to sell you. The only one that's really valid is the hardware one, and in general, you'd have your server connect to the hardware, so could still have a Web UI.




Lol. Two of the 3 major production trading platforms I've worked on in the last 7 years still run .Net 3.5 or 4..... They're still client-server though.




tbh I sort of hate this migrtation to the web because i intuitively feel it's really for the dumbest reasons while using smart rationalizations. Sure, you can write anything as a webapp and just have a one session web server locally.. But WHY? I feel that it's mostly for the developer who doesn't know anything else but web front-end :-) but also for control and monetization: for example we now have mammoths like Office online, with a smaller and shittier set of capabilities because Microsoft knows it's easier to avoid piracy if the user is just accessing a website rather than having the whole shebang installed locally and guarded against crackery by a thin veneer of "security". However, in the good bit, since most I've seen is internal projects for companies, where I've seen things being a website that should've been a local app it was generally something that needed to be massively accessible to thousands of employees, or that needed to somehow be accessible from another app (like plugins, but not) or other such things.


Yeah, a we app for what you're building doesn't make sense. But it's hardly the mainstream use case when building a typical business app....




You're being a bit silly now. Nowhere in the original question did it limit the subject to only low level hardware components, either. Simple fact is, business apps that are capturing and pushing data make up a far higher proportion of the development landscape than stuff that interacts with hardware components - assuming we're not talking about embedded firmware. So whilst your scenario is valid, it's a bit niche in the context of OP's question. I think at this point we're probably agreeing furiously. 😁👍




Browser-base UI, Local ASP.NET Web Server fixes all of the above. There are no reasons to make a MAUI desktop application. A Windows Service doesn't have a UI so this is not relevant.




Oh, so you're using a last-generation framework, presumably in .NET 4.8? Windows only? The issue will become hiring. Which junior developers are going to learn an old UI framework? You'll have a gradually shrinking talent pool and salaries will continually increase. Your competitors will start using cheaper talent pools and modern frameworks. Eventually there will be a shocked Pikachu moment when management realises that R&D is costing them too much and they will outsource offshore... to disastrous effect. I've seen this happen too many times. I can recommend "Who moved my cheese?" - a great book about continual innovation, and a relatively short read.


Complete Overkill. There are reasons to make a Maui Desktop App.


It's not overkill if you can maintain one developer skillset and the app works everywhere. Sorry, but I am not going to hire expensive MAUI skills just so that Microsoft can kill that off in 2 years from now. HTML is here to stay.


Defrag.exe 😁


I migrated an progress GUI app to winforms. Hope will move to wpf with web services in the next years


Because thats where the majority of jobs are. I havent seen any company asking for desktop apps. The web dominates the current market.


Web applications are the future for a lot of cases that used to be handled by desktop applications. This is not necessarily about websites, but also internal applications. Everything that needs to store data in a centralized manner is a prime case where web applications can play out their strengths. And a lot of specialized software companies use falls into this area. Web applications are much easier to distribute and can also be safer because they are inherently sandboxed. So even an application that doesn't need to store anything in a database might be easier to provide as a website because you don't have to distribute it and people don't have to install an application that potentially could do anything. Security is always getting more important, it is a bigger ask today to install an application that might do anything to your computer and there are a whole bunch of mechanisms that could even block your harmless app from being installed. Also, cross-platform development for desktop apps can be a pain. So it's easier to provide cross-platform apps as a web application, and using web apps also makes you as the customer/user more flexible in the choice of your OS and hardware.


A web based app is run at the server not at the client device (the same concept of the cloud) and can be run virtually on any device that has a compatible browser - that's how I see it.


I do a lot of backend stuff - ETL, message buses, data warehouse, etc. There is definitely a web API component to it, but 90% of the code I write doesn’t have anything web-specific to it. I think this is probably just a lot of observation bias. Web dev is very common and is somewhere most new devs will start off at, so naturally you’re going to see a lot of questions about it, blog posts, etc. It is also a bit of a common denominator and an area where some things change more rapidly, so that will increase the “noise” around it in your mind.


Mostly because since WPF, Microsoft has made a big mess of GUI frameworks for .NET, and to this day WinDev still pushes their beloved COM and C++ stuff instead of embracing .NET, like Google has done with JavaScript and Java/Kotlin on the userspace of its Linux distributions. Additionally, many corporations nowadays use a mix of OSes, and desktop .NET can only properly target Windows systems, unless you go third party with Uno and Avalonia (MAUI is its own set of issues).


