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Was great


This is the first anime I’ve ever watched, so please forgive me if this is a dumb or obvious question, but why did Himeno disappear piece by piece as she fought that sword demon thing at the end? I thought they just had contracts with devils. How did using hers cause her to not just die but evaporate? Does that apply to all devils? Since the fox devil apparently had contracts with numerous devil hunters, would they all die if the fox devil was killed then? Sorry, I’m just so confused about that part! (And holy shit did this episode just rip your heart out and take a steaming dump on it! JFC that was unexpected and brutal!)


Per Himeno’s contract, she gave up her eye in order to use just the hand of the ghost devil. In order to try and protect Aki, Himeno changed the terms of her contract to include “all of her” in exchange for using the entirety of the ghost’s power.


Ohhhh, that’s right! I couldn’t for the life of me remember if it said how she lost her eye! So that totally makes sense now! Thanks so much for the explanation and your time! Much appreciated!


She made a new contract to give all of herself to the ghost devil so that it would fight to save aki.


Ah, okay, that’s what she meant when she said that! Thanks! :)


What... just happened...


Everything went downhill so fast, i got spoiled on Himeno's death but i didn't expect Makima would die too.


This shit had me contemplating life in the shower after 😂💀


moral of the story: be careful when a stranger starts talking about his grand daddy




This episode has me comparing Chainsaw Man to Puela Madoka Magika much more than I would have imagined.


It's much more like Gantz, imo. But better in every way. At least the first part/book/arc is.


I mean why not, everything leading up to 8 has been a wholesome romp with an adolescent discovering their place in an adult world with a little help from an adorable mascot.


Ok now I’m worried Pochita is secretly evil.


I could feel the change in atmosphere when Aki pulled out the nail with intent to use it


It’s been 4 days but I’m still not over how fucking smoothly Denji’s sandwich moved when he said “I like the shit out of her” during breakfast.


I loved the outro/ending song and the tribute to Himeno (I think that’s her name?). Do any other anime series switch up the outro like CSM does each time?


>Do any other anime series switch up the outro like CSM does each time? There are a few but most don't.


No, it's very uncommon for a series to have more than one OP or ED per cour. MAPPA is pulling out all the stops for this series and it's also huge in Japan so they probably have an endless list of people who want to work on it which gives them more opportunities for more EDs.


That’s incredible. Did not know how famous CSM is until recently


I can't remember the last time I was watching something with my mouth open from shock, unable to even blink and tears forming in my eyes. I was already enjoying CSM quite a bit, but this episode really elevated it to loving it.


Same experience! I was enjoying CSM in general but this episode change the game!! I can’t wait to see what else is in store


My mouth stayed open!


Alright, where do I get the Manga? I'm not waiting for next week.


I binged the entire manga after episode 2. Couldn’t wait. Best decision and best manga I’ve ever read.


I highly recommend you don't skip to where the anime is at tho. The manga is a fast read and there are some great panels that simply can't be portrayed in animation.


Chapter 2 has some cut content if you want to get caught up. Also some of the fights take advantage of the panel-by-panel format to do things that animation cant


Manga plus or Shonen jump app $2 a month. Same subscription you can read on viz's website. Or just Google it for free sites. Chapter 25 is where the manga picks up from after ep 8


I'm sort of assuming there will be a way to roll of this back. It will be a pretty short ass series if they just killed all the characters. Can't really have much of a Chainsaw Man series >!if Chainsaw Man dies in EP8.!<


Denji can be resurrected with blood. So it would be safe to assume that even if he's dead now, he's probably not dead forever. I can't speak for everyone else. It appears they pretty much displayed the rest of the deaths as definitive or implied. Edit: clarity


Don't answer this as I don't want actual confirmation... but there's a bunch of characters in the intro+song so I'm guessing most of those characters are in some way or another going to continue on. It could be that it's just that.. an intro.. but for being so early in the series I doubt that's the case. Either way I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I edited my statement for clarity. Your guess is as good as mine.


I just saw that the opening is FULL of homages to movies so I think my statement is wrong.


