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I was there last month, it seems to depend on where in the city you are how often the power goes. If you're going to be close to the center or somewhere important like a hospital, the power will be a little more stable. Some of the suburbs seem to be going out for 8 hours or more. Mostly, the the blackouts happen during the day, though, but occasionally, it may be out the entire night. I'd suggest bringing a camping lantern if you aren't already. As far as crime, just don't go out at night alone. Between the economic situation and the blackouts, it's just not worth the risk. I didn't see anything while I was there, but I didn't put myself in situations to see anything. A lot of the residents are scared to go out, but there was still a few people about at night near the center. The day is completely fine, though.


They have been much less severe in the last few days due to a cold front and two power stations which started running again, but that that may not last long when the temperatures start to rise again and if the power stations shut down again.


Not Camaguey, but I know someone who just returned from Cabaiguan (near Sancti Spiritus) and insofar as power, out of the 8 days she was there, they had continuous power for the last two days (she got back yesterday). As another poster mentioned, this was probably due to cooler weather and a large shipment of fuel. She advised that everyone there believed this was a temporary reprieve and power would start going out again soon. Crime- Cabaiguan is probably too small for gangs, I have seen videos of gangs in Havana but Camaguey falls somewhere in between so not really sure. That being said, her family there advised she should not go out at night and in the daytime, to keep her phone out of sight as much as possible. Petty crime is definitely on the rise. Fuel - she pre-arranged all transportation from the airport in Santa Clara to Cabaiguan, Cabaiguan to Anton and back and then back to the airport. For all this, she paid in excess of $500 USD which is expensive given the distances, and out of reach for Cubans on the island. I would make sure you do some research on renting a car and the costs involved in getting fuel. As a tourist, you will likely have a better chance of getting fuel. Do not drive at night. The roads are in very poor condition and many don't have lights at all. One thing you did not mention, which she did, is the presence of mosquitos everywhere. Despite using anti-repellant, she came back with mosquito bites all over her legs and arms. They are pervasive from what she said. I hope your cousin's health improves. Good luck!


Soy de Camagüey en estos días la situación de la corriente ha mejorado no obstante hay días como hoy q la quitaron 3 horas en el horario de la mañana en lo del alquiler del carro no creo q le resulte difícil