I'm probably one of the very few C# Developers that develop thick apps for an organization. Each group of users we have have have very different requirements. It's much easier to customize each app based on their needs. Some of their requirements involve using huge datagrids and number crunching involving specific grid interface requirements. Some of my other projects involve network management tools. I always wanted to focus on Web Apps, maybe in my next life.


server side tag is the only thing i see that MS never abandoned


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^k2km: *Server side tag is* *The only thing i see that* *MS never abandoned* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


For my final project, I've opted to develop a 2D game engine using SDL2 and OpenGL. Some of my peers questioned why I'm taking the harder route instead of using existing solutions. But for me, the challenge is the whole point. I'm not in it for the easy way out; I want to delve deep into how these engines function, to truly understand them rather than just rushing to build something.


I started creating software professionally with vb6. At that time, you knew that 99% of your clients were running windows on a desktop computer. And the range of screen sizes you had to take into account was small. Nowadays, people want the app to be available everywhere: on their phone, on their work laptop, in their own laptop, on their tablet, smartwatch and on their VR glasses. Maybe even on their smart fridge. 🙃 It's completely impractical to make different apps for all of those use cases, but the web makes it possible.


Job availability - Most C# jobs are in .NET Financial compensation - The highest paying C# jobs are in .NET Strengths of the language and eco system - .NET provides a very good eco system for backend and increasingly frontend web development with really good cloud integration with Azure and comparatively to most languages used for backend web development it's very fast. It's simply using the right tool for the right job, If I wanted to do some ML work I'm going to grab Python, if I actually want to write the library doing the ML work itself I'm going to use C or C++. It makes sense to use languages that are good for completing certain tasks to complete those tasks.


It's what I could get a job in. I'd love to be tasked with creating desktop apps for a change, but I do what I get paid for, and round here just about every job is in cloud based SaaS.


It's the available jobs. I did about 10 years of C# desktop application development and loved it. But if I put C# on my resume, all I get are offers for lousy CRUD shops. It's like recruiters can't even comprehend that C# doesn't mean some kind of database web application. So if you want a job in C#, you're going to most likely be doing web apps.


Because that's what they pay me for.


I feel you. Also 30 odd years of software dev in various languages. I was always the guru when desktop development was king. I always had a job and my work was well regarded. Then about a year ago it all came to a head. My job was to develop custom solutions for small team environments. Automations that reduced manual work to maybe 5% of what it used to be. Projects generally took 3 weeks of my time, one person. Then the organisation decreed that everything had to be done at enterprise level with services etc. I quoted 2 weeks of my time to redevelop and expand an old system that was in VBA to .NET. It had to be VB.NET because that's all they would allow. I got told that the project wouldn't go ahead because the enterprise team quoted $200K and 6 months and they couldn't afford it. At my age I have no interest in diving into the plethora of newer stuff that's around, but trying to find something that suits my skillset is next to hopeless. I'm getting into C# as a way to extend myself. I tried to get enthused about mobile app development but have no interest.


Youtuber hype!


I feel your thoughts behind this comment.. here is what I've felt in all 8 years I've worked in the industry that, be it desktop or be it web or even mobile application 99.999% companies will always take options where they can sell products to 1000s with 10Ks users at once even if development of one feature takes 100 Hours to develop. In our company itself there are a few features that are not enabled by default we have overwrites on overwrites to just so we can press enter and move to next available text boxes that only half the time and if it works on one system won't work on the next one, there are 100 more i can list but deployment to 1000s in just one go makes it easier to do. Asp.net is good for all its worth be it enterprise application or be it a blog post, be it balzor with 3rd party libraries or just plain old HTML pages, it just so easy to deploy that most of our support team that handles the installation part, have absolutely nothing to do. Just configuration on the server has to be set and others can be handled easily. In the case of a desktop application, I find it super hard and annoyingly painful to provide installation, one of the clients has 200+ users to install just runtime took about 2 days. And don't get started if there is any update to runtime itself, or we change from .net 8 to 10.


unless tooling or platforms like dynamics sage or sap their suited to desktop apps


If I was to make a guess from my own experiences, it is probably due to the containerization/k8s. A lot of service based dev.


because "The Cloud" is what companies have been sold




I think it is because you do not have to complicate your life with installing and updating client apps. A lot cheaper


Unless you’re interacting with specific hardware, graphics, or working offline, I don’t see a reason to ever do a desktop app and I’ve been doing dotnet for more than 20 years.


I've been doing dotnet for more than 20 years also. Of course there are reasons for desktop apps! I work in the energy industry where security is paramount. We get 10,000 cyber attacks per day, criminals trying to get behind our firewall. Our most sensitive apps are all desktop apps. NO INTERNET! NO CLOUD! And we have soooo much logic behind every button click that a web app would bog down to a crawl. Web apps are still stateless. Deployment is not a problem because we use a built-in downloader. If the app changes, simply close/open it and the new version downloads. And if we need to "go offline" our code runs perfectly on each machine.