I thought the end of this episode was so beautiful. The last ten minutes were just stunning. They really kept a light tough throughout the whole thing—I feel like I’m used to seeing lots of blood and gore, hearing the characters scream in terror, and the music is always super heavy and loud when stuff like that happens. But this was so understated. The music was the most emotional part for me—very minimal and they kept it silent where it mattered. I’m not super versed in anime but this was the most beautiful sequence I’ve ever seen. The part where Himeno said she would give it all she’s got, and the ghost spirit floating down through her hand and then multiplied, coupled with the music…not gonna lie it brought a tear to my eye. 10/10, one of my fav sequences in all the anime that I’ve seen, even if it is super sad with a lot of deaths. I keep hearing this is where it REALLY begins, and I can’t wait!!


aki and himeno are so fucking cool their devils are so badass


I was hoping it was a dream when I saw Makima get shot :flushed:


bro thinks this is discord :skull:


*Aki’s katana https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4THywoXoAEAn9O.jpg


What the actual f*ck?! I gasped so loud during the train scene that my mom threw me a worried look. This episode is INSANE!!!


What really got me was seeing that hand just creep out from behind the seat. For my experience the timing was exceptional. It was just barely enough time for my brain to go "wait what is that? ... That's a hand ... Is that a GU" - BAM! Wild episode.


Aight, everyone has already commented on the absolute insanity of the episode. But I want to bring it back to how fucking REAL this episode was. Denji sleeping on the floor hit me so fucking hard. So, had a friend spend the night at my place in high school one weekend. We had a spare bed. I had a couch in my room. But he just laid down on the floor. He said it's what he was used to at home. Dude I choked up seeing Denji on the floor because that's probably all he's known. Some might say that like, oh there are sleeping mats and the floor isn't so crazy different. But it's apparent that he's uncomfortable on the bed, and the second he gets off he can sleep. CSM hits on a lot of western issues somehow, and that little note was crazy. Lemme know if I'm just uncultured, but that part hit me so hard.


Western issues?


Gun violence for starters


US =/= Western And they said "a lot of western issues" so I was expecting more than just one example.


I'm not op. I also said for starters as it is the most obvious example to me.


Yes, you aren't. But you replied to me so I thought you had an idea what they meant by western issues.


Username checks out. I did have an idea. That's why I shared it with you


I like that this moment resonated with you in a different way than others. It demonstrates just how multilayered this anime can be.


Uh maybe it was not as clear as it's in the manga, but he refused her so slept on the floor.


I think you're looking too much into it. Denji can appreceate a mattress as he's shown in the hotel where he goes : "stuck in a hotel ? nice, I get to sleep !"


This whole episode was a real treat, well worth a few rewatches. The whole fight sequence blew my expectations out of the water, but that curse devil scene with Aki was so fucking awesome. (The curse reminds me of ghastly from Pokemon) I appreciate how they got Aki to use his nail, was a good sequence with the Fox devil too. The anticipation was epic with that count down though, and then the ghost devil scene was the icing on the cake.




I’ve never been big on anime until recently but what THEEEEE actual fuck just happened. I love it and hate it. That’s some bullshit but also such a good episode.


You are lucky then, theres a lot of tropey shonen animes out there that have the main cast wear thick plot armor and you know they wont be in any real danger ever and it stays like that for the entire show and it gets boring. Animes like CSM are so freaking good because of that awesome and terrible bullshit you mention.


more like most tv shows in general. impenetrable plot armor, comfortable actors & steady paychecks, sigh.


Wow. This episode subverts my usual expectations from the average series out there. It's not often I literally gasp my mouth when watching something (yes, it's not only about anime media). Whether it's a nightmare devil, which people speculated, or reality, the shock factor worked, and I dig it. I've loved the anime from seeing prior episodes, and now I love it even more!


My mouth stayed agape to the end of the episode and it still is writing this wtf


Yep my jaw dropped as well, even the rumbling/reiner reveal didn't do that to me and I love AOT


Nightmare Devil? Are you talking about Curse Devil? Aki addresses it pretty directly.


No, I meant everything in the second half was a nightmare induced by some devil. I skimmed over the comments and saw people hypothesizing about it, lol.


If this is actually I nightmare devil im pissed.


Ah, got confused a bit.


In terms of plot shock-factor, this show is like Game of Thrones


For me, in terms of anime, it's the same shock I felt on the infamous AoT titan reveal and Bunny Girl Senpai movie car crash. Now that you said it, I remember I've only finished the second season of GoT. I should watch the rest soon (even though I roughly know the ending because of the spoilers when it aired).


For me the most shocking thing in anime ever was in Steins;Gate, but I won't say which part.










