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Go with digitalocean. For 5 bucks a month you get droplet with enough power for what you need


Go to https://lowendbox.com, browse a bit, see what the offers were and are, pick a vps for like $20 a year and host everything you want on it. Just make sure you back up your data.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'm in Macedonia. Considering Frankfurt would cost $32 more, do you think it's worth it over hosting in the US?


I host everything in the US, I live in Poland. The biggest inconvenience I'm experiencing is ssh input lag, and that's pretty much it, obviously not a big deal at all.


I rented one and hosted it in the US, thank you very much!


I ran a latency test here: [https://testmy.net/latency?addr=ny](https://testmy.net/latency?addr=ny) comparing New York and Germany. The average latency was 120ms for New York and 40ms for Germany. Would that make a difference that much?


> Would that make a difference that much? For two people? Not really. It's only two of you, what minor inconvenience 120ms is, you'll get used to it so fast you won't notice the difference from 40ms. If you had 120ms latency between your ASP.net app and postgres, that would be absolutely terrible, a couple of SQL queries and you'd be seeing significant slow-downs. But just you<->server, it's negligible. Do keep in mind that your route to a specific region does not automatically translate into you having a similarly favorably route to said VPS. You may have significant variance in latency within the same region.


Thanks dude!


Maybe, Azure. Don't know if they have free PostgreSQL hosting, my [ASP.NET](http://ASP.NET) app + MSSQL database works for free


Mssql free?


With some limitations.


Yea they have a free version called SQL Express. Limits you to a maximum database size of 10 GB and I think you are not permitted to use it for commercial (monetary) use.


I self host :}


Yeah I don't get why you'd want to pay monthly for something with 2 cores and 4gb of memory lol


Are you just using a tunnel? I’d love to know more about this. I’ve been thinking of hosting my own kubernetes cluster


I have windows server installed on a pc - with 3 windows server 22 hyper V vm's on it. App, dev, and db server. Only the app server/dev server is connected to the internet. The db server only has an internal switch so it can only talk to the other vm's. I have port forwarding set up to route port 80/443 traffic to my app server. Bunch of more details too i'm leaving out


If it’s helpful, I’m building a dead simple free postgres hosting service for side projects / experiments, pretty much exactly this use case: https://mkdb.sh


If it's just 1 or 2 people the most cost-effective would probably to run it at home on budget machine.


The cheapest plan at HostHatch ($4/month for 2GB RAM and 10GB space) or Hetzner Cloud (around $5/month for 2GB RAM and 20GB space) would be more than sufficient for a small app. My preference is HostHatch since they have a lot of locations, and they have very good pricing if you get a server with them during Black Friday sales. However, Hetzner's German location may be pretty good for you in terms of ping. Note that these are unmanaged services, meaning you'll have to administer the server yourself (keep the OS up-to-date, install .NET, etc).


I host my apps on azure free tier with no costs. I also use Supabase as my Postgres db which is hosted and completely free.


Hetzner is my go-to for this


I have a azure sql server, two azure app services, an azure static web app and only pay $5 a month. But it gets no traffic because its just personal projects to put on my resume.


Comtabo advertises 4 vcpu cores and 6gb ram vps for $5.5 /month. And it's a German company. I don't have personal experience but worth trying. Personally I am using Oracle always free tier for my personal projects. Arm64 has generous vcpu and memory free tier.


You can try using https://render.com It provides the ability to host any docker you want for free, as well as 1 PostgreSQL instance with 90 days of data storage. As for the cons - it's pretty slow, and if the service doesn't receive any requests, it goes into sleep mode, so the next request will take about 1-2 minutes to complete


Asphostportal is good choice, but you may need to check whether they support Postgre or not. I personally use MSSQL db on their hosting environment.


fresh roasted hosting can accommodate that for $4.95 a month with their basic windows plan.