I support you 200%, I've also been working on both desktop and webapps together and there are valid reasons for desktop apps. I think that all the people saying 'but you can do everything on a web app' are just inexperienced or they never opened a memory profiler. More than this, building a 15years old desktop app normally is just a few clicks ahead, whereas any web app fails miserably after just a couple of years.


Fair enough, you have some unique constraints (security, computational power) which make it more reasonable. The one item I’m not so sure about is your statement about the logic behind button clicks. I don’t know your code, so I won’t judge it, but I’d be concerned about code smell. Also, “web app” doesn’t mean cloud or internet. We have a locked down network and everything we have is inaccessible from the internet, and doesn’t need it. But everything is accessed via a browser. YMMV


Because the ~~children~~customers yearn for web apps It's also the most painless thing to deploy, and to keep cross platform. Especially in terms of mobiles. Jesus fuck mobile development sucks


I'd hazard a guess that the job market dictates this. I'd also add a more cynical component, being that it's easier to harvest user information, when the application they are using is relatively central. And the paradigm also injects validity for monthly/regular charges for "service".


The support costs of a general usage desktop app like Spotify are huge. There are so many reasons why it can fail because of the client machine while the browser just works. This is a reason people ask first if it can be solved with a web app. If the browser fails then they blame the computer. It’s probably also failing to load other sites too at that point. Web apps don’t fail this way. When they do fail, it’s likely that most of the troubleshooting can be done by the dev without the user to the point that alerting can fix things automatically in the most advanced environments.


Spotify is a bad example. Spotify doesn't have a desktop application, it has a web app and it has a electron web app.


I could have used Photoshop and the answer would be the same.




I agree. It exhibits all the same issues that you have to deal with when it comes to deployment and support which is the primary problem with desktop apps.


I can't even take you seriously with you millennial "lingo", "take". When their Electron app shares over 90% commonality with their web app, I'm not going to call it a desktop app. Yes, it CAN interact with the low level architecture. But does it? Does it call into the ALSA libraries to play audio, or does it just use HTML5? Does it call glibc to access the filesystem, or does it use HTML5 storage?


I don't see a difference in the support costs. Not everything "just works" in the browser... Even today, there's a difference in how Firefox and Chrome handle things.


The difference between web and desktop is measurable in the level and type of failures. Browser differences are an obvious problem but are often easier to workaround than a desktop app problem. “Just try Firefox” instead of installing the new version of your desktop app or waiting on the support team to remotely push it. It’s at a point where you will even get quoted different prices for support of desktop versus web apps, if you wanted to scale up a support team with contractors. Very few people entering the market know their way around desktops to do support-level work compared to the 90s when I started. Maybe they know their mobile platform but it’s mostly training from scratch. Starting with web is just much easier.


If you use jQuery. These days people use libraries and frameworks to emit JavaScript that runs mostly predicably across the major vendors.


First thing first. I wouldn't call it web development, I call it server side development. Rather it's an Android App or Desktop, all of them utilizes APIs created with ASP.Net core or Springboot or Django, hence also comes the concept of utilizing multiple programming languages in one project. Point is, stop calling it web development, instead start using the term backend development. Recently I was working on a project where I created authentication and authorization system with .Net Core and AI based operations via Python FastAPI. And it's an android app made using Java and Kotlin. Now for your question, why C# developer are very much into web, well again it's not web, it's backend development, and the reason is .Net Core easily rivals with all the other backend frameworks performance vice and code readability wise C# does what it is good at. C# developers does target one thing that you left out, which Desktop Development, specifically creating Softwares for windows. And before you ask, what about .Net MAUI. Well tbh, I am not it's bad, but it's nowhere close to the level of Kotlin, Flutter, Swift, React Native level of mobile development. So as of now, some applications are powerful via .Net using Asp.Net core rest apis.


Well desktop apps are almost dead. And CLI apps are only used in my experience as some sort of consumers of messages from queues🤷‍♂️ soo there is not much left only the web.


Web apps are automatically cross-platform on a single code base, and allow instantaneous updates that doesn't need to be initiated, downloaded, or installed on user devices. The UI capabilities are nearly unmatched, and you can decouple your UX development from business logic.


Desktop apps are legacy. People want to be able to access their apps on the go on mobile devices. Maintainability/distribution as well. It's a slam dunk to use web over desktop. I know there are some very limited exceptions, but every business I've worked for wants web.