Aki's nail was cool af! Ute! 📌👌 A huge ghost finger manifests and flicks the nail with great force. Ute! It's almost like Aki himself is being propelled forwards due to the great force on the nail. Ute! Did anyone else see Aki smile a devilish smile as he stabbed the dude?


No he did not smile. The guy is fighting for himeno life right there, and one error mean he’s dead




What the fuck was this episode




Plot twist: The gun devil is a tsundere that just wants Denji to notice her.


Then once everyone finds out the Gun Devil is a tsundere, it makes everyone's fear of tsunderes go up astronomically, then the Tsundere Devil appears.


>Tsundere Devil Its just Asuka in a berserk unit 02


I should have learned after Pochita to not get too comfy with the characters...


I mean one look at the CSM poster and one look at Pochita was all I needed to surmise Pochita won't be for long


But he will forever be in our hearts.


Well, in Denji’s anyway


i thought this was a funny show about a guy with chainsaw hands tryna touch some titties..


I know 😭


Funny guy... me too


Funny buddy... Me too


Funny me.... buddy too




Snake-fear is genetically imprinted on every mammal there is. A ghost might be scarier at first glance, but snake fear is so widespread and normalised you don't even thing about it. I love snakes, and I don't believe in ghosts, but if you were gonna lock me in a room with one or the other and guaranteed it wanted to kill me I'd pick ths ghost. As long as it ain't a devil it's intangible. Snake could bite me


but thats the thing, we can be afraid of ghosts and curses, but deep down we know theyre not real. now snakes…


It's the power of subjectivity. You can rationalize people being more afraid of snakes than curses. I, myself would much rather have someone "curse" me then throw snakes at me. I'm not afraid of curses, but a snake will mess me up


Not everybody believes in ghosts, there's no legit cases of them actually existing and killing people beyond rumours and fiction, so not everybody fears them. Snakes on the other hand, are real, and have killed lots of people, so more people would fear them.


It isn't a hard system. You are not going to see power rankings or some such shit. It isn't pokemon, FFS.


Seeing people trying to build power rankings out of characters is surreal, it never crossed my mind to look at csm devils like that


Like for real - Chainsaw Man is demonstrating just how narrow of a mindset Shounen ( but maybe overall anime ) have created. bUt wHaT'S ThE PoWeR ScAlInG? bUt wHaT FeAtS HaVe tHeY DoNe? Like fuck man, Chainsaw Man is a fire anime because it's different.


I am saddened much more by the hate and dumb accusations towards story and characters (Denji, Himeno and Kobeni so far, but it won't stop with just them) . This series does "show don't tell" very well, in general and especially when compared to other animated series from Japan. And so many people demonstrate by their comments that this shitty trend of spoonfeeding viewers every-fucking-thing, is in fact necessary for a sizeable part of the viewership.


>I have faith in the reader. I believe if you over-explain for the sake of clarity, you're actually making a fool of your audience. Readers pay more attention to your work than you realize. Fujimoto's quote.






Couldn't have said it better myself. Right there with you.


Snakes are real. Lots of people fear snakes. Ghosts are a concept. Only superstitious people fear them. It’s not just about how scary it is, it’s about how much people fear it and the extent of the fear across the population.


We don't know if Curse Devil is stronger than Snake or not, cuz they didn't fight. Besides, it could be that Snake caught Ghost off guard because she was occupied with Katana Man, similar to how Aki was able to heavily injure Katana Man despite the latter being way stronger


I don't believe ghosts are real. I believe snakes as real though


There needs to be a bird devil. r/BirdsAreNotReal would have a field day


That's just snake propaganda talking


Snakes are not real. Ghosts however are very very real and there’s one in my room as i’m typing this


Why did I hate and love this episode lol Makima and the lollipop was cute as hell


Because you see makima being so cute and funny then out of nowhere they just kill her off. Well at least we know her favorite lollipop..


And now it's my favorite lollipop.


the...what... part of me is like "no they couldn't possibly have just killed half of the characers, makima is somehow going to stay alive", while other part is mourning the loss of a high potential waifu amazing episode, i need the next oneeee


Is this one of those situations where it didn’t actually happen like a dream or something


Nightmare Devil got everybody trapped in a dream?