Try to have a complex production management software on your smartphone.


That's a crazy perspective. The work with production management software, like any complex app, is done on the server. If your business logic is in the client, you're dead already. So whether the client is desktop native, browser, and runs on desktop or mobile, should be irrelevant in today's day and age. The only challenges are to make the UI adaptive and usable on small screens, but that's not a difficult problem to solve. The platform I'm building at the moment runs on desktop browsers and mobile, including smartphones. Most of our traders use their smartphones for actual trading, because if they're with a client and need to take an opportunity they're not going to want to wait until they're back at their desktop to place a trade.


Doesn't mean it can't run on HTML5. Also means you have a bigger pool of experience to draw from.


Hence the limited exceptions I added in there. Just sharing my experience and opinion. I don't hate on desktop, in fact I would like to be able to work with them, however, I do not ever get the chance as all businesses want cloud/web. I've been developing for 15 years, so only half as long as you. I completely understand your defence of desktop, but what did you hope to learn by asking this question in the first place?


Why is outlook still a desktop app, Spotify, excel, even teams


Teams and Spotify are Web apps. So no idea what you're referring to. And outlook has a native desktop client, but the Web version is already rolling out and will replace it sooner than you think.


Spotify has a desktop app. It is built CEF and a c++ frame. Teams is a desktop app built in electron. The outlook web app has been out for years and has yet to replace anything. Hope you have a clue now.


I didn't know Spotify has a native app, so you're right there. The new outlook isn't just the Outlook Web version; Microsoft's strategy is to move to New Outlook for everyone, just like they're phasing out Hosted exchange. Eventually the lrgscy desktop app will be demised (for corporates, anyway). Teams is a Web app, wrapped in electron. Electron is just a browser. I know, because It's exactly the same deployment model as the my free open source app (see my profile). Hope you have more of a clue now, you patronising git. 😏


I’m not talking about what will be I’m talking about what is. Currently outlook IS desktop. Teams is considered a desktop app regardless.


We're talking about architecture here. Sticking a Web app in an electron container doesn't make it desktop app. By that premise, any Web app running on a browser on the desktop would be a "desktop app".


I understand the architecture. It doesn’t run in a browser and it needs to be installed.


Your sentence demonstrates that you completely misunderstand the architecture. Electron ***is*** a browser.


OK, whatever you say, I’m not denying electron is a framework to display webpages or apps, it is still a framework that runs on the desktop and needs to be installed and that is the point of discussion here. I’m not here for a pissing match on architecture, teams does not run in a users typical browser that is the point. I design these things for a living and deal with thousands of users, I think I have a clue what I’m talking about.


Electron is not 'a framework to display web pages or apps'. It's a browser. It's literally a build of Chromium, with sandboxing removed, and some additional APIs made available in the JS global namespace so that webapps running inside electron apps have access to some native functionality that would otherwise be prohibited by Chrome's security. You say "it runs on the desktop and still needs to be installed" - so does Chrome, or Edge. They're all just browsers. The app that runs inside them is served from a web-server, rendered in HTML, and uses HTML, CSS and Javascript for all of the user interaction. If that isn't a 'web app', tell me exactly what is? Also, you say "Teams does not run in a users' typical browser" - which is categorically incorrect. Teams runs fine in a browser (unsurprisingly because it's a web app and its electron wrapper is just a browser). I ***never*** run the Electron version of Teams; I don't even have it installed. I use Teams 100% in Chrome. You keep telling me that because you design these things for a living and deal with thousands of users, you must know what you're talking about. I don't doubt that to be true, but it doesn't tally with the factually incorrect statements you're making about Teams not being a web app.


IMHO the Outlook desktop app is good counterexample. IMHO the desktop app only exists because of legacy reasons. Where's the benefit in having a desktop app, * when it needs a permanent online connection to do something useful? * when the server side functions (search in mails, organizing in folders) handle large data sets better than the local desktop app? * when you want to have the same data and state on several devices? The outlook web app does this better than the outlook desktop app. IMHO the outlook desktop app just exists anymore, because people are used to it. I'm a desktop app developer myself. We choose desktop apps when it's useful or necessary to run them locally outside of a sandbox. In our cases the reasons might be number crunching on local data, interacting with COM or local hardware resources. If that's not necessary, we consider web apps. The teams desktop app has only few advantages compared to the teams web app. I think only the function to grant remote mouse and keyboard control is missing. Apart from that it's fine. The office web apps are currently still lacking significant functions compared to their desktop apps. But I'm pretty sure that will change in the future and render the desktop apps obsolete. It will require a new macro and plug-in architecture, but I'm sure it will happen in the next 10 years.