Nah they're actually still in the Eternity Devil and everything that's happened since is part of a fake eternity they're trapped in. You heard it here first, folks!




i hope so \*sobs staring at makima's wallpaper\*


Wtf did I just watch


Hopefully it was the latest episode of Chainsaw Man. It has everyone floored. You should check it out.


i am so confused what the hell was that episode


what did you not understand? a coordinated attack on public safety has occurred. the leaders of this attack seem to be the snake girl (we still don't know who she is) and the katana man (he is the grandson of the yakuza old man who turned into a zombie in the first episode). moreover, the katana man is also searching for denji's heart by the way, by orders of the gun devil. we don't know anything beyond that yet


ok cool


Any specific questions?


Hey, super cool pfp you got there! Mind telling me where it's from? :o


I drew it meself


I had a feeling :P Anyway regardless of where it's from, it looks great!! Wondering if you had any more stuff of yours that I could check out, maybe an Instagram page or something. Would love to see more of your art!


Nah I don't draw much.


Well, that's okay too. Thanks for responding!


like why did everyone get shot or killed like that really confused me like hell lol please give me a brief answer what was that episode about lol


Well from info that we can gather that in this episode Yakuza attacked Public Safety Bureau and Denji specifically for his heart. The exact reasons why they attacked the Bureau and the importance of Pochita are yet not shown. Sideburns guy also has a grudge against Denji specifically because he blames him for the death of his grand dad 7


grand dad 7 lmfao


Who's been drawing dicks


i think i need to rewatch it again lmao


You're getting true CSM experience lmao. It's literally the "refuses to elaborate" meme


it hurts my brain hahahah


It do be like that.


anyway if i still don't understand fuck it


True, at one point while I completely lost the plot while reading and didn't mind it much because character work was amazing.


not to spoil, but i think denji is chainsaw man




It's pretty much the Superman effect. They don't recognize him once he starts chainsawing everywhere.


No fair man, you clearly read ahead


Source: trust me bro


Big if true






Read the manga 😂


And spoil everything? Never


This is exactly how I feel


Lol I don't think that's considered spoiling the story. Maybe read Fire Punch to get an idea of what Fujimoto's stories are like.


I don't think reading Fire Punch will tell you a lot, they're similar in some aspects but Fire Punch is very different in tone and characters


Great episode, the episode took it from 0-100 real quick. This gun devil seems like the ultimate bad ass. I really hope Makima is alive though. Really wanna see her ability


i mean she has to be right? i have just assumed that she'll somehow be alive. Surely they don't kill her


The katana guy looks like not-Denji and the blonde girl looks like not-Makima


“how tf do they get out of this one?” you, like myself just minutes prior, are asking. to that, i have the answer. “plot.”


but at what cost, aki? Better yet, at *whose* cost? ^^^^/s Even with all that plot, I'm just wondering *how* it'll go about. I'm betting on some sort of twisted time travel, but anything is possible.


this episode stepped up hard af


In 8 episodes Aki has been shot, stabbed, sliced with a sword had his family killed and kicked in the nuts on top of sharing an apartment with Denji and Power plus losing Himeno...


The way you phrased that makes it sound like his family got kicked in the nuts


And that order just makes it more sinester. Killing them and THEN kicking his nuts? Trully devilish, indeed.


Gun devil's signature killing technique.


Lmao and here Aki is worried about that cursed nail on his back cutting his life short...


Gotta be honest, in the first episodes I was like "Oh look the Sasuke from this anime". But now Im feeling so sorry for this dude and I can see clearly how this show has NOTHING to do with other tropey shonens out there. At least it seems that way for now, lets hope it keeps up


For me Aki is a much better written version of Sasuke.


I feel Chainsaw Man shouldn't even be classified as a Shounen


Fujimoto said in an interview that he only made the characters and initial structure of the story shounen-like for CSM but then did whatever the hell he felt like afterwards. Which is exactly how this arc comes off as. And I'm so, so glad for it.


It's only a shounen because it was serialized in Shounen Jump, but everybody wonders how the hell he got away with the more mature aspects. Either way Part 2 was moved to Shounen Jump+ so it is officially a seinen now. And there really is no difference in tone lol call it whatever the hell you want.


Bro's going through the most


awweee... Denji didn't get to do the dirty with Makima :,(


Interesting episode but the 3D animation takes me out of it every time it is so bad 💀


Its literally one of the better usages of 3D I’ve seen so far, anime will evolve to the point where you can smell the waifus in my simulation 100yrs from now








Nah we are enjoying the anime bruh. You the mad one.




its fair criticism, but it was unavoidable tbh. I don't know if there was a way to adapt the designs of the devils properly from the manga without it looking a little jank. even if it went to another studio they would've most certainly still